7 Simple Steps to Create Your Elevator Pitch

What’s Your Elevator Pitch?

An elevator pitch is a script that quickly summarizes who you are and what you do in 30 seconds or less. If crafted properly, your elevator pitch is an effective tool to briefly communicate what it is you do when asked in passing, such as in an elevator.

7 Simple Steps to Create Your Elevator Pitch

1. What Do You Want to Say?

First figure out what you want to say. When someone expresses an interest in you, what would you like to convey about who you are and what you do? Would your message be focused on your job, your family, church, organization or affiliation? Maybe it would focus on your philanthropic endeavors, recreational or hobby interests?

Decide what your main theme focus will be because remember, you’re limited to only 30 seconds.

2. Opening Statement

You’re opening statement should state what you do or want to convey, though it’s not enough to simply state such a thing bluntly. You need to dress it up a bit.

For instance, you could say, “I’m a dog groomer.” Dressed up, you might say, “I am a pet stylist who captures and highlights the personality of each pet in my salon.”

3. What Makes You Different?

No matter what your message is your 30 second audience may not have the time, nor the inclination, to ask you about why they should even care about what you have to say, so you must assert a unique perspective about your message that could pique their interest.

It should be something that sets you apart from what their initial assumption might be about what you could be saying.

“The pets that I serve don’t just go to the barber shop, when they come to my salon. It’s like a complete day spa experience for my animal clients and there’s a recreation area for my guests who bring them in.”

4. Ask Them a Question

You should always end your elevator pitch with a question that cannot be simply answered with a “yes” or “no” response. You want to give them an opportunity to engage with you, and asking them an open-ended question invites them to actually process what you have intimated to them in this brief presentation.

“Put yourself in your pet’s shoes for just a minute; what would you want your pet grooming experience to be like?”

5. Wrap It Up

Combine all your elevator pitch components and you’re almost ready to go.

“I am a pet stylist who captures and highlights the personality of each pet in my salon.”

“The pets that I serve don’t just go to the barber shop, when they come to my salon. It’s like a complete day spa experience for my animal clients and there’s a recreation area for my guests who bring them in. So everyone has a good time.”

“Put yourself in your pet’s shoes for just a minute; what would you want your pet grooming experience to be like?”

6. Practice Your Elevator Pitch

Memorize it and practice it so it doesn’t sound canned when you deliver your elevator pitch.

7. Give Them Something

If possible, it’s always more beneficial to leave something with someone in the event they might like to contact you, or the organization you’ve represented at some time in the future. Something like a business card, small brochure or leaflet with contact information on it might be appropriate.

What Should I Do with My Life?

We all come to the point where life doesn’t seem to be all it was cracked up to be, so we find ourselves looking for a greater sense of meaning.

The easiest way to achieve some satisfaction and fulfillment in life, it to start doing the things that you were sent to this planet to do. What I mean is, there are certain gifts and abilities bestowed upon you at birth. These are the things – that when you do them – make you feel good, give you a feeling of a high degree of accomplishment and (quite frankly) you rock at this stuff!

Carve out some time to relax and ask yourself the 7 simple questions that follow, honestly jot down a list of items that come to mind after each one. Then review your notes and rate each one of your answers as to how much joy or satisfaction you feel about each activity or skill listed. Rate from 1 to 10, one being the least liked and 10 for bringing you the greatest amount of joy.

The tens account for your innate skills and abilities.

As soon as you’re able to determine what your gifts (superpowers) are begin integrating more of these things into your daily routine.

1. What are you good at?

What are those skills that you are particularly good at? These are the things that you do that may appear to be easy and certainly feel that way to you when you are engaged in them.

2. What do you like?

What gives you a sense of feeling good, joy of happiness when you are engaged in a particular activity? You enjoy certain things that you do that give you a sense of peace, calmness or make you happy.

3. When you were younger?

When you were younger, what did you enjoy doing the most. We often clearly recognize what resonates with us when we are young, but are reprogrammed by family or society to regard these ideas as folly when being programmed to grow into a “productive member of society.”

4. What do you do best?

There are some things you just do better than others. What are the activities – when you are engaged in them – where you shine?

