When is it Time to Start a New Life?

When is it time to start a new life? When you can look back on your life, can see that it’s pretty much been the same ol’ same ol’ and you know you desire and were destined for so much more.

You have lived a life up to this point which has been your training ground for the new life which lays ahead of you. While it may look and feel as though your life up ‘til now has been lackluster or wasted, that is now so.

You have been divinely equipped for the new life which beckons you to embrace your destiny. This new life will represent the culmination of your life lived this far empowered by your purpose, message, passion, and mission (PMPM), which is unique only to you.

Now, is the time for you to step forward and into your new life, answering the sacred calling of that higher part of you which yearns to be released and revealed.

If you look at your life as a linear timeline, you will see your past leading to this exact point in time, and this time, today, right now, marks an X. This is the pivot point of your life.

This demarcation signifies the exacting difference from the life you’ve lived up to now, and the empowered life of beauty, power, significance, and service for which you were destined from birth.

This is your awakening to your new life.

Those things which you used to cling to from your past, people, systems, thoughts, and beliefs, which you submitted to that made you have a sense of feeling safe and secure, do not resonate with you anymore.

From here on out, your responses which had become predictable will no longer be so as you take on new possibilities, being open to new dynamics, and clearly thinking and doing things differently than you had before.

You are no longer bound by family tradition or lured by the conceding that “that’s the way it’s done,” because you’re no longer limited to the confines of the rigid box of life. You are not simply limited to your family, your pedigree, your education, your programming. You are emerging from your cocoon of life.

You are ready to leave behind your old life, uninhibited by sociological structures and the training of others who would be pleased to see you struggle in the life of your past, and live your new, victorious life with love and passion.

From this point forward, you are more aware of those things which held you back, were not in your best interests, and kept you from achieving your highest and best.

This radical change will come at a price. It means leaving behind those things which may have represented safety and security in the past, and there will be opposition amongst the supporters who remain tethered to the life of your past. They are likely to not want to see you advance on your new journey.

There will be people who do not want you to start this new life. They will try to dissuade you from making a break from the past (them) and living a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place. Why? Because they fear that you might succeed.

Secretly, they hope that these thoughts of you living a new, empowered life, is a ridiculous dream that could never be achieved. They want you to fail miserably and come crawling back, so they can embrace you and say, “I told you so.” Because this will make them feel better about living their life of mediocrity.

For them, it is better not to try than to risk failure.

But if you succeed, and thrive, then they will have to rethink their own lives.

You then become the inspiration for others who secretly long for a better life but are afraid. If you can do it, there is hope for them, hope for the world.

Your whole life has led to this moment.

Are you ready to leave the past behind and start living your new life?

I believe you are ready now.

Shield of Fear

When you take a look at the things which are holding you back from all the best things in life, you are likely to discover they are things associated with your past. Your shadow-self clings to the negative things which you have endured in your past and uses them as a shield of fear to protect you from falling victim to a similar scenario again.

Your body and your mind think the shield of fear is an effective method of protecting you from suffering, and on the surface, it seems perfectly reasonable, and so it is. Then, there is your highest self, who intuitively knows what is best for you.

Your highest self sees what’s really going on. Clinging to all this negativity is actually blocking you from the strength that comes from freedom from all the things that might be holding you back and enjoying all the best things this life has to offer.

The things from your past which you use as a protective shield from potential harm also shield you from other possibilities which are presenting themselves for you to grow and expand.

Thankfully, God will keep presenting opportunities which trigger the connection to these early hidden wounds, as opportunities to dig down, find the elemental anchor, and deal with the issue, enabling you to be free from the previous incident (anchor) so you can grow, expand, and be open to all the new possibilities which are longing to be enjoyed by you.

When you feel a negative emotional upheaval, this may be your shadow-self hard at work trying to protect you from suffering pain, as you may have previously experienced some traumatic incident from your past. Once you identify the root cause of the emotional surge, you have the opportunity to address the issue just as if you were on fire, you can stop, drop and roll.

