Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare

Hand to Hand Combat with the Devil

Having come from a traditional Christian ministerial background, I have an enormous foundation in dealing with spiritual warfare and helping others in their victory when engaged in hand to hand combat with the devil.

Years in spiritual coaching has landed me in the unfamiliar territory of an ever-expanding spiritual landscape. Alternatively, enlightenment and expansion led me to even more unfamiliar territory in comparison to the days of the me=versus-the-devil days of yore.

And what I’ve found is that disarming the devil is far more effective than battling the forces of satan, although I find that it was much easier to help individuals overcome their challenges, if they could be attributed to the devil. I still encounter and help individuals in conflict with the dark side, and its quick work when you can focus on a target of your misery outside yourself.

The trouble comes when you’re living a life free of the devil.


You may ask, how can you live life without the dark side?

It’s really as simple as removing all power from the devil that he has over you. You know where his power comes from? You’re probably, like, “Sure, from God.” Okay, let’s say God gave the devil free reign over this earth (the third dimension, as we know it), alright, I’ll give you that much. But his power over you does not come from God. It comes from you.

If you can suspend disbelief long enough to consider that the devil has no power, except that which you bestow upon him yourself, an amazing shift takes place; You have all the power within you and you have the ability to completely disarm the devil if you choose to. It all comes down to you and your choice to empower the devil, or not.

This is a serious re-frame, and if the potential exists to get from here to there, then it is possible to conceive you walking side by side, visiting while walking alongside satan down the boardwalk without hesitation or fear because he has no power over you at all.

From where you are, right now, this may seem like quite a leap, but you can reason how empowering it would be for you to remove any power that darkness may have over you. It takes all the battle out of spiritual warfare. What, then, are you left with?

You are left with light; and your energies are best focused on promoting the light, for there is no longer darkness to battle against. But there is a slippery slope; you must remain locked into the light, for if your attention is distracted by darkness, there you are, face-to-face with the devil.

That’s the trick. Are you going to fall for it next time it happens? If you do, you feel an irresistible urge to fight against what you hate, and you engage in the spiritual warfare to fight a battle that would not exist if you weren’t vulnerable to the threat.

Think about it, when you’re exhausted from fighting the fight and you turn to your pastor, preacher, priest, rabbi, guru or spiritual leader, what do they say? Stop. Stop fighting and focus on your Higher Power. Stop fighting and find the love that surpasses all understanding. Stop everything. And find that gentle loving vibrating tone inside. That angelic vibratory sound that represents you’re being held in an angel’s embrace.

In this place, in resonance with your heart, you are love. The love force that is in all living things, anything that is… and you remember, you are love.

And The Father says, “Welcome back.”

From this vantage point you can offer your energy to support the positive antithesis of that against which you previously struggled.

Mother Teresa had it right when she said,

“I will never attend an anti-war rally; if you have a peace rally, invite me.”

She understood this conservation of spiritual energy in spiritual warfare.

When you put your energy against that which you oppose, you actually add energy to what you don’t want. That’s the trick, and you fall for it every time.

The key to overcoming the devil in spiritual warfare is not to fight against what you don’t want, but to support that which is good.

If you dare…

Or you can engage in spiritual warfare against what you don’t want, and we will support and love you through the struggle because that’s what we do. We honor our warriors who choose to fight the fight.

God bless you.

Where is Your Power?

Do you have it, or have you given it away?

The idea of power can be a struggle for enlightened or spiritual individuals. Yet nothing positive comes to fruition without moving forward with a degree of power, such as a seed pushing through the earth, water making its way down a mountain, a baby being birthed, everything that is needs a certain degree of force to be.

And so it is with you, also.

You might be reluctant to embrace your personal power due to life circumstance, experience and learned behavior. Consider it might be time for you to get over it. You emerged into this life with power, society robbed you of it and it’s time you took it back.

Society is man’s attempt to herd and control the people of the earth with as little effort as possible. Keep us divided, in pockets of thought patterns, polarizing each other, and keeping us overwhelmed by a barrage of information to further polarize us (among other things) prevents us from connecting to our higher selves and evolving into our true human potential.

But if you could tap into your own individual personal power, you could see things as they really are (not like they want you to interpret the world) and have the most amazing experiences, enjoying all the good things this life has to offer, unaffected by the distractions (which, for the most part, are not real anyway).

While there is a part of you that fervently desire to expand, the pull of society to make you conform and settle for varying degrees of mediocrity is a formidable foe in your quest for regaining your immutable God-given right to enjoy everything in this life which is meant for you to live life to its fullest.

