Why do People Say One Thing and do Another?

It can be confusing and make you wonder, why do people say one thing and do another? You’re a reasonable person and you go through great lengths to keep your word with other people, and you would think that other people would offer you the same courtesy.

Before we delve into the psychology of it all, let’s remember that we’re all basically good people with good intentions. The problem with good intentions is that the road to hell is paved with them (so they say).

Generally, when someone tells you they’re going to do something, their intent is to actually do it, because they want to please you, to support you, and to feel they are a part of your team. Often, they are so eager to please that they agree to things they may not have thought through fully.

Life is hectic and our desire to “be there” for the people we care about often overrides the realization that things come up in life that may make it difficult to follow through with the commitments we make to our friends. Because of this, we often overextend our ability to do the things we commit to.

So, try not to take it personally when someone says one thing then doesn’t follow through. Keep in mind that their intent was to be there for you because they do care about you.

If you’re the kind of person that does whatever it takes to keep your word and maintain a high level of integrity with those who you make promises to, you know how hard it can be sometimes with the commitments you make to others. While you are to be commended for having such high standards, your expectations of even yourself may be so high that you’re impeding your own quality of life.

Maybe it’s time that you started to lighten up a bit on your own expectations of yourself. When you’re feeling overwhelmed or even panicked about fulfilling your obligations, maybe its time for you to cut yourself a little slack. Sometimes we can get so obsessed about keeping our word that it can lead to destroying your quality of life.

It’s okay to have things come up, and if you’re feeling overwhelmed, this is that greater part of you saying this might be too much for you to bear. So, cut yourself some slack, and be polite about it. Call or text the person you’ve over-committed yourself to and let them know that you might not be able to perform in the manner that you thought you could have when you told them you would do the thing you said you would do.

Once you’ve done that, you can instantly feel the sense of relief that comes from honoring yourself while still letting your friend know that your intention was to keep your word.

It is not the end of the world, just because you failed to follow through on what you said you would do on someone else’s behalf. Forgive yourself and keep moving forward, enjoying honoring yourself.

Keep that in mind the next time someone tells you that they will do something for you, and they fail to follow through. Tell yourself, “I know that things come up,” knowing that you do that, too. Forgive and bless them, because you know that you’re being flexible will be a great source of relief for the person who made you a promise that was just too stressful for them to keep.

Life is not just black and white. There are so many shades of gray in our experience and being flexible actually opens the door for new opportunities that you may have missed along the way when you’re more adaptive to change and allowing the flow of life to progress naturally.

This can be particularly difficult for you if you’ve been trained in a manner to think that life is just black-and-white. For instance, for people who have spent years in the military or a paramilitary organization, they have been trained to see things as this or that without any shades of gray.

This is an effective way to manage large groups of individuals with little or no leeway for life to flow when resources are limited, and chief objectives must be maintained with high levels of performance, but this is unnatural.

Life is flowing, not militaristic.

Of course, there are also toxic people who make it a habit to tell you they will do one thing but do another just to wreak havoc with your life. This is another thing entirely.
These are the people you need to keep at a safer distance, moving them further from your circle of friends. If they are showing you that they are unwilling or unable to do the things they say they will, then it’s on you to stop expecting them to do anything they say. Problem solved.

Release your attachment to expectation, and learn to lighten up on yourself and others.
You got this.

Keep moving and going with the flow.

Everything You Need is Inside of You

Everything you seek, everything you want for yourself, others, and the world, everything you need is inside of you to be and have whatever you desire and make your wildest dreams come true.

If you have a strong desire to occupy a certain station in life or be a certain type of person, your desires have already been manifested. The “you” that you desire to become has already appeared in all its fullness in the future.

Your desire is part of your birthright calling forth the “you” you were destined to be, the very same person you long to become. It is already done.

All the love you could possibly want exists within you right now in real time. You must look within yourself to find it. It has always been there, will always be there, in unlimited supply, and all you need to do is to tap into this vast powerhouse of love which is all-powerful, unconditional, and conquers all.

You have the power to send this purest of love energy to those to others, to those who struggle and face life’s greatest challenges. You can send love to the world, changing current circumstances, giving hope where there was none to be found, and calling forth new life in a desperate age.

