You Never Do Love Wrong

When you’re in love, everything is connected and perfect. Nothing bad happens. You never do anything wrong, and everything happens at the right time, even if it doesn’t look or feel like it at the time.

Your love life, as challenging as it might be, is perfect in every way. You might not be able to see it from your current vantage point if you are young, or do not have a long succession of love experiences to evaluate, but there is nothing wrong with you or your love life.

It’s easy to look at the past, or your current love cycle, and feel like your love life is a complete failure, or feel like giving up on love at all, because of some enormous loss or crisis. It’s no surprise that many of us suffer from different forms of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) from falling in love.

Even when you feel everything goes wrong and is not working out the way you had planned, you let the current state of affairs overwhelm you, when in reality something far more divine is at work. God is readjusting your life for a far better life which is waiting for you.

When you are on a path which is far from where you need to be to have access to all the best things in life, then it takes a massive change to put you in the proximity of all that awaits your arrival. God, your angels, even your higher-self knows this, but it’s so hard to see from your vantage point fighting your battle for survival on the front lines of everyday life.

Even when your plans are not going the way you want, I am reminded of a wife who wanted desperately to leave her husband but was unable to break free. She spent many years planning to leave but (for whatever reasons) was unable to execute her plan. She spent two years feeling as if she’d let herself down, subjecting herself to self-inflicted abuse.

Then, she was hit by personal tragedy, which after taking care of details, the crisis was dealt with, the relationship dissolved itself, and she obtained the independence she sought, in even greater detail and abundance than she could have imagined two years earlier. Now, she enjoys the life she longed for.

There was a higher agenda, a better plan. Had she only been able to see it, she could have relaxed, even enjoyed the ride, until everything fell into place in the most divine manner. Could you agree, that even if she could have not been able to see it, she might have been far better off, relaxing and allowing the desires of her heart to unfurl naturally, the way God intended?

Often, when you resist God’s ability to navigate for you, your resistance not only delays arriving at what you want, you may find yourself headed in the opposite direction, initiating a full difficult set of life circumstances, which could include dire results, followed by a period of recalibration to get your life back on track.

Regardless of whatever apparent complexity in romance is presenting itself to you, know that nothing happens by accident or coincidence and every frustration, challenge, or upset is training you for a future opportunity or redirecting your path for a far better outcome.

Resistance will only hinder your progress and possibly cause you unnecessary delay, pain, or suffering.

No need to worry about how things are going, everything has led to this moment, and after all, love is all there is.

Relax, and go with the flow of love, without regrets, only gratitude, and even more love.

See: Love’s Prayer for You

See you at the Soulmate Wizardry event.

Accepting Responsibility and Change

We all make decisions in the moment that affect the rest of our lives. These are those pivotal places in life which disrupt the current path of our lives, changing the direction, plan, and purpose of our lives completely.

There is nothing wrong with this. There is no wrong way to make a decision or take an action which changes the rest of your life forever, for no matter what you do, it is always divine in nature.

There is no need to second-guess or apologize for anything you say or do result in your ability to change your life. When the result causes a significant change of direction in your life, this is always for your highest and best.

Your life might be in need of a drastic change, and most likely whenever this massive readjustment takes place, you are not going to feel good about it. You may feel good about the change in the beginning, only to second-guess your decisions or actions later. You may discover that others (possibly even yourself) might try to make you feel guilty about making such a major adjustment.

Guilt is nothing that serves you, so reject the idea of it at every opportunity. You may have remorse because you would have rather something had gone or turned out differently than you expected but feeling guilty is a fear-based emotion which seeks to tear at your emotional fabric and intends to destroy your individuality.

You must find peace in accepting things as they are (what is accepting what is?), honoring regret without succumbing to remorse.

Maybe, if given the chance to do it over, you would have handled the details differently, but the truth of the matter is that things unfolded the way they did. You did the best you could in the moment that changed everything, and you did so perfectly. Want a do-over?

Yes, things changed, and this is the essence of a life full of opportunities for growth and change, increasing the possibilities exponentially throughout your life as it ripples throughout the lives of others.

These life choices, challenges, or changes in life circumstances enable us to grow and expand beyond that which would have been possible had we stayed in a sedimentary or dormant vibration.

