Resistance Amidst Change

When you get going on your mission of transformation and growing expect some resistance to start showing up as you as you start forging your fresh trail to your new life. Be prepared to expect resistance amidst change which will present challenges and vow to face them head-on when they appear before you.

There’s going to be a bit of struggle which takes place inside you, between the you which has always been basically in charge of running your life until now, and the new you which is trying to come forth and express itself as the new improved version of yourself as it is growing and expanding.

If that wasn’t enough, it’s like the whole universe wants to participate in the transitional metamorphosis offering you opportunities and challenges to test you; to see if this is a good decision for you at this time in your life.

Your old like will be beckoning you not to change and to return to the comfort and security of your old life. When you’re thinking about moving on, opportunities will arise for you to fall back into the same ol’ same ol’.

The friends who haven’t contacted you for years will start calling on you to celebrate your old lifestyle. The higher-ups at your crummy job will offer you opportunities for advancement and attractive compensation packages. You will second-guess and wonder if it’s such a good idea to stick around or to take such a huge step in moving on from your old life.

Fear of the unknown can be an overwhelming deterrent to moving on with your life, as there is a certain degree of comfort in remaining where you are. It may not be great, but it is what you know. You may have spent a great deal of time and effort building your life-nest around you. While life is not the best it could be, you’ve successfully carved out a very special place for you, one that others may even envy. How could you leave all this behind? What if you’re unable to do better on the other side?

You can reduce some of the friction by keeping your thoughts about your decision to move on from your old life to yourself. While in many of life’s decisions the counsel of many brings safety, remember that safety represents your old life. Counselors will emerge from the old wood of your life who will caution you against change, especially any radical change. The people who represent your old life will do almost anything to prevent you from leaving. They will use guilt, blame, indebtedness, obligation, what is “right” and what is “wrong,” anything they can come up with, to persuade you to stay behind.

It is still a good idea to garner support and counsel amidst your transition, just be careful about those whom you trust with the intimate details of your metamorphosis. Be certain they have your best interest at heart.

If you are aware that these tendencies are common occurrences when tackling change, you can strengthen your resolve and stay the course when awakening to your new perspective and taking the steps necessary to carve out a new life, free from the struggle for survival. For on the other side of this bit of chaos, there is a much better life waiting for you.

Be willing to step out into new directions. If you’re more comfortable doing one thing, try to accept more invitations to do something less comfortable. Doing things differently will bring you new opportunities, and the best, most exciting things are waiting for you just on the other side of your comfort zone.

When you ask, it is given.

Everything you want is created and waiting for you. In most cases, it will not simply fall out of the sky and drop into your lap on command (though this has been known to happen). It’s up to you to place yourself in the time and place where what you want is waiting for you.

Turn Over a New Leaf

So, you’ve taken a look at your life until now, and after a brief review, you come to the conclusion that you’re ready to turn over a new leaf. Looking back, you realize there were a great many things you could have done better, and that your life would be far more miraculous if you start living your life in a better way. Now’s as good a time as any to make the changes necessary for you to turn over a new leaf.

The two keys to successfully turning over a new leaf are taking inspired action and to keep moving ahead to get to the new-improved you and the vastly better life which is waiting for you and may very well be the keys to begin to achieve your highest and best potential.

Inspired Action

While the idea of inspired action seems simple enough, it encompasses a great many sacred components which will empower your ability to change your life miraculously. We all know the idea of cause and effect which supports the idea that any action will cause a resulting reaction which changes your life. You can easily look back at your life and see this is true.

Instead of taking action, which will change your life, taking inspired action will always change your life for the better.

Keep in mind that change can be messy, and sometimes to make a change you may have to experience some discomfort to get you to the right place and time to move in a decidedly different direction. It can be awkward and painful, but if the action you’re taking is inspired, you will find yourself in a far better position to move forward to the life you both want and deserve.

Inspired action should be taken without negative motivation. If you are taking action in anger or to get revenge, there is no chance of it being inspired. Rethink your underlying motive before making any major changes.

Inspired action is not taken due to lack, need to change, or have what you don’t already possess. Inspired action comes with a sense of excitement without expectations attached to it. Inspired action is not about trying to make something happen, more it is about creating new opportunities for new things to unfold before your very eyes.

