Limiting Unlimited Possibilities

By limiting your belief system, you prevent your mind from having access to all the limitless possibilities which exist all around us both seen and unseen.

Unless you only believe in unlimited possibilities amidst a vast universe, chances are you possess (as we all do) limiting beliefs. A limiting belief is a structure of thought which precludes any other possibilities. Yet you live in a world of unlimited possibilities. By sealing the confines of your mind safely within the box of a limited belief, little else is possible to, or accessible by, you outside the box.

On a basic level, let’s take a look at some basic limiting beliefs, like,

“I’m not good enough,”

This is a statement which substantiates your unworthiness to be a recipient of all the best things in life waiting to show themselves to you in a real, meaningful way. All these things are eager to be revealed to you, but your limiting belief excludes their possibilities from your experience, and so it is.

There are many variations of the not good enough limitation, including (but not limited to) being unlovable, bored, ugly, stupid, worthless, abnormal, undeserving, or a bad person, to name a few. And what you believe is definitively true for you. This not only becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy, it becomes your reality. For you, no possibilities exist outside the box of your limiting belief.

Fortunately, there is a very simple mind hack you can use to allow the existence of infinite possibility. It may take a minute for you to open your mind to it, but with a little effort you can accomplish such a feat.

Leading edge scientists are notorious for box-like thinking. They make a discovery and build a box around their idea and say, “this is truth.” Only science doesn’t stop there, it keeps going, digging deeper and deeper, until the box which once represented truth is proven to be nothing more than a step in the right direction but only a limiting belief.

For highly motivated expanding scientists, they do not see the latest discovery as definitive, only a hint that there is much more to be found on the other side of it. These are the ground-breaking discoverers of new ideas, new possibilities, new realities, because they refuse to be limited by limiting statements of facts. Facts which should always be subjected to new perspectives, experimentation, and testing, drilling down to deeper levels of understanding.

With all this scientific exploration, scientists end up looking at the universe through new eyes as they end up looking straight into the vastness of all that is. It is not uncommon for a scientist to say something like, “We’ve become so knowledgeable about so much, that we’ve discovered we don’t know anything.” Or, more correctly, “We can’t know anything,” in its fullness. Anything that can be known is only a hint of what is possible.

So, it is with your limiting beliefs. Sure, there is safety in the box for ignorance is bliss. It’s easier to say all those things outside the box don’t exist, than to deal with the thought of their possibilities.

If you are unworthy of being loved, then true love will be unable to become a part of your reality. A part of you rationalizes this as safety for if you do not have love, you will not be vulnerable enough to be exposed or hurt. Thus, the need for the constraints of your limiting belief because the idea of infinite possibility in love, or any other subject matter, is just too chaotic and potentially dangerous.

That does not mean that other possibilities don’t exist outside your world.
You are given glimpses of other possibilities, which if entertained even briefly, would make you think there may be other possibilities besides those beliefs to which you’ve confined yourself to.

You may feel as though love is not a possibility for you, and so it is not. But every once and a while you witness a couple in a true love relationship. Even for the briefest moment, you consider the possibilities which exist outside the box of your limiting beliefs.

As much as we might believe that we (humanity as recorded by the history we believe to be true) are the only inhabitants of this planet, regularly archeologists uncover the remains of civilizations which existed long before our arrival.

Regardless of what you believe, there exist infinite possibilities beyond whatever you think. Or not.

Seeing Your Highest and Best Potential

You may not be able to see it, but for those of us who work with others, to assist them on their journey to achieve their full potential, sometimes we are given a gift of visionary insight when we are actually seeing your highest and best potential fully realized.


You may or may not be able to imagine, visualize, or see it, but for those of us doing this work, we are either given glimpses of it of can see it fully in fine detail.

This can be confusing because it just doesn’t only happen with clients, as I have seen the full potential in complete strangers. Some of them have been so powerful that I couldn’t help myself. I would open a conversation and talk about some of the details which might lead to the unfolding of their potential magnificence.

In general, you cannot communicate with someone’s potential, only their condition.