Just realizing the anchoring issue can give you some initial relief. If you are able to bring up the anchoring incident and find the learning, wisdom, and/or gift embedded in the incident (for there always is, if you can allow yourself to seek and find the hidden message) you can,

Stop, Drop and Roll

Stop allowing this incident from the past to block you from all the positive potentialities which are ready to reveal themselves to you.

Drop this issue (these issues), not allowing people, demons, wounds, or memories from the past which haunt and control you like a hot rock. You are no longer the victim of your past, so you can,

Roll out the red carpet and start living the life you’ve always wanted, and which has been waiting for you all this time. You are really on a roll, now, and into your most amazing future where your best life is waiting for you.

You are able to grow and expand unencumbered by the shadows of your past.

Is it a one-time, one-size-fits-all cure-all? No. It is an ongoing process because once you’ve uncovered your first anchor(s), you have now become aware of them, and they will present more opportunities for you to eliminate other elements of your shadow-self as they are brought to your attention.

This is challenging and exciting work to embark upon as you consider tackling the deep inner work which is the key to your enlightened expansion, allowing you to be truly free indeed from the shackles which band many of our brothers and sisters who share the human condition.

Celebrate your freedom from the shadows of your past, as you live a better life, your best life and make the world a better place.

Hanging Out with Drunks

In an analogy in The Mastery of Love, don Miguel Ruiz relates an example of hanging out with drunks at a bar or party as a comparison of how most of us live life. You hang out with these people who are just like you, they are all numb and drunk, having a good time, and every once and a while someone breaks out in a vast drama, but for the most part, you and the rest of the group are smiling, laughing, enjoying yourself, the camaraderie and you’re happy hanging out with drunks.

Then, once you begin to awaken to a higher version of life and start seeing things as they really are, it’s like being the only sober person at the party. After you’ve become more aware about life in general and your own life, numbing yourself is no longer desired or necessary to help you get through this life.

You think this is all well and good, but you remember how fun it felt when you were hanging out with drunks, so you go out to spend the evening with your friends.

Only now, you’re not compelled to drink, and you are not drunk. From this vantage point, your experience of hanging out with drunks is very different. You see people numbing themselves because they are looking for ways to avoid the reality of living the life they lead. You see them all celebrating the fog they all share, and while they appear to be happy, there is no happiness in them.

After a while, they notice you are not drunk, you are not joining them in their drunken celebration of not having to deal with life, and they accuse you of having something wrong with you.

The drunks prefer you to drink and enjoy being drunk with them. When you fail to participate and turn down their offers to buy you a drink so that you can essentially be an active participant with the other drunks, they get paranoid about you, see you as an outsider.

The drunks feel your sobriety as a drain on the energy of the overall group, you’re a downer, spectator, spy, or judging them like a self-righteous goody two shoes, and while none of this is true, you don’t feel like you fit in with this group of people anymore.

You are less enthusiastic about hanging out with drunks. You don’t judge them or feel sorry for them (because that would be condescending). You realize we’re all doing the best we can with what we have, honor the time that you spent with this group as a necessary part of your journey, you love and bless them.

There comes a time when you start to look for other people to hang out with, people who are more resonate with your current frame of mind, people who do not feel the need to numb themselves and disassociate their connection to this life.

You keep your eyes open and aware enough to find people who are more like you with whom you can associate and socialize with.

Periodically, the drunks will notice your absence and seek you out to rejoin them in their drunkenness because they believe being drunk is an important part of life and they feel your lack of drunkenness is not good for you. They know how awful it would be for them to try to manage life without being drunk. Just the thought of it represents pain for them, so they want to save you by inviting you to come back.

All of this is perfectly normal and fine in all its awkwardness as you move from the day-to-day struggle for survival in everyday life, to enlightenment.