Inspired action takes courage but is not fear-based action, though there may (and probably should be) some trepidation or fear about taking a huge step outside your comfort zone. As with all huge advances in personal growth and change, there is going to be some fear of the unknown. But as any of us, or even you, can attest, all the biggest and best advances in life come from stepping out in faith.

The potential for miraculous results grows exponentially the further away from your safety zone you veer. God and all the potentialities of love’s pure energy go to work to vector-in a whole new variety of supporting energies and players to support your stepping out in faith, as you in effect leave the old hood and make new friends.

Keep Moving

Once you’ve taken a step in faith, no matter how great or minuscule, the key is to keep going. Keep taking additional steps toward your something new, and something new, exciting and unimaginable begins to unfold before your very eyes.

Failing to continue to move will leads to complacency and stagnation, then “home” the place you’ve taken inspired action to move on from begins to look like someplace you might like to return to.

If you do fall back into the same ol’ same ol’ know that the opportunity for you to turn over a new leaf never goes away. Maybe now, is not the time for you. Try again when you are inspired to try something new.

When is it Time to Start a New Life?

When is it time to start a new life? When you can look back on your life, can see that it’s pretty much been the same ol’ same ol’ and you know you desire and were destined for so much more.

You have lived a life up to this point which has been your training ground for the new life which lays ahead of you. While it may look and feel as though your life up ‘til now has been lackluster or wasted, that is now so.

You have been divinely equipped for the new life which beckons you to embrace your destiny. This new life will represent the culmination of your life lived this far empowered by your purpose, message, passion, and mission (PMPM), which is unique only to you.

Now, is the time for you to step forward and into your new life, answering the sacred calling of that higher part of you which yearns to be released and revealed.

If you look at your life as a linear timeline, you will see your past leading to this exact point in time, and this time, today, right now, marks an X. This is the pivot point of your life.

This demarcation signifies the exacting difference from the life you’ve lived up to now, and the empowered life of beauty, power, significance, and service for which you were destined from birth.

This is your awakening to your new life.

Those things which you used to cling to from your past, people, systems, thoughts, and beliefs, which you submitted to that made you have a sense of feeling safe and secure, do not resonate with you anymore.

From here on out, your responses which had become predictable will no longer be so as you take on new possibilities, being open to new dynamics, and clearly thinking and doing things differently than you had before.

You are no longer bound by family tradition or lured by the conceding that “that’s the way it’s done,” because you’re no longer limited to the confines of the rigid box of life. You are not simply limited to your family, your pedigree, your education, your programming. You are emerging from your cocoon of life.

You are ready to leave behind your old life, uninhibited by sociological structures and the training of others who would be pleased to see you struggle in the life of your past, and live your new, victorious life with love and passion.

From this point forward, you are more aware of those things which held you back, were not in your best interests, and kept you from achieving your highest and best.

This radical change will come at a price. It means leaving behind those things which may have represented safety and security in the past, and there will be opposition amongst the supporters who remain tethered to the life of your past. They are likely to not want to see you advance on your new journey.

There will be people who do not want you to start this new life. They will try to dissuade you from making a break from the past (them) and living a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place. Why? Because they fear that you might succeed.

Secretly, they hope that these thoughts of you living a new, empowered life, is a ridiculous dream that could never be achieved. They want you to fail miserably and come crawling back, so they can embrace you and say, “I told you so.” Because this will make them feel better about living their life of mediocrity.

For them, it is better not to try than to risk failure.

But if you succeed, and thrive, then they will have to rethink their own lives.

You then become the inspiration for others who secretly long for a better life but are afraid. If you can do it, there is hope for them, hope for the world.

Your whole life has led to this moment.

Are you ready to leave the past behind and start living your new life?

I believe you are ready now.

Coming Out of the Darkness

You’re a good person. The world needs you. These days? You’re nowhere to be found. You’ve suffered incredible pain, sorrow, and sometimes it feels like you just can’t go on another day. Yet, you know it is time for your coming out of the darkness.