People in your life may not have the same respect for growth and change, and they may try to intimidate or impose psychological pressure on you in an effort to persuade you to stay the same. There is a certain comfort in sameness, which hinders growth and supports mediocrity. You needn’t settle for mediocrity.

If you’ve chosen the pursuit of a life path which is open to change then opportunities to change will present themselves, and if your life is not changing, then you’re not doing it right.

You are not flawed, and you’re never doing it wrong, no matter what anyone says. You are simply making your own way and honoring your God-given right to do so.

It was never your intention to offend or hurt anyone in the process. If anyone was offended or hurt, you may regret your part in their pain, and vow to do it differently, better than the last time. This is part of your learning and growth process.

No one knows better than I, that even with the best intentions, the outcome did not unfold as I expected and people (even including myself) were hurt in the process. For this, I have profound regret, but my heart was pure. I accept responsibility for those things I cannot change, apologize when appropriate, and vow to learn and try to do better if ever I revisit a similar circumstance.

Your journey is one unlike any other, and we can’t wait to see you live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place.

Who are You Insurmountable Odds?

What you do every day defines you, exponentially overshadowed by who you are and what you do when facing insurmountable odds. Who are you insurmountable odds?

When all hope is lost and you feel like you just can’t go on… There is hope. It may only a glimmer of the slightest otherwise failing ember, but it is there, waiting for you to reignite the flame.

Who you are and what you do in the face of insurmountable odds further defines you influencing your capacity to be an inspiration for others in their most challenging moments, possibly raising your status to legendary.

Though who you are and what you do when facing those critical, pivotal moments in life are not about others, it’s about you. Even so, when it seems like there is no energy to draw from left within you, thinking about how your actions might affect the community at large, people you know, your family, or your children may be the catalyst to afford you a second wind.

Somewhere from within, you are able to find the strength to take a deep cleansing breath, you re-center yourself yes, you utter, “It’s all I can stands, and I can’t stands no more.”

This can be the turning point in your story. If you think about the greatest stories, don’t they feature the main character facing insurmountable odds? Just as when you’re reading a book or watching a film, this is often the most exciting part of the story, right?

Well, this is your story. You are writing your story from moment to moment every day. You make 35,000 decisions every day. That’s 35,000 times you can influence the direction your story takes.

You are living your story right now, and you are the star, of what very well could be The Best Story Ever! It’s up to you. How will you decide to write your story?

What do you do when you face the most difficult circumstances, when it appears that all hope is lost?

You can be miles ahead in the game of facing challenges and obstacles which may appear to be overwhelming if you have a strong sense of who you are, your Purpose, Message, Passion, and Mission (PMPM).

By reviewing your most meaningful personal motivators with love, strength, and honor, it will help dictate what the next steps should be in accordance with your purpose, message, passion, and mission. You will be able to ascertain what your character (you) should do in those moments when facing insurmountable odds.

To support you in those times when you feel you just can’t go on, you should be able to draw upon a wealth of experience where you have been faithful and true in the little things. This is the character-building actions you take every day that strengthens your resolve and stores up for you hidden treasures of integrous and powerful resources which you can call upon when the going gets tough.

Your diligence and commitment to follow through in small things regularly builds your discipline and determination. It is the faithfulness to do the small things, even when you don’t feel like it, or you’re unable to recognize a particular value in what you’re doing, that builds your resilience and strength of character; your ability to do the right thing. These are invaluable resources when facing the life’s biggest challenges.

When you are exercising diligence, you are working through the discomfort, and developing a vibratory state which you can work within which enables you to continue to do the right thing, regardless of the extraneous circumstances. It may not seem like much when you’re practicing this every day, but when it matters most, you will find yourself courageously and powerfully prepared to deal with the most difficult issues when they arise, all do to your developed skill of entering a state of productivity which cannot be shaken by external circumstances.

Your integrity will help in being true to your word. You said it, so it is. If you’ve made a commitment, you said you will do something, you will do it, come hell or high water, and you expect nothing less from those who are on your team. If you have a team, you hold each other accountable with the highest levels of integrity.

If all things are possible, then the real question is, “Who are you in surmountable odds?”

This is your story.

You are the hero.

So hero up.