When Do You Get Programmed?

They only have 21-years to turn you into the person they want you to be. The programming starts from the day your born and continues throughout whatever age they can fully monetize. So, when do you get programmed and how?

Proctor and Gamble know that they must capture the mind of consumers as early as possible. They must develop brand recognition and connect with the child during the parental imprint years. “If you don’t have them by age six,” it will be much more expensive to convert them to your branding later in life. This is their “cradle to grave” philosophy.

The corporations who dictate human behavior own and use media and technology to program the minds of contemporary humanity: You. They have been programming you since you were born, and they’ve programmed society, your parents, siblings, friends, teachers, and pretty much everyone else to enforce their control tactics.

The systems have developed over time, engineering how schools educate and program, to news, music, and video, and they do have you from the cradle, certainly by six years old ‘til the day you die, and they can no longer profit from you.

The social engineers, the ones who have placed these social control mechanisms into place, use an enormous number of varied methods to assist the government in controlling the minds of the people (specifically, you), making them (you) more easily manageable, and to amass enormous profit potential.


They use any media possible and have hypnotized your parents (or caregivers) into doing their bidding during the imprinting years from birth to age seven.


By the time you’ve reached age seven, they’ve preprogrammed your siblings, friends, teachers, and see to it that you have created a psychic bond to a character (either real or fictitious) who will in a sense be your “hero.” You may have multiple heroes with whom you will identify, all the better for their efforts to program and control your mind.


Throughout your young adult years, ages 14 to 21, they are exercising their greatest efforts in the fight to solidify the intricacies of your most intimate relationships. These are the years they break down familial relationships, cement your belief systems, and demand your independence (and your dependence on the government and consumerism).

This is the time they dictate how you will feel about certain things, what your social relationships will look like, determine what is valuable to you and what is not, in a last-ditch effort to forever monetize you as a faithful servant and consumer.

We have Massey to thank for delineating the Development Periods timeline, making it easier for us (them) to understand when we are best programmed, manipulated and how.

Now that you know how you have been brainwashed, controlled, and profited from your whole life, what will you do about it?

Good question.

Will you choose to continue to be a subservient money machine, or will you exercise true liberty and independence, exiting the socially engineered steel cage trap which has placed inside your mind and body?

While your mind can be programmed by society, there exists a part of you which cannot be touched by all their effort to control your mind. It is the highest part of you, your soul and spirit which resides in the area of your heart.

As you may know, those in charge of controlling everything about you know about this part of you, and they are doing everything they can to suppress this part of you or kill it, because they know this divine spark which lives within you can thwart all their efforts to control you in a heartbeat.

If you are recognizing your victimization for profit for the first time, and you are somewhat shocked by the realization of it, then you are having a moment of clarity, which is part of the process of your awakening.

You will start to notice things going on all around you which you were previously blind to.

As those of us awaken, if we cannot solve the predicament of social programming for the world, we can start with ourselves, our family, our home.

If you have children, you should at least be as aware as Proctor and Gamble, who know

If you haven’t got them by six-years-old, you’ve lost them.

People Click on the Darndest Things

While the Internet is one of the most amazing gifts of all time thanks to Tim Berners-Lee’s benevolent act of publicly releasing and not patenting his World Wide Web creation in 1989, which has grown virally since then giving us instant access to nearly unlimited data from around the world, it is proliferated with false information.

It’s a tough balance to maintain between data collection and free speech. We all agree (well, some of us) that someone should be able to think or say anything they want. Many of us use the Internet as a resource to access factual data, even events happening in real time that is not (could not have been, or might have been suppressed) by the media.

people click on the darndest thingsPeople Click on the Darndest Things

False Information Internet Narcissists (FIIN) stalk the World Wide Web scouring it to glean headlines, quotes taken out of context, and create photoshopped images to appease their addiction to obsessive click counting which send their dopamine system into orbit.

The quest for creating anything that “goes viral” on the Internet drives many non-malicious, twisted, thrill-seeking web surfers to create false information for the dopamine rush it provides (and maybe their 15 minutes of fame).

If you’ve ever posted something on Facebook that’s received a massive response, you know what the Internet-fueled hit of dopamine feels like. It’s a great high that makes you feel good, and it’s quite addictive. It’s what keeps us glued to our devices and clicking endlessly throughout our lives.

Not all of the fake news found on the Internet is spread in folly, some of it is posted and shared to manipulate the minds of Web-surfers. Before the present millennium, television, radio and newspapers were the media used to program and sway the minds of people to generate a particular mass mentality, and to separate us into manageable groups of polarized thinkers.

Now, the Internet provides us with a more effective access to each individual regardless of age. The programming starts as soon as a toddler is able to hold a device, and we all fall into line as it nearly becomes a demand that all individuals have access to a device connected to the Internet (though now, it is only a right, not a demand).

There are plenty of initiators of bad information with the malicious intent of controlling your thoughts or actions, as well as some who possess the well-meaning intent to sway the thoughts of others to align with their own perceptions and/or conclusions without malice.

When you are accessing information on the Internet, and you read something that seems quite fantastic, you might be better off doing a little fact-checking before joining the viral wave of fake news promoters.

We all do it. I even caught myself sharing a bit of falsified information because it was forwarded to me by a trusted friend. Because it was written in the first-person, I assumed it was written by my friend, whom I respected, and the message included a sincere request for me to share it on his behalf. (Which I’m embarrassed to admit, I did, without checking first.)

You cannot stop the spread of false information, but you can refuse to be party to its impact. Taking a few moments to do a little fact-checking before you re-post something can go a long way in slowing the spread of fake news.

All that Internet drama takes a toll on your physiology, causing cellular deterioration which can cause health decline for 8 hours following the emotional impact of a false news report.

Guarding your heart and your mind against getting sucked into a false media campaign will help you live a healthier, happier and longer life.