On occasion, these strangers are appalled that anyone could see any such potential in them at all. They are far from what lies ahead for them, and they cannot imagine anything that incredible coming from their living a life as simple, and painful as the life they are living in the moment.

There is so much trauma from the past and victimization. They’ve been ignored or berated, been abused, and disrespected, and they’re at a place where they feel little more than unworthiness and or looming depressions (if not fully engulfed in it).

Yet, I know I am not mistaken. The question is, will this person rise to the occasion or will they let “society,” or their lack of self-esteem, keep them from breaking away from life’s whirlpool which is dragging them in the opposite direction.

Even though I know it is not time, I might extend an offer to help them, as if to throw them a lifeline even though their caught in the overwhelming current of life. If the timing is not right (and I know it’s not) they will think they are in the presence of a crazy person.

In a few years, possibly many years, they will look back to this awkward conversation and think, “How’d he know?” Or, based on their not seizing the opportunities when they became available, they might think, “What a crackpot!”

When I am in the flow of helping someone achieve their highest and best, I may have them well in advance to their being ready to take certain steps necessary to bridge the gap from their being in the now to where they want to be, or to help find their way for what is already waiting for them to arrive.

In a sense, they are unable to see the forest for there are too many trees in the way.

These journeys, or unfoldings, don’t usually happen instantly (though on the rare occasion they do). There is normally a series of processes which must be experienced by the person inspired to do the work necessary to achieve their highest and best.

In most cases, personal or spiritual growth and change are necessary for the transformation, a sort of metamorphosis to have the tools necessary and to be the person who is ready to walk through the doo confidently when it begins to open for you.

When your calling is fervently calling you forward, you might find yourself at the doorway, unprepared, and not fully able to fully engage in the opportunity at the time. The door closes, but do not be dismayed, because another door will open.

And in that magical moment, when you and the opportunity are in alignment, we all will be seeing your highest and best potential being realized in massive ways.

Will you be seeing your highest and best potential in your mind’s eye or take an active role in it’s unfolding? Well, that’s up to you, isn’t it?

Your Highest and Best Potential

You have much more potential power than you can possibly imagine unless you are very highly evolved, know, and are in the process of having and being it all. Most of us, mere mortals, are just doing the best we can with what we have, but you could choose to have and be so much more.

Have you reached your true potential? Do you know what your highest and best potential is?

When you start to think about the possibilities which lay ahead of you, different things begin to appear to your consciousness. These are all true potentialities. Your heart brings awareness to your mind’s eye all the desires which you are fully entitled to.

It’s easy to get distracted by the day-to-day details of life and the just-getting-by of it all. It leaves little available bandwidth for imagining a better life for yourself. (And this is no accident. “Society” wants you to remain small, just being a cog in the machine.) I mean, if you’re well over basic survival, what more is there to want for? And if you did want more out of life, there just is no time to consider some legal way to obtain the things you want.

You are the key that unlocks the fullness of your potential in this life.

If you look at the regrets of the aged, what bubbles to the top is the realization that it was they, themselves, that let them down, even though throughout their lives they tried to blame anyone and anything for not achieving their highest and best, in retrospect hindsight is 20/20.

They come to the awareness and accept the responsibility for not living a better life because as they’ve aged they can look back and see that they could have made different choices or taken more inspired action.

These regrets can pile up emotionally and cause disappointment, conflict, and stress to the aging individual leading to their rapid deterioration of health and wellness unless they find proactive ways to fill the void.

If we could learn any lesson from our elders it would be to heed the warning that is echoed in their distress caused over missed opportunities or chances not taken that could have led to a far better life for themselves, their families, their community, and potentially the world at large.

You should have a growing notion that you could live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place.

Faced with this awareness, you can start to make better choices and take inspired action to move you closer to achieving your highest and best, especially if you live in a relatively free society, like we enjoy in the United States, where you have the ability to make choices and take action independently (within the confines of the law of the land).

It can be very helpful for you to start to get in touch with what the potential of your highest and best might entail.

Every tale of success or rags-to-riches story has a base theme where the hero has an inner knowing that he or she was called forth to do something great, something counter-intuitive to the person he or she would have expected based on his or her life up to this point.

