Honorable Mentions

Aguilera, Christina
Christina Aguilera

Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great, Alexander the Great

Aikawa, Yoshisuke
Yoshisuke Aikawa

Allen, Paul
Paul Allen

Allen, Tim
Tim Allen

Andersen, Hans Christian
Hans Christian Andersen

Arden, Elizabeth
Elizabeth Arden

Asimov, Issac
Issac Asimov

Aristotle, , Aristotle

Bacon, Kevin
Kevin Bacon

Baldwin, Alec
Alec Baldwin

Beatles, The
The Beatles

Beethoven, Beethoven

Bell, Alexander Graham
Alexander Graham Bell

Bernstein, Harry
Harry Bernstein

Bernays, Edward
Edward Bernays


Bird, Larry
Larry Bird

Blume, Wally
Wally Blume

Boehler, Jill
Jill Boehler

Bowker, Gordon
Gordon Bowker

Branicka, Countess Rosa
Countess Rosa Branicka

Branson, Richard
Richard Branson

Brooks, Mel
Mel Brooks

Brown, Deborah
Deborah Brown

Buffet, Warren
Warren Buffet, Warren Buffet

Canfield, Jack
Jack Canfield, Jack Canfield

Carnegie, Andrew
Andrew Carnegie, Andrew Carnegie

Cash, Johnny
Johnny Cash

Carroll, Lewis
Lewis Carroll

Chapman, Gary
Gary Chapman

Child, Julia
Julia Child

Chopra, Deepak
Deepak Chopra

Churchill, Winston
Winston Churchill

Cochrane, Josephine
Josephine Cochrane

Connelly, Heidi
Heidi Connelly

Cover, Jack
Jack Cover

Covey, Stephen
Stephen Covey, Stephen Covey, Stephen Covey, Stephen Covey, Stephen Covey

Cox, Courteney
Courteney Cox

Croc, Ray
Ray Croc

Cronkite, Walter
Walter Cronkite

Cruise, Tom
Tom Cruise

Cuban, Mark
Mark Cuban

Curie, Marie
Marie Curie

Da Vinci, Leonardo
Leonardo da Vinci, Leonardo da Vinci

Dalai Lama
Dalai Lama

Darwin, Charles
Charles Darwin, Charles Darwin, Charles Darwin

Defoe, Daniel
Daniel Defoe

Depp, Johnny
Johnny Depp, Johnny Depp

Dell, Michael
Michael Dell

Diana, Princess
Princess Diana, Princess Diana

Dickinson, Emily
Emily Dickinson, Emily Dickinson

Diller, Barry
Barry Diller

Disney, Walt
Walt Disney, Walt Disney, Walt Disney, Walt Disney, Walt Disney

Dodson, Kevin Antoine
Kevin Antoine Dodson

Douglass, Adele
Adele Douglass

Dowell, Jeanne
Jeanne Dowell

Dunant, Henry
Henry Dunant

Dunn, Gail
Gail Dunn

Eastwood, Clint
Clint Eastwood

Edison, Thomas
Thomas Edison, Thomas Edison, Thomas Edison, Thomas Edison

Eker, T. Harve
T. Harve Eker

Einstein, Albert
Albert Einstein, Albert Einstein, Albert Einstein, Albert Einstein

Ellison, Larry
Larry Ellison

Ferdowsi, Bobak
Bobak Ferdowsi

Fields, Debra
Debra Fields

Fisher, Dr. Helen
Dr. Helen Fisher

Flint, Charles
Charles Flint

Fonda, Jane
Jane Fonda

Ford, Arielle
Arielle Ford

Ford, Debbie
Debbie Ford

Ford, Henry
Henry Ford, Henry Ford

Fox, Michael J.
Michael J. Fox

Francis of Assisi
Francis of Assisi

Frank, Anne
Anne Frank

Franklin, Benjamin
Benjamin Franklin, Benjamin Franklin, Benjamin Franklin

Freud, Sigmond
Sigmond Freud

Gable, Lisa
Lisa Gable

Gaga, Lady
Lady Gaga


Gandhi, Gandhi

Gardner, Carol
Carol Gardner

Gates, Bill
Bill Gates, Bill Gates, Bill Gates, Bill Gates

Geffen, David
David Geffen

Giannini, Amadeo
Amadeo Giannini

Goodwin, Leo
Leo Goodwin

Gottmann, John
John Gottmann
John Gottmann
John Gottmann

Grace, Nancy
Nancy Grace

Gutenberg, Johannes
Johannes Gutenberg

Gyatso, Tenzin
Tenzin Gyatso

Hagerty, Marilyn
Marilyn Hagerty

Handel, George Frederick
George Frederick Handel

Hansen, Mark Victor
Mark Victor Hansen, Mark Victor Hansen, Mark Victor Hansen, Mark Victor Hansen, Mark Victor Hansen, Mark Victor Hansen

