Think You’re Not Good Enough? It’s no surprise

How many times have you heard someone say, “I’m not good enough.” or even worse, “You’re not good enough.”?

It never ceases to amaze me that people are so inclined to accept the idea that they are unworthy or unable to do the thing that they are compelled to desire due to previous programming and mob mentality.

Why would someone want you not to achieve your highest and best?

You already have everything you will ever need embrace it take actionThis is one of the components of what I refer to as, “The Biggest Conspiracy,” which includes a method for society to control a growing population with the ability to herd and manipulate them with as little effort expended.

One way to do this is to conceive of and promote a culture and system(s) of belief in order to have the members of your society to be easily manipulated en masse. If you’re setting up this culture and, let’s assume that you are one of the more wealthy individuals in your society; as such, you may like to control the individuals who maintain a certain degree of wealth within your society.

In this way, you can create two divisions within your society, which could be referred to as leaders-and-followers, royalty-and-worker-bees, rich-and-poor, etc… and if you would like to be considered a progressive or “free” society, create a system to support the poor folks who might aspire to be not-so-poor folks.

Create colleges and universities to create (and control) the income-earning ability of the individuals within your society, and by all means, lead them to believe that if an individual does not have the proper advanced schooling, they are not qualified to aspire to anything beyond a mediocre working wage or position within your society.

To make this system even more effective, create information sharing components or media that will allow you to communicate messages to your society with as little delay as possible. Having control of the media (which should be wielded by slight-of-hand; certainly you would not want your subjects to actually think that you were controlling it) will allow you to quickly manipulate the mindset of the society as a whole.

I could go on for hours – and I don’t mean to over-simplify – but you must know that these illusionary tactics don’t really work because there’s something inside of you (even the smallest, most sincere whisper) that is telling you, “This is not right.”

That inner voice is telling you the truth. You are a child of God (interpret that anyway that you want) living on a planet full of resources and you – Yes You – are the most valuable resource of all. You came to this planet with a specific purpose and message to share.

And the truth is, you would not have had the thought that a thing could be possible for you, if it wasn’t. In fact, I believe that if you were given a thought of a possible future for you, it is actually a clear vision of the future, if only you could remove whatever stands between where you are in this moment and the vision that you have been given.

Enter the sociological programming and self-doubt, “I’m not educated,” worthy, don’t come from a rich family; don’t have political connections, blah, blah, blah…

You already have everything you will ever need to get you from where you are to where you want to be; if you will only embrace it and take action on it.

Isn’t it time you considered opting out of the herd?

Think about it… as you read these words, you know that it is true; there is a better life out there waiting for you.

Who Are You?

What do you want to be known for?

Isn’t it time that you started thinking about how you would like to be known or remembered for? What would you like people to say about you after you’re gone?

Now is the time to start establishing yourself as the person you’d like to be known as.

You’re a wise world walker and as such, you have the ability to see and perceive things unencumbered by the social restrictions that confine other earthlings with limiting beliefs.

Who am I having an objective opinion about ones self is the first step of wisdomThe first step in establishing the person that you would like to become is to take stock of where you are currently. Evaluate how you see yourself, how others think about you, and if possible, try to get honest third-party perceptions about the kind of person you are.

Having an objective opinion about one’s self is the first step of wisdom.

I’m a list person, so I would suggest getting a piece of paper and start jotting down what other people’s opinions of you are as well as how you think others might perceive you objectively.

We tend to see ourselves from within and consider the person who we are to be the most intimate and trusted person we know. We know our thoughts, motivations and inner feelings. So, we know how deeply we feel about certain people, circumstances and topics but no one outside ourselves knows how we feel.

Decide which inner feelings you’d like to have recognized for by your family, peers, coworkers, community and possibly the world at large.

So, here’s the next list: Who I Want to be known as?

Go ahead; go crazy. This is your life. The impression you leave on others is all that remains of your life’s journey.

It might help to relax and imagine what you might like to hear people saying about you at your funeral (avoiding the morbidity of the idea). You need not go as far as writing your own eulogy, though some people like doing this as part of the process.

This is not a one-time affair. The wise world walker is constantly evaluating his or her life, being aware of where they are in their journey and intentionally putting their sights on other destinations to engage with.

