Exposure to and Healing from Toxic Energies

Everything is energy, which means you and I are also made of energy. You get the idea of the form of energy that you recognize as electricity, which is basically what we are, though our bodies use a higher form of infinitely intelligent energy which is more difficult for us to understand entirely. Energy is what keeps you alive. Your body, without having to be plugged into any outside source, provides the 5 watts of continuous electricity necessary for beating every hour over the course of your life. If your heart stops, it will take 200 to 1,000 volts from an outside source (like a defibrillator) to restart its regular beating, providing your body has the wherewithal to supply the electricity necessary to maintain its activity.

All matter, everything that we can experience with our five senses (and beyond) is also made of this energy, including us. This infinite intelligent energy is referred to by some as God Source Energy, spirit, or any other vast array of definitions that might help us understand this energy that is in all things and cannot be created or destroyed. We live in and our ever-expanding universe is a closed system of this vast energy that keeps everything, I mean “everything” in form and balance.

Since we are energy (though some will disagree with this, so think of it as any way that resonates with you at this moment and call it whatever works best for you) it makes perfect sense to use this very same energy to affect our bodies and the environments that we interact with. Learning how to do this presents a challenge at the moment but we have seen huge scientific advancements in the arena. Quantum theory paved the way for quantum mechanics, and now in the last 30 years or so, we are seeing quantum sciences emerging as human technology and sciences evolve.

Still, the mystics and religious folks discovered ways to harness this energy and effectuate changes in the human body. I first became acquainted with this when I learned laying on of hands healing from Catholic Nuns, and later master training in Reiki. Now, quantum science is discovering other methods to influence energy vibration, frequency, and vibration in the body and the environment around us.

By manipulating a patient’s energy with energy, we can effectively change the frequency of that person’s challenge or problem to an alternate frequency, just like changing the channel on your television. For instance, we could pray for someone who feels as though they have no reason to live and may be suicidal, resulting in a frequency change, where the individual emerges as someone who feels they have value in the community, desires to make a contribution and make the world a better place. You can call that a miracle, if you like, or an energetic frequency adjustment. Whatever you call it? The effects are real. Adding support to the energetic intervention will help the sustainability of the healing process over time.

If everything is energy, then every condition that interrupts the otherwise happy, healthy, and fruitful human being has a specific energetic frequency and signature, as well as every good thing. Change the frequency, and the whole world changes, too.

Let’s not forget the environment, because it can have a great impact on the human body. In a monastery, free from technology, Wi-Fi, and other waves of energy that may have a negative effect on any life frequency, human biology thrives. For the rest of us who live in the real world, we are bombarded by radical energy and toxic pollutants all day long.

These negative frequencies have a devasting effect on you. If you are under constant toxic energies, you will feel it, by noticing a lack of energy, headaches, lethargy, deterioration throughout your physiology, affecting everything from cognition and eyesight to loss of breath, gastrointestinal disorders, and loss of agility and dexterity, and may be a major contributor to promoting the growth and spread of cancer in the body.

Copyright 2022 davidmmasters


Lightning Reiki

So many people have been asking me about Lightning Reiki, so I thought I would just take a moment to share with you the basics of Lightning Reiki. First, Lightning Reiki is not a standalone modality, it is a Reiki plug-in for Reiki III Masters only. If you have received a Lightning Reiki treatment, it was from a Reiki Master who has received the Lightning Reiki attunement. That said, let’s take a look at what Lightning Reiki is.

What is Lightning Reiki?

Lightning Reiki is for use for clients who have severe blockages that come from traumas from the past which hide in various locations in the body.

Lightning Reiki, in a very short period of time, will seek out and destroy all the hidden festering wounds that are associated with past drama or trauma that is preventing you from being all you could be.

It would take months or years of traditional therapy, and the therapeutic environment can be extremely traumatizing.

Reiki Masters who use Lightning Reiki empower you to do deep emotional work in minutes without unearthing complicated chains of trauma buried deep within the subconscious and emotional wounds hidden at secret locations within your body.

Most people can go on through their lives and live a completely normal-looking life, but if they are harboring hidden trauma from the past. Just ignoring it and pretending like nothing ever happened is a pretty good method of getting by. No one need ever be the wiser. You are moving on, and things are looking good enough that no one would even know you had all this trauma in your past.

And the longer you ignore it, the memory of it just fades away into nothing. Sounds like a great plan, Right? Wrong.

