You Can Stop Being My Friend

You can stop being my friend, but you can never stop being my friend. And you might ask, “What is that supposed to mean, I can stop being your friend, but never stop being your friend?” Exactly.

You can stop being my friend, but you can’t stop you from being my friend from my perspective in my world. Whoever you are, however you feel about me, if you were my friend, you were, still are, and always we be a valuable component of my life.

In fact, I would not be the person I am today, if it wasn’t for you!

Either we have remained dear friends, or not, but I will always honor and be connected to you, and grateful for what I learned from our shared experience(s).

You might think that some tragic episodic experience irrevocably tore us apart, and that’s okay. I honor your point of view, and support your need to separate and create your own space without me in it. No problem. I got you. Or don’t, whatever you want.

Even if our friendship was interrupted by a tragic event, or if you forced me to endure a hugely undesirable experience or phase in life, I still love you.

I think it’s because I love myself, and I am so good with who I am. I love the me that I’ve become, and to tell you the truth, I could have become the person that I am today, if not for you.

I am so grateful for everything that you have brought into my awareness and your fostering my personal growth and expansion.

I’m not saying that I haven’t had my “moments.” Those periods in time when I might have thought you disrespected me, mistreated me, or blamed you for making me feel bad.

I realize, now, that even in those moments, you were a blessing to me because I am able to see the big picture and the part that you played, and I am eternally grateful for you stepping up to play that part.

If you may have harmed me, either intentionally or unintentionally, you might be thinking that I am hoping that you will ask for forgiveness; not so. There is nothing to forgive, only my genuine appreciation for everything that we endured together.

This is me loving you, everything you did, everything you were, everything you are, and everything you will be, everything we went through, and whatever that means for us now, I remain blessed.

I often think of you fondly, and I will continue to hope that your life is blessed. I pray that all the things you ever wanted in this life are coming to you and that you are happy with every detail of your life as well.

You are so amazing, and you deserve the best this life has to offer.

Thank you again, so much, for everything.

You will always be my friend.

Sending love to you and yours,

-David M Masters

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