Energy Healing Treatment Resistant

What if you’ve sought out alternative methods of health care and healing and are not experiencing the healing you expected? You might be energy healing treatment resistant.

Energy healing in all its many forms focuses on energy, represents not only the energy which is the source of all life but as it encounters and integrates with the energy source(s) which is/are active within your holistic being.

We see this in our work with clients who suffer chronic pain over a long period of time. The patient may have such a strong energetic tie to the symptoms and/or pain associated with the malady, that they may not be able to even imagine having a life without it. In this case, the dis-ease has become a part of his or her very being.

Certainly, there may be many reasons for various healing blockages, and it might be as basically simple as one’s refusal to accept that healing is possible at all. This is not dissimilar to having the malady being a part of your identity, except that it is a more conscious blockage to energy healing, consciously refusing to accept healing because you believe it is not a possibility.

The power source of energetic healing is pure love energy which honors the patient above all. You cannot force energy healing on someone who is not in the receiving mode. To receive energetic healing, one must first be receptive.

Advanced energy healers are able to help determine what your blockages might be to healing, and if you are willing to do the work, these blockages may be released or removed so that true healing may commence. Kinesiology, or muscle testing, is one such method which is highly regarded by many practitioners of alternative healing modalities.

Emotional (and possibly long-hidden from one’s conscious mind) wounds and scars may also be responsible for one’s resistance to healing. The underlying emotional trauma, though not expressed openly in everyday life, can be a heavy cloak which shrouds one’s being, disallowing one who suffers from it to enjoy any of the best things this life may have to offer. All this emotional trauma may be released through the process of love’s energy healing.

In most cases,

Repressed emotional wounds are the source of disease

To think that childhood trauma, family dysfunction, fear of the unknown, stress of work or life, an overwhelming sense of unworthiness, victimization, abuse, and pent up emotions could be responsible for major disease may seem beyond belief, but nothing is more critically true.

The continued denial, covering up, pressing down, and suppressing these negative emotions builds up a growing force festering malignancy throughout the entire biological, physiological, and spiritual system that represents our existence in this reality. And your disease becomes more powerful as your ability to fight it declines and the system deteriorates at a more rapid pace.

Simple negative emotions will eventually manifest themselves by making you sick. Even if you do not speak the words and only think the negative thoughts, your immune system weakens and you are more apt to become ill or susceptible to disease.

This is why alternative treatment methods focus on treating the whole person, body, mind, and spirit.

Our modern society and the lives we live and not conducent to living a life in harmony with the energetic frequency of true love’s vibration. Only as the human being brings his or her own full being (body/mind/spirit) into alignment is one able to be fully receptive to the fullness of one’s true birthright.

Maybe it’s time for you to consider a more holistic approach to healing and if you find that you are initially energy healing treatment resistant, maybe it’s time to dig deeper to see what may be lying underneath the surface. It might be time to take a look at any deep inner work you might need to do.

Resistance Amidst Change

When you get going on your mission of transformation and growing expect some resistance to start showing up as you as you start forging your fresh trail to your new life. Be prepared to expect resistance amidst change which will present challenges and vow to face them head-on when they appear before you.

There’s going to be a bit of struggle which takes place inside you, between the you which has always been basically in charge of running your life until now, and the new you which is trying to come forth and express itself as the new improved version of yourself as it is growing and expanding.

If that wasn’t enough, it’s like the whole universe wants to participate in the transitional metamorphosis offering you opportunities and challenges to test you; to see if this is a good decision for you at this time in your life.

Your old like will be beckoning you not to change and to return to the comfort and security of your old life. When you’re thinking about moving on, opportunities will arise for you to fall back into the same ol’ same ol’.

The friends who haven’t contacted you for years will start calling on you to celebrate your old lifestyle. The higher-ups at your crummy job will offer you opportunities for advancement and attractive compensation packages. You will second-guess and wonder if it’s such a good idea to stick around or to take such a huge step in moving on from your old life.

Fear of the unknown can be an overwhelming deterrent to moving on with your life, as there is a certain degree of comfort in remaining where you are. It may not be great, but it is what you know. You may have spent a great deal of time and effort building your life-nest around you. While life is not the best it could be, you’ve successfully carved out a very special place for you, one that others may even envy. How could you leave all this behind? What if you’re unable to do better on the other side?

You can reduce some of the friction by keeping your thoughts about your decision to move on from your old life to yourself. While in many of life’s decisions the counsel of many brings safety, remember that safety represents your old life. Counselors will emerge from the old wood of your life who will caution you against change, especially any radical change. The people who represent your old life will do almost anything to prevent you from leaving. They will use guilt, blame, indebtedness, obligation, what is “right” and what is “wrong,” anything they can come up with, to persuade you to stay behind.