The struggle between your higher self who knows there is so much more to savor in this life, and your base self which has been programmed to merely be a part of the machine living within a neatly socially designed space, making you easier to manage, ensues. Your base self usually wins out because the social structure is so well conceived and strong. It takes a great deal of personal power to break through the confines of your social prison.

The keys to unlocking your personal power are hidden among the states of creativity and love. If you can ignore the constant flow of that which is not love and focus more on love, seeing the love all around you, in every thing, circumstance, situation and situation, your personal power grows. Then, you can actually start creatively exercising your own individual freedom of thought, making new connections between your brain and your higher self, empowering your true free will. This is the path to your enlightenment, separating you from the pack and leads you to allowing your evolution to continue.

Your journey and your part in the evolution of the human race depends on you focusing on you. You can not be responsible for other people. They are responsible for themselves. You cannot exercise power over anyone to evolve or maintain any level of enlightenment. This evolution is highly individualized and can not be structured or controlled en masse. We may find encouragement or experience new ideas for expansion and growth from others, but your evolution is individually unique and to achieve your highest evolutionary state, only you can do it in the manner which is best for you. Likewise, you allow others to find their own way, too, while being supportive of each person’s individual journey.

Even though, while you grow, you are part of a greater whole which desires to control you. Rather than fight against the machine, you are better off preserving your personal power by finding new ways to integrate with the machine which would not hinder your evolutionary process.

If you dare, do not let the world control you or your mind and embrace all that you are, all that you can be and enjoy all that this life has to offer.


You Can’t Do That

Whether it is that frightened little voice inside, your best friend, a family member or your neighbor, what do you feel like when someone (including your inner critic) says, “You can’t do that,” or similarly tries to dissuade you by initiating a “reality check,” listing all the reasons why you shouldn’t attempt to do something.

You rationalize that your inner critic, friends and family are only looking out for your best interests and even they say they are only trying to protect you from the embarrassment of failure. They insist they don’t want to see you get hurt, depressed, or lose anything and that it is only of the upmost concern for your wellbeing that they try to help you see the light and encourage you not to pursue your idea.

Because there is a measure of unworthiness, a sense of not being good enough, that resides within you, you thank your friend for saving you from a potential catastrophe.

Though they may be representing themselves as caring so much about you that they feel the compulsion to help you not pursue a ridiculous dream or engage in an activity that could cause you suffering.

The truth is, the people who are closest to you are selfish and don’t want to see you try something and succeed, because if you pursue a dream or follow a calling and succeed, what does that mean for them? They will no longer be able to justify their “safe” lives of mediocrity any longer, and to feel as though there is a greater purpose in life waiting for them outside their comfort zone is just too frightening to consider.

If you want to live a better life, possibly your best life and make the world a better place, then don’t let these naysayers drag you down or keep you from pursuing your dreams.

You need to assess your support system and determine who has your back and who does not. Most people want to see you live an acceptable lifestyle similar to theirs, but you may have friends who will support you in whatever pursuits you might engage in. Keep these people (hopefully you can find at least one) nearby and consider mustering up the courage to

Go For It

Without people, like you, going for it, regardless of what other people say, we would not have light bulbs, long distance watercraft, airplanes or space travel. Almost every major breakthrough in science, technology, business, or lifestyle was preceded by opposition and name-calling, so you’re in good company.

If you choose to do so, you can put yourself behind the wheel and become the captain of your own ship by not listening to others who might try to keep you from achieving your highest and best.

“But what if I fail?”

If you were to ask any innovator throughout history, they would tell you that there was no such thing as failure as most major breakthroughs are based on the information gained from failures. Very few individuals hit a home run with their first swing of the bat. Finding your passion and taking action to work toward having an impact on your life, the lives of others and possibly the world at large will take the willingness to step into the unknown in faith.

If you are met with a challenge, obstacle, interference – or if you fail – persevere, push through and become the hero of your own story.

You Can Do It

When you embrace your passion and deliberately blaze your own trail regardless of anything that may stand in your way (even yourself), the impossible, making your wildest dreams come true, becomes possible.

You got this, you can do it.

The Most Powerful Weapon is Love

Your heart is an incredibly powerful generator, emitting a powerful force field that is 60 times stronger than the power generated by the brain that can be measured from up to 10 feet away from the body. This little 10 ounce power source has its own neurological network, not only feels but processes information seconds before the brain.

When any two humans interact with each other, the two heart-fields connect prior to any word(s) spoken and set the tone for communication, and if physical contact is made, energy from one heart can be transferred to the other body via the physical connection. This is the secret ingredient to healing modalities, such as the laying on of hands healing.