Hawn, Goldie
Goldie Hawn

Hay, Louise
Louise Hay, Louise Hay, Louise Hay

Hemingway, Ernest
Ernest Hemingway

Hendricks, Gay
Gay Hendricks

Hendrix, Harville
Harville Hendrix, Harville Hendrix, Harville Hendrix, Harville Hendrix

Hepburn, Audrey
Audrey Hepburn, Audrey Hepburn

Hershey, Milton
Milton Hershey, Milton Hershey

Hill, Napoleon
Napoleon Hill, Napoleon Hill, Napoleon Hill, Napoleon Hill

Huffington, Arianna
Arianna Huffington

Huizenga, Wayne
Wayne Huizenga

Humble, Jim
Jim Humble

Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi
Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi

Jannard, Jim
Jim Jannard

Jefferson, Thomas
Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson

Jennings, Peter
Peter Jennings

Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc

Jobs, Steve
Steve Jobs, Steve Jobs, , Steve Jobs

Johnson, Brian
Brian Johnson

Johnson, “Magic”
“Magic” Johnson

Jordan, Michael
Michael Jordan, Michael Jordan

Judy, Judge
Judge Judy

Jung, Carl
Carl Jung

Kardashian, Kim
Kim Kardashian

Katie, Byron
Byron Katie

Kay, Mary
Mary Kay

Keller, Helen
Helen Keller

Kennedy, John F.
John F. Kennedy, John F. Kennedy

King, Jr., Martin Luther
Martin Luther King, Jr.

King, Stephen
Stephen King

Koff, Art
Art Koff

Kutcher, Ashton
Ashton Kutcher

Lauren, Ralph
Ralph Lauren

Lennon, John
John Lennon, John Lennon

Lieberman, Sylvia
Sylvia Lieberman

Lincoln, Abraham
Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln

Lovecraft, H.P.
H.P. Lovecraft

Lustig, Richard
Richard Lustig

MacLaine, Shirley
Shirley MacLaine

Madding, Tim
Tim Madding, Tim Madding

Madonna, Madonna

Mandela, Nelson
Nelson Mandela

Massey, Morris
Morris Massey

McMaster, Harold
Harold McMaster


Miller, Bob
Bob Miller

Mitchell, W
W Mitchell

Monaghan, Thomas
Thomas Monaghan

Monroe, Marilyn
Marilyn Monroe

Morgan, J. P.
J. P. Morgan

Mori, Taikichiro
Taikichiro Mori

Montessori, Maria
Maria Montessori

Moses, Anna Mary Robertson “Grandma Moses”
Anna Mary Robertson Moses

Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Newton, Sir Isaac
Sir Isaac Newton

Nightingale, Florence
Florence Nightingale

O’Brian, Patrick
Patrick O’Brian

O’Donnell, Rosie
Rosie O’Donnell

Pasteur, Louis
Louis Pasteur

Patel, C. Kumar N.
C. Kumar N. Patel

Paul the Apostle
Paul the Apostle

Paul, Les
Les Paul

Peale, Norman Vincent
Norman Vincent Peale

Phil, Dr.
Dr. Phil

Poe, Edgar Allan
Edgar Allan Poe

Porsche, Ferdinand
Ferdinand Porsche

Presley, Elvis
Elvis Presley

Purdy, Amy
Amy Purdy

Rand, Ayn
Ayn Rand

Reeves, Keanu
Keanu ReevesKeanu Reeves

Robbins, Anthony
Tony Robbins, Tony Robbins, Tony Robbins, Anthony Robbins, Tony Robbins, Tony Robbins, Tony Robbins

Rockwell, Norman
Norman Rockwell

Roosevelt, Eleanor
Eleanor Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt

Rowland, Wayne
Wayne Rowland

Rowling, J.K.
J.K. Rowling, J.K. Rowling, J.K. Rowling

Sanders, Harland “Colonel”
Colonel Sanders, Harland Sanders

Schindler, Oskar
Oskar Schindler

Schultz, Charles
Charles Schultz

Schultz, Howard
Howard Schultz

Schwab, Charles
Charles Schwab

Schweitzer, Albert
Albert Schweitzer

Shozo, Kawasaki
Kawasaki Shozo

Smith, Fred
Fred Smith

Spencer, Percy
Percy Spencer

Spielberg, Steven
Steven Spielberg, Stephen Spielberg, Steven Spielberg

Stallone, Sylvester
Sylvester Stallone

Stanley, Harold
Harold Stanley

Streisand, Barbra
Barbra Streisand

Sullivan, Roy
Roy Sullivan

Taylor, Elizabeth
Elizabeth Taylor

Teitelbaum, Sam
Sam Teitelbaum

Teresa, Mother
Mother Teresa

Tesla, Nikola
Nikola Tesla, Nikola Tesla, Nikola Tesla, Nikola Tesla, , Nikola Tesla