It is still a good idea to garner support and counsel amidst your transition, just be careful about those whom you trust with the intimate details of your metamorphosis. Be certain they have your best interest at heart.

If you are aware that these tendencies are common occurrences when tackling change, you can strengthen your resolve and stay the course when awakening to your new perspective and taking the steps necessary to carve out a new life, free from the struggle for survival. For on the other side of this bit of chaos, there is a much better life waiting for you.

Be willing to step out into new directions. If you’re more comfortable doing one thing, try to accept more invitations to do something less comfortable. Doing things differently will bring you new opportunities, and the best, most exciting things are waiting for you just on the other side of your comfort zone.

When you ask, it is given.

Everything you want is created and waiting for you. In most cases, it will not simply fall out of the sky and drop into your lap on command (though this has been known to happen). It’s up to you to place yourself in the time and place where what you want is waiting for you.

Everything You Need is Inside of You

Everything you seek, everything you want for yourself, others, and the world, everything you need is inside of you to be and have whatever you desire and make your wildest dreams come true.

If you have a strong desire to occupy a certain station in life or be a certain type of person, your desires have already been manifested. The “you” that you desire to become has already appeared in all its fullness in the future.

Your desire is part of your birthright calling forth the “you” you were destined to be, the very same person you long to become. It is already done.

All the love you could possibly want exists within you right now in real time. You must look within yourself to find it. It has always been there, will always be there, in unlimited supply, and all you need to do is to tap into this vast powerhouse of love which is all-powerful, unconditional, and conquers all.

You have the power to send this purest of love energy to those to others, to those who struggle and face life’s greatest challenges. You can send love to the world, changing current circumstances, giving hope where there was none to be found, and calling forth new life in a desperate age.

All the happiness and joy you could ever want is there, waiting for you to be found and embraced, it is in every part of you, in all its fullness in any quantity you could imagine, ever present and hardwired, waiting for you to unleash it.

The peace that passes all understanding is fully activated within you. All you need to do is to let go of everything that clouds your view of it to see and feel all the purest peace that has always been there, will always be.

The prosperity and abundance which appears to elude you are already there, right now. All you need do is to remove all those thoughts and things that stand between you and all the things you want, as you embrace all your skills, abilities and gifts, allowing yourself to rise to your highest and best.

Have health concerns? Fear not. Perfect health is yours. It is all there in every cell of your body, the healthy you, waiting to come forth. You have the keys to overcoming every physiological or mental frailty, diagnosis or disease, inside of you, waiting to be released.

Looking to connect with others? You are already fully connected to all life. You are one with everything, all matter, seen and unseen, every person, place, and thing is an extension of yourself. All you have to do to realize this is true is to stop resisting and enforcing your own separation from the fullness of life. We are one.

All the attributes you desire to attain, trust, wisdom, discernment, intuition, all there inside of you waiting to be released.

Your mind is the insulator programmed to keep you from being all that you could possibly want to have or be. There is no struggle in having or being all that you desire. Those sparks of longing are all those things which you already are waiting to reveal themselves to you.

All you must do is to let go of all those things which keep you distracted from what you seek or desire, rise to the fullness of your divine nature and allow all that you desire to be, and be it will.

Your heart is the doorway to love which allows you to access all the unlimited possibilities, everything you want, everything you were destined to be and have as your birthright.

Billions of cells are causing you to want everything that is rightfully yours.

Let go of that which insulates you, your self, your ego, your programming, your beliefs, all that separates you from everything. Every “thing” is you and you are everything, exceeding your wildest expectations and dreams.

And all these possibilities in all their glory exists deep within every molecule of your body.

Stop resisting and let it be.

When the Going Gets Tough

The Tough Get Going

What does, “When the going gets tough the tough get going,” mean?


Does it mean that when things become difficult that were supposed to push through and do whatever is necessary to stay on this single, focused track?

Or, does it mean

To grab your stuff and find another direction to go in?

If you ask me, the answer is both.

It comes down to a matter of what you really, really want.

When things get tough, at the very least, it’s an attention-grabber enabling you to pull back and reassess your situation. This applies to any time the going gets rough.

As a conscious traveler, this is your opportunity to take time to re-evaluate, so stop, take a break and look around. What do you see? What do you feel?

How does your current circumstance fit within your idea of the path leading to your highest and best?

Consider this: If you are inspired, moving on the right path, in the right direction and gaining momentum from where you were to where you want to be, then the journey should basically be resistant-free.

Resistance (or when the going gets tough) is an indication of the need to change.

Now, you can push-through and make yourself and everyone else in your car stay on the track you’re so determined to maintain (which is not a bad thing) or you can be looking for alternative opportunities.

In most cases, when you are faced with a great deal of resistance, there is a divine door waiting for you to explore, leading to a path that is a more effective route to the destination you to arrive at.

