Seeing Your Highest and Best Potential

You may not be able to see it, but for those of us who work with others, to assist them on their journey to achieve their full potential, sometimes we are given a gift of visionary insight when we are actually seeing your highest and best potential fully realized.


You may or may not be able to imagine, visualize, or see it, but for those of us doing this work, we are either given glimpses of it of can see it fully in fine detail.

This can be confusing because it just doesn’t only happen with clients, as I have seen the full potential in complete strangers. Some of them have been so powerful that I couldn’t help myself. I would open a conversation and talk about some of the details which might lead to the unfolding of their potential magnificence.

In general, you cannot communicate with someone’s potential, only their condition.

On occasion, these strangers are appalled that anyone could see any such potential in them at all. They are far from what lies ahead for them, and they cannot imagine anything that incredible coming from their living a life as simple, and painful as the life they are living in the moment.

There is so much trauma from the past and victimization. They’ve been ignored or berated, been abused, and disrespected, and they’re at a place where they feel little more than unworthiness and or looming depressions (if not fully engulfed in it).

Yet, I know I am not mistaken. The question is, will this person rise to the occasion or will they let “society,” or their lack of self-esteem, keep them from breaking away from life’s whirlpool which is dragging them in the opposite direction.

Even though I know it is not time, I might extend an offer to help them, as if to throw them a lifeline even though their caught in the overwhelming current of life. If the timing is not right (and I know it’s not) they will think they are in the presence of a crazy person.

In a few years, possibly many years, they will look back to this awkward conversation and think, “How’d he know?” Or, based on their not seizing the opportunities when they became available, they might think, “What a crackpot!”

When I am in the flow of helping someone achieve their highest and best, I may have them well in advance to their being ready to take certain steps necessary to bridge the gap from their being in the now to where they want to be, or to help find their way for what is already waiting for them to arrive.

In a sense, they are unable to see the forest for there are too many trees in the way.

These journeys, or unfoldings, don’t usually happen instantly (though on the rare occasion they do). There is normally a series of processes which must be experienced by the person inspired to do the work necessary to achieve their highest and best.

In most cases, personal or spiritual growth and change are necessary for the transformation, a sort of metamorphosis to have the tools necessary and to be the person who is ready to walk through the doo confidently when it begins to open for you.

When your calling is fervently calling you forward, you might find yourself at the doorway, unprepared, and not fully able to fully engage in the opportunity at the time. The door closes, but do not be dismayed, because another door will open.

And in that magical moment, when you and the opportunity are in alignment, we all will be seeing your highest and best potential being realized in massive ways.

Will you be seeing your highest and best potential in your mind’s eye or take an active role in it’s unfolding? Well, that’s up to you, isn’t it?

Thought is Precognition

I thought I should share this principle with you. Since I had the thought, the information immediately became available to anyone with the ability to consider the same thought and this thought would persist and grow until someone had the nerve to share it. So share it I shall. Here goes:

thought is precgnition you can see the future

When you have a thought, the thought becomes reality. Maybe not in the exact moment that you have the thought, but at some place in time and space the thought that you just experienced is, was or will be realized in the universe.

A frightening thought, you might think, to have this kind of power. Is it possible that anyone could possess such power? Not only do some people have this power, but all of us have this power.

For example, if you have the thought that you would like to own a new Mercedes Benz. Just the thought of your Mercedes Benz has caused it to be available for you in the moment that you experienced the thought.

There is often a gap between you and your Mercedes. It could look like this:

Me – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Mercedes

There exists between you and your Mercedes any number of obstacles that stand between you and your new vehicle.

As you do the work of removing whatever stands between you and your vision (there are many ways to conduct this work we can talk about later), your ultimate goal draws more near to you.

Me – – – – – – – – – Mercedes

As you close the gap between you and what you want it gets closer to you.

What happens if you have the thought about your new Mercedes and do no work to bring it into your reality?

Since your thought made the Mercedes available, your Mercedes will go to someone else.

Me – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Mercedes – – Someone Else

If someone gets to your Mercedes before you do, not to fret. You can simply think of a different one and start the process again. Maybe by this time you’d rather have a Maserati.

Take a look at the well-known example of Thomas Edison’s light bulb.

Edision – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Light Bulb

Edison (and others) had the thought of a self-contained lighting device that did not use the conventional flame technology available at the time. The light bulb at the moment of thought became reality in time and space.

Edison went about the work of closing the gap between the thought of the lighting instrument (which seemed to be impossible at the time) and realizing it in present time and space.

Edision – – – – – – – – – – Light Bulb

While he was doing the work (and his staff of lab technicians), other people were also doing the work.

Edision – – – Light Bulb – – – Someone Else

Due to Edision’s tenacity, he realized the light bulb before anyone else.

Edision = Light Bulb – – – Someone Else

Leaving someone else to find an alternative thought (or continue to create an alternative light bulb).

If you’ve followed me this far, you can see that thought – if you are open to it – can be precognitive. Thomas Edison had the vision of the light bulb, saw the future of its being realized, and saw it come to pass. He saw – and predicted – the future.

Not much different than the imagination of Gene Roddenberry who created a wildly fantastic science fiction fantasy called Star Trek; many of his ideas – impossiblecrazy – when he had the thoughts. Today, they are showing up all around us.

Does that mean, if I have a thought about my spouse having an affair, that it actually becomes reality?

Think of it like this:

Let’s say that you have gone to see a fortune teller who can see the future with 100% accuracy. The fortune teller sees your spouse having an intimate encounter with someone who is not you. This is the unrealized future.

Armed with this knowledge, what will you do about it?

You have the ability to affect the future, to prevent it from occurring, eliminating (or decreasing) the affect the act will have on you or change it altogether. Knowing the future is an awesome ability and what you do with the information puts you in control of your future.

You are psychic. When you have a thought, it becomes real – if it’s an undesirable future event, you have time and space to change the outcome or create new possibilities.

What are your thoughts?