Is It Your Time?

In your attempts to live a better life, your best life and make the world a better place you can reach out for all the energies which are available to you at any time and place because you have learned by experience that to get from you to get from where you are to where you want to be will take more ability than you possess in your flesh only.

Your intention, dedication, and willingness to do the work does propel you in the right direction, yet with all your abilities and militaristic forcing of yourself to go through the motions and do the work, you realize that there are other resources outside yourself which you can draw upon, if you dare.

Is it your time?

Has the time come for you to evaluate your life, considering your vibrational frequency, and struggle with the question of whether you are willing to do the deep inner work necessary to raise your default frequency setpoint?

Is it time for you to look into your life, all the details which have brought you to this point in time and space. You look at all the things which have molded you into the person you have become ‘til now since you’ve taken your first breath. Unfortunately, on our planet in its current sociological state, your separation from who you are starts with your first breath.

Would you dare to be you?

Will you evaluate all the times in your life where you have missed the mark, even with the best of intentions, you fell short? Maybe you overreacted in a situation where you would have rather expressed yourself in love but found yourself throwing an inner child tantrum instead. Have you ever unintentionally hurt someone?

In the getting to know yourself more deeply, you gain the understanding of who those around you really are as you come to realize things are not always as they appear on the surface. When people show you who they are, you believe them.

Are you ready to start doing the work of clearing your social and sacred space? To investigate your circle of influence, to see who you can rely on and truly trust with your dreams and desires? To reduce your access to toxic friends and energy vampires by setting boundaries?

Are you willing to love more? Might you consider increasing the love vibration so much as to love like it’s the only thing that matters? Can you feel yourself unequivocally telling everyone and everything, “I love you no matter what,” with your heart and your entire being fully engaged?

Do you think marriage is good medicine, or are you refusing to even think about matrimony because you’ve loved and lost, or, “I just got dumped?” Are you able to open your heart and mind to the possibility of having a successful love relationship? In terms of romance in your life, is your awakening to true love a valid option for you?

Will you embark on a journey which leads to your spiritual awakening? Can you conceive of the idea of being completely open and honest with yourself about who you are and who you could be, secure in the knowledge that you can’t do God wrong, and are grounded in the knowingness that everything is connected and perfect in every way?

Will you be willing to allow the powers of the universe to integrate more fully in your life?

Will you welcome the idea of angels and dimensions with exist beyond your scope of rational thought?

Are You a Shaman? I believe you are.

Can you hear it?

That’s the sound of your evolution, your life in the process of a massive transformation.

It is your time. Your time is now.

Just remember, as you do your own work, we’re all in the same process, individually and collectively.

The world is a better place because of you.

Stop and Smell the Roses

When we’re conducting the business of just getting along in life, it’s easy to take the time to stop and smell the roses. Of course, it’s not just the roses, it’s all the things in life we take for granted. If you want to maximize the life you’re living, you can achieve so much more joy and satisfaction by savoring all the nuances that add the flavor to each day well lived.

Everyone has the same 86,400 seconds each day, how are you going to use yours. By paying attention to those subtle details, you can get so much more out of each minute of every day.

Technology has presented us with ample distraction as an effective way to keep our attention engaged, which keeps you from getting bored, but potentially at the expense of loss of quality of life, at least in the romantic sense of it.

Tablets, iPods, cell phones, television, streaming media, radio, iTunes, NetFlix, YouTube, computers, video games, signage, all clamoring for your attention, it’s nearly impossible to have a spare moment, when something is not trying to grasp your attention.

You’re lucky if you have the ability to unplug, sit down to enjoy a family meal without television, phones or other devices, or any of the other simple pleasures in life, such as taking a walk, or just sitting and enjoying a face-to-face talk, without the presence of devices.

Not to sound paranoid, but recently, I was having a face-to-face discussion with someone who mentioned a restaurant I’d never heard of. Later, when I picked up my phone, a pop-up ad for that restaurant showed up. Coincidence? I don’t know, just saying… ‘ere, I digress.

If you really want to get all that you can out of this life, you need to make room in your life, in your day, in the precious moments of this life, to allow life to emerge before you. Make or find moments where you can sit in silent repose, to reflect about yourself, what you want out of life. Think about the things that make you happy and the activities which bring you joy.

Maybe it’s time to put yourself back in the drivers’ seat of your life, and not let media, commercialism, or the powers-that-be control you and your thoughts. Is it time to pay attention to you, your self, your body, your life?

If it is, then start making time for looking after you. Make time to engage in the activities that make you feel good. Schedule your “me time” to do whatever it is that makes you happy. It could be as simple as taking a walk in the park, feeding the ducks, sitting on a park bench, listening to your favorite music, taking a nice soak in the bathtub, or engaging in a particular hobby. Whatever it is that brings you joy, make time for that.

And when your day has come to an end, and slumber is just around the corner, take time to review your day. What did it look like? Did you take out a little time for yourself? Did you get all the things done that you set out to do? Regardless of the answers, love and forgive yourself.

It’s a crazy world out there, and we’re all doing the best we can with what we have. That means, you, too. So lighten up and give yourself a break. Cut yourself some slack and remember that tomorrow is a fresh, new day.

If you’re like the rest of us, you’re juggling a world of potential activities and obligations. You can reduce some of the overwhelm and panic by making a list (which you can use old-school technology, such as paper and a writing instrument, or use your phone or other device that might be handy), and check off things as you do them. Don’t delete them, because there is satisfaction in the doing of it, so mark it as done. And if you don’t get a majority (or any) of the things done, “Oh well,” you did the best you could.

And if there’s something on your list of things to do, that you’d rather not do, then try to create an atmosphere that is fun or at least pleasant, so that you are making the best of it. This can make it appear to be less monotonous, if you can find a way to make it more entertaining, or to inject some joy in the atmosphere around the particular task.

For those who are maintaining a frantically paced workload, or prolonged period of focused attention on a particular task, learn to stop (stop) and take a break periodically. Get up and go to the bathroom, or stroll to the lunchroom, check out the parking lot, walk up and down a flight of stairs. Whatever you’re doing that is demanding your attention, make time for you, even if it’s only for a few (as few as two) minutes.

Commuters who spend a portion of their day in travel to and from work, or a job site, etc., find a way to break up the commute. Commute time is a great way to study and expand your mind by reading or listening (listening, if you’re driving) to positive information, but also think about breaking up the commute by pulling over, or stopping midway, to get out and stretch, and take the opportunity to allow your mind the opportunity to see or imagine something you might have overlooked amidst the hustle and bustle.

Think on those things that are good. Whenever you have the opportunity to think for yourself, make opportunities to reflect on all the good things this life has to offer. Think about how you might be able to make a contribution to your family or community that will have meaningful impact. Think about avoiding negative news, remain positive, and fill your thoughts with positive, enlightening ideals, while taking time to smell the roses every once and a while.