When You Let Someone Hurt You

When you let someone hurt you, it’s easy to jump to the conclusion that someone has struck out at you, even assaulted you. When your feelings are hurt because of what someone else said or did, it might be more difficult to realize that the responsibility for how you feel is on you, not the other person.

You make the choice to allow someone else’s words of deeds offend, hurt your feelings, or affect you in a negative way because you could also choose to not let whatever anyone else says of does to affect you.

While enduring all kinds of torture and suffering, Viktor E. Frankl, said, “The one thing you can’t take away from me is the way I choose to respond to what you do to me. The last of one’s freedoms is to choose one’s attitude in any given circumstance.”

While being beaten for practicing civil disobedience, Mahatma Gandhi said, “Nobody can hurt me without my permission.”

These are both excellent examples of men who chose to rise above their current situation to disallow anyone else to exercise dominion over their state of mind. You too, can have this unshakeable resolve, if you so choose.

We go through life with the default setting of allowing other people to hurt us deeply and even feel the pain in our bodies as if we’d been beaten, assaulted, or tortured, when we have not actually been touched, and this is our choice.

We choose to feel sick to our stomachs, suffer sleepless nights, low energy levels, depression, and little motivation even to eat or get out of bed because of what someone else treated us. This is a lot of power over us to be granted to another person.

As perverse as this might be, it’s an attitude which you have been programmed to hold tight to as a method to control you within the prison of your own mind. Many heroic individuals have discovered this and broken through the programming to find their own peace in any circumstance.

You can choose to have the power to not let anyone shake your state.

Once you discover that you have the choice to be unmoved by anyone or anything outside yourself, you also realize that when you let someone hurt you, have made the choice to allow someone to affect you deeply out of respect or love, if you so desire.

From this vantage point you have the knowingness and power of your control over your state of mind at any time regardless of what other people think, say, or do. You are the master of your emotional state.

This high level of emotional maturity is within the grasp of anyone with the courage to grasp the idea and wrap their heart around such a concept.

There’s no need to look back at all the wasted hours, days, and living of life by being overly concerned about the dominion you allowed others to have over you. What is important is that from here on out, you are the master of your emotional state.

Nothing can hurt you.

Disappointment, fear, offensive statements, abusive circumstances (even the most unimaginable) are no longer effective weapons against you.

Also, letting go of expectations can be an effective tool in allowing others to have control over you, for if you let go of the emotional attachment to the expectation of a particular response or outcome, your emotional state is not at risk and cannot be shaken.

You decide to live your life in a state of pain and suffering or love and joy.

When you let someone hurt you, it is not without your invitation or permission.

Raise Your Vibration to Love and Above

When you’re trying to establish and maintain a vibration frequency of love and above (Dr. DR Hawkins’ 500+) can be a task, especially if you’ve spent a great deal of your life, or a stretch of time in lower vibrations.

I talk about vibration and frequency a lot, so if you haven’t yet read Power vs. Force by David Hawkins, here’s a brief overview of the frequency vibrations in the form of a chart, to give you an idea about what to expect:

Click on the following image for Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness.

Wherever your base vibration is set at, you’re going to be attracting more of that in your life, that’s why I feel it’s important to keep my personal level up and around the 500+ range, and sometimes, the love vibration is difficult to maintain when you’re not feeling it.

If you’ve spent a great deal of your life vibrating in the lower states, it so easy to fall back down to those frequencies because, even though they are basically contrary to what might be your (my) highest and best, because your emotional mindset has grown accustomed to that state. In a way, your being has a sense of familiarity, even safety, in those vibrations.

Below 200, is where our shadow self vibrates in force and thrives, we rack up most of our habits (the less than desirable ones, anyway), as you increase or raise your vibration into power, the easier it is to leave those old tendencies behind.

If you’re focusing your attention on love, this is a wide spectrum covering all the vibrations, mostly because there are so many types of love, but if you’re looking for that true love (the 500+ love) be aware of what you’re looking for, because this is unconditional love, not the you-do-something-for-me and I’ll-do-something-for-you type of love, you’re used to looking for, but the “I love you no matter what” kind of love

This is the unselfish love, and if you’re unaccustomed to vibrating there it can take some focused attention and you may have to diligently work to raise your love vibration, getting you from where you are to where you’d like to be.

Unconditional love doesn’t come from someone else, it comes from you. So, be forewarned that the work that needs to be done doesn’t have anything to do with anyone else but you. Real, true, authentic, unconditional love starts with you. If you can raise your vibration and maintain it at 500, all the love you could possibly want will come to you, because that is what you are.

Try this quick an easy Raise Your Love Vibration Meditation and feel the difference in minutes.

Briefly, you have to start with getting comfortable being uncomfortable. Your base vibration is where you feel at home, so raising your vibration can be interesting (maybe even scary from where you’re at) and feel uncomfortable, and that’s okay, even a good sign that you’re doing the right kind of work, but don’t worry; it gets easier, as you go along.

You’ll be taking some risks and accepting challenges, most likely trying things you’ve never done before, thinking in ways that you haven’t tried before, and feeling like you’re just going through the motions at first, but once you get in the groove (vibration) you will start to feel much better about your exploration in these new arenas.

Say goodbye to stress. I know, this may sound impossible from where you are, right now, but fear not. Stress is like an anchor and it will always drag you back into force. So, be thinking about ways to avoid stress in your life. Force is like swimming against the current and power is like complete buoyancy.

Your feelings are an accurate gauge of what’s happening around you, where your vibration is tuning in to, find ways to tune into your heart and let it be your guide. Find activities in the higher vibrations that you enjoy or have a sense of satisfaction when you’re involved in them.

Find ways to connect with your intuition. If you feel at a lack of any intuition whatsoever, find ways to nurture it and connect with it more and more.

The more aware you are about your life and what’s happening around you, the earlier you can divert stress, strain, difficult circumstances and find the exit, which leads to opportunities to achieve a higher vibration.

Embrace the power of your imagination. Your imagination thrives in power (not so much in force), and make appointments and goals that use the power of your imagination in creative situations and circumstances.

Expand your consciousness by reading books, or otherwise exposing yourself to new ideas that you may have rejected in the past, when you were vibrating at a lower level.

Find ways to volunteer, support, or share with others about what you’re learning. Remember there’s no need for you to “follow” anyone, only to glean what you can (that which applies to you and your journey) and keep moving on. Nothing is more personal or unique as you and your journey.

Connect to others, share your experiences (with those who can hear you) and listen to the experiences of others, as you become a part of the growing network of individuals who are awakening, expanding and evolving. You are taking part in the evolution of mankind on this planet and we’re all in this together.

Moving up the emotional frequency ladder may be uncomfortable at first, and it will take some commitment, dedication and some elbow grease, but you can do this. Because when you were born, this was your destiny.

It may have been beat out of you by life, family, society, circumstance or even in the pursuit of what you thought was love, but it is there, waiting for you. Love is begging you to come home and enjoy all the “Love and Above” that you had ever hoped for… and so much more.