Stepping into the Unknown

When you’ve acted out in faith, readjusted your direction and continued to move in a path that is unfamiliar to you, how are you stepping into the unknown? You know, you’ve observed your unfamiliar surroundings, saw the dark void ahead, slowly and carefully you take that step and move yourself into the void.

Fade to Black

You find yourself standing in utter darkness. You cannot hear anything. There is no sense of which way the air is moving. You can breathe, feel something solid beneath your feet, and you exercise your ability to vocalize, “Hello?” and you notice your voice appears to be dead as you can hear yourself speak the word but there is no reverberation.
You wonder where you’ve found yourself, if there’s anyone out there? “Is anybody there?”

There you are. You. Only you.

You are here. Feeling lost and alone.

What do you do when you find yourself stepping into the unknown?

No one would blame you for immediately turning about-face and running back to what you know, what is familiar, in the direction which seems more safe and secure.

You might find yourself carefully crouching yourself down into a face forward lotus position placing yourself in a meditative state or sending out your extended senses, projecting them forward to see if you can “feel” what’s ahead.

Or you might curl up in the fetal position and go deep inside yourself, evaluating where you’ve come from, what brought you to this place, and contemplate your decision to take this step in this direction which has led to your stepping into the unknown.

You may have the composure and dedication to realize it was you who brought you here, you know why, and you’re committed enough to keep moving forward, so you take half a step forward. You may not be able to see what’s ahead or know if your next step will offer you a firm footing, or if you will find yourself falling into eternal darkness. Determined, you take another step.

Then there’s the you who channels your inner Rambo. Finding yourself stepping into the unknown, your quickened as you stop to evaluate your surroundings as you find yourself stepping into the unknown, grit your teeth as you summon all your inner strength, and let out your mightiest warrior call, as you run straight forward into the void.

If you’re like me, your life has had a lot of situations where you have found yourself stepping into the unknown. At different times, we’ve tried all these approaches to finding ourselves in the unknown void.

Sometimes, turning and running is the best option.

I find myself transitioning through all the phases.

But in all cases, the best opportunities for growth and change comes from moving forward into the unknown.

When you step into the transitionary vacuum corridor, you have no idea what is on the other side of it.

There is only one way to find out.

For what is unknown to be known, you must move forward. It need not be at supersonic speed, baby steps will do. It is there, ahead of you, waiting for you to discover it.

If you’ve done it before, what did you find there?

If you are stepping into the unknown, right now, what do you think might be ahead waiting for you?

Check back with me and tell me what you found on the other side.

Resistance Amidst Change

When you get going on your mission of transformation and growing expect some resistance to start showing up as you as you start forging your fresh trail to your new life. Be prepared to expect resistance amidst change which will present challenges and vow to face them head-on when they appear before you.

There’s going to be a bit of struggle which takes place inside you, between the you which has always been basically in charge of running your life until now, and the new you which is trying to come forth and express itself as the new improved version of yourself as it is growing and expanding.

If that wasn’t enough, it’s like the whole universe wants to participate in the transitional metamorphosis offering you opportunities and challenges to test you; to see if this is a good decision for you at this time in your life.

Your old like will be beckoning you not to change and to return to the comfort and security of your old life. When you’re thinking about moving on, opportunities will arise for you to fall back into the same ol’ same ol’.

The friends who haven’t contacted you for years will start calling on you to celebrate your old lifestyle. The higher-ups at your crummy job will offer you opportunities for advancement and attractive compensation packages. You will second-guess and wonder if it’s such a good idea to stick around or to take such a huge step in moving on from your old life.

Fear of the unknown can be an overwhelming deterrent to moving on with your life, as there is a certain degree of comfort in remaining where you are. It may not be great, but it is what you know. You may have spent a great deal of time and effort building your life-nest around you. While life is not the best it could be, you’ve successfully carved out a very special place for you, one that others may even envy. How could you leave all this behind? What if you’re unable to do better on the other side?

