That Moment When Everything is Perfect

Then there is that moment in time when everything is perfect. Everything in life, the world, the universe is in perfect harmony. Sure, there could be things going on that appear to be bad, even evil, other things that don’t make sense and you wish you had access to more information. You could be surrounded by uncertainty, dysfunction, and chaos everywhere you look, but In this sacred moment, everything is perfect.

I experienced such a moment when my latest granddaughter was born.

Even though the world had not changed. There was no pervasive love vibration amongst all peoples, no worldwide peace, no curtailment of the powerful trying to control and manipulate the less powerful, and people were still killing each other in the name of their country or what they believed in, still, there I was in this brilliant moment of sanctity.

I knew that everything was fine, even more than fine, I was able to sense a sacred harmony and balance is all things, in that moment when my granddaughter arrived on planet Earth.

Here she was, fresh from the other side, when moments ago when held in her hands and being the knowingness of all things. She chose to live a life journey in the arms of my daughter and son-in-law. And I am blessed that she chose me to be her Papa.

As I was high on all the biological chemistry taking place, everything was so sacredly impressive and for a while, I was able to see and feel that there was a sacred harmony in all things. Everything, even the injustices, and horrible things made sense to me, because of this. This is what life is all about.

It’s about creation and the willingness to go through the process to live, love, learn, share, and create, while experiencing a wide emotional range, sampling all this life has to offer.

How exciting for my daughter and her husband to be starting this new chapter in their life together?

How much more exciting for my new granddaughter, who is starting her fresh, new journey, with a blank slate? I love her so much, more than words can express, and I barely know her.

(She has my DNA in her mix. I hope my contribution is a blessing for her, her parents, and families to come.)

How will her journey unfold?

I can’t wait to see what happens next!

It’s moments, like these, that make me want to live a thousand years or more. I am so fascinated by being able to see all the possible paths those whom I care deeply about have chosen as their method of experiencing everything this life has to offer.

I don’t want to miss a thing.

I believe this world has a bright and sunny future, and I will do what I can to encourage others to raise the bar for all the grandchildren in all the world.

One man cannot do it all, but all the grandparents in all the world, if we all could just do just one thing for a better world for our grandchildren, the world will change dramatically, for them.

Here comes the sun…


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