There comes the point in time when inspiration meets inspired action. This is that pivotal point in life when the individual faces their fate and jumps in, all in, pushing aside all fear and does whatever it takes to make it happen.

Once you have an idea of what your highest and best consists of, you will be miles ahead in your path to your best life.

You will discover everything in your life has played an integral part in what comprises your calling. Your highest and best is a unique combination of your genetics, your past (both painfully tragic and magically magnificent), how you were raised as a child, what you have learned since then, the body you’ve been blessed with, your unique talents, gifts, and abilities.

You are divinely qualified for your special purpose in this life.

To uncover your divine potential, document your personal inventory. Take a moment and answer these questions…

What have people told you, you’re good at?
What are your gifts, talents, and special abilities?
What are your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats?*
What are your highly-held beliefs?
What inspires you to want to change something or to make a difference?
What do you love more than anything?
What are your deepest desires (your secret wish)?
What would make you feel the most at peace?
What activity can you engage in where time just seems to fly by?
What profession might you like so much that you would do it without getting paid?

Answering these, and other similar, questions can provide you with clues or a specific roadmap leading straight to your highest and best.

* See your Personal SWOT Analysis

5 Questions to Ask Yourself

When you start embracing your life’s purpose, moving in alignment with your mission, sharing your message with passion, you start small. There’s a good chance you’ve already been doing the work you’ve been called to do. God is like that.

God will put you in situations where you can recognize and exercise your special gifts and abilities which are all a part of your unique and individual calling. Ask yourself these 5 questions:

5 Questions to Ask Yourself

1. Do you feel like you just don’t fit in?

If you’re feeling like you just don’t fit in with the rest of society, it is likely that you are marching to a different drummer because you are called to a special purpose with a unique counter-culture message and mission.

No matter how hard you try to cover it up, play nice, and blend in with your peers, something inside you knows this is not the life you came here to live. There is something more. So much more, and it is calling you out.

Sure, you can push it down and cover it up, just like you have in the past, and don’t worry about it too much because God still wants to accomplish this thing, and if you refuse to embrace your calling, God will find someone else. Your right to choose is always honored. You are blessed for all your decisions, and never judged.

2. Are certain people with similar problems drawn to you for support?

If you are seeing a distinct pattern in the types of people with particular problems drawn to you, that’s like the Cosmic Director shining a spotlight on you, and sometimes you get the idea of this being your calling, other times not so much.


Mostly because you second guess yourself, feel inadequate or let that inner voice do whatever it can to talk you out of it. You’ll find some reason that you’re not good or worthy enough to accomplish the work you are being called to.

Yet, all the while, you are still attracting these people to you (who while they come to you for advice, they do not honor you fully for your gift and abilities because you haven’t fully embraced them).

3. Do you find yourself in recurring problematic scenarios?

You may be a problem-solver with world-transforming potential but resign yourself to just being good at your job, or lucky when you step into uncomfortable situations which resolve positively.

You just accept your ability but humbly downplay your potential impact for the greater good because you lack self-confidence or are shy.

Or maybe you find yourself in these situations but refuse to do the work of learning to move through these challenges for your own benefit, as well as being able to help others to do likewise. If this is your choice, it is like that you will continue to find yourself in these circumstances, until you do.

You are potentially a game-changer, not just for your local community but the world at large.

4. Are there things happening in the world that upset you more than others?

You may have been called to be a warrior or champion, standing up for the rights of others, or defending those who are unable to defend themselves.

5. Do you see things differently from other people?

Those whose things differently from their peers are the visionaries, the people who have been called to challenge our belief systems, to break us free from the societal trance the rest of us have fallen victim to,

Again, you let the doubts of your insecurities keep you from moving forward.

Yet, all these types of people who struggle with this inner conflict are drawn to me. This is my calling.

Maybe it’s time for you to come out of the shadows and embrace the life you were blessed to be called to.

I have a gift which allows me to see glimpses of you at your highest and best, and I am unlikely to let you know what I see because to do so would only break your heart if you continue to stand in your own way, preventing you from embracing all you were meant to be, enjoy, live your best life and make the world a better place.

