You Are a Mentor

More often than not, when I am working with a client who is an excellent match to me and my work, they end up being attracted to and thriving as a mentor helping others. You might be surprised to find that you are a mentor as well.

My clients and friends have gone through challenging circumstances and once they learn how to deal with their issues, extracting and embracing the hidden treasures in their life experiences and overcoming obstacles that may have otherwise thrown them off track, they discover are heroes.

They embrace the idea of being the hero of their own story. Once they are empowered to take control of the writing instrument, they are able to write and rewrite their story as necessary to ensure a magnificent story is unfolding. They understand what a blessing it is to be playing the leading role in the story of their life.

They may (most certainly do) write a book, create a support group, start a consulting or brick and mortar business and/or offer their expertise in the areas that others are facing as tragic challenges in their lives. These stories of successfully maneuvering life’s greatest challenges and thriving on the other side of despair give others great hope and inspiration to those struggling with similar issues and circumstances.

In this manner those most tragic and desperate moments are transformed from the darkest night to the most precious treasure, maybe even the brightest beacon of light emanating from your heart. You become the lighthouse, lighting the way for others to successfully navigate life’s most treacherous waters.

It is common for my clients and friends to feel a tug on their hearts to reach out in support of others who are struggling with the same issues they once faced and thought were insurmountable. In their darkest moments, many of these people contemplated (and some attempted) taking their own lives. Why suicide? Because in that moment they felt like the permanent sleep might be the only way to end the pain they were experiencing at the time. Thank God, they held on long enough to push through.

Just as you know in your heart of hearts there are others out there struggling in the same way and no one knows better than you do that there is hope and an incredibly satisfying life waiting just on the other side. How could you not reach out and help others, after overcoming and enjoying the light of new life with a renewed vigor, enthusiastic joy and happiness?

There is a sense that mentoring others is a calling, and answering the call makes sense of all the madness and suffering by helping those less fortunate. You know whereof you speak when you utter the words, “I know what it’s like.”

Either we come to this earth with an innate set of skills, abilities and message to share (song to sing) or life prepares us for what will be our greatest work. Either way, the wisdom and ability to share and serve the greater community along with all the necessary tools and other help that you may need to fully embrace this work will come to you in the right time as you take the steps necessary to achieve your highest and best.

Self-doubt immediately will rear its ugly head and try to dissuade you from embracing your calling but you’re not falling for it – not this time. And, as you do reach out to help others, you receive additional benefits of growth and healing by answering the higher calling.

As a mentor, the structure of the mentor/protégé relationship is less strict and more personal than a formal tutor or school-based classroom educational learning environment. This is a highly customized intimate learning process where both the mentor and the protégé (mentee) learn from each other as they continue to grow in their field(s) of study.

Interested in becoming a mentor?

Stay tuned for more information, or drop me a line.