Who are You Insurmountable Odds?

What you do every day defines you, exponentially overshadowed by who you are and what you do when facing insurmountable odds. Who are you insurmountable odds?

When all hope is lost and you feel like you just can’t go on… There is hope. It may only a glimmer of the slightest otherwise failing ember, but it is there, waiting for you to reignite the flame.

Who you are and what you do in the face of insurmountable odds further defines you influencing your capacity to be an inspiration for others in their most challenging moments, possibly raising your status to legendary.

Though who you are and what you do when facing those critical, pivotal moments in life are not about others, it’s about you. Even so, when it seems like there is no energy to draw from left within you, thinking about how your actions might affect the community at large, people you know, your family, or your children may be the catalyst to afford you a second wind.

Somewhere from within, you are able to find the strength to take a deep cleansing breath, you re-center yourself yes, you utter, “It’s all I can stands, and I can’t stands no more.”

This can be the turning point in your story. If you think about the greatest stories, don’t they feature the main character facing insurmountable odds? Just as when you’re reading a book or watching a film, this is often the most exciting part of the story, right?

Well, this is your story. You are writing your story from moment to moment every day. You make 35,000 decisions every day. That’s 35,000 times you can influence the direction your story takes.

You are living your story right now, and you are the star, of what very well could be The Best Story Ever! It’s up to you. How will you decide to write your story?

What do you do when you face the most difficult circumstances, when it appears that all hope is lost?

You can be miles ahead in the game of facing challenges and obstacles which may appear to be overwhelming if you have a strong sense of who you are, your Purpose, Message, Passion, and Mission (PMPM).

By reviewing your most meaningful personal motivators with love, strength, and honor, it will help dictate what the next steps should be in accordance with your purpose, message, passion, and mission. You will be able to ascertain what your character (you) should do in those moments when facing insurmountable odds.

To support you in those times when you feel you just can’t go on, you should be able to draw upon a wealth of experience where you have been faithful and true in the little things. This is the character-building actions you take every day that strengthens your resolve and stores up for you hidden treasures of integrous and powerful resources which you can call upon when the going gets tough.

Your diligence and commitment to follow through in small things regularly builds your discipline and determination. It is the faithfulness to do the small things, even when you don’t feel like it, or you’re unable to recognize a particular value in what you’re doing, that builds your resilience and strength of character; your ability to do the right thing. These are invaluable resources when facing the life’s biggest challenges.

When you are exercising diligence, you are working through the discomfort, and developing a vibratory state which you can work within which enables you to continue to do the right thing, regardless of the extraneous circumstances. It may not seem like much when you’re practicing this every day, but when it matters most, you will find yourself courageously and powerfully prepared to deal with the most difficult issues when they arise, all do to your developed skill of entering a state of productivity which cannot be shaken by external circumstances.

Your integrity will help in being true to your word. You said it, so it is. If you’ve made a commitment, you said you will do something, you will do it, come hell or high water, and you expect nothing less from those who are on your team. If you have a team, you hold each other accountable with the highest levels of integrity.

If all things are possible, then the real question is, “Who are you in surmountable odds?”

This is your story.

You are the hero.

So hero up.

Life Choices, Challenges and Changes

It is common throughout one’s life journey to encounter forks in the road requiring having to make a choice of which path would best suit one’s best interests, unexpected obstacles that present you with challenges or unforeseen changes in life circumstance.

You inner guidance system is there for you to assist you in examining all the possibilities when faced with life’s choices, challenges and changes.

life choices life challenges life changes opportunity


We are faced with making conscious choices that we must make as we navigate throughout our life’s journey, everything from the casual choices, like, what clothes should I wear; what food should I eat? How should I fix my hair; or which shoes should I put on my feet? To more consequential choices, like, should I tell my partner how I really feel; or consider a new vocation? Should I continue to conceal, reveal or consider relocation?

When facing more critical choices in life, we must consider all the ramifications of our decisions, enabling us to make responsible decisions; especially when our choices affect the lives of others who we share our journey with. An honorable person considers others outside of our experience in reverence of the greater good. To not do so is to be selfish, self-centered, or possibly narcissistic in the extreme.

Then there are the consequences of our choices that need to be reviewed before making choices, especially decisions that carry gravity in our social arenas, or may even affect the world that we live in.

It is prudent to seek out an unbiased third party to help sort out the best details. Unlike a professional, friends, family and acquaintances do not always have your best interests at heart when consulting them for advice because they have their own vested interests and agendas, when evaluating the details of your quandary.

Your inner guidance system is there to help you with your choices when you can find the proper attenuation or vibration to sense its knowingness, so that you have the highest and best probability of success.


As we travel through this life, it is not uncommon to encounter challenges that we face. In some cases we may feel as though the obstacles in our way are insurmountable. It is your goal to reframe your life’s circumstances and develop a plan to mitigate the damages as you are empowered to face these challenges head on, with the best possible outcome.

These challenges can be at home, at work or in the most innermost part of our being when struggling with identity, (who we really are) or destiny (our life’s purpose) in an effort to enhance and enrich our lives as we move on to the next level of our higher self.


Unlike choices or challenges, which we have much more control over, there are times when we find ourselves in situations that have come about that are completely outside of our control.

This can be the result of loss; the loss of a job, failure of a business, a romantic relationship that has not turned out the way we had planned. The loss of a significant person in our life, either by proximity, participation, or even a loss of life altogether makes one’s journey more difficult to navigate in the light of such significant changes at times.