As a matter of fact, as I write these words, I too, am reflecting deeply… and have just uncovered something that brought me to tears. Though too intimate to share publicly, the basis of it is simply:

I have sincere, deep feelings about something.

The public (exterior) sense of others might have no idea about how passionately I feel about this thing.

If I ask myself, “Would I like to be remembered for how I feel?” or, “Would I like the world to know how I feel?” and the answer is, “Yes.” Then I have a great deal of work to do.

It is not always comfortable work – and in most cases it is not – but thank God you have the wherewithal to realize the separation that exists between

where the perception of you lies


what you would like to have known about you.

Your challenge – if you decide to accept it – is to think of ways that your true, authentic self can be seen by others and start taking action.

Who are you?

Let people know who you are.

I want to know you for everything that you would like to be remembered for.

Don’t just tell me; show me.

Going With the Flow

I work with a wide variety of clients with just as varied philosophies and levels of personal and professional acumen. In my attempts to reach out to them – to help make their lives more efficient and/or effective – invariably we encounter obstacles along the way.

In every case, there are at least two options involving making a decision to attempt to deal with the problem or circumstance. It is my preference to evaluate the situation from as many perspectives as possible before taking action (if time and circumstance allows), weighing the available data and deciding to take the action that offers the least resistance.

Go with the flow life as a river raft trip personal spiritual professional business akiyoko photo
If life was a raft, you’d make it so much farther downstream in less time, by letting the current do most of the work.

If one approaches his or her life as a river rafting trip and thinks of the raft as representing one’s life or business, then you are more able to disassociated yourself from the circumstance enough to more successfully navigate the journey and allowing the flow of the water carry you to your destination.

In the same way that we use conservation to protect valuable resources and reduce waste, we need to approach problem-solving, navigating our business and lives by expending the least amount of effort to gain the greatest reward or impact. You want to conserve your strength for what might lay ahead, only using the necessary resources to get you from here to there.

Yet, the river’s flow and the terrain surprises you with what may be lying around the next bend (especially if you haven’t navigated a river trip, like the one you are currently taking).

Some, if not most, of your river rafting trip will not be torrential and you will be able to drift along enjoying your scenic oneness with all that is.

I am blessed to be invited to join others on their river rafting journey and it is my life’s ministry to offer my perspective to others to help maximize their efforts along the way.

Whether the trip is a personal, professional or spiritual one, my calling is to help others achieve their highest and best. This journey – whatever shape or form it takes – requires effort and resources to get from here to there; thoughtful conservation of energy and resources involved the management of your cache to increase the effectiveness of your time spent in the flow.

Find ways to go with the flow. Ask yourself, “Is this the best use of my efforts and resources at this time?”

You may find (if you’re able to remove yourself from the anxiety of the current perceived situation or crisis) that in some cases, little or no action may be necessary, because even though it looks like you’re hurdling straight for that rock… the flow of the river’s current will guide you around it.

Sometimes your choice to go to the left of the rock – or the right of the rock – can directly impact what lies ahead. The rock may represent anything, a life challenge, business opportunity, marketing approach or financial decision. Using a T Chart or having a co-pilot can be extremely effective.

A wise person uses the technological resources available to best navigate the journey. Although this approach may be offensive to the purist, I would embrace having lookouts with binoculars connected to me via a wireless headset to assist in navigation, if possible. (Just sayin’.)

In any case, be open and willing to take no action, if necessary and enjoy the thrill of the ride.

Coaching Truth

You may know me by my work at Olympia Life Coach, or you might have taken any of my many classes or been trained and certified as a Life Coach by me, and if you have, you’ve heard me refer to the “truth matrix” at one time or another.

Having a grasp of the truth continuum can be extremely valuable in the way you interact with your life coaching clientele. In this business, you never know who is going to walk in your door and what condition they might be in.

Remembering that you’re in the business of helping someone do the best they can with what they have is of primary importance. You are not here to educate, train, or convince anyone of anything. Other experts in various modalities are called to ministries which persuade people to do or think in certain ways, but the life coach is there to support the client, period.

Clients may be predisposed to any concept of life or belief system. It is not the coach’s job to change what anyone believes, only to accept clients for who they are, believing whatever it is they might believe, without judgment or ridicule.

We do present clients with challenges, and a plethora of “what ifs” in an attempt to encourage clients to look at things from different perspectives, but their reality is solely their own, and we encourage them to make their own decisions supporting them all the way (unless it comes to a point where it becomes a conflict of interest, then you can refer them to another coach).