You can reduce some of the friction by keeping your thoughts about your decision to move on from your old life to yourself. While in many of life’s decisions the counsel of many brings safety, remember that safety represents your old life. Counselors will emerge from the old wood of your life who will caution you against change, especially any radical change. The people who represent your old life will do almost anything to prevent you from leaving. They will use guilt, blame, indebtedness, obligation, what is “right” and what is “wrong,” anything they can come up with, to persuade you to stay behind.

It is still a good idea to garner support and counsel amidst your transition, just be careful about those whom you trust with the intimate details of your metamorphosis. Be certain they have your best interest at heart.

If you are aware that these tendencies are common occurrences when tackling change, you can strengthen your resolve and stay the course when awakening to your new perspective and taking the steps necessary to carve out a new life, free from the struggle for survival. For on the other side of this bit of chaos, there is a much better life waiting for you.

Be willing to step out into new directions. If you’re more comfortable doing one thing, try to accept more invitations to do something less comfortable. Doing things differently will bring you new opportunities, and the best, most exciting things are waiting for you just on the other side of your comfort zone.

When you ask, it is given.

Everything you want is created and waiting for you. In most cases, it will not simply fall out of the sky and drop into your lap on command (though this has been known to happen). It’s up to you to place yourself in the time and place where what you want is waiting for you.

Counselor as a Helper for You

Every now and then life can get and when you’re feeling the pressure of life smothering you, thankfully there are many places you can turn for a helping hand. Seeking out a coach, consultant, counselor who may possess insight from the spectrum of life anywhere from being a member of the clergy to a strictly-schooled psychotherapist and anywhere in between, you can find some relief in seeking a counselor as a helper for you.

You don’t have to go it alone.

As you seek out someone to help you get a grip on life, be aware that all therapists are not created equal. Just as in any other profession or ministry there are good ones and some that are not so good. As you work with someone in a therapeutic relationship, take time periodically to pause and evaluate your progress for yourself.

Your work with anyone in a therapeutic relationship should yield measurable positive results and changes in your life.

You must see demonstrable results and growth, such as better health, and increased sense of self confidences, a growing awareness about where you are in your life journey, and finding the right fit for you with all your strengths and weaknesses to fit better into life relationships amidst your family, among your friends, your social circles in the community and beyond.

You should be more confident, stepping into your personal power, making better decisions, taking positive steps toward changing your life for the better. Things are starting to come together.

You are feeling less stress and your burdens are decreasing as you are empowered to take a more active role in your life. You are beginning to move into the driver’s seat, no longer just a passenger being victimized by this life.

Your finances are improving, as is your general outlook on life. You are feeling better, having a more positive outlook on life, and feeling the power of love energetically expanding all around you, even if you are unaware that the source of all love and life is within you, and always has been.

Your journey to wellness, personal growth, and empowerment can be born from your therapeutic relationship, but be aware, that there are many options available to you. One therapist who might have gotten you through one crisis or phase of personal growth may not be able to take you to the next.

Check and ask yourself if your life is positively changing, are you energetically expanding, is your personal awareness expanding between visits?

If your life is stagnant and there is little or no positive life-change happening during your work with a coach, consultant, counselor, or member of the clergy, then you need to find a better fit for you at this stage in your life.

I work with many people in the field and no one takes it personally when a client moves to another coach. In fact, your therapist, counselor, or accountability partner should also be tracking your progress. If he or she notices you are not achieving positive results from his or her work with you, you should be referred to someone who might be a better fit for you.

Different counselors have varying areas of specialization, therapeutic perspective, personal style, and methods of delivery. Find the one that resonates with you, for now.

Once you have progressed beyond this phase of your life, it may be time to find someone better suited for your next phase.

If the person you are working with is providing you with the positive results you desire, if your life has leveled off and there are no signs of your making it better, if you feel afraid, intimidated, or bullied, seek out someone else to work with.

If you are feeling a romantic inclination toward your therapist or counselor (actually, this is quite normal) talk to him or her about it. Do not hide it, allow it to grow into a fantasy or full-blown obsession, or act on it in any way. Talk your way through it.