Life and love are laying in wait, buried deep inside you, waiting for the moment you set them free. You, your special gifts, abilities, passionate voice, and unencumbered love are waiting to be let loose. The day has come, and you know it to be true.

No one would blame you for pulling back, withdrawing from the flow, or taking a sabbatical, all necessary for you to heal and recalibrate after all you’ve been through but the time has come for you to reclaim your birthright and reemerge better than you were before, with more love, life, and vitality.

You have survived the most horribly ostentatious challenges. You have survived. And the world needs you now more than ever.

The time has come for you to live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place.

If you’re having trouble remembering what really living was all about, find an enthusiastic, vibrant and exciting child to play with. Remember what life was all about. These little people aren’t restrained by all the trappings of life and see everything as amazing and fun. Playing with a child will help to awaken the child in you who is waiting to come out and play.

Reach out. Make friends. Let your light shine and help to improve the lives around. Start small, be there for one person, then another, and another. Build your organic network one person at a time. It’s okay to be cautious but be fearless and lead with love.

Start giving. Find opportunities to volunteer helping others and enjoy the benefits of performing random acts of kindness. Your giving doesn’t have to be huge, it can be infinitesimally small, starting a chain reaction which changes the world for good.

Look for and find reasons to celebrate the good things in life, even if seemingly insignificant. The time has come for you to celebrate good times. Come on. Invite your inner child to come out and party with you.

You’ve learned powerful lessons from your past and this education came at great emotional expense but now is the time to look for the good, happiness and joy which is all around waiting to reveal all the good things in life to you.

Everything has led to this moment and you are ready.

It’s time to put yourself out there. The new and improved you, ready to believe and achieve your highest and best.

Get a grip on your Purpose, Message, Passion, and Mission (PMPM) and prepare to start singing your song proud and out loud.

A whole new world of possibilities is waiting for you.

I am here for you, the whole world is here for you, all the angels and energy in the universe is on your side.

Now is the time to celebrate your coming out of the darkness and into the light, emerging in love and light.

You got this… Now, more than ever.

5 Steps Toward a Better LIfe

“I can’t seem to get in the groove for a better life.”

You know you want a better life, but you just can’t seem to gain enough momentum to make any significant progress, creating separation from your old life.

We all know, that you can’t expect change to come if you’re stuck in a rut and continue to do the same ol’ same ol’. So, here are some changes you can make to start rocking your new life.

1. Unplug

If you’re plugged into media streams via television, radio, or any other of the available media streams or devices, turn them off, or unplug them all together. Nothing will suck the potential new life from you and drag you back down to lower vibrations than feeding through the media IV.

And it’s not just the Constant Negative News (CNN), this includes sitcoms, late night TV, Netflix, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat… all of it. Not only do these distract you from achieving your highest and best, they create an incredible loss of time. Time which could be better spent doing anything else. Time which can never be recovered.

“But,” you interject, “Facebook,” or any other interactive media stream, “is a part of my,” (insert somewhat valid excuse) business promotional campaign, ministry, or how I stay connected to my family, etc. Okay, if you must stay connected, then do the responsible thing, monitor and meter your access. Limit yourself to 30 minutes a day.

Use all that extra time to work toward expanding the new you, creating your better life, or make the world a better place, in the real world.

2. Talk to You

When you’re on the path to a better life, chances are your negative self-talk will rear its ugly head in an attempt to dissuade you from changing your life.

You need to not let yourself get distracted by those critical inner voices from your dark past trying to drag you down with claims of your unworthiness, or taunting you, making fun of you, saying you’re not good enough, or are destined to fail, so why even try.

These inner victims have done a good job keep you stuck where you are in life. If you’re going to break free, all you need to do is correct the voice when it pops up. If it says, “You’re not educated enough,” then stop, correct it (do it out loud, if it’s not too embarrassing) by stating a positive reframing of it, like, “Lots of rich, famous, and influential people who have changed the world were not educated,” or some other positive statement and repeat it three times.

If you keep it up, you will find your inner voice begin to not only silence but start to encourage you to move forward. This is when you know you’re making positive progress.

3. People Up

What kind of people are you hanging out with?