Repressed trauma, while it can be hidden from the conscious mind, hides away in the body, where it festers and spreads deadly poisons throughout the body which cause biological deterioration, disease, and can lead to an early grave.

Unresolved traumatic wounds do not go away on their own. If the patient can survive it, years of therapy by following all the traumatic links in the chain can finally get to the root cause of the trauma where it can be dealt with, and this is not an easy process. Each successively linked incident can be painful to remember and process, which comes with its own new trauma, which can only be wiped away after the entire chain of traumatic wounds have been healed.

That’s what’s great about Lightning Reiki. Following a normal Reiki session, in one fell swoop, in a single energetic burst, Reiki energy finds and follows every link of the chain, down to the primary traumatic incident that was the first wound or link.

What to Expect from a Lightning Reiki Session

Here is how the Lightning Reiki session works. First, you will have a conversation with your Lightning Reiki Master to get a general idea about the type of emotional trauma that is expressing itself and determine how it is looking when it rears its ugly head in your life.

You may discover that you are being blocked by past trauma or adverse childhood experiences that have a cumulative effect on your life.

Following a normal Reiki session, the Lightning Reiki Master will send a burst of pure God Source Energy through your crown chakra which surges like lightning bolts throughout your entire seeking out all the stored negative energy and trauma from this chain of past life events. Then administers healing to each otherwise hidden wound, cauterizing the wound and dissolving it from your body, instantly.

There is no drama or trauma associated with the Lightning Reiki treatment, and you do not even need to acknowledge or process any of the potentially horrific details.

An entire lifetime of traumatic wounds vaporized just like that.

All you need is a great place to start. Like, if you are experiencing difficulty being successful and you are constantly having difficulties with keeping a job or getting promotions, this may be due to early trauma hidden from your everyday consciousness. This is enough information to initiate a Lightning Reiki session.

Lightning Reiki does all the heavy lifting by instantly following the chain of associated traumatic events, locating where these poisonous wounds are hiding, seeking and destroying the source of the chain, and setting you free.

This works for any chain of negative energetic wounds that can be found hiding deep within your body. It works for being disease-prone, blocked romance, stifled personal growth, limited financial resources, being your own worst enemy, abusive relationships, self-destructive behavior, depression, even suicidal ideation.

Let your Lightning Reiki Master channel god source energy to do the work.


Healing Without Medicine and Discovering Alternative Therapy

As we go through life, sometimes we feel things in our bodies that our minds can’t quite explain. These feelings, like when things seem to happen at the right time or when we get better without medicine, make us think about how our minds, bodies, and energy are connected.

Healing isn’t always about taking pills or going to the doctor. Sometimes, we can feel better by tapping into the energy around us. This energy is like a giant invisible field that’s part of us and everything around us. Today, we’re going to explore this idea together.

Let’s examine the different ways people have tried to use energy to help the body heal. It’s like going on an adventure to learn new things about staying healthy and feeling good. Are you ready to learn with me?

A New Idea for Feeling Better: Energy Healing

Energy healing is a unique way of thinking about getting better that goes beyond what doctors usually do. It is based on the idea that we’re not just bodies but also made of energy. Our thoughts, feelings, and even what we want can affect how healthy we are. By working with this energy, we might be able to help our bodies heal in a way that considers everything—our bodies, our feelings, our thoughts, and even our spirit.

We’re not saying energy healing is better than going to the doctor. Instead, it’s like adding something new to our thinking about staying healthy. Instead of only treating symptoms, we try to find out why we’re sick in the first place and fix that, too. As we learn more, we can see how energy healing might fit into our plans for staying healthy.

What is Energy Healing?

When we first hear about energy healing, it might sound strange or complex. But if we break it down, it’s simple. The main idea is that we’re made of energy, just like everything around us. Every part of us has its own unique energetic frequency, and when that frequency gets out of tune, we might not feel so good.

Energy healing tries to fix these imbalances. It’s like getting everything back in order so our bodies can do what they’re supposed to do—heal themselves. There are lots of different ways people do energy healing, but they all believe in the idea of balancing energy to help us feel better.

The Science Behind Energy Healing

Even though energy healing might sound like magic, there’s science behind it. Scientists have found that everything in the world – including us – is made of energy. Even though we can’t see it, we’re all vibrating with energy all the time.

When this energy gets out of balance, we might feel sick or upset. Energy healing works by finding and fixing these imbalances so our bodies can get back to feeling good. It’s not a replacement for going to the doctor, but it might also help us feel better when we get medical help.

