Are You Psychic?

Ever wonder if there is such a thing as being psychic?

Society would like you to think that psychic abilities are mere fiction or something to be avoided (if it does exist) because it would be evil, if it did exist. The subject of psychic abilities has become so convoluted and filled with false information that you could hardly make any sense of the idea of the possibility of having psychic ability impossible to understand or even think about without confusion or fear.

Still, there is something inside of us that would like to believe that someone could possess psychic abilities, so we are attracted to various types of entertainment where we see performance artists who are skilled in using sleight of hand or mind tricks to thrill us with the idea that such a thing could be possible.

Not to worry, even if you were to start to believe in the possibilities, the system has already stacked the deck against your idea that psychic abilities might exist and there is a huge amount of data available to make you feel like a fool, even if you had entertained the idea that there is more out there than we could possibly decipher using pure logic.

This idea that logic and reason is the ultimate litmus test of what is possible and what is not is in direct contradiction of the advancements we have witnessed in the last 150 years. Many of the conveniences we enjoy today are the result of someone allowing their mind to expand beyond known and accepted reality. Those who were active participants in these advancements, explain the breakthroughs as, “coming from somewhere outside one’s self,” or “as seen in a vision.”

Not one of them indicate any idea that their inspiration to approach something completely inconceivable as having any connection with any psychic ability whatsoever. Instead those who possess these abilities use more acceptable terms, like creativity, ingenuity, having the ability to use forward-thinking imagination or to see things from “outside the box;” all socially acceptable concepts to diffuse any psychic offense.

are you psychic do i have psychic abilities

The reality of it all is that human beings are blessed with all kinds of psychic abilities that vary in type, style and function from one individual to another and most of them have been suppressed by many methods. Social mores would dictate any reference to psychic abilities are folly, misinformation dominates the information highway and in our modern world even elements introduced to the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water that we drink may inhibit the development of our innate psychic abilities.

We are all connected to something so much more outside of ourselves than we could ever imagine, yet we are distracted by any means possible to keep us from embracing the idea by our fear-focused attention to the media and flood of data bombarding us 24/7. How could we even manage the space in which we could initiate an original thought on present-day planet earth?

Take a minute to think about this: If psychic abilities were the nonsense that we’ve been led to believe it is, then why would the government be spending billions of dollars researching and weaponizing all things psychic and paranormal?

Regardless of what they’d like you to believe, you have an inner knowingness that there exists some psychic ability inside of you. You know that you have had psychic experiences. You may have “felt” someone looking at you, and turned to catch someone doing just that. There is no way you could have known otherwise.

In fact, you have intuitively known many things that might be conceived as precognition. You can’t explain how you “knew” something, like there was an impending danger prior to an accident, knew someone had ulterior motives, something was “wrong” with a particular person or animal, or you “felt” as if you might be going the wrong direction.

Call it what you want these abilities abound within you, though they may be mostly dormant and could be awakened. Your psychic abilities can have a profound effect on all that you turn your attention toward including your profession, business, athletic performance, philosophy, creative endeavors and the arts as well as personal satisfaction, greater love, fulfillment and happiness in life.

Not to mention that embracing one’s psychic abilities (or however you feel comfortable referring to it) is an integral part of the next phase of our human evolution.

This awareness is awakening within you now as you evolve.

Intuitive Intuition

Along the journey of my life and my desire to learn and grow while exercising my life’s calling of helping others achieve their highest and best I spend a lot of time introspectively examining what is inside me and ways that I can expand my skills and capabilities, not only for myself, but to maximize my offerings to others.

Early on, I recognized my lack of intuition. Having knowledge of this led me to conclude that this valuable skill was not only important but necessary. When assembling teams, I always sought someone to be a key player who was highly intuitive. Another thing that occurred to me was that either you were born to be intuitive, or not, and that it was a skill that you could acquaint yourself with. So, my personal growth regimen included education, tactics and skills related to bridging the gap between my not being born intuitive and desiring the benefits of having intuition.

My early attempts to attain a greater sense of intuition led me to advanced training in hypnosis and Neural Linguistic Programming (NLP) along with other disciplines. That was then.

It time, and with advances in scientific knowledge and technology, it became common knowledge we are all born with intuition, but in most of us, our intuitive abilities are ignored or suppressed early in life.

Now I realize my attempts to address the subject of intuitive intuition by relying on my power of mind were in vain. Certainly I learned a lot about myself and others, yet my level of intuition was not affected much with all my attempts to take a rational approach exercising mind control and brain power.

intuitive intuition heart 7 seconds mind 3 seconds precognitive intuition

Current scientific knowledge reveals that the seat of intuition does not reside in the brain or the mind, but in the heart. The heart has an independent mind of its own, and intuition is initiated from electrical impulses from the heart that are delivered to the brain (4 seconds later) for the mind to discern (taking an additional 3 seconds). So, it’s a one-two punch, where I had ignored the first – and most important – part of the process. (To tell the truth, to think about “thinking” with the heart sounded weak or at least ill-advised to me back in the day.)

Are you like me?

Do You Want Intuitive Intuition?

Finally, we have enough information to ascertain better methods of turning up the volume on our intuitive skills and abilities.

I am now in search of a more heart-centered approach to strengthen my intuitive muscle, now that I know where to focus my attention: Away from my head and toward my heart, where intuition is first alerted.

The normal process for someone who has a naturally high functioning intuition takes 7 second from the first impulse initiated by the heart to cognitive recognition. The heart knows something is going to happen, even before there is any indication that something’s amiss, it reacts a full 4 seconds prior to the brain.

You may say it’s impossible to know the future, but intuitive people know something’s going to happen before it happens more often than not. If you don’t believe me just ask someone who was born with high functioning intuition. Chances are you already know someone, if you’re not one.

So, here I go, off on another tangent in my self-improvement regimen to develop my psychic powers…