For years, scientists relegated love emotions to the brain process. It is now known that the heart is the seat of soulful love-based emotions also. No longer simply disregarded as a metaphorical reference in the playgrounds of artists and philosophers, hard science is documenting data leading to the conclusion that the heart is the center of the central nervous system and is many times more powerful than the brain.

When you have a intuitive feeling there is a good chance this originates in the heart, though the brain does mimic the same feeling the analytical brain is more likely to base feeling on fear-based emotions. This gives us insight into the struggle between the heart and the brain and is the cause of a great deal of confusion because sometimes it’s so difficult to know the origin of an intuitive hit.

Your heart can sense energetic fields within proximity, processes, decodes and translates the information and sends the results to the brain, while also sensing and responding to other external data which may result in more of a precognitive result. Like a radio wave scanner, the heart is scanning the spectrum of frequencies available including positive, neutral and negative frequencies.

The conflict of thoughts and emotions exchanged between the heart and the brain is cause for not only unclear thinking but also releases stress hormones which are detrimental to an otherwise healthy state.

What about love?

Precisely, what about love? What impact can you, just one person, have on the world around you by engaging in connecting with your heart source?

Now that you know the heart is also a thinking machine, if you were to increase your awareness and connection with your heart, you could actually start to think with your heart as an alternative to thinking with your head. It’s impressive to understand there truly is a heart consciousness and it can be tapped into and affect our lives and the world around us.

The longer you can maintain a state of love, the more you can influence and affect your world because the energetic field that is transmitted via the love frequency emitted by the heart affects all living things within proximity to the loving heart. The electromatic love energy from a healthy heart can communicate with a failing heart and transmit signals to promote healthy heart hormones returning it to a more healthy state, in effect jump-starting the heart of another. This influential heart energy is increased exponentially when combined with a physical connection.

A healthy love-centered state of consciousness promotes harmony within the body and all of its various components, while also positively enhancing the healthy energies of hearts nearby.

More awareness of heart’s power to influence and manipulate and the world reveals that the heart’s energetic field not only affects – but changes – the molecular, atomic structure and DNA of the world around us thanks to emerging research in physics. Alternatively, the brain does not possess the power to accomplish this miraculous feat.

While the brain is a powerful storage facility and processor, the heart is a transmitter, can be laser focused and may be able to be transmitted beyond its 10 ft. energetic radius. You may conclude that your brain processes and manages your response to external data, while your heart literally has the ability to change the world.

So, how can we affect our world for real change?

Your heart’s electromagnetic field is powerful enough to change the world around you and it does. Here’s where the most important caveat comes in: With great power comes great responsibility.

What do you think?

What you think sets the frequency your heart transmits to the world around you. Your heart’s ability to influence the world can be used for good or for evil. This is to say that whatever state your thoughts maintain, effectively tuning your heart’s frequency for a period of time, actually changes the world (molecular, atomic, DNA) around you. If it remains in a negative state, its affects are negative.

Since you don’t want to be a negative generator, powering that which is negative, it’s of prime importance to focus our heart’s energies on positive love-based frequencies. This is the problem with standing or fighting against what you don’t want, because you’re actually rearranging the world to create more of what you don’t want.
Instead maintaining a positive love state, by endorsing and supporting the things that you do want, changes the world around you accordingly.

Your heart is a powerful weapon, if combined in concert with likeminded individuals emitting similar frequencies could be the most powerful weapon conceivable.

Think about it. Consider having a heart-talk with that other side of you.

See you at the Soulmate Wizardry event.

Awakening to True Love Workshop at Your Location

The Awakening to True Love Workshop presented by David Masters is a huge hit throughout the Pacific Northwest.

Host an Awakening to True Love Workshop in your location… If you dare. This is not your romantic fairy tale seminar, this puts you in the driver’s seat of your love life. Ask us how you can host an Awakening to True Love Workshop in your town.

Who Should Attend?

Singles in search of true love and/or their soulmate
Individuals who want to increase the quality of all their relationships
Couples with the desire to invite true love into their relationship
Anyone who wants to set their relationship on fire

Rather than rekindle a disintegrating romance these tools, tips and techniques will totally dismantle all your previous misconceptions about love and empower you to embrace a whole new paradigm of true love, if you dare.