Our Minds and Healing

What we think and feel can also affect how we heal. Focusing on positive things like love and happiness can help our bodies heal faster. But if we’re always thinking about bad stuff, like being scared or stressed, it can make us feel worse.

Being aware of and feeling into our thoughts and feelings can help our bodies heal better. It’s like giving ourselves a pep talk to feel better inside and out. We can find new ways to stay healthy and happy when we understand this and work with it.

7 Ways to Help Your Body Feel Better

When we talk about energy healing, we talk about many different ways to help our bodies and minds feel better. Each method has its ideas and practices, but all aim to bring balance and healing by working with the energy inside us. Let’s take a look at seven exciting energy-healing techniques:

Reiki: Using Universal Energy to Heal

Reiki comes from Japan and is about using “universal life energy” to heal. Reiki encompasses the idea that there’s energy flowing through everything alive, and when this energy gets blocked, we can feel sick or unbalanced. Reiki practitioners learn to let this energy flow through their hands to help others feel better. It’s a gentle practice that can help us relax, reduce stress, and feel more balanced emotionally and mentally.

Shamanic Energy Healing: Ancient Wisdom for Wellness

Shamanic energy healing is an old practice found in many indigenous cultures worldwide. It believes that when we feel sick or sad, it’s because we’ve lost a part of ourselves or our energy isn’t flowing right. Shamans are like spiritual guides, using rituals, drums, and sometimes plants to connect with the spirit world and bring back what’s missing. This way of healing isn’t just about fixing the problem but understanding why it’s there in the first place.

Soul Retrieval Through Hypnotherapy: Finding What’s Missing

Sometimes, traumatic events can make us feel like we’ve lost a part of ourselves. Soul retrieval through hypnotherapy is a way to find and put those lost pieces back together. It works by putting us in a relaxed state so we can explore our thoughts and memories deeply. Finding and restoring these lost parts can make us feel even more whole, powerful, and at peace.

Sound Baths: Relaxing with Sound

Sound baths use the power of different sounds to help us relax and heal. They are based on the idea that our bodies are like musical instruments, and sometimes, the notes get out of tune. Instruments like gongs and singing bowls produce particular sounds to help us feel more balanced and calm. When we listen to these sounds, it’s like giving our bodies a nice, soothing bath.

Shamanic Reiki: Combining Two Traditions

Shamanic Reiki is a mix of two powerful healing practices: Reiki and Shamanism. Reiki is all about energy, while Shamanism focuses on connecting with the spirit world. In Shamanic Reiki, practitioners use both techniques to help people heal. They channel energy while also using shamanic tools like journeying and spirit guides. This combination can help us feel more balanced, heal old wounds, and find peace.

Cacao Ceremony with Chumpi Stones: Opening Our Hearts

In some cultures, people use cacao ceremonies to connect with themselves and others. Cacao is a remarkable plant known for its ability to open our hearts and make us feel more loving and connected. During these ceremonies, people drink cacao and often use unique stones called Chumpi Stones to balance their energy. It’s a beautiful way to explore our inner feelings and find love and acceptance within ourselves.

Past Life Regression: Exploring Our Past

Past-life regression is a technique that helps us explore memories from what some believe are our past lives. It asserts that our past lives can affect how we feel and behave now. During a session, a therapist guides us into deep relaxation, where we can uncover these memories. Understanding and healing these past experiences allows us to feel more free, happy, and at peace in our current lives.

Each of these techniques offers a different way to help us feel better. By learning about them, we can decide which resonates with us and try them on our journey to feeling our best.

Bridging the Gap: Traditional Medicine and Alternative Healing

We don’t have to choose between traditional medicine and alternative therapies in the healing world – we can use both. Conventional medicine, with its proven methods and drugs, does a lot to help us with different health problems. But we’re also starting to see how alternative healing practices, like ancient remedies combined with new knowledge, can add to our overall wellness. These alternative methods look at the whole person – body, mind, and spirit – to help us feel better.

Combining these two worlds can give us the best of both. Adding energy healing techniques to what we already know can create a well-rounded approach to health care. This way, we’re not just treating symptoms but also looking at what might be causing the problems in the first place. It’s like opening the door to a new way of thinking about medicine – one that cares for the whole person and helps us feel more in control of our health.