All the happiness and joy you could ever want is there, waiting for you to be found and embraced, it is in every part of you, in all its fullness in any quantity you could imagine, ever present and hardwired, waiting for you to unleash it.

The peace that passes all understanding is fully activated within you. All you need to do is to let go of everything that clouds your view of it to see and feel all the purest peace that has always been there, will always be.

The prosperity and abundance which appears to elude you are already there, right now. All you need do is to remove all those thoughts and things that stand between you and all the things you want, as you embrace all your skills, abilities and gifts, allowing yourself to rise to your highest and best.

Have health concerns? Fear not. Perfect health is yours. It is all there in every cell of your body, the healthy you, waiting to come forth. You have the keys to overcoming every physiological or mental frailty, diagnosis or disease, inside of you, waiting to be released.

Looking to connect with others? You are already fully connected to all life. You are one with everything, all matter, seen and unseen, every person, place, and thing is an extension of yourself. All you have to do to realize this is true is to stop resisting and enforcing your own separation from the fullness of life. We are one.

All the attributes you desire to attain, trust, wisdom, discernment, intuition, all there inside of you waiting to be released.

Your mind is the insulator programmed to keep you from being all that you could possibly want to have or be. There is no struggle in having or being all that you desire. Those sparks of longing are all those things which you already are waiting to reveal themselves to you.

All you must do is to let go of all those things which keep you distracted from what you seek or desire, rise to the fullness of your divine nature and allow all that you desire to be, and be it will.

Your heart is the doorway to love which allows you to access all the unlimited possibilities, everything you want, everything you were destined to be and have as your birthright.

Billions of cells are causing you to want everything that is rightfully yours.

Let go of that which insulates you, your self, your ego, your programming, your beliefs, all that separates you from everything. Every “thing” is you and you are everything, exceeding your wildest expectations and dreams.

And all these possibilities in all their glory exists deep within every molecule of your body.

Stop resisting and let it be.

Let Go or Be Dragged

Thank God for saving me from a far worse fate

Sometimes you get all wrapped up in someone or something; heart, body, mind, and soul. Then when things start to go awry and its clearly time to move on, you don’t want to go. You’re not ready for the change. Maybe things aren’t the best they could be but they’re good enough, and you’re attached, deeply connected, and have a sense of safety and security even amidst all the chaos.

So you hang on.

The whole universe hints and brings you opportunities to do something different in your best interest, but you resist. Then all the powers beyond what we experience in the third dimension rally to champion for you.

God and all of creation knows there is something better waiting for you, but you don’t want to go, for a million reasons, mostly embedded in fear. You made promises. You’re dependable and exemplify truth and integrity. You feel obligated like the whole world is watching you, and you hold yourself to impossible standards because you want to be an example of doing the right thing, etc…

You persist, and God turns up the heat and all His angels champion to save you from this so that you can be ushered into your highest and best in a world that you cannot see and still you refuse to leave the toxicity and chaos.

Your life, the life as you know it, takes control of you, like a powerful addiction, and you refuse to let go, as you cannot possibly imagine life being any other way. You find ways to rationalize this is your lot in life and you succumb to the drone of everyday life defending it with every fiber of your being.

Your Guardian Angel shakes his head, thinking, “How long will it take for you to realize that life is full of changes and growth?” You’ve been fighting against yourself and all the energy and love in the world is beckoning you to change direction enough to be able to get a glimpse of what’s been waiting for you all this time.

Let Go or Be Dragged

If you continue to fight, your Guardian Angel must (if you leave your angel no other choice), will drag you, kicking and screaming, away from that station in life which is not serving you, and maybe leading you down the wrong path, even though you can’t see it at the time.

You’ve fought for your right to this struggle and now it’s come to this, your life is going to have to change and you will be forced to grow against your wishes. This will be a lengthy and painful process, but you left God no other choice.


Accepting what is, will be hard, and the grieving process will be difficult to say the least, probably one of the hardest passages you will have to endure, but you can make it. You are love. You are loved. No one will ask you endure more than you can bear.

Don’t Fight

If you haven’t learned by now, the most valuable lesson you can learn is not to fight. Do not resist the opportunities for growth and change. The less resistance, the easier it will be for you.