Thatcher, Margaret
Margaret Thatcher

Theron, Charlize
Charlize Theron

Thoreau, Henry David
Henry David Thoreau

Tolkien, J.R.R.
J.R.R. Tolkien

Tolle, Eckhart
Eckhart Tolle

Tracy, Brian
Brian Tracy, Brian Tracy

Travolta, John
John Travolta

Truman, Harry S.
Harry S. Truman

Trump, Donald
Donald Trump

Tucker, Howard
Howard Tucker, MD

Turner, Ted
Ted Turner

Tutu, Desmond
Desmond Tutu

Valenti, Julie
Julie Valenti

Van Gogh, Vincent
Vincent Van Gogh, Vincent Van Gogh

Vitale, Joe
Joe Vitale, Joe Vitale

Washington, George
George Washington

Watson, Emma
Emma Watson

Wesley, Mary
Mary Wesley

West, Kanye
Kanye West

Wilder, Laura Ingalls
Laura Ingalls Wilder

Williams, Robin
Robin Williams

Wilson, Woodrow
Woodrow Wilson

Winfrey, Oprah
Oprah Winfrey, Oprah WinfreyOprah Winfrey, Oprah Winfrey

Wozniak, Steve
Steve Wozniak, Steve Wozniak

Wright, Wilbur & Orville
Wilbur & Orville Wright, Wilbur & Orville Wright

Zagat, Tim & Nina
Tim & Nina Zagat

Zoll, Paul M.
Paul M. Zoll

Zuckerberg, Mark
Mark Zuckerberg

Celebrity Mentions Celebrities

How to Deal with a Psychopath

Hello, my name is David Masters and I’m the author of the Psychopath Victims Toolkit.

A little about me, I’ve been counseling and consulting since the late seventies/early eighties. Occasionally, in the course of my coaching, I would encounter a client that had to mitigate the damages in their life due to the influence of a third-party individual, a “bad person.”

how-to-deal-with-a-psychopath-videoFrom my perspective, there were no such thing as bad people, just lost souls wandering aimlessly through life with little regard for others; and so, the advice that I gave to individuals in those days was very different than I might suggest now.

What I learned, was that there are people who are devoid of particular mental, emotional and spiritual components that compromise their humanity when integrating with other persons, we call these people psychopaths, sociopaths and the recent, more political correctly referred to as being on the Antisocial Personality Disorder spectrum.

That said, there are thousands of variables and no two psychopaths are identical, but they do share many similar characteristics.

So, how can you tell if you’re dealing with a psychopath? Here are some common signs that would indicate that you might be dealing with a psychopath in your life:

Is-he-or-she-a-psychopath-6-item-checklist1. CHARISMATIC

Psychopaths are charismatic and are able to attract supporters easily.

They are wonderful speakers who are able to engage their audience and can easily engage the emotions and attention of those fortunate enough to be in their presence.

They exaggerate stories skewing the truth for their self-serving benefit and will go as far as to lie and place themselves in someone else’s story and claiming it is their own.


Psychopaths are intellectual. They have a gift of having incredibly sharp wit and intelligence enabling them to masquerade as highly-educated as they bob and weave socially in live situations.

This also makes them excellent con artists able to conceive, plan and execute elaborate schemes, while staying one step ahead of the authorities.


Psychopaths have no feelings. They do not grieve, are incapable of feeling guilt, shame or remorse, empowering them to easily victimize anyone. They will enthusiastically engage in anything that bolsters their position at someone else’s expense.

They do not love. They are incapable of giving or receiving love, but terribly acute at acting as though they are madly “in love,” if it will help them achieve a desired result.

They are great actors/performers giving them the ability to create any perception of themselves that will achieve for them their desired result.

Even though they can appear to have emotions and use them as tools to manipulate their victims, let there be no doubt, they have no real feelings whatsoever.


Psychopaths are impulsive, often acting or speaking without thinking through potential consequences of their words or actions, and are more likely to spontaneously take risks.

They are free of repercussion since they see themselves as above the law or the constraints of the social norm. No social filters, consequences or guilt.