You can stay on the path you are currently on, or you can consider taking the doorway to another path that could be far better for you.

This is not to say that if you are on the right track, that you will never encounter difficulty, but consider this: If things are difficult, it is likely an indicator that you could be doing something different, something better.

And it doesn’t necessarily mean a drastic change, it could be only the slightest adjustment that could make all the difference.

For instance, if you’re in Seattle and you’re flying across the country in a straight line, you would end up in New York, by changing your flight path by just a few degrees (not much at all, really) you would end up in Miami.

Sure, you could still get to Miami (assuming that is where you wanted to be) by going to New York first, then travelling from New York to Miami, but when the going gets tough, it could be an indication there is a better way.

So, when the going gets tough, realize that you are making your travel plans and paying for them. Wouldn’t it be prudent to take the time to review all your options before you commit to your travel arrangements?

Plus (I don’t know if you noticed that most bookings are non-refundable these days). I recently booked a flight for two and my traveling companion couldn’t make the trip. So I thought, “great, I’ll have extra leg room and twice as much overhead space.”

To my surprise, I discovered that the airline sells that seat, so even though I paid for it, they resold it again. (Although, I could have paid a fee in excess of what I paid for the ticket to receive a refund.) What?

Vive la Resistance

When you’re making the transition from your complacent life to your enlightened journey, you will begin to notice (either directly or indirectly) resistance.

Vive la resistance resist the resistance and continue to evolve

The resistance will come from without; other people will try to talk you out of your decision to forge your own path or ridicule you for doing so, even “coincidental” circumstances will create even more resistance, like thunderstorms, flooding, washouts, detours, flat tires, delayed flights or any other combination of distractions to disrupt your progress.

Resistance will come from within; you will begin to second-guess your decision to move forward and away from the mob, you will have thoughts of unworthiness, self-doubt, you will ask yourself, “Am I being selfish?” All due to your programming that started at birth to make you feel the best that you can do is to settle for upper middle class mediocrity.

There is an underlying baseline train of thought designed to keep us (the greater human race) minimalized and manageable. To have to deal with a world full of enlightened (and powerful) individuals would be impossible; how could a group of people ever be able to control such a planet?

These subtle (or not so subtle) forms of resistance are present to prevent you from allowing your body, mind and soul from evolving into your higher form of conscious human being. The tug that you feel in your heart and spirit is you being called forth by everything that is.

Something inside you tells you that this is true; you know there has to be more to this life than what you’ve accepted ‘til this point and there is a yearning to realize the “something more” in your life…. And there is so much more…

Still, things pop-up; you think, “I’m on this amazing journey… It should be easier.”

There is a way that you can circumvent the resistance.

Opt Out of the Resistance

You only have to choose to opt out of the resistance and embrace the change that awaits you. To effectively opt-out, it requires two parts.

#1 Decide to Opt Out

You must have made the conscious decision to not participate in the resistance and the drama associated with it. And I find it is helpful to create a trigger to mark the spot where you recognize the resistance and create a stopping point; in effect, drawing a line in the sane.

Your trigger could be anything you want. For me, I tap on my right temple (that area to the side of my right eye) or my wrist (if I feel the need to be more discrete) as I think (or say out loud, if I am in private), “Stop!” I recognize the resistance and I refuse to participate.

#2 Embrace the Change

A little practice may be appropriate at first, but it will get easier as you perform the embrace the change routine.

Resistance is frustrating and can engage all kinds of emotions running the gamut, everything from fear and anger to sadness and self-loathing. Some more stealth forms of resistance may recruit good feelings, like gleeful excitement, happiness and a sense of calm, making it more difficult for demarcation.

After, you’ve recognized it and put it on notice, the next step is to change it, love it, enjoy it and keep moving.

For instance, if you are on your way to a meeting that is part of your individual plan to move forward, and you get a flat tire on the highway. This is unexpected. You did not include time for a tire change in your travel plans. You may be mad, upset or feel like crying to the sky, “Why!?”

In that moment when you feel the rub, tap your temple (or whatever your trigger is) and shout (aloud or not), “Stop!” (#1)

Then change it; tell yourself a positive version of the story from a different perspective, like, “Wow, even though this looks bad, inconvenient and is holding me up, this… Yes, even this, flat tire is for my highest and best.”

Then continue, “I know the resistance meant this to discourage me, to keep me from my evolution, but it is actually for my good because there me an accident up the road that I am not involved in.” And keep stretching the idea positively forward until you’re actually grateful and happy about the mishap…

Then continue onto your scheduled if you make it to the meeting late, don’t beat yourself up about it. You looked adversity straight in the eye, resisted the resistance and continued to evolve on your own terms. You emerged victorious.

Vive la resistance!