Meet Your Event Hosts

David M. Masters

Coach, consultant and author of 7 Phases of Love: Understanding and Navigating Love and Romance in the Digital Age, David M. Masters, presents the distinct contrast between the lackluster love we’ve been programmed by society to accept and the higher calling of unconditional love which can transform all your relationships including romantic and otherwise in the Awakening to True Love Workshop.

Minister, educator, entrepreneur, public speaker, and business consultant, David M Masters has helped many people improve their lives financially, physically, personally, spiritually and professionally. Following the loss of a son in Afghanistan, and subsequently, his family, Masters took a sabbatical to reconnect with his Higher Source as he continues to live out his life’s purpose, sharing his message and helping others to achieve their highest and best and make the world a better place.

Masters’ Awakening to True Love Workshop will rock your romantic world and set all your relationships ablaze with new found freedom and authenticity.

The price for this 1-day seminar is $495. Coming to a location near you.

Missed an event, or waited until all the seats were sold out?

Drop me an email to receive an advance notification for the next workshop in your area.

Here’s more on the Awakening to True Love Workshop…

Ever wonder why your relationships just don’t work out right?

In the beginning, you feel as though you’ve met your one true love and it’s not long before this magnificent love dream come true devolves into your worst nightmare.

Top 10 Reasons Relationships Fail

Desperate to save your precious dream, you explore all the challenges that caused your relationship to be compromised or fail. Therapeutic intervention dissects your relationship and all its flaws such as

  1. basic compatibility
  2. communication styles
  3. disinterest
  4. abuse
  5. lack of trust
  6. betrayal
  7. unmet expectations
  8. unfulfilled obligations
  9. money issues
  10. infidelity

These top 10 reasons that relationships fail are not why relationships fail, nor are any of the other so-called reasons; they are only treated as symptoms, while the underlying toxic disease continues to spread – not only in your relationship – but most relationships in the world.

The real reason why relationships fail is due to the spread of this dangerous disease which spreads like a viral wildfire. This toxin, left to itself will destroy and break down every love relationship we’re involved in, not just out romantic relationships. This viral disease leads to the failure and destruction of all kinds of relationships, including a significant other, family, mom, dad, brother, sister, children, coworkers, bosses and platonic friends.

All our relationships are at risk of being infected by this deadly disease, which is the real root cause of the death of any relationship.

The Truth: Why Relationships Fail

You might be surprised to discover there is only one reason that relationships fail. If you’re fervently seeking to find true love, you will never find it if you are infected with the toxic disease.

Wonder what the toxin is that will thwart any relationship you have and cause it to fall to pieces, no matter how you try to save it?

The name of the disease is


Yes, “love;” the definition of it, the concept of it and everything you believe about it, love is the disease.

What if

Everything You Know About Love is Wrong?

You’ve been infected with the toxin which has spread more and more with every interaction you’ve had with other relationships as far back as you can remember (and before).

Your parents, society, the media and Disney have planted and spread the disease so pervasively that you couldn’t recognize true love if you saw it.



Join us for the

Awakening to True Love Workshop

Where in this all day event, you will learn what love really is, how to have it, get it and keep it without fear.

Awakening to True Love Workshop
An All-day Event Coming to You

Drawing from ancient Toltec wisdom, don Miguel Ruiz’s work, The Mastery of Love, other texts and new thought, St. Paul’s Free University’s David M. Masters, in cooperation with your hosts are bringing this 1 day love, romance and relationship seminar which will change the way you love and look at all your relationships.

Following this event, you can choose whether to practice




Eliminate the poison that spreads the highly contagious disease of toxic love that promotes possessiveness, jealousy, envy, suspicion, bitterness, dishonesty, controlling, abuse, judging others and yourself.

Instead, you will learn to love unconditionally and have true love in your intimate relationships amidst a society dominated by the disease of love.

You will find the source of the power of true love emanates from within your heart and does not come from outside yourself. Thinking that love comes from anywhere else is the lie that germinates the disease of toxic love’s seeds.

In this 1-day event, you will

  • Learn to forgive and love yourself as you learn about and eradicate the poisonous disease of toxic love.
  • Discover your inner strengths and realize the opinion of others, criticisms or expectations have no effect on or power over you.
  • Eliminate the risk of betrayal as true love’s trust cannot be broken.
  • Get to know you, who you are and who you were in your youth prior to the installation of this toxic, deceitful and manipulative viral software.
  • Get in touch with your inner beauty and purity as you share your true love for another with your newfound peace and serenity from within.

Your true love accepts others just the way they are; without criticism, opinions, or judgment.