Psychopaths never lose. They will dominate anyone who gets in their way, will viciously defend their position, often by telling lies and spinning wild tales in an effort to discredit anyone with the inclination to disagree with them.

If you are naïve enough to challenge them, be aware that they will wield their powers of persuasion to make you look like a fool for questioning them. Which presumes that they believe themselves to be:


Psychopaths are always right. They never apologize; do not feel remorse for hurting others and are incapable of feeling guilt.

If asked to apologize, a psychopath will often strike out and attack their victim, rather than admit they may have made a mistake or misstep.

Now ask yourself, is the person you’re dealing with a psychopath?

Are they charismatic, smart, have no feelings, impulsive, always the winner and never wrong?

Chances are, you’re face-to-face with a psychopath.

You’re probably saying to yourself, “I knew it. I knew there was something wrong with that person…” You are realizing that you should rely more on your intuition that may have been warning you when you first met this person that something was not quite right. If only we learn to listen more to our gut, we would live happier, safe and secure lives, free from those who seek to exploit us.

If nothing else, that is the lesson to be learned from encountering a psychopath, is to trust your instincts and to not let yourself be taken advantage of by a cunning predator.

I would not, now, be an expert in the field of psychopathy had I not had my own first-hand experience with an evil psychopath that opened my eyes to the realities of the disorder. And now I have deep regret for all the folks that I was ill-equipped to be compassionate enough to reach out to them appropriately.

In this way, I may have attracted this psychopathic presence in my own life to benefit those whom it is my calling to assist along their life’s journey.

So, we’ve established that you have found yourself to be the unfortunate victim – or mark – of a psychopath, sociopath or someone amidst the antisocial personality disorder spectrum…

What Can You Do About It?

How to Deal With a Psychopath

How-to-deal-with-a-psychopath-6-item-checklist1. NO CONTACT

The very first thing to do is to create as much separation as you can as soon as possible between yourself and the psychopath.

You need to distance yourself physically, financially, emotionally, spiritually and in any other way possible from the psychopath and cease any and all communication with him or her, period.

Any further communication or contact after correctly identifying a psychopath will only lead to more risk or potential loss to you and yours.

Be aware that as you distance yourself, the psychopath will try to cling to you or play on your emotions in order to further victimize you. Do not fall for their manipulation or pity ploys from this point forward. They will try to appeal to your feeling but keep in mind they have no feelings and no regard for yours, except as a method to further victimize you.

You must cut them off. No contact, means no contact. Though this may not be possible, if you work or live with the psychopath; but that will be an issue to be handled specifically and independently of the scope of this primary message.


Next, you will need a strong support system. You should seek out a professional, a counselor or therapist, with experience in dealing with psychopaths. Note that early in my practice, even though individuals sought me out for assistance, I was ill-equipped to offer them the support that they needed at the time.

How can someone understand what you are going through if they do not understand what you are going through… because – and I am as guilty of this as anyone – “things can’t really be all that bad.” But they are, and they can be very bad, and they can get worse if you do not take the appropriate actions.

Seek out a specialist, or at least someone with experience dealing with victims of psychopaths.


Do not talk to your friends about the psychopath. You might think this is a good time to reach out to those in your circle of friends that you can depend on for support, but chances are (if the psychopath has done his or her homework) they have already gotten to them in advance.

If your friends have not been compromised by the psychopath, there is a good chance that they will be, and be forewarned very few people can compete with the ability to manipulate the minds of the unsuspecting, like the psychopath.

Keep things quiet. Do not confront your psychopath, engage in a battle of wits, challenge or attempt an intervention with your psychopath. This will only open you up for further potential pain, suffering, and potential loss.

They psychopath has the uncanny ability to turn anything that you say against you. Don’t give them the opportunity.


Stay the course. If the psychopath has counter-attacks you, don’t respond.

If you communicate anything to this person it should only be silence. Be steadfast and unshakeable, solid as a rock.

He or she must realize that you cannot be manipulated or be bullied into making any kind of response, no matter what they do or say.

Keep a good posture, positive outlook, smile and be confident (even if you don’t feel like it) at all times.

Any indication of weakness will be seen as an opportunity either to insert themselves or launch another attack.


how-to-deal-with-a-psychopath-sociopath-david-m-mastersDocument everything. Keep hard copies of everything you can to document any interaction or statements made by your psychopath and keep it at a secure location.

Watch what you say. Act as if every word you speak is being recorded, and may be read to a jury in the future word-for-word, twisting your words and spun out of context in an effort to make you look like a lunatic.