There’s a strong connection between the folks you hang out with and where you are in your station in life.

In fact, it’s the number one reason why some people will never be able to exit a life of crime and will always be in trouble with the law because it’s a lifestyle, their family and friends are all in the same “line of work.”

If a criminal really wants to no longer live a life of crime, they need to get away from the hood and make new friends.

From an income point of view, it is said your income level and life view will be roughly equivalent to the five people you spend the most time commiserating with. So, who are they? What kind of life are they leading or promoting?

Do you have energy vampires, who suck the life (and possibly the resources) out of you, leaving nothing for you to focus on making a better life for yourself? Think about give them a less influential station in your social circle, or give them the boot altogether.

Surround yourself with positive, supportive people, who are the kind of people you want to be like. If they’re vibrating at a higher level, your vibration will raise when you’re around them.

Whether conscious or not, these people are shaping your life. If you want to change the shape of your life, changing these five people is a good way to get ‘er done.

4. Do Something

The doers are the people who actually change the world. Rarely does a dreamer make a significant change in society, the world, or their own life by just imagining it, or by repeating positive affirmations. The people who make significant changes in their lives and the world take action. They do something.

You need to do something that is outside of your current routine, that will build up reserves in your new personal escrow account, which will contribute to your new life.

Do something every day. It doesn’t have to be huge, and it will have an accumulative effect on your new life.

5. Heart On

Get to know who you are at your core, as a person, as an extension of all there is in life. Your heart is the central point of your nervous system and has powers you can only imagine.

For men, getting in touch with your gut – your gut feelings – is all about knowing who you are and staying congruent with your true identity, the person you were always meant to be. That person is waiting to come to life, and it’s up to you to let it loose.

For women, it’s your heart, which speaks for itself. You know when something is right or wrong by the feeling in your chest. This is your heart, looking after you, guiding you, even though you may not pay attention to it much, now is the time to start living by your heart.

No matter where it’s felt, in the gut or in the chest, it’s all about the heart baby, and love is the conduit that powers it and ties us all – all things – together.

Get your heart on, start living a life of love for a better life, a better world and a better tomorrow.

Living Dead and Resurrection

The day came when all was lost. Your hero, mentor, teacher, loved one, is gone. You struggle in vain for a way to make sense of it all. How could it be?

God! You mean to tell me it’s all come to this?! Nothing?!

What an injustice, a cosmic joke. You believed, you were all in, You played full out with everything you had, every skill, every talent, every hope, dream, and breath vested… all for not.

All is lost.

You are certainly justified in feeling dejected, abandoned and hurt. Nobody would deny your right to grieve over the loss, especially in these darkest of hours. So, please, take as long as it takes and act it out in any way you want. Everyone deals with loss in different ways. It’s okay, you are loved regardless of how you act out this most grievous sense of loss. This can be the incubation process, readying you for what is unseen but waiting for you not far off.

Then, three days later (or however long it takes), against all odds, something happens that totally escapes the realm of possibility or even imagination.

Once a year the return to life after a three-day death of Jesus Christ is celebrated. This is the undeniable power of our salvation that transcends disbelief or any thoughtful constraint which might give way to the idea that anything could be impossible.

There was a time when I never cried (at least not in the presence of any other person. I had overwhelming emotion and tears fell, but only in private). That was, until my son, Nathanial cured me of my suppressed tears while following the viewing of a film on our father/son date at the movies.

What was the film? E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. Following the film, as the credits scrolled and everyone was leaving the theater, Nathanial and I sat very still in reverent silence, until my son broke the silence with a sincere, tearful, “Daddy, I didn’t want him to go.”

I replied, “I didn’t want him to go either,” as we hugged each other and let our tearful emotions flow as the credits continued to scroll by.

Ever since that moment, I have been apt to shed a tear at the most opportune (or inopportune) times, and all my efforts to hold them back, are pretty much in vain.

There are a great many instances that trigger a tearful emotive response, but the one that gets me every time is the moment of resurrection. This is that pivotal moment in Christianity, the unlimited power of that which is the foundation of everything we believe in. Whether belief as historical fact or motivational metaphor, in that moment our faith is renewed and even in our darkest hour, we believe and have faith in the dawn of a new day.

