Left Behind

You’ve loved and you’ve lost. Sometimes you suffer the most incredible loss of all: A loved one has passed on to the other side and you’ve been left behind.

There is no greater pain of separation. Familiar songs, scenic moments, thousands of triggers immediately smash through your heart and you can feel the blood flowing out of your life, crippling you as you drop to your knees in despair.

There is no darker or lonelier place to be as you are overcome with the thoughts crashing through your mind, the lost opportunities, things left unsaid and an endless repertoire of if onlies…

And no time of year is worse than the holiday season, when songs, shows and sounds instantly take you back to this dark place causing your heart to dissolve into hopeless nothingness, as it becomes never more apparent than this moment in time when may have never felt so abandoned and alone.

Yet, amidst all this pain of separation, your loved one is reaching out to you with everything they can, to let you know

You Are Never Alone

You are never alone and your loved one is not that far away.

If you could hear what they are trying to tell you, you could understand they have never been so happy and they do not feel the sense of loss that you feel because they are always with you. In fact, they’ve never loved you more than they do now, because on the other side they have an unlimited capacity to love, care about you and enjoy every breath you take and every move you make as they walk alongside you every step of the way.

It’s so hard for us to wrap our heads around such an idea because all we can feel is the pain of separation, yet nothing is further from the truth.

If you could just allow your attention to shift to the perspective of your loved one, you would see such a different scene.

You would see your happy, healthy loved one looking their best and feeling better than possible in the dimension where we live our lives. They are free to walk alongside us, see everything, all the while loving us more deeply than ever. Sharing every moment.

Occasionally, they are overwhelmed by your sense of separation and take you in the most heartfelt loving embrace, loving you and every cell of your being. You can’t see them, but they find ways to signal this loving embrace to you the only way they can.

A song comes on the radio, you find yourself in familiar surroundings, you hear their name, or think you hear their voice saying your name, the phone rings and there’s no one there, or a million other possible signs trigger a massive, overwhelming feeling deep within your soul.

And you are loved, so loved that it is unfathomable and not knowing otherwise, the only sense you can make of it is that you have been painfully left behind but you are loved, loved more than ever before.

But it all gets lost in translation because though they can see us, we cannot see them.

If you could just allow it for a moment, the next time you feel this overwhelming sense of feeling coming on, try to see the even through the eyes of your loved one.

If you’re like me, your tears of desperation change instantly to tears of admiration and joy as you are so grateful for your loved one reaching out and loving you in such a miraculous cross-dimensional manner.

Have something to say? They already know, but they are listening right now. Take this time to say it, they’re listening and loving you, waiting to hear your words.

Love and life keep getting better and even more amazing if you would just allow it.

If you’re allowing, here it comes…

Signs from the Afterlife

The experiences that I have with my clients run the gamut. Fortunately, many have involved interactions with those who have had afterlife experiences including near death experiences and loved ones communicating after death.


Although I am not an expert on the subject, I have had the privilege of accessing and collecting an impressive amount of compelling data based on the personal experience of others around this idea of integrating with these varying afterlife concepts.

There was a surge in the attraction of individuals who had afterlife experiences after my own interaction with the afterlife. In fact, of all the people – myself included – who have had such experiences, life as we know it takes on an entirely new look and feel after experiencing or interaction with the other side.

One of the life-changing effects of experiencing the afterlife is the realization that the other side is not that far off. For instance, those of us who have this first-hand knowledge possess a knowingness that loved ones who have passed are very near to us in real time, not in some faraway place and not simply non-existent.

As you may have guessed, this idea is incongruent with popular opinion, so for the most of us, we remain tight-lipped about our individual experiences, rather than forthcoming about these most-private and intimate true life experiences. The last thing anyone desires, is to be challenged or put in a position to defend such an intimate experience, so they simply hold their stories safely hidden away.

After exchanging data and reviewing it with people I gave been convinced there are empirical after death communication signs which are used by loved ones from the fourth dimension to let us know they are still in our lives.

You might ask yourself, “Can the dead communicate with the living?” The answer is, “yes.”

After Death Communication Signs

Here are the top 7 most reported signs that a deceased loved one is nearby:

1. Dream Visitation

After you’ve fallen asleep, the dearly departed can access your subconscious and actually send messages via your dream state which may (or may not) feature your loved one responsible for the content in a starring role.

2. Physical Touch

Your loved one can touch you from the neighboring fourth dimension, which will feel like a light bush on your hair, feathery stroke or light graze in a very sensitive area of your body.

3. Voice/Name Recognition

You may hear the voice of your loved one who has passed on to the other side, or alternatively people (who you are not engaged in a conversation with) will be talking about someone with the same name nearby, or someone who you don’t know, seen in passing, casually mentions the name of your loved one.

4. Moving Things

While it may seem to be a bit of trickery or game-playing, with much concentration and effort on the part of the nearly departed, they may be able to move things in the third dimension from beyond. While it may seem foolish or scary, they are desperately trying to make their presence known.

5. Speaking Through Songs and Music

Even though at first blush, hearing familiar songs may seem coincidental, when prompted from beyond, the idea of coincidence falls by the wayside as the uncanny precise timing could only come from

6. Aromatic Visitations

Familiar smells associated with your deceased loved one will become apparent, and your sense of smell will light up with a familiar fragrance associated with your loved one from the other side.

7. Sense the Presence

After some attempts to contact have been made you may become more sensitive to their presence in the fourth dimension. In the fourth dimension, they can occupy the same space in time that we are in and even though we cannot see them, we can develop a sense of knowing they are near.

Love After Death

There is no doubt that we are visited by loved ones communicating after death and we know that they love us and our love for them acts like a carrier signal to the fourth dimension (the other side) making it easier for them to find us after they have arrived in the afterlife.

If you’ve ever wondered, “Can the dead see us,” or “Can the dead hear us?” The answer is yes. Even though we cannot see through to the fourth dimension, we can be seen and heard (loud and clear) from the other side.