Making Big Changes: Energy Healing and You

In the world of energy healing, we talk about making significant changes in how we feel by tapping into the power of our thoughts and feelings. It’s like taking a giant leap towards feeling better. We can think of it like in science, where tiny particles can jump from one place to another without going through the space in between – it’s called a quantum leap. Our healing journey can be like that, too – not always following a straight path but significantly improving how we feel.

When we focus our thoughts and feelings on healing, we make big jumps towards feeling better. Just like particles in science only become something when we look at them, our healing journey becomes real when we focus on it. We can make significant changes in our health and well-being by believing in our ability to heal and concentrate on it. It shows that we’re not just stuck with our problems – we can take control of our health and happiness.

Picking Your Energy Healing Helper

Choosing an energy healing practitioner is a big decision and should feel right. It’s like finding a good friend who understands and supports you. Before making a choice, learning about different methods and practitioners is essential. Check their qualifications and experience, but also trust your gut feeling. How do you feel when you talk to them? Do you feel comfortable and safe?

Remember, healing is a journey, and you should feel like an active part of it. Find someone who encourages your questions, respects your choices, and understands your unique needs. Trusting your feelings and instincts is essential to finding the right person to help you heal.

Living a Healing Lifestyle

Energy healing isn’t just about doing certain practices – it’s about how we live our lives daily. It’s about being aware of our thoughts, feelings, and bodies and how they all work together to keep us healthy. By adding mindfulness to our daily routine, eating nutritious foods, staying active, and spending time with supportive people, we can create a lifestyle that supports our healing journey.

This way of living helps to balance our energy, making it easier for us to feel grounded and centered. It’s not about reaching a destination but about following a path toward better understanding ourselves, finding balance, and feeling good inside and out.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Energy Healing

As we finish exploring energy healing, let’s remember that it’s a personal journey of growth and change. Each step we take towards healing shows how powerful we are in caring for ourselves. Having a skilled practitioner by our side can make all the difference, guiding us, supporting us, and empowering us along the way.

Individuals interested may consider attending the Journey of the Soul Retreat.

Energy Healing Treatment Resistant

What if you’ve sought out alternative methods of health care and healing and are not experiencing the healing you expected? You might be energy healing treatment resistant.

Energy healing in all its many forms focuses on energy, represents not only the energy which is the source of all life but as it encounters and integrates with the energy source(s) which is/are active within your holistic being.

We see this in our work with clients who suffer chronic pain over a long period of time. The patient may have such a strong energetic tie to the symptoms and/or pain associated with the malady, that they may not be able to even imagine having a life without it. In this case, the dis-ease has become a part of his or her very being.

Certainly, there may be many reasons for various healing blockages, and it might be as basically simple as one’s refusal to accept that healing is possible at all. This is not dissimilar to having the malady being a part of your identity, except that it is a more conscious blockage to energy healing, consciously refusing to accept healing because you believe it is not a possibility.

The power source of energetic healing is pure love energy which honors the patient above all. You cannot force energy healing on someone who is not in the receiving mode. To receive energetic healing, one must first be receptive.

Advanced energy healers are able to help determine what your blockages might be to healing, and if you are willing to do the work, these blockages may be released or removed so that true healing may commence. Kinesiology, or muscle testing, is one such method which is highly regarded by many practitioners of alternative healing modalities.

Emotional (and possibly long-hidden from one’s conscious mind) wounds and scars may also be responsible for one’s resistance to healing. The underlying emotional trauma, though not expressed openly in everyday life, can be a heavy cloak which shrouds one’s being, disallowing one who suffers from it to enjoy any of the best things this life may have to offer. All this emotional trauma may be released through the process of love’s energy healing.

In most cases,

Repressed emotional wounds are the source of disease

To think that childhood trauma, family dysfunction, fear of the unknown, stress of work or life, an overwhelming sense of unworthiness, victimization, abuse, and pent up emotions could be responsible for major disease may seem beyond belief, but nothing is more critically true.

The continued denial, covering up, pressing down, and suppressing these negative emotions builds up a growing force festering malignancy throughout the entire biological, physiological, and spiritual system that represents our existence in this reality. And your disease becomes more powerful as your ability to fight it declines and the system deteriorates at a more rapid pace.

Simple negative emotions will eventually manifest themselves by making you sick. Even if you do not speak the words and only think the negative thoughts, your immune system weakens and you are more apt to become ill or susceptible to disease.

This is why alternative treatment methods focus on treating the whole person, body, mind, and spirit.