This is where the idea of the truth continuum comes in handy, as the truth continuum assumes that whatever the client thinks, or says is somewhere inside the truth continuum, even if it sounds contradictory to anything you might believe as being true.

The truth continuum honors the right of any client to believe anything they want and enables you to support them 100% in whatever they long to accomplish in their life without judgment or criticism.

Of course, all life coaches are not created equal, and no two are the same. You are encouraged to specialize in particular areas of expertise. For instance, there was a time when I specialized in drug and alcohol addictions. Since those early days, I have moved on to other areas of expertise.

When someone approaches me, who desires coaching regarding alcohol or drug addictions today, I refer them to another Olympia Life Coach who specializes in that particular area.

I stay focused on the vibration of the areas of coaching which resonate with me at the time.

Certainly, if I am working with a client who encounters a bridge which must be crossed to better approach the goals and ideals which he or she is working on, I can reach into my cache of previous specializations if we can keep moving ahead without any loss of momentum. If it requires a more long-term commitment, again, I am likely to refer my client to another coach specializing in that area.

My client is welcome to either maintain the work with both coaches, each working in their area(s) of expertise, or alternatively to return following the other work which may cause conflict with their primary focus.

This is the beauty of working with many other coaches, counselors, and consultants in my practice at Olympia Life Coach.

If you’re interested in joining the team at OLC, contact me and I will see what we can do.

Your Bright Future

Once you realize you have come on the planet with a purpose, that you are endowed with tremendous capacities, powers, and qualities, you have the unique opportunity to create a bright future, where all your aspirations and dreams come true. Endowed with the power of our minds, we live in a state of infinite possibilities and we have been fully equipped to live our highest potential.

Unlike our physical brain, our mind is one of the most powerful entities in the world bestowed upon us from above. Whether we are conscious of it or not, the power of the human mind can achieve anything and is an incalculable blessing above all other forms of life.

In retrospect, we know that where your life is today is based on the attitudes and choices that you have made in the past. Likewise, the attitudes and choices that you make today determine your future.

When you operate within the laws that govern all that is within this universe, are in harmony and alignment with your purpose, you can begin to realize that you are no longer a pawn in this game of life. Suddenly we no longer consider our life as a problem to be solved but rather as a mystery to be lived and celebrated.

You then can be empowered to take control over all aspects of your life, and how you experience them while enjoying your life’s journey. Once you discover, activate, express and promote your gifts, talents, skills and tend to your highest and best, you can attract the highest and best to you.

This new path can attract whatever you desire into your life. You will begin to see that anything is possible for you both professionally, and personally. Understanding your gifts and talents and how to use them every day allows you to be, do and have whatever you want. If you want a brighter future, think positive thoughts. See the future you desire in your mind’s eye; but don’t stop there. With the power of your imagination, engage all five senses in your visualization. Then prepare to experience your inspired life’s vision, by exploring and taking action at the appropriate times, to make it even better.

By taking a definitive, detailed, explicit approach to focusing on creating your future vision, immutable universal laws begin to attract the ideas, people and circumstances that are in harmony with your desire.

Sometimes, our current situation is the result of seeds that were planted in our past. It is often said, “What is past, is past,” but that is not all that there is to it, especially if we are hindered in any way by our history. It is also said that, “You cannot change the past.” Yet nothing can be further from the truth. We need not be shackled by our past. We can change the past by exercising imaging modalities, so that our past is congruent with our life’s mission and purpose further jettisoning us into our future life of abundance and prosperity.

When you master your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, you will master your life and your past will not predict your future, unless you allow it to.

David M. Masters is constantly uncovering better ways to help you become the very best you can be. He has the tools to get you from here – to where you want to be.

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” –Peter Drucker

Your Gift and Financial Success

Financial success may not be easy, but it is simple. Simply follow the principles of financial success and you will be the recipient of financial success. True and lasting success is rooted in taking pride in the value of our contributions to others, rather than taking pride in the value of our possessions.

Each and every one of us is endowed with a unique gift to share with other inhabitants of this planet. By determining your gift, embracing your talent, and deploying your message to others, you experience harmony in fulfilling your purpose. One of the advantages of being a good steward of your gift(s) and talent(s) is prosperity, abundance, and financial success.