In my life’s work, I have been blessed to be in presence of friends and clients who are dead. By, “dead,” I am not referring to the state of deadness without heartbeat or brain function, but rather dead in the sense that there is no life in them. A sort of living dead where there is no joy. No reason to live, sense of contribution, or satisfaction from living another day. In a sense, all hope is lost.

What an honor it is to be in the presence of that very same person when they break through to the other side and with the heartfelt enthusiasm for love and life; coming back from the dead into a powerful living of life that surpasses their wildest dreams.

This is the moment I celebrate regularly, for I am blessed to be there. I also honor this very same moment in a well-written book, or photoplay usually accompanied with a tug at my heart-strings and a tear (or many, as the case may be).

There have been moments of resurrection in my life, leaving clear demarcations from a decline in quality of life and/or loss to a new-found zest for love and life with an exhilaration and determination unsurpassed.

It’s as if we were born with everything we could possibly need to achieve our highest and best, but it lays dormant, repressed by fear and a sense of unworthiness and a society structured to keep all our potential at bay, as we accept our simple lot in life within the box as a member of a community which can be easily managed and controlled.

But every once-in-a-while, against all odds, new life breaks through.

One day of the year, we gather in tandem to celebrate the Spring of new life and resurrection. On that day, amongst true believers, Everyone Agrees Salvation Transcends Everything Repressed.

Break Away for Your New Life

“Shhh… Be quiet. I know what you’re thinking. There is something about life and what we’ve been led to believe that just does not appear to be true.”

Continue to think. Think for yourself. This is an early sign of awakening from society’s trance, as you consider that it might be time to break away for your new life.

You’ve been programmed to be a societal robot, everything you “know” or have been programmed to believe has been in an effort to keep our true consciousness from breaking through, yet if only for a moment, you have a deeper knowingness that something may be terribly amiss.

You have been told you have free will; free will to do what? Free will to act a certain way, to be raised by parents who cause you to have certain thought patterns, to be programmed by school teachers, to get a job, to exist and participate as a productive member of society?

You ponder, “What if I truly had free will? What are the possibilities?” And you wonder why you’ve been programmed to believe there are so many limitations? And you say to yourself,

“I want more than this.”

Fighting off the pre-programmed inner voices, you push through the psychological barrier and affirm,

“I am ready to make a stand and change my life, to have more love, money and happiness.”

Sure, you have the free will to do just that, or do you?

At the risk of being diagnosed with a personality disorder, you are beginning to see life as we know it from another perspective than that which is promoted as accepting things as they are. You’re becoming aware that you are surrounded by people and things that are programmed to beat you into submission if you dare challenge the status quo.

As you awareness increases, you can feel a vibrational shift. Your vibration, the frequency at which your whole self (mind, body and spirit) is attuned, is changing and you’re finding yourself tuning into a new way of thought, like changing from a radio station from the AM band, to one in FM, you are accessing different, new information and experiencing individual thought.

In this moment of clarity, you declare your rejection of poverty or acceptance on limitations which have been imposed on you by others, you are going to move forward and create your new life. You are cognizant of others who are brainwashed and reason you can avoid them or play along, just long enough to gain momentum toward a better life.

And if you’re like many of us, you find yourself in front of the television, computer, tablet or cell phone which almost immediately reduces your frequency to the drone of everyday life once again and before you know it hours have passed. Those fleeting thoughts are discounted and disregarded as a brief daydream/fantasy which left unbridled may have led to a psychotic breakout of individuality psychosis or, at the very least, delusions of grandeur as you allow yourself to resume your “real life” comfortably numb.

Where is the free will in that?

Not to worry. There will come another occasion to awaken, to become more aware. What will you do then?

If you are blessed with the clarity of thought you have everything that you need inside of you (and if not, it will be provided to you) if you choose to take action and change. Change your thoughts, the way you see others ad the world. You can change your routines, your interaction with all areas of life, how you respond and deal with circumstances and challenges, truly exercising the free will which you were endowed with.