These situations need not seem utterly unbearable as it may seem. Oftentimes, effective communication with your inner guidance system can get you from the place where you are, often feeling helpless, to where you want to be, empowered, fulfilled and onto the high quality of life that you deserve.

Many tools, techniques and strategies, like the T Chart, are available that have been honed over a time that have helped others, just like you, who have struggled with life’s choices, challenges and changes.

It is time that you begin living your best life, achieving your highest and best.

Take back the reigns of your life and put you back in the driver’s seat, in control of your life circumstances.


One Day at a Time

Aren’t we all just trying to get through this life a little better than the day before?

You don’t have to be the most charismatic, influential, famous or rich person on planet earth but just being a little better, doing something – anything – to bring you closer to what you want or make the world a better place… that’s a day worth living in a life well-lived.

one day at a time one breath on step antonio guillem

“One day at a time” is not just a recurring mantra of Alcoholics Anonymous or the (trademarked) television show starring Bonnie Franklin. Mackenzie Phillips and Valerie Bertinelli… No, it is the baseline of each of us traversing our own individual journeys along our own life path.

How you make it through each day is not to be compared to anyone else’s day. Your life is for you, and you alone; this is not a competition.

I will admit, sometimes it’s hard to make it through a day at all. And as I look around surveying my people, the people I’ve known, been fond of or have loved… I can’t help but notice they have all but given up (and some of them have “thrown in the towel” even taken their own lives).

I have been blessed with the most amazing life. I wake up each day wondering

What will happen today?

Mostly, it’s with the anticipation of a child waking up to Christmas morning… though sometimes there are the darkest of mornings when I ask, “What will happen today?” feeling as though my heart cannot beat one more time or it’s too hard to take one more breath… but I do. And one breath leads to the next and the next comes a little easier and I find myself amidst yet another day.

Finding yourself amidst a day contains a challenge. A challenge not just to make it one more day, but to make this day a little better than the day before.

I am so grateful that making a day better than the day before isn’t always about me. Certainly, I am the key player in my life, but making someone else’s day a little better might just be the bright spot in my day. When I feel as though I have nothing left for me, I find blessing in the ability to encourage someone else’s day.

A simple smile, compliment or friendly wave might be all someone needs to encourage them to take one more step, making it closer to achieving one more day.

If I can encourage one person to keep striving to live a better life and to help others reach out to someone else in the same manner… This kind of viral love and compassion – even in the smallest doses – can help to ultimately make the world a better place.

And all it took was to take another breath, take another step and to show a little kindness.

In a world that’s off-the-hook with crazy insanity that can be so overwhelming that who of us has not considered that we might be better off somewhere (anywhere) else?

Yet, in this crazy world

You are the light

If even the smallest light, together we bring even more light to others… and the world.

Not only can you make a difference in this world

You are the difference

“Vive la difference!”

You make life worth living.

Going With the Flow

I work with a wide variety of clients with just as varied philosophies and levels of personal and professional acumen. In my attempts to reach out to them – to help make their lives more efficient and/or effective – invariably we encounter obstacles along the way.

In every case, there are at least two options involving making a decision to attempt to deal with the problem or circumstance. It is my preference to evaluate the situation from as many perspectives as possible before taking action (if time and circumstance allows), weighing the available data and deciding to take the action that offers the least resistance.

Go with the flow life as a river raft trip personal spiritual professional business akiyoko photo
If life was a raft, you’d make it so much farther downstream in less time, by letting the current do most of the work.

If one approaches his or her life as a river rafting trip and thinks of the raft as representing one’s life or business, then you are more able to disassociated yourself from the circumstance enough to more successfully navigate the journey and allowing the flow of the water carry you to your destination.

In the same way that we use conservation to protect valuable resources and reduce waste, we need to approach problem-solving, navigating our business and lives by expending the least amount of effort to gain the greatest reward or impact. You want to conserve your strength for what might lay ahead, only using the necessary resources to get you from here to there.

Yet, the river’s flow and the terrain surprises you with what may be lying around the next bend (especially if you haven’t navigated a river trip, like the one you are currently taking).

Some, if not most, of your river rafting trip will not be torrential and you will be able to drift along enjoying your scenic oneness with all that is.

I am blessed to be invited to join others on their river rafting journey and it is my life’s ministry to offer my perspective to others to help maximize their efforts along the way.

Whether the trip is a personal, professional or spiritual one, my calling is to help others achieve their highest and best. This journey – whatever shape or form it takes – requires effort and resources to get from here to there; thoughtful conservation of energy and resources involved the management of your cache to increase the effectiveness of your time spent in the flow.

Find ways to go with the flow. Ask yourself, “Is this the best use of my efforts and resources at this time?”

You may find (if you’re able to remove yourself from the anxiety of the current perceived situation or crisis) that in some cases, little or no action may be necessary, because even though it looks like you’re hurdling straight for that rock… the flow of the river’s current will guide you around it.

Sometimes your choice to go to the left of the rock – or the right of the rock – can directly impact what lies ahead. The rock may represent anything, a life challenge, business opportunity, marketing approach or financial decision. Using a T Chart or having a co-pilot can be extremely effective.

A wise person uses the technological resources available to best navigate the journey. Although this approach may be offensive to the purist, I would embrace having lookouts with binoculars connected to me via a wireless headset to assist in navigation, if possible. (Just sayin’.)

In any case, be open and willing to take no action, if necessary and enjoy the thrill of the ride.