No Matter What You Say No Matter What You Do

With all this talk about love, growing and expanding in love, raising your love vibration, and unconditional love, you might find it difficult to say (think and feel), “I love you no matter what you say. No matter what you do.”


It seems like the idea of no matter what you say no matter what you do is a far stretch from reality. No one would blame you if you thought it was impossible or beyond belief that anyone could say such a thing without lying or being deceptive. Yet, there are times when you, yourself, are likely to have loved to that degree.

If you think about it, you have probably held a newborn baby or a new puppy in your arms, and in that moment as you look into the eyes of that baby or puppy, it’s easy to say, think and/or feel, “I love you no matter what you say. No matter what you do.”

Even though you came into this life as a baby who was unconditionally loveable and unconditionally loving, fascinated by and loving everyone and everything no matter what, you were raised, reared, and reprogrammed to love conditionally.

Then later in life, very possibly right now, you are awakening to or intrigued by, the idea of there being such a thing as unconditional love. You might be wondering why no one seems to be able to love you no matter what you say no matter what you do. And while you can love somebody so much, “no matter what,” seems like just too much to ask due to your social programming or personal beliefs.

Understand there is no wrong way or right way to love. We all love the best we can and if you do not have much love for yourself, you will not have a well of love to draw from within to share with others. Loving the best you can is the best you can do and you are blessed to have any love at all, no matter how small.

The unlimited unconditional love of God is infinite and all around you. This infinite unconditional love permeates every cell of your body. Do not panic if the idea of all life and you being made of and animated by unconditional love. Just keep your mind open enough to consider if there was no love in you, your body would fall to the floor, lifeless.

You are unconditional love, though you have been conditioned by family, friends, and society to believe that love is an elusive energy which exists outside of yourself, if it exists at all. This sets the scenario where true love, if you haven’t given up on it altogether, can only be found in some other person. Disney and Hollywood have helped shore up this idea.

In your search for love, you doubtlessly have discovered that love (the love you have been taught to seek) is not what it’s cracked up to be and your experience has led you to believe love is misleading, dishonest, painful, and not worth it, at least not for long. Your experiences in love can reinforce a negative perspective in relation to this idea of love, and you may come to the conclusion, “There is no such thing as love.”

If you would like to be loved no matter what you say no matter what you do, then you must ignite the flame of unconditional love which is within you, and turn it to and focus it upon yourself.

Up until now, you have probably been your own worst enemy, second-guessing and berating yourself, seeing yourself as a victim of life. Not if you love yourself unconditionally.

If you want to love or be loved unconditionally, you must love yourself no matter what you say no matter what you do first.

When you love yourself no matter what you say no matter what you do, you can then share your love as it overflows from you and to those who you love and the world all around you, unconditionally.

I know it’s a stretch because you’ve been trained to believe that no one can be trusted, but in the vibration of unconditional love, trust doesn’t matter.

In your conditional state of love, you think, “But what if…?”

In unconditional love there is no what if; there is only I love you no matter what you say no matter what you do.

If you are not ready to conceive of the idea of unconditional love, there is no judgment, you are not doing it wrong. Just find a way to love the best way you can, for love is really the only pure energy which permeates all of life. Find it. Get it and give it any way you can.

Here, you are loved no matter what you say no matter what you do.

Love is All There is

Love is all there is. Everything else is illusionary lights, smoke, mirrors, bells, and whistles. The truth is it is God’s intention for there to only be love, a harmonious celebration of life and peace on earth. This is why we are here, to find and experience all the love, life, and peace that is waiting for out discovery and joyous celebration thereof.

On the other hand, we share the planet with a variety of individuals, all with their own experiences, perceptions, definitions, beliefs, and ideals, all purporting their own agendas, some willing to use force, even kill others or die themselves in defense of their perspective.

What we fail to see in every person, every thing, every disaster, every circumstance, situation or challenge, there exists a state of perfection. Inside every sick and dying person is a healthy vibrant person full of vitality and love in all of his or perfection in every way. Granted, you may not be able to see it from your perspective because, after all, we all inhabit bodies and are (somewhat) limited to what we can experience with our five senses and rationalize with our finite mind.

Knowing that there is more to life than meets the eye (and/or the other four senses) enables you, if you dare, to see things from a higher perspective; seeing the beauty, magnificence and divine nature of all things. Though we are not able to see these things clearly due to our varying state(s) of consciousness or expansion, there is a knowingness within that everything is in divine order.

Through it all, our calling remains clearly (if you can imagine) to experience and be love, to celebrate life in harmony with all mankind and creation, as well as having peace on earth.

If love is all there is, and everything else is illusionary lights, smoke, mirrors, bells, and whistles, then God’s perfect design and will prevail, regardless of what it looks like on the surface.

While the base vibration of humanity is rising. Humanity’s base vibration is still basically low, rooted in fear, though it is raising in love. This vibration continues to rise as more and more of us are able to see this life through the eyes of love and continue to grow, expand and evolve into higher versions of ourselves.

Even so, our base vibration, representing the majority of people with whom we share the planet, make our default setting for gathering and processing data search for what’s wrong with the world. Then we attempt to smash, ridicule, or fix that thing which we have determined is bad, cruel, or in conflict with our ego-centered desire to see a thing manifest in a certain way.

Invariably, we who are in human form, find that which we seek. If you look for the bad things in the world you find them, and if nothing exists that was bad (and it doesn’t) then we will find a way to create it, so that we have something to focus on which is negative. This is our default setting.
Alternatively, you may choose to shift your focus from fear (your default setting, which most of us have been programmed to do since birth) or seeking to find what’s wrong with the world, to love and seeking all the things that are right, even spectacularly breathtaking, in the world at any point in time.

Using scientific method and personal assertions we find and disseminate our findings to influence others to align with our point of view, whether it is based on negativity or positivity.

Where you resonate in your life, what you focus your attention on and feel is amplified and sent out to the world, proliferating the frequency which you resonate with while engaged in thought. If you are feeling bad about something you believe to be bad with a degree of intensity, this vibratory frequency is multiplied exponentially. Therefore, the more you feel good, or bad, the more your experience affects the world.

It hardly makes sense to focus on anything bad. Mother Teresa understood this concept when she said, “I was once asked why I don’t participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I’ll be there.” She knew the secret to focusing her attention on that which is good, not on what is wrong. By doing so, she was able to influence the world in a positive way, staying true to her sacred calling and not allowing herself to be distracted by that which was undesirable.

You, like Mother Teresa, could be surrounded by pain and suffering yet positively focused on being the proactive solution.

To see things through the eyes of God is to see everything in the light of love, while to look at things through the eyes of men is to filter your sight by the veil of human existence and fear.

Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to experience this paradigm shift from fear to love and to be a powerful generator for promoting love’s good in all things. Your positive attention, actions, and energy create a viral effect of spreading love, like a sacred virus throughout the land.

It starts with you. The one. You are the one being called into this sacred service.

Let today be the day you chose to, as Gandhi challenged, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

Starting with you and your household, make the world a better place by focusing your attention on all that is good, and when your senses become aware of something not good, look for the good in it and you will find it, or see and/or be the solution.

The new world of love, joyous celebration and peace starts within you.

See you at the Soulmate Wizardry event.