And if your therapist or counselor expresses any romantic interest in you, run the other way. This is a clear violation of the therapeutic relationship.

A clear separation must be maintained to prevent the therapeutic relationship from becoming toxic with tragic results. This would not be the standard expectation if historically the statistics didn’t prevail overwhelmingly disclosing how devasting crossing this boundary can be.

An effective ethical counselor may be friendly but not your friend. You don’t hang out, are not on the same volleyball team, and do not exchange gifts. Respect this relationship and keep it pure for your highest and best results.

You are the master of your fate, and the right accountability partner can help you get from where you are to where you want to be expediently.

Are you ready to change your life?
Are you ready to take action?
Are you ready to do the work?

Then your life is already starting to change.

You are beginning a sacred metamorphosis.

God bless you on your journey to new life.

Personal Growth and Change

There is little that brings more personal satisfaction to a person than personal growth and change, breaking through to a new level of existence among others with whom we share life on planet earth.

There is a growing number of people who are part of the next evolution of the human being, and these are the people embracing a variety of personal growth and change in all areas of their lives, including family, friends, careers, health, emotional wellness, volunteerism, love, and spirituality among others.

Why might some otherwise “normal” people seek to separate themselves from the pack via personal growth and change, embracing their individuality, purpose, message, passion, and mission?

As you might already know, there is this still small voice inside you. You hear it, mostly in those rare moments between frantic activities and the constant barrage of media and information, and it begs the question,

“Is there more to life than this?”

Deep inside you, the knowingness resides in the answer, “Indeed there is,” but so does the awareness that the true meaning in life is not found in the quest for status, power, or things.

The “more” that awaits is in your own evolution and expansion beyond that which the status quo might dictate.

So, you, like so many others embark on a journey, risking the safety and security of family, friends, and the constant droll of everyday life to forge your own path to where ever it leads.

Again, you ask, “Why?”

Besides the answering of your sacred call against all odds, there is the self-satisfaction that comes from being your own man or your own woman. Realizing that you are not merely the sum of your experiences and pedigree on this planet, you make your own way, discovering the nature of your true self.

You chart out a journey or discovery within and without to places unknown, which may have been explored by others who dared to attempt similar journeys in the past, but even so, yours will be completely unique to you as the entire landscape of these unchartered (or previously chartered) landscapes change, evolving, moment by moment. That is the nature of evolution.

You are on the path to getting to know you better than anyone has ever cared to. You are dealing with the programming, ideas, and issues from your past which were designed by social engineers to keep you small and subservient.

You are no longer shackled by the chains of society. As you exercise your true independence you see the effects of your personal growth and change as you evolve into your highest and best version of yourself.

You see life as something new; as if seeing it for the first time from a unique, new perspective, becoming more aware of your surroundings, free from the filters and restraints of your social programming.

You see your value in the world, how you can help others, and contribute in making the world a better place. You see each step toward a better life, leading toward your best life, as you build cumulative momentum toward the realization of an entirely new world of unlimited possibilities.

You find the fuel to go on from within, not needing the support or acceptance of others to see your way through this higher process of expansive self-growth, and when you face a challenge or obstacle you find the strength within to persevere and keep on going, when anyone else might have turned tail and run the other way.

You find new strengths, gifts, and opportunities appearing all around you as you move forward in faith, with each new step.

All this builds a new sense of assuredness found within, knowing that you are being true to your divine calling and living out your purpose. You are more self-confident and cannot be threatened by nay-sayers as you have nothing to prove to anyone.

You respect and love others, just like you would like to be respected and loved. This opens new opportunities for you in managing your relationships. Now, they are healthier, more authentic, full of love and happiness, as judging others fades into the distant past your can love and accept people for just being who they are, whoever they might be.

Your heart is full of love as you grow in strength and honor, unshakeable in your new versatility and sustainable expansion.

You are love. Your personal growth and change have taken you to a new place in the universe where you bask in the love, with inner peace, and happiness, ready to share your message with the world.