Awakening to true love in self-awareness, self-love and self-forgiveness empower you to accept yourself, love your reflection in the mirror, loving in your relationships whether they be with your spouse, friends or relatives but most of all learning to love yourself regardless of what anybody else thinks or says.


Learn how to love yourself and by extension everyone and everything else that is out there in our universe.

Awakening to True Love Workshop

Advanced ticket sales only. Reserve your spot today. Seating for this event is limited

* All ticket sales are final. No refunds or exchange.


Sacred No Secret Yes

When we were very young, we were programmed using two very basic words, which follow us and shape the concepts and parameters of our thinking into black and white. These initial words following our first utterance of “momma” and/or “dada” are “Yes” and “No.”

You will notice that even today, these words still pack significant emotional impact. Take a look inside and feel the difference between the sounds of those words and the emotion that stirs up when you hear the words.

See what I mean?

When you were young, the word “No,” was crippling. When you heard it, you became aware that everything you had hoped for, dreamed of, or were in the process of enjoying immensely was coming to an abrupt end and you felt and the very least disappointed, possibly powerlessly rejected and crushed, as your whole world (which was very small in those early years) crashed into a million pieces.

As parents, we have the best intentions. When our child asks for candy or to spend the night with a friend, we simply reply with the negative directive, “No,” and we’re done with it, not realizing the psychological impact we’re having on that little person. The child is devastated, even though we have help the best interest of the child as paramount in our “no” pronouncement, because too much sugar is not good for the child, some restriction is necessary, and a sleepover on a school night is prudent.

We justify this is the way we were trained, and consider that we didn’t turn out so bad and resign ourselves to believe this is just the way it is and leave it at that.

That was then. Now, you are a grown adult and still when you hear the word, “No,” you feel rejected or smitten. It could be any number of possible scenarios, such as being told, “No” response to a job that you wanted, a loan that you applied for, or request for time off to attend a special event and suddenly, your spirit is broken.

On the other hand, a “Yes,” makes us feel empowered, and sometimes we take “yes” for granted, just because this is our preferred emotional state, and we’re caught off-balance when surprised by the unexpected “no.”

But what if the No was actually a secret Yes?

Sacred No Secret Yes

If you’re like me, you can look back at most (if not all) of the No’s you’ve ever received and something better was waiting in the wings, just beyond your awareness. Maybe the job ended up not being what you thought it was, the rate of the loan would drop, the item you wanted to purchase would have left you disappointed later, or a better special event would come up for you that you may have missed had you attended the other one.

You might be reluctant to use the word, “no,” in your life, because of your feelings associated with the use of the word. But using a sacred “no,” as a secret “Yes,” can make all the difference. If someone asks you to do something that doesn’t resonate with you, you might go along with it, just because you don’t want someone else to feel bad, out of a sense of obligation, or any variety of other reasons you might deny yourself.

Yet, if you search your inner feelings, you would be more comfortable, content, even happier if you said “no” and participated in something else. Maybe the next time, you can use the word “No” as a secret yes. Saying no is a definite yes to you if you’d rather do something else, but a secret yes to the person you’re saying no to, because something better (than you) will open up for them.

In the event you have no better plans, your inner gut feeling is telling you, something better awaits, so embrace the secret yes by exercising your sacred no for yourself.

Your Mind’s Whiteboard

Did you know you have within you the power to create anything your heart desires? Whether in business, or your personal life, you can create a life, a community, a whole world, and entire universe, all with the power of your mind.

Let’s just look at your mind as a huge whiteboard. You’re armed with a fresh set of colored whiteboard markers, and you can write anything you want on the whiteboard in your mind. What thoughts would you write on the whiteboard of your mind? Positive thoughts? Negative thoughts?

This simple whiteboard tool allows you to be able to initiate the creation process. In the boardroom of your mind, you can create new goals, visions and make plans, sketching out plays to achieve your highest and best. And it all starts, right here, in the boardroom of your mind.

Every time you enter your board room, you have complete control of your whiteboard. No one else and you’re armed with an unlimited fresh set of colored whiteboard markers chart out any path through any challenge you may be facing. If you start using this process, no matter what you may be feeling outside, in here, in your boardroom, you are the inspired, powerful master coach, planning your next coup.

You can change your whiteboard at any time. You came to this planet with everything you would possibly need to create the life you desire, and if you persist to forge forward on the path of what you desire, those things that don’t make sense to you now, will emerge from the fog and become crystal clear at just the right time. And the people and tools that you need to push through to the next level will be there, if you honor your journey, are sincere and diligent.

If you walk into your boardroom and see negative thoughts, feelings or opinions on your whiteboard, you can use your dry eraser to wipe them away and replace them with positive thoughts, feelings and better ideas for a bright future.