Note that your focus should not be on prosperity, abundance, and/or financial rewards, because if your intention is on these results, your outcome will lack the luster of properly motivated intention. If you focus on wealth, you can’t help but notice a lack of it… If your intention is wealth and your attention is on lack; you will receive more lack.

Instead, believe and receive all abundance. Do not question how it will appear, when it will appear, or what it will look like. Have faith that it will appear in the right time, place, and manner. It will either appear when necessary or as a surprise reward for your proper motivation. Focus on the “giving,” based on the abundance you already have, and you will attract more abundance.

As we get better at allowing the good things that God has for us, all blessed things – including financial success – we get better at receiving in His time and proportions. This is a continual process that ranges from what we need – to what we desire. Prepare to receive the desires of your heart.

This is not to say that liars and thieves do not experience a form of prosperity, but this is limited, temporary, and fleeting. In contrast, for those who take the moral high road with integrity, their abundance is unlimited, albeit limited only by their own self-limiting blockages.

David M. Masters has 30 years of experience helping others determine what blockages and/or obstacles that may be keeping them from achieving financial success. He has the unique ability to help them overcome them, or delete them entirely.

Isn’t it about time that you have…

1) a positive attitude about earning and having money
2) an effective strategy for achieving financial success
3) the commitment to fully implement your strategy

“My clients achieve unparalleled financial success because they have strength and honor. They know what it means to commit. They are committed to their success and fulfill their commitments.” says Masters, “They keep their word while managing their time, energy, and financial resources – and let nothing stand in their way.”

Become the person you were born to be. Attain financial success and great wealth in all areas of your life; health, relationships, interactions with others, business, career, attitude, mindset, and financial freedom.

Increasing Performance via Your Gift

By empowering your unique gifts and delivering them as your gift to the world, you can raise your personal performance to its highest and best, placing you in the top ten percent of high-performance individuals on the planet.

Once you match your innate gift with the learned skill-set that launches the delivery of your message to the masses, your performance scale takes off, like a rocket. Shared skills include visualization, concentration, drive, risk taking, and goal setting. These skills are inherent in top performers in all talent categories including; sports, business and the arts.

By attaining the necessary skills to become your highest and best, you join the ranks of the highly evolved top ten percent of individuals who continually are becoming more successful, creative, and effective every day. Join the ranks of others who awaken to who they really are and discover how to enjoy the lifelong process of growing, loving, learning, evolving, sharing and serving others.

Developing these skills gives you the ability to better compete in the world. Whether you are an athlete, entrepreneur or artist, you will be able to better deliver your product, information or service by doing it…

Accomplishing more
Achieving what others cannot
Less expensively
With less personal exertion
Through self-assessment and analysis, one can increase their performance through understanding who you truly are, while understanding cognitive factors that impede motivation and success.

The world’s best and highest performers all have their own coaches, mentors and/or teams, why not you? This is about you, your potential and your success.

Whatever your goals, your dreams or aspirations David M. Masters will help you increase your performance, behavioral flexibility, and results by developing new thinking strategies while empowering you and your team.

Enter your team, the Master Mind

Your master mind group will consist of five powerful individuals who assist each other in pushing the limits of performance and possibility.

While master-minding one shares

skills and knowledge
identification of skills that increase performance
coping skills
mental focus
success planning
lifestyle integration.
The result is empowering the champion within to achieve your highest and best with increased performance independently and continuously.

True Happiness via Your Gift

The most sought after state-of-mind is that of happiness. It is not uncommon for people to fill the void left by unfulfilled happiness with the mad-dash for keeping up with the Joneses, sexual promiscuity, obtaining the latest technological appliance, high-fashion apparel/accessories, cosmetic surgeries or attending expensive galas, all in the effort to achieve the elusive feeling of happiness.

If you’re like most people, you may be thinking that you’re unhappy but you don’t know why or what it is you want to do with your life!

You don’t seem to have a real gift and your life doesn’t appear to have a purpose, or lacks happiness.

Happiness is not determined by what you look like or how much money you have. True happiness is knowing that God created you with special gifts perfectly attributed to you.

If you are seeking true happiness and fulfillment in your life, you must discover your, “gift.” Only by determining your gift(s), embracing and empowering your gift will you experience true happiness.