Our modern society and the lives we live and not conducent to living a life in harmony with the energetic frequency of true love’s vibration. Only as the human being brings his or her own full being (body/mind/spirit) into alignment is one able to be fully receptive to the fullness of one’s true birthright.

Maybe it’s time for you to consider a more holistic approach to healing and if you find that you are initially energy healing treatment resistant, maybe it’s time to dig deeper to see what may be lying underneath the surface. It might be time to take a look at any deep inner work you might need to do.

Energy Healing and Modern Medicine

Early in my ministry, I had the opportunity to study with a small group of enlightened nuns who taught me how to administer energy healing in the form of “laying on of hands” to heal the sick. The sick could be any kind of dis-ease, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual.

In those early days, I used this practice with varying degrees of success. It made me wonder if I could increase my effectiveness by embracing and combining other healing modalities? This began my continued quest to seek out and understand new methods of administering energy healing.

Most people cannot wrap their heads around the idea that someone (really anyone) can plug-in to the power source of all life, all that there is (was) and ever will be, and direct this energy to heal the human body, mind and/or soul with more accuracy and efficacy than any hospital, doctor, or drug therapy.

While the medical community will do anything to discount the veracity of the claims of those who have been healed by energy healing methods, the fact remains that statistically, these energy healing methods are every bit as effective (if not more so) when compared to modern medical interventions.

Modern medicine does have a statistical advantage over emergent trauma intervention, thanks to an organizational organizational-wide emergent response system that is quite effective in our present-day society. These efforts to establish such a system should be applauded and honored.

Medical schools teach doctors to prescribe medications which are proving that while they may relieve a particular discomfort (which is highly beneficial) some pharmaceuticals might not have good long-term effects on the human body over time. This will bear itself out by reading the small print on any flyer accompanying a designer pharmaceutical drug or alternatively attempting to listen to the fast-talking announcer reading the disclosure of side effects following a drug commercial.

It makes you wonder why so many people are eager to take prescription medication with the potential of having so many side effects, some of which may include death? No problem, the drug industry responds, we have a prescription for each of those side effects as they appear (and each of those comes with its own set of side effects).

This is why you’re seeing more and more people turning to energy medicine and more natural remedies.

Long before there were patented designer drugs, there were medicine women and healers who rose up within a community. These natural healers used whatever means they had at their disposal to administer healing throughout their communities.

The requirements to be a healer were basic enough. If you healed people, you were a healer and people in the community came to you and supported your gift of healing. If you did not heal, or God forbid, if your patients died, you were forced to find a more suitable vocation.

Not so in modern medicine.

Note that most modern medicines, which may be invaluable in the saving of human life in critical situations, do not appear anywhere in nature, which makes them difficult for the body to process over time, even though they are often chemical recreations of substances found in nature which God has provided us for healing purposes.

In side-by-side comparisons, there are advantages to both energy healing and modern medicine. Except for the negative effects of long-term prescription medication usage, they both have their merits, though tapping into the life power source of the universe has many advantages over modern medicine.

Among other advantages, one is the ability to administer healing over time and space without having to be within the immediate proximity of the patient. This is referred to as distance healing.

Other huge benefits include healing of past wounds, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual all at the same time (or within a very short time), with little or no side effects.

This is why energy healing is creating competition for psychotherapy in our modern society.

Since modern medicine is promoted by the government, natural energy healing and “spiritual” interventions are disregarded as being ridiculous or practicing witchcraft and in many cases are considered illegal practices (if not practiced correctly) which are crimes against the State.

If you practice natural healing modalities, there is some concern that the government will fine you, jail you, even send you to prison for helping to heal people who come to you for help, if you can believe that.

Thankfully, for those of us who choose to seek out natural healing and energy medicines, there is no law against you doing so for yourself if you are of age. Though if you are making the decision to seek out natural healing alternatives for your minor child, there may be legal exposure to you for doing so.

All of this said, note that increasingly more progressive hospitals are inviting natural healers to frequent their campuses and integrate energy medicine with modern medicine. Why? Because patients who use a combination of medical and natural modalities recover and heal more rapidly with longer-lasting results than those who do not.

Go figure that.

So, the next time you come down with something that might need medical attention, what will you do?

Will you rush off to the doctor, or seek a form of natural medicine or energetic healing?

See David M Masters at the

Lunar Energy Healing Event
11:00 July 27th
11:00 July 28th
Oregon City, OR 97045

David will be discussing new types of energy healing with live demonstrations. Bring an open mind and heart.