If you see someone else’s words scripted out on your white board, you can mark it up, correct it and rewrite it, like a master mathematician or scientist solving a mystery of life, and restate it in it’s power and beauty, retaining the pearls of wisdom and projecting a fabulous future.

There may have been an important key hidden within someone’s statement that struck you wrong, or hurt your feelings. You can solve for it, like an equation on your mind’s whiteboard, turning a potentially defeating statement into a power-packed prediction of an amazing unfolding.

Remember, what anyone says to you is not about you. It’s about them. They may have meant to dissuade you in some way, to slow you down, or throw you off-track altogether. But you can look for the hidden treasure secretly hidden within their words, decoding for the missing ingredient that you need to perfect your formula. This is the unseen mission of the antagonist, to hide the clues you need to solve your problems that appear to have no solution.

This is why, when someone spews venomous opinions or gestures at you, you are unmoved. You have no need to react or defend yourself, but you do take note of their message. You determine what is fact and leave it as that, remove any false information and opinion, but looking for any hidden meaning that may be helpful for you on your journey. Sometimes, the jewel inside an otherwise flaming insult, can be just what you need to break-through to a new plateau in your pursuits.

You can use your super duper whiteboard eraser to start over anytime you want with a totally clean slate, the ultimate Control-Alt-Delete reboot. Just wipe it clean, and start over.

And you have all this power within you, accessible by that silly little thing that others have told you was only used by fools, your imagination. What they don’t want you to know is that your imagination is the most powerful tool you have. It holds power that is only now beginning to be realized, and it’s unsettling to the scientific world as they are beginning to realize there may be nothing of greater potential than the human imagination un-tethered.

Where Are You On the Bus?

Ever feel like life’s pushing you out into the street in front of a moving bus? There’s one sure way to see that doesn’t happen to you and that’s to get off the street and get behind the wheel of the bus. If you’re feeling like life’s giving you the runaround, it’s because you’re not in the driver’s seat.

You might think, “Okay, I’ll drive the bus.” So you get behind the wheel and at the first stop light, you get distracted by someone or something at the intersection and go to check it out, before you know it your bus takes off without you. It takes a certain amount of attention and diligence to stay behind the wheel of the bus. Driving your bus is impossible if you can’t stay in the driver’s seat most of the time. If you can’t do that, the best you can ever hope to be is a passenger.

As most of us are passengers, someone else is doing the driving and we just go along with wherever we go or whatever happens. If bored of the ride, we could opt to get off the bus and look for a different bus. In this case you may have control of which bus your on, but not as much control as you might have being the driver.

It can be intimidating, if you’ve never driven you bus before. I think most of us wonder if we’re going to be any good at driving the bus once we get in the driver’s seat. It’s okay. Even many of us who spend a lot of time in the driver’s seat, like to take a break and let someone do the driving for a while, and a few are driving instructors.

If you’re upset about the journey your bus is on, feeling bad about it, complaining about it, accusing others of changing up the trip, or waiting too long at a particular stop along the way, is not going to change a thing. If you are feeling negative emotions about your journey, it’s a clear indication that you’re stuck in the back of the bus. It’s not assigned seating. You sat in the seat you’re in, so you best stop moping about it and start moving forward in the bus at the next stop.

As you move closer to the front of the bus, you don’t even have to be the driver, and you can get the advantage of seeing things that are coming up. You are a lot more excited about your journey and its potentials from this vantage point. You feel way better than being in the back of the bus, where you can’t really see anything but the other passengers in front of you and what your bus is passing.

If you’re not feeling so good about your journey, the first thing to do is to take a look at where you are on the bus and at the next opportunity move. Raise your awareness and look at your journey from a different perspective. That may be all you need to feel so much better about your journey, but I have to warn you, the allure of the driver’s seat is much greater from the front seats of the bus.

You can do a pretty good job of discerning where someone sits on the bus. Just go into a restaurant where a tour bus is parked outside and walk around the tables eavesdropping on each table. You will find people grouped together talking among themselves about their journey. The ones from the front of the bus are focused on all the good and exciting things, while the groups from the back of the bus are complaining and not very happy.

If you’re stuck in the, “Woe is me,” attitude, it’s hard to expect anything better. But once you’ve made the decision to change your position on the bus, your attention is looking forward on the bus, looking for a better seat at the next stop, not focused on you dismal seat.