The happiest people in life are those who center their careers and activities around their gifts. By doing so, they have attracted all of the ideas, resources, people and finances that were needed to create the lives of their dreams. They experience happiness and abundance by identifying their gift(s), believing in their vision, and masterfully progressing toward the attainment of their goals and desires.

What is that thing that you enjoy doing more than anything? You can do something better than anyone else, and to experience true happiness you must fulfill your responsibility to share your gift with the world.

If you feel as though you cannot afford to follow the passion of embracing your gift(s)… This is quite opposite from the truth. By embracing your gift, and sharing your gift with the world, the universe will bless you for fulfilling your life’s purpose. By giving your gift you can earn as much money as you will ever need and bring happiness on a scale you never imagined.

Your gift may not seem very amazing or very practical to you because it comes so easily to you. Be aware that your vision, or your style of communication, or the way you organize your life can become a gateway to your unique ability. Your gift can change the world, and it will change your world.

Luke 6:38…. “Your gift will return to you in full and overflowing measure pressed down shaken together to make room for more and running over. Whatever measure you use to give – large or small will be used to measure what is given back to you.”

Write Your Book

Nothing is more important than your story; it is part of your reason for coming to this planet. Telling your story, in your unique voice, and sharing your life-message is an integral part to satisfying the design for your life.

For some, their life story is simply a documentation of your existence and interactions with others throughout this journey that we call, “life.” Whether your purpose for sharing this information if for generations to come, or just to share with family and friends, your story deserves to be told and preserved.

For others to whom it is important to share their unique message with like-minded people, or to challenge others with your controversial viewpoint, your life mission includes putting your ideas in print and making them available to all readers who dare peruse the pages of your thoughts.

Many people struggle with the idea of putting their thoughts, ideas, or experiences on paper… The idea of actually going to print may be overwhelming… and this cam lead to your work(s) not being shared.

I have helped many people see their works come-to-life on the printed page. I have helped people write their stories, formulate ideas, thoughts and presentations… and helped them bring them to the stage of completed, printed books, including all means of publishing and promoting.

To get started, you must get your story down on paper… Many people may think, “But I am not an author.” You might think this because you haven’t written a book, yet. But you are an author, the author of your life’s story, or message. I will help you get your book written and printed.

You will retain all the rights to you work. And I will walk alongside of you as you see your work come to life.

I will help you get your book into print in less than 30 days, for $6,449.

Stories deserve to be told and shared. Allow me the honor of creating your book that will stand the test of time. Tell me your story through a phone interview, and I will create a narrative that chronicles your story from a First Person point of view.

This service includes the following:

8-hour phone interview with narrative coordinator
120 to 160-page final manuscript

Here’s How It Works:

You will have a phone interview with a Narrative Coordinator.
Your assigned Narrative Coordinator will guide you through a series of relaxed recorded interviews, focusing on the topics you intend to discuss in your book.

Text editors adjust, reorganize, and polish transcribed text to create a first-person narrative with a natural storytelling flow that makes sense. The story is then Line Edited to ensure correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.

You retain all the rights to your story.

You can also purchase these add-on services to enhance your chosen package:

Additional Phone Interview (2 hour Session) – $ 1, 599
Each 2-hour add-on interview adds approximately 30 to 40 pages.

We welcome your comments and suggestions. Please feel free to e-mail us and tell us what other features you would like to see, here at David M Masters.

Multiple Modalities

While being versed in multiple modalities may be vague, David M. Masters has a wide variety of training and credentialed expertise that he brings to the table.

Armed with humility, curiosity and a penchant for scientific research, David is certified in the following academic specialities:

Angelic Prayer Therapy
Celebrity Lifestyle Consultant
Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy
Complete Mind Therapy
Corporate Stress Consultant
Law Enforcement C.O.R.E.
Master Hypnotic Consultant
NLP Advanced Master Practitioner
Ordained Reverend
Personal & Corporate Life Coaching
Rapid Results Pain Consultant
Reiki Master
Relationship Psychology & Therapy
Spiritual Psychotherapy
Weight Loss Coach
David M. Masters maintains professional membership in:

Association of Hypnotherapists & Psychotherapists (APHP)
The Association of Complete Mind Therapy (ACMT)
Be aware that this is not a complete list. David is continuously on the hunt for the latest technologies and is ever honing his skills to stay on the top of his game, in an effort to assure his clients remain atop of their game.