Maybe someday the people who once trusted you will see the truth, but even so, if your psychopath was a masterful one, they will still wonder about you, even after the true colors of the psychopath are made known.

So, don’t hold onto the false hope of one day being vilified of all the illicit accusations that were made against you. In most cases the effects are permanent, though may fade over time. Maybe, in the afterlife…


Most of all, forgive yourself. You were not the perpetrator, here, you were the victim. And as a victim, you may have found yourself invulnerable or compromising situations, and you may feel like the fool. But you were not the fool. Anyone could be victimized by the proficient psychopath and it happens every day in all walks of life and levels of society.

You could not have seen this coming… but now that you are aware, you are less likely to become a victim again… and maybe you can help others to see the signs – or at least be aware – that there are evil people out there, the virtual wolves in sheep’s clothing, who seek to destroy the lives of others without remorse.

Thank you for joining me for this message. It is my hope that this information will help to save you and other from further potential pain, suffering or loss at the hands of the psychopath. Pass this information on to others who may be potential victims.


For more information, or to contact me, visit psychopath victims dot com.

You might be interested in attending the Victims of Psychopaths Event


Looking Back

Raised in an Oregon commune surrounded by hippies helped to mold the character that I would become as an adult, facing a myriad of challenges that would result in disaster as I developed as a human being. Regardless of my set-backs, many core values remained intact as I pressed-on to achieve my personal goals.

Being raised in a rock-and-roll, free-love, pro-high environment helped to mold the person whom I’d become. Even though I’d spent my formative years in this, “hippie,” environment, I made my decision early in life, that I would be the author of my own life story, so I set out to make my life my own.

I decided early, that the free-love-philosophy was not for me. I had seen first-hand the psychological trauma that came along with this, so-called, “free love,” and discovered that it was not quite as free as its proponents had claimed. So, realizing I was on the monogamy spectrum, I decided to save myself for that elusive, “one true love.”

I had (and still have) a huge heart-component and desire to share monogamously and wholeheartedly with that one special person, who would have the capacity to love me in the same way.

Another influence that I rebelled against was the lack of work ethic that dominated the surroundings of my early rearing years. I thought to myself, “This is not the way that I want to live, nor is it the way that I want my family to live.” I didn’t want my kids to be raised in a lifestyle that was little more than a modern-day, homegrown gypsy.

Drugs were prevalent early in my life, and I admit that I did experiment with different varieties of natural and chemical mood enhancers… enough to realize that my two favorites were Marijuana and LSD. It wasn’t until I actually fell in love and began to start a family with my first, “true love,” that I looked around at all my friends who were actively engaged in utilizing my drugs of choice, and concluded that their lifestyles were incompatible to the lifestyle that I desired to give my new family. So, to better facilitate achieving my goals for our family, I left them behind.

Throughout my adulthood (and even in my youth) I struggled with maintaining a normal body weight. It didn’t take me long, as I started to apply for work in available job markets, to figure out that I got the best job offers, and made better money, when I applied for jobs while I was at a lower body weight. That led to my yo-yo dieting affair that gave way to my, “serial dieting,” (the compulsion to go from one diet to another in an effort to maintain a healthy body weight).

My first wife, I concluded, did love me in much the same way that I loved her, I believed the words that she spoke, we exchanged vows in marriage and started a family. It didn’t take long for me to realize that she was not able to keep the vows, but I attempted to hold the relationship together, with all my might, in an effort to preserve our family unit… to no avail.

When our marriage counselor intimated to me that, “Your only option for saving this marriage, is to open your relationship.” (For those of you who don’t know, “to open your relationship,” means to have an, “open relationship,” which means that you both agree to stay together, sleep together, and agree to have sex with alternate partners, periodically). In total opposition to what I signed-on for.

Being true to my love-component, I engaged in many activities including counseling others, drug and alcohol counseling, christian ministry, song-writing, and traditional businesses that I would conduct, ususally in conjunction with working a regular day-job. Because of my love-component, my strictest condition would be engaging only in activities that offered win-win alternatives. Some businesses are successful because they prey on the ignorance of others – this was in opposition to my personal ethics. Interestingly enough, my business ventures were normally short-lived due to changes in the business culture or economic environment.

Early business ventures included a musicians’ artist agency, energy-saving business, recording studio, independent record label, independent music review journal, video stores, professional photo labs, the hospitality industry (hotel), and author. By evaluating my peers, I knew that owning your own successful business yielded the greatest possibilities for achieving one’s familial and financial goals.

We welcome your comments and suggestions. Please feel free to e-mail us and tell us what other features you would like to see, here at David M Masters.