Coming Out of the Darkness

You’re a good person. The world needs you. These days? You’re nowhere to be found. You’ve suffered incredible pain, sorrow, and sometimes it feels like you just can’t go on another day. Yet, you know it is time for your coming out of the darkness.

Life and love are laying in wait, buried deep inside you, waiting for the moment you set them free. You, your special gifts, abilities, passionate voice, and unencumbered love are waiting to be let loose. The day has come, and you know it to be true.

No one would blame you for pulling back, withdrawing from the flow, or taking a sabbatical, all necessary for you to heal and recalibrate after all you’ve been through but the time has come for you to reclaim your birthright and reemerge better than you were before, with more love, life, and vitality.

You have survived the most horribly ostentatious challenges. You have survived. And the world needs you now more than ever.

The time has come for you to live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place.

If you’re having trouble remembering what really living was all about, find an enthusiastic, vibrant and exciting child to play with. Remember what life was all about. These little people aren’t restrained by all the trappings of life and see everything as amazing and fun. Playing with a child will help to awaken the child in you who is waiting to come out and play.

Reach out. Make friends. Let your light shine and help to improve the lives around. Start small, be there for one person, then another, and another. Build your organic network one person at a time. It’s okay to be cautious but be fearless and lead with love.

Start giving. Find opportunities to volunteer helping others and enjoy the benefits of performing random acts of kindness. Your giving doesn’t have to be huge, it can be infinitesimally small, starting a chain reaction which changes the world for good.

Look for and find reasons to celebrate the good things in life, even if seemingly insignificant. The time has come for you to celebrate good times. Come on. Invite your inner child to come out and party with you.

You’ve learned powerful lessons from your past and this education came at great emotional expense but now is the time to look for the good, happiness and joy which is all around waiting to reveal all the good things in life to you.

Everything has led to this moment and you are ready.

It’s time to put yourself out there. The new and improved you, ready to believe and achieve your highest and best.

Get a grip on your Purpose, Message, Passion, and Mission (PMPM) and prepare to start singing your song proud and out loud.

A whole new world of possibilities is waiting for you.

I am here for you, the whole world is here for you, all the angels and energy in the universe is on your side.

Now is the time to celebrate your coming out of the darkness and into the light, emerging in love and light.

You got this… Now, more than ever.

They Are Not Far Off

You’ve lost a loved one, someone who has slipped beyond this life and into the next. They are not far off. Of course, you are going to grieve and feel awful because there is no greater pain than losing someone you care about deeply, especially if it was someone you shared a deep connection with.

You can have a genuine, deep connection to anyone, even someone you’ve never met in person. This is the nature of human connection. It surpasses one’s ability to rationalize with the mind, nonetheless, the connection is deep and meaningful. If someone you don’t know personally passes and you had a deep connection with this person, the pain of separation can be just as great as if you knew this person intimately.

If this applies to you, it is best to do the greater part of your grieving in private, as grieving for someone you didn’t know personally is not socially acceptable, and your circle of influence among the living may begin to question your psychological wellness. It is sad but true. Don’t let them get to you.

This is referred to as disenfranchised grief, when you’re suffering the loss of someone who society has deemed you have no socially-legitimate claim to, such as a celebrity or an “Ex,” like an ex-friend, ex-lover, ex-spouse, or former step-relatives. Society may also frown on grieving for those who have died due to “questionable” condition, such as capital punishment or AIDS.

Other forms of grief which are shunned by society include professional relationship (even among caregivers and patients), and even your connection to a pet cannot be understood by someone who has never experienced the deep connection one can share with an animal.

In any case, you are entitled to the grieving process, and there is no limit to the amount of time that it takes for you to grieve. It takes as long as it takes, and no one can dictate how long it will take. Just know that in those most difficult times, it does get better.

You might find it comforting to know that when a loved one passes from this reality to the next, they are not far off.

“The other side” is not some faraway place in the heavens. It is all around us, as if in different dimensions of reality. While we are stuck here, vibrating in the third dimension, we (most of us) are limited to what we can experience in 3-D.

There are other dimensions where there is a great deal more life going on which we cannot see. In the third dimension, we can experience lower dimensions, like the second and first, but whatever life exists in the first or second cannot experience what is happening in the third dimension.

Likewise, if your loved one slips into a higher dimension, they can experience what is going on in the third dimension, where you reside.

That’s what I mean, when I say they are not far off. Their body and any pain or strife associated with life here is the property of the third dimension but the greater part of them is vibrating, living a full and happy life full of love in another dimension.

With very few exceptions, this happens instantly and seamlessly, even though we are unable to see or understand it fully. Though, you may have some idea of it if you have had a near-death experience (NDE).