Sure, stuff happens, and you find yourself sandwiched between a less than fragrant passenger and another one who is trying to sell you something. Just play along, while keeping your attention focused on a better position in the bus. Be polite, but do not fully engage in an intense battle of wits with either of these people. If you fully engage your attention and begin defending your position, you’ll be surprised when you notice that you’ve spent our efforts arguing (or feeling bad about being stuck here, or just pretending to be asleep) through several stops, missing opportunities to shift your position and moving to a better seat.

This works in all stations of life. You might be stuck in a seat in a college class, and suddenly decide you no longer want to feel like a rat in a cage anymore. Even with the awareness that your family and friends might like your decision to dropout and jump off at the next stop. You’re ready to start driving your own bus. That’s what one young man did and he was a billionaire by the time he was 31. That was his name? Oh, yeah, Bill Gates. You may have heard of him.

There are many stories of regular people, just like you and me, who were stuck on a bus but once it occurred to them there might be a better way, decided to start looking at ways to get behind the wheel.

Isn’t it time, now, for you to get behind the wheel, or at least think about changing seats?

The Top 40 Reasons Love Does Not Exist

Many people don’t believe in love and believe that love doesn’t exist.

Prior to attending our Awakening to True Love Workshop, here are the top 40 reasons love does not exist:

1. If you fall in love with someone it is only based on your perception of that person at the time. It is unrealistic to think they could be like that in real life. When you find out, the love you had fades away.

2. Love is lust’s wanting to own and control someone else for regular source of sex supply.

3. Being in love is the same chemical reaction in humans as eating a volume of chocolate.

4. Love is a repackaging of a system that justifies manipulation and control to get what you want from someone else.

5. Love victimizes the person in a relationship that is weaker.

6. Love is an excuse used to encourage someone to play the martyr in the name of love.

7. People are selfish, so they use love to get what they need.

8. People who are in long-term relationships only survive because one of them gives up and gives in to make it last.

9. Love brings nothing but pain and disappointment.

10. Love can bring happiness but only for a while, then it fades and disappears altogether.

11. If you deeply love someone else, they will disrespect you and always be looking for someone else to make them feel good, no matter how hard you try.

12. If people could commit and keep their word, love could be possible, because they cannot, it is not.

13. My parents said they loved each other, got married, had us, were never happy and are divorced. There is no such thing as love.

14. Scientists have proven there is no such thing as love. It is a chemical reaction in the brain associated with the hormone called Oxytocin.

15. Since there is no concrete definition of love, what it is, what it means, two different people could not plausibly share the so called, “love.”

16. The feeling of love may last for a moment, but not for long, then it’s time to move on to the next one.

17. Long-lasting love isn’t anything more than a fairy tale told by fantasizing mothers to their daughters.

18. One’s ability to love changes with their moods, so there is no such thing as true love. You love when you feel good, not so much when you’re not feeling good.

19. Love requires trust. Since you cannot ever really trust anyone else, you can’t have love.

20. Look at the rate of divorce, it tells you love is not real.

21. People who are married for a long time fake it to make it.

22. I won’t ever love somebody, because I am honest. No one can love an honest person. If you want love, you must be a liar.

23. Back in the day they came up with the idea of love an marriage as a way to survive on the farm. Now, we know better.

24. If anyone could have loved me, I would believe. Since no one could do it, I don’t believe in it.

25. I believe I can love someone but cannot believe anyone can love me, like I can love them, so there is no love it if it is one-sided.

26. If you fall in love with someone, get ready to have your heart broken, lose everything and never believe in love again.

27. Being in love with someone is foolish and dangerous. Only an idiot would fall in love, and I’ve been an idiot more than once. Not doing it again.

28. Love is an outdated dream, that cannot be realized in modern times.

29. Men do not have a capacity or capability to love, so cross-sexual love is not possible.

30. The idea of love is inside your head and cannot be realized in real life. Love is an illusion.

31. You can love everyone, or no one, but you will never find “the one” you can love forever. That is ridiculous.

32. Love is not love, it is an addiction. You can’t help looking for love because you’re addicted to it, and you will never find enough of it to satisfy once an for all.

33. People fall in love with things that fade with the time and end up being in love with what doesn’t exist (or may have existed earlier).

34. If you’re saving your love for the perfect person, forget it no one is perfect.

35. Why does everyone even talk about love? It’s just a word you say, when you want to get laid.

36. Love implies commitment. No one can commit to anything in our disposable society today.

37. In humans, love is polyamorous. To expect monogamy from a species designed to enjoy multiple partners is just wrong.

38. True love is really only lust that morphs into friendship and may be survivable in the long run, if you’re willing to lower your expectations.

