Love Masters

Love is the most powerful energy in the universe. True love energy is the source energy of God, and if you are open, aware, and loving, you can master this powerful love energy. To do so, you must apply this love energy to everything that is happening around you, appearing before you, and being felt within you.

It sounds like a tall order, but you don’t have to master all of this instantly. In fact, that would be extremely difficult to do because it takes discipline and a great deal of retaining the way you think.

You have been programmed since your earliest of ages to not think in this way, even though in your purest form when you first arrived in this world, you were a natural-born master of love. Since your birth, you have been retrained to be a master of fear.

Fear is exclusion and isolation of self, while love, on the other hand, is inclusive, embraces all things as divine and absorbs all the positive energies in everything, regardless of how it may look on the surface.

Love is a state of being which is associated with a particular frequency of energetic vibration. When you are in it, you can feel it. You know it when you are there. To apply this energetic state of being to every moment of every day, that is mastering love.

Interestingly, those who are able to maintain this level of energetic love mastery, their lives look very different from the rest of us, because this energy attracts those things which are an energetic match to the energetic “love field” they have created for themselves.

Love Masters love everything around them, the way that it is. They love others; their families, their neighbors, friends, coworkers, management, law enforcement, governing officials, all of them, just the way they are. They love the nature which surrounds them; the chirping birds, the trees swaying in the breeze, the bud of a flower as well as in full bloom, the grass as it grows and the smell of it after its been freshly cut, the taste of a freshly picked juicy apple. They love where they live, the sounds heard from outside that verify their existence in this place, they love the transportation vehicle(s) which allow them to move about freely in this exciting world where we live.

So, things show up that are a match to their energetic vibration of love which flows through them.

To love is a choice, and you could choose to adopt this vibrational state of being for yourself and enjoy all the good things in life that are a harmonic match to your new love vibration.

As a Love Master, you will be imbued with special abilities to influence the world around you with this new energetic power of love, but to take full advantage of your love prowess, you’re going to have to let go of all the “separation” you’ve been taught and have grown so accustomed to.

Love Masters love everyone and everything, just the way it is. They find a sense of balance in all things working together for good, even when they appear to be quite bad at any particular time in space. People are not bad, just as you are not bad, and everything is perfect as it is. All things are always changing, growing and evolving, and nothing is wrong or broken, nor does it need fixing, though there may be many things to which you are not a match at any given time.

If you are not a match for any given thing, it is of little concern to you. When you notice such a thing, you honor it and acknowledge that it is something you do not want in your sphere of influence, unless you have received the calling address the issue for the greater good. If you have not been called upon, it is someone else’s calling. To assert your attention or influence would only cause your vibration to deteriorate unnecessarily and add more momentum and energy to that which is unwanted, if this is not your calling. To do so would hinder the work of those who are called to address the issue.

Rather than focus your attention on the thing(s) that you don’t want, focus your attention on the solution, the cure, and support those who have been called to the fighting of the fight. Celebrate and support those who have been called, do not focus your attention on the things which cause you to be upset.

I know this is counterintuitive because you’ve been programmed and trained against such things, but this is the gateway to widespread peace, love, and happiness.

People can see Love Masters from afar because they have a particular glow about them. This is due to their fully love-charged energy field or aura which gives them the ability to more greatly affect the world around them in the most positive ways, and they are often kindly referred to as being blessed, or in the extreme as miracle workers.

Love Masters are tolerant, patient, confident, respectful, and courageous, yet practice humility. They realize that everything is in a constant phase of change, always for the better, realizing that everyone is doing the best they can with what they have (as we all do) as they refrain from judgment.

They embrace the practice of meditation as a method to raise their vibration, while avoiding practices that lower it, when appropriate. (Life is what it is, and we all succumb to its pressures at times.)

If you look at the most powerful people who have raised from the ranks of the working class, you will find that they are Love Masters. You will find them, helping others, edifying others, encouraging others without exclusion. They share their energetic resources and attract even more as they do.

When you fill your heart with love from the pure source of all life for yourself (without the need to receive love or validation from others) your love cup overflows into the energy fields of all others who are in your presence.

How do you know you’re in the flow of love? You know by how you feel. If you feel good, you’re in. If you feel bad, you’re out.

Make more opportunities to feel good and stay in the flow of love.

There are those who will be upset by your abundance of love and they may try to drag you down. Just remember that their need to feel like they should knock you out of your love-flow has far less to do with you than it does them.

They are hurting. They want the love you have, but they have ascribed themselves to the belief, and have aligned themselves with a world that teaches against such things as folly. Do not judge them. Have compassion for them. Know that they are in a process of change and evolution, and everything will get better for them.

Don’t try to educate or convert them (they are unable to receive words to which they are not a match anyway). Love and bless them because they’re doing the best they can, and things will get better. They always do.


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