And when the smoke clears, you will be able to see that all this adversity allowed you to be in the right place and the right time to usher you to a better life, your best life, enabled you to make a greater contribution and make the world a better place.

And if you’re like me, you will fall to your knees and thank God,

“Thank you, God,
for ripping my heart out!”

Thank you for the misery, the heartache, the destruction, allowing me to be stripped of all my pride because if it weren’t for my being dragged to death (that’s what it felt like), I would never have been in a position to achieve my highest and best.

Now, I can see that where I was, had me headed for a far more destructive end. As painful as it was, I was saved from mediocrity, disaster, and from myself.


Thank you, Jesus, for letting me go through the fire, preparing, and purifying me for You had in store for me.

Let me not resist when You want to lead me to something better.

Love, love, and more love.


Time to Let Go of Unforgiveness

Maintaining unforgiveness in your heart anchors you to the past and prevents you from moving on in your life. Remaining in the state of unforgiveness, or holding a grudge for something in the past, promotes a negative vibration. Chronic unforgiveness can prevent you from ever experiencing true joy, while forfeiting all the good things this life is holding for you.

It takes a great deal of effort to remain focused on something that happened in the past, and if you get accustomed to remaining in this negative vibration, you solidify your victimization holding and embracing fear-based emotions of resentment, retribution, and unhappiness. After a while you can become emotionally numb, incapable of ever experiencing joy.

On the other hand, if you can find the ability to forgive someone or something that has harmed you in the past, you release all these negative connections, breaking the power of these invisible chains from causing you further pain and suffering. This leaves your heart in a permeable and open state ready to experience all the good things in life.

It’s not enough just to speak words of forgiveness, you must do the inner work of letting go to truly forgive, releasing the grip that unforgiveness has on you. This is the only way to prevent yourself from psychological deterioration due to increased levels of stress, frustration and anxiety leading to the inability to feel good about yourself. As you further isolate yourself from otherwise positive states of mind, you will find yourself feeling ashamed, lonely and falling into deeper states of depression.

Your ego insists on harboring unforgiveness and wants to seek revenge, so it will be interrupting your otherwise healthy state of mind, reminding you about this thing that happened to you in the past, and every time your mind is quickened by these thoughts, you revisit the pain associated with this event in your past.

Unforgiveness is self-destructive, reduces your immune system and promotes the erosion of your otherwise healthy physiological state. People who hold grudges are more likely to suffer negative health ramifications of unforgiveness including, but not limited to, the deterioration of brain cells, ulcers, and promotes the growth of cancer.

Unforgiveness is the cause for up to 80% of the strife and disease suffered by the majority of us. So isn’t it about time you thought about forgiving and inviting love to come into your life?

Guard your heart and mind against the negative state of unforgivness by learning to forgive and let go. And remember this: Forgiveness is not for the person who wronged you, it is not approving of their behavior or endorsing them in any way. Forgiveness is for you. You forgive them, so they no longer have control of your thoughts and declining health conditions.

Forgiveness empowers you to get back in the driver’s seat of your life.

How can I forgive the unforgiveable?

It may not be a once-and-for-all type of forgiveness for you; it may take time and a concerted effort on your part to wrap your head and heart around the idea. It is a process. But as you find ways to hone your skills of forgiveness, you will be able to actually feel the results of your letting go.

You’re holding space in your thoughts for the good things in life, the things that bring you joy and your body feels increasingly better with every passing day, because you’re casting off the negativity of unforgiveness and making room for love in your life.

To really forgive someone means you can look back on the person or incident without pain or anger. To accomplish this, you must face your fears head-on. Get to the bottom of these emotions, identifying the transgression in detail. Be brutally honest and don’t try to sugar coat it. It may be helpful to write it out in detail.

Then try to look at it from another perspective, using your imagination, see why the transgression may have made sense from a different perspective.

Seeing the transgression from another point of view, outside of yourself, will have you well positioned to forgive and let it go. As much accustomed to the guilt and pain as you have become up until this point, you realize in order to have any sense of happiness or ability to enjoy life, you must let it go.

Forgive and let it go.

Gather up your self-respect and move away from this event and find new ways to let love into your life.