Heart Conscious Kids Can Change the World

Children are our future and heart conscious kids can change the world if we empower them and give them the chance to become massive contributors, achieve their highest and best and embrace their special gifts and abilities thereby making the world a better place.

The best place to start to empower kids is to get them connected to their hearts. They were born with this natural connection, but it rapidly erodes as they are prepared for real life. The earlier this connection is reestablished in humans, the easier it is because the longer this connection is severed the more difficult it is to reconnect.

Logic would dictate the earlier this reconnection takes place, the more impact can have on the world for there is more remainder of life to exercise one’s gifts and abilities powered by this heart-connection.

What are the attributes of kids who are heart-connected?

The me-me-me and “mine” fade away as they are less selfish, more apt to share, be polite, and kind.

In middle-class society more emphasis is placed on academics than this heart-connection. It would not take much of a shift to reverse this order of importance, but it must start with us first. We, the parents, the teachers, the childcare providers, rule makers, law enforcement, and influencers, like artists, musicians, actors, and actresses, need to start stressing the value of being connected to one’s heart center to empower one’s innate gifts and special abilities.

Our society then could convert to rewarding good behavior and providing opportunities for loving those who are hurting and acting out inappropriately, for love and heart-connection changes everything.

Bullying would fall to the wayside as the cycle of victimization would no longer be sustainable in a heart-centered world. When the bully strikes out and is responded to with loving kindness, the bully is disempowered. And if said bully could allow love to permeate the self-defense mechanism which strikes out at others, healing and transformation begin.

Four-year-olds are by far the most inquisitive as they are starting to get an idea about the life that is going on all around them. This is the perfect fulcrum-point in a child’s life. It is the dividing point determining whether they will go this way or that way.

Being mindful about how you answer questions asked by a four-year-old makes all the difference in that child’s future.

Heart-centered conscious kids are naturally concerned about our environment, they are thinking about how our waste affects the planet, easily adapt to repurposing and recycling. They are naturally interested in growing plants and flowers and learning about the environment as they seek to actively interact with and support it.

As they outgrow toys and clothes, they naturally seek ways to share them and bless those who are less fortunate, other kids who would be thrilled with those things which are no longer used or useful.

Heart conscious kids are fascinated with the idea of repurposing something old into something new by applying a bit of imagination, creativity, as well as various arts and crafts to give it new life.

Heart conscious kids love to volunteer. They are always on the lookout for different ways they can contribute or help others in need. They feel good about themselves, their life, and the world by participating in opportunities to give of their time, especially if it involves their special gifts and abilities.

Heart conscious kids want to make the world a better place. They are concerned about things that are affecting their lives, such as COVID-19. Depending on their age, they are diligently working toward a cure for the coronavirus with their science sets, or they are raising money to contribute to those who are doing the heavy lifting or are on the front lines every day.

You may find them with anything from lemonade stands or doing odd jobs and giving the proceeds to those in need. They are indirectly housing the homeless and feeding those who don’t know where their next meal is coming from.

It’s not uncommon for a heart conscious kid to give proceeds from their birthday or some other holiday event in support of some worthy cause or organization whose efforts they resonate with.

These are our heart conscious kids, out there, having an impact on the world and making it a better place.