On the other hand, if you are ready to go, and give it all you’ve got, I will be there with you every step of the way.

Don’t Settle for Mediocrity

If you really want to live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place, you’re going to have stop settling for less than your very best. Mediocrity sucks the life out of your highest potential. Bold determination, dedication and persistence, even when you don’t feel like it, wins the race to achieve your highest and best.

This is the difference between those who live the best lives, and those who settle for what they can get from life.

If you are confronted with a roadblock or obstacle in life, do you turn away, feeling rejected, unworthy, or consider yourself a victim of the system, resigning yourself to utter those “woe is me” lines, “I guess that’s just the way it is.” Do you approach a volunteer project, or any potentially explosive undertaking, by eeking out your bare minimum effort because you just want to get the job done so you can go off to do something else?

If you’re not pushing through, or giving everything you have in everything you do, and laying to waste what you might even have considered to be your limits to achieve new levels of ability and competency you didn’t even know you had, you’re settling for less than your very best.

Oh sure, everyone says, “I want to live a better life,” and, “I want to make the world a better place.” They might even dare to utter the words, “I’d like to have the best things this life has to offer,” but fail to do the work, to take the action to make their life different, it will remain the same, day after day, until the day they die. And that’s okay, because that’s what keeps the sociologically powered money machine running.

Most of us are just eating, working, consuming, sleeping and keeping ourselves so busy participating in distractions and doing nothing meaningful, leading us nowhere and leaving nothing behind.

Is that the life you want to live? Okay. It’s not bad. But if there’s something inside of you that longs for something better then you have to stop. Stop settling for mundane mediocrity and make a stand against just being another sheep in the herd, and do something about it.

Is it scary? Yes. Will it take pushing back when people expect you to just do what you’re told and nothing more? Yes. Will it make you stick out from the other sheep? Yes. And if the other sheep don’t like it, “too ba-a-a-a-d.”

In order to even consider living a different kind of life, a higher level of living, you must want a better life, and the more you want it, the more likely it will be better. You have to have a reason to make your life better that is so profound and meaningful that you will continue to break through the barriers that stand between where you were and where you want to be, no matter what obstacles you are presented with.

Oh, it’s happened to all of us. God gave you an idea an inspiration, a burning desire to do something or to reach out and help others, and you waited, second-guessed yourself, let someone whisper into your ear (probably yourself) about how you’re not good enough, not rich enough, not smart enough, not pretty enough, not healthy enough… on and on, until you’re so knotted up, you couldn’t do anything if you tried.

So, you had been given the vision, the keys, all you had to do was to push through and do the work, but you didn’t, and God gave that idea to someone else. And you saw your gift come brought to fruition by someone else because you didn’t embrace the gift you were given.

Your idea was given to someone who refused the knots, pushed through the barriers and wouldn’t take no for an answer. He or she kept knocking on doors, putting his-or-her-self out there, in difficult situations, every day proclaiming their message until their seed found fertile ground. They were dedicated and committed enough to endure countless objections and thousand of no’s, or “that won’t works,” in order to get to that one, “let’s give it a try.”

People who make it, aren’t just given “it” on a silver platter, they aren’t the lucky ones; they “make it.” With blood, sweat and tears, in the face of any and all fears they might face, they persist. These are the people that make it and they make it, by the sweat of their brow with their own two hands, and nothing can stand in their way.

Oh, they may hit that one big setback, that knocks them off their feet, but they don’t give up. They don’t give up, turn away and walk home in tears. No. They get up, wipe their tears, take a deep breath, and keep going, because for them, there is no going back.

Now, they’re smart about it, they learn on the way. Even if they start out awkwardly all alone they get better, they hone their skills and gather a support system along the way.

Sometimes it takes a village to make a thing so, but it starts with the one. One with an idea, a dream, a message, or a mission… Someone special. Someone who is not going to settle for second best, someone like you, who can see this through to its incredible conclusion.

It’s going to take steadfast nerve, some strategy, assembling a team along the way, and doing the work that needs to be done, making progress every day, whether you like it or not.

Are you going to shy away? Or are ready to do this thing now?

Then do this thing.

Do it with everything you’ve got.

You got this.