39. Love is a government imposed scam to create more taxpayers and consumers.

40. There is no such thing as love. If true love were possible, you wouldn’t be asking me that question, would you?

Why do you think love doesn’t exist?

See you at the Soulmate Wizardry event.

What to Do When the Unexpected Happens

You had no idea this was coming, now here it is. You’ve done your due diligence, you’ve maintained a reasonable state of readiness, may have been distracted by life’s sleight of hand enough to let something slip under the radar, or may have been blindsided by the inexplicable act of God. Now what?

Do you rant and rave, hoot and holler, pitch a fit or throw a tantrum? Do you get angry, upset cuss at or cry out to God, “Why?!”

If there’s anything we can know about life, it’s that stuff happens.

Like, bidding on an item that if you win it, the results will be life-changing. You’ve been watching and waiting for just the right moment… the clock is ticking… your finger is firmly hovering over the submit key… the time to strike is now! Bam! You got it! You celebrate your brilliantly executed coup! Sometimes in life, things do work out perfectly!

You get your phone out to take a screen shot of your win, and see…

Unable to access the network

Or some similar phrase on the screen… No, this can’t be. You refresh, and sure enough, your once in a lifetime keystroke failed. It doesn’t matter if you were posted up on eBay or your stock trading account, it’s a total bust.

What do you do?

Of course, anyone would be upset.

The idea of being surprised by the unexpected presumes that you had placed a reasonable amount of faith in a certain expectation. You have reasoned that given a particular set of circumstances, you would fully expect a particular result. In that moment when you are surprised to see an undesirable outcome, or resolution that was not what you expected, you are shocked; literally, a thousand synapses fire in your brain, like a huge surge hitting your inner power grid.

Expectation is a spectrum. On one end of the spectrum is elation, when something amazing happens when you took a risk and things worked out beautifully. On the other end, disappointment, or something much darker…

You can easily think of 20 times when something totally unexpected happened when you least expected it and the results were less than desirable, if not downright disastrous. Given enough time, you could increase the number of your list to 100 unexpected catastrophes, some more catastrophic than others, nonetheless, you could certainly come to the conclusion that,

Shit Happens

Regardless of why (I mean does it really matter in the moment, even though we try to find a “why” in a desperate attempt to find reason in the chaos or the treasure hidden in the tragedy), the sooner you’re able to gain your composure and exercise some sense of control of your own state of mind (because we’ve just determined, beyond a show of a doubt, that you cannot control everything outside yourself) when blindsided by the unexpected.

You want to find the center balance point of the expectation spectrum, which is

It is what it is

An acceptance that things in life simply occur the way they were mean to be. Accepting the divine in everything, even the unexpected surprises, when things don’t go as planned, and all of this is part and parcel of a bigger plan and purpose as you travel the journey of your life.

In moments, like these, this is such an opportunity to tune into your base vibration. Find the you within, the real, authentic you that see beauty in all things. How often do we get so attached to a process and expected outcome that we forget to stop and enjoy the simple things in life? The things that give us joy and meaning? It is probably time to,

Take a Break

Stop the madness and find comfort in the now, realizing that all things in life are perfectly perfect. Even though it may have been only moments ago, you can realize that what is done is done, and there is no magic time machine that can recreate that moment. It is done, and you have started a new life now. And now. And now…

As you are reading this, old cells are dying off and new cells are being created, and in this moment, you literally are not the same person you were a moment ago. Embrace the emerging new you and find comfort in the things that you may have taken for granted, and,

Let It Go

The event that threw you off-balance is over. We face inconveniences every day. This is all a part of life and you can choose whether to focus on the inconvenience or to shift your attention onto something more desirable. Don’t let the unexpected dominate you. You are the master of your life, you can choose to release your attachment to the outcome, if you want to.

Find Gratitude

As soon as you are able, set your mind on the things that are good, true and enduring and express your heartfelt thankfulness for the things in life that we often take for granted. We are so often so very blessed every day, but fail to take the time to review how amazing

every breath that we take
every beat of our heart
every move that we make
every step a new start


Stay the Course

“Life is a journey, not a destination.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Life goes on and you must too. Keep moving and following the path leading to your highest and best and watch you new life unfold before your eyes.

Something good is coming your way…

What I’ve found through these unexpected experiences in my life is that something greater than what I had anticipated in the outcome to which I had become so attached was waiting just beyond my disappointment.

So, now, when things don’t go like I expected, I start to look around corners and over the horizon in the knowledge that something wonderful is en route.