If you have lost someone who has passed, with whom you shared a deep connection with (even if you didn’t know them personally, or not well) they are aware of that connection whilst on the other side.

They can see the connection, and be aware of your sadness and grief, even though they completely and utterly happy on the other side, and even so, they love you from there and wish that you were not sad, or in pain, but they can understand, for they know what its like to live in the third dimension, no matter how long they were able to remain there (in 3-D).

Occasionally, they will reach out and try to connect with you from the dimension where they now reside.

They might try to let you know they are not far off by finding ways to interact with you. There have been many stories about moving furniture, leaving cabinet doors open, hiding your keys, and the list goes on and on…

In my opinion, the most personal and intimate way for a loved one to let you know they are there is by touch. The touch from someone from the other side may not feel like a normal third-dimensional touch. It is more likely to feel like a very faint or gentle touch. More light a light brush of the skin that may feel a little ticklish, as if lightly brushed by a feather.

This is how my people from the other side let me know they are there. It happens both in times of sadness to reassure me that they are not far off, and it also happens when I am in a high celebratory state, or they just want to let me know that they are supporting me or sharing some other experience alongside me.

And when you become aware of this type of cross-dimensional communication, there is no doubt of the continuance of your connection. As if there was no separation at all.

One day, you will find yourself with them, interacting with other loved ones who have stayed behind in the third dimension, and you will understand and know this fully.

Painful Separation and Moving On

You’ve bravely and courageously moved on leaving something previously integral to your life behind and you know you’re better off for it because it was weighing you down, holding you back. You know you’ve done the right thing, whether it was against your will or not.

Even so, your heart is aching and breaking because there was an incredible attachment to what went before, it had become a part of you. It’s as if you’ve walked away from a severed limb, as we feel the pain of a desperate wound, ever reminding you and causing you to second-guess, “Did I do the right thing?”

This is love and proof that you loved, and loved enough to create an attachment to this person, place, thing, activity, thought pattern, or belief. Of course, separation from something you loved and were attached to would be followed by a grieving process.

You have learned from the experience. You know you can live a better life as you grow and move on.

“But,” you interrupt the separation process, and you can, “What if” yourself ad infinitum, creating a spiraling whirlpool dragging you down into helplessness. You must always remind yourself, “This is for my highest and best good.” All things in this life are even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time.

Traumatic moments in life which lead to a massive change or repositioning always leads to some more grand opportunity and blessing, but you will be unable to see the open door calling you forth, if you are lost in the pain of separation.

Some things in life cannot be rationalized, explained, or have proper closure, especially if you are deeply connected to it at the time of separation. You cannot force any making sense of a thing without the proper context which does not come ‘til later. All things will be revealed later and you will realize the divinity of it all.

If you desire a better life you must move on from those things which do not serve you, no matter how much you love or enjoy them. You cannot hang onto abusive relationships, stay in jobs or careers which offer you no potential for increasing your satisfaction and enjoyment of life.

You need to place yourself in situations and circumstances which support your desire to grow and expand leading to more love and enjoyment in this life.

This is the nature of life. You grow, create attachments to where you are in life, and growth necessitates change. Change can be painful, but it is how we learn and keeps us from complacency and stagnation.

You may have a tendency to recoil to find safety in solitude. This is a natural response to separation from someone or something that you truly loved. To remain in seclusion is unhealthy and may lead to constant rumination and senseless self-abuse. It can leave you longing for the life you moved on from. Not good for you.

Deep inside your heart is all the power you would ever need to continue to love through the moving on process.

Remember, the change you seek, that different life begins with you. It is highly unlikely that you can change your partner, your friends, family, the government, your job, the weather, or the world as it is. You may be able to but doing so against the current is the hardest way to manifest change and is reserved for the fiercest of all warriors.

You can, on the other hand, change yourself and your life for the better at any moment in time.

The more loving, positive, and optimistic you can remain through any process of separation or change will increase the rapidness of the change process with an exponentially greater outcome due to your increased momentum.

Following separation, don’t grasp the first thing which appears to your awareness. Doing so will likely have you grabbing onto something that is too similar to that which you are trying to separate yourself from.

Allow yourself the time to heal and recalibrate, then choose your next step in the knowledge and faith that this is the best next step for you. Select that which is in support you’re your goals, dreams, and desires.

Place yourself in places and circumstances where you have the opportunity to express love. Always continue to love yourself, love yourself even more, and allow your love to spill over to those around you.

When things aren’t feeling right, look for the love inside of you.

All the love of God, the world, the universe, is inside you.

Regardless of what it feels like, you are love.