And if you fall back into your old frequency of daily life, that’s okay, too. Because another opportunity will arise and your interest will be piqued once again, enabling you to choose to take the necessary action or steps toward your free will and new life. If it were not for these brief moments of clarity, you might not have the opportunity.

This opportunity offers you a chance to take responsibility for your own life, to exercise your free will, break away and create your world, separate from the pack.

All you need is to embrace your individuality, raise your vibration, take action and move on your intuition and intentions, resisting the pressure to fall back into the mob’s mentality and frequency.

Mid-life Metamorphosis

It’s an incredible place to find yourself among the center of the spectrum of your life. You can look back on a life lived with lessons learned undoubtedly you’ve seen your dreams diminish in the light of responsibility and you have loved and lost.

Somewhere among the timeline of your life you awaken from the trance of life and see your life as it is. You can review the events of your life from a bird’s eye view. From this vantage point you can review missed opportunities of all kinds and realize that there is plenty of life waiting for you in the remainder of your life. How will you live it in comparison?

This is the moment of mid-life awakening. You know there is more to life and as you realize you are a multidimensional being, you ready yourself to take your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual lives to the next level.

You being to ponder the meaning of life, asking the most meaningful question of all, “What contribution have I made?” Realizing that with plenty of life’s breath and a full heart beating within, you shift as you reposition for the remainder of your life, modifying the question,

“What contribution will I make?”

You start taking stock of your talents, skills, abilities and resources. Things you have taken for granted in the past. Your inventory piques your interest and you know you could do better, so you gear up and look for ways to increase your assets, hone your skills and grow into the next version of yourself, an empowered, enlightened new you.

You become more highly attuned to your capabilities and feel your body, like never before. You need this vessel to continue your work. You can feel your heart beat, the synapses firing in your brain, your muscles working, your skin as it wraps it all up. With a new sense of honor and respect for your body, you consider ways to enhance your physiology to better serve your new lease on life. While you may (or may have not) been concerned about your health and wellness in the past, now you have a new zeal for self-care, optimization and personal maintenance.

You’re not as concerned with the mere appearance of your human vessel, like others amidst a mid-life crisis to merely to vainly maintain their youthful looks by visually enhancing via cosmetic surgery. No, you’re looking deeper into your health and wellness, not just looking at the exterior visual but what makes you tick, the secrets hidden inside your body, all the way down to your DNA.

What about your connection to the source? The energy that creates and sustains life, enabling us to perceive, perform and seek to find and realize a better life for yourself, your children, your children’s children as you seek to add value to your life and that of your community and the world at large.

None of this – none of it – you, your life ‘til now, the new and improved you that will volley into the future with a new zeal and sincere desire to live a better life, your best life and make the world a better place would be possible without this energy. How will you honor your connection to source and use it to increase your effectiveness as you create new possibilities and probabilities.

It’s time to make so many adjustments, to envision your new life and start planning to execute your new life and manifest those things you see in your mind’s eye, to see your hopes and dreams realized and brought to life in your world.

You know what you want, what you don’t want. You are delineating your ideas, dreams and desires and creating a map; a map that depicts where you are and where you want to be, with good ideas on how to get from here to there. And as you do this work, and continue to do this work, the path becomes more and more clear, as it is revealed to you and you take action to move forward in faith.

Your desire to grow, change and contribute is undeniable as you become more cognizant of your purpose and mission in life with an unparalleled coherence for your new journey that lies ahead. You’re ready to accept the challenge, evaluating each area of your life from career to friendships. This is a clear demarcation in your life with a distinct before and after. You’re okay with and honor the past while not letting it get in the way of your bright future. You develop ways to express yourself in truth in ways that don’t hurt yourself, others or things.

Can you dreams come true? Have they ever come true for others? If they have, what is true for anyone is true for you. All you have to do is to embrace all that you have been given, as everything you need to bring it to pass is either within you, or available to you. It’s up to you to make it happen.

As you readjust for this massive transformation, some may refer to your condition as a mid-life crisis because others who have not awakened cannot imagine you at such a juncture, welcoming your metamorphosis. You bless the nay sayers, in hopes that one day they, too, will see the light. If not, you love them nonetheless because you realize that we are all only doing the best we can with what we have.

You can do this.