5. What do other people think?

Friends, relatives, co-workers compliment you on specific skills. When was the last time someone said, “Wow. Good job.”? What did you do that compelled someone to notice and speak out about what you were doing?

6. What do you want?

What is that thing inside you that you’ve always wanted to do? Even if it’s remained your secret wish and you’ve never shared it with anyone, what was it?

7. What makes time disappear?

There are certain activities where time loses all relevance. You are focused on a particular activity and you’re so immersed, in tune and in a positive emotional and physiological state, that when you break state to look at the clock you’re amazed that an hour (or hours) has passed.

Next: Drill Deeper. What is My Mission?

Sending Love to the World

My local community, the country where I reside and the world have come to represent far less than my hopes and dreams for a better world for our children, grandchildren and generations to come.

One look at the media and news headlines clearly reveals what we have come to.

It would be easy to succumb to apathy and just reside ourselves to accept being comfortably numb.

Even so, there are people all around the world who are awakening and motivated to take a part – no matter how small – to make the world a better place.

I have faith that my efforts combined with the efforts of others to agree and support the idea of a better world for future generations where we will realize a luxurious peaceful planet.

One thing we could do is to agree together to send our intentions, thoughts, energy, meditations and prayers to the world in a concerted effort.

Sending Love to the World


sending love to the world 2016Christmas is one of the most loving and caring time of year for many of us. Unfortunately for so many others, it is the worst time of the year with increased depression, domestic violence, homelessness, crime and suicide.

This year, my friends and I will be joining together to send love to the world in an effort to offset some of the negative energy infiltrating our world at what should be a peaceful, love-filled time of the year.

We will be taking time out of our holiday festivities starting at midnight on Christmas Eve and continuing to take breaks throughout Christmas Day, December 25th to send love to the world in any way each of us sees fit. Some will in silent repose intently focus of sending positive heart-felt empowered energy to those less fortunate, while others will meditate or engage in prayer. The method doesn’t matter as much as our intent and agreement to be unified in this energetic effort.

If you are uncertain about how you can join us energetically this Christmas, you can join me any time from midnight Christmas Eve to midnight Christmas Day, in my video guided meditation at

Sending Love to the World

We are awakening, our world is changing and as we agree together to take action in efforts, like Sending Love to the World, we are changing the world in a positive way.

We are not accepting the limitations and separations imposed upon us by society which keeps our energies diminished. We do not allow ourselves to be separated by geography, politics, religion or other thought patterns. Our intense love and hope for a better future binds us together in a way that cannot be untethered. In this way, we are one.

Our peaceful, loving efforts to create and promote a better world for future generations will be rewarded, when we as a united loving force for good and our combined energies reach critical mass.

Please feel free to join us and invite others to join us in

Sending Love to the World

This Christmas, and if you are so inclined, every day thereafter.

Sending love to you and yours this holiday season, and every day,

~ David M. Masters

How to Get What You Want

I’m in the business of helping people achieve their highest and best and this often also means I can help you get what you want. Now, I can’t give it to you. Where would be the fun in that? But I can help point you in the right direction to achieve your goals, dreams and discover how get what you want, though you must do the work yourself.

Looking for a free ride? Okay, there are free rides available for freeloaders, although my clients are what I refer to as “doers.” That is to say they are willing to do the work to achieve their goals and get what they want. You might think, “That’s the hard way,” and indeed there are many ways to get a thing done, though the most intelligent people focus on doing what appears to be hard or overwhelming in the easiest way possible. If you’re in the know, you may find it is not as hard as it seems.

My favorite – and easiest – way to get from where you are to where you want to be is by simply taking

Baby Steps


I mean, think about it; every baby wants to learn to walk, so they start with the smallest wobbliest steps. As difficult and awkward as it is, the stepping process in cumulative, every step makes the next one easier and before you know it, the baby’s walking confidently.

We can apply this same principle to ourselves, and you actually have been doing so your entire life, or else you would still be living in your parent’s home (no disrespect to those who are still living at home, you know what I mean).

One Step a Day

Even if you only took one step a day, eventually you would reach your destination. Some days you could take many steps, or walk a mile bringing you even closer to that which you seek. But even the smallest step brings you closer than you were the day before.

This concept can be applied to anything; obtaining physical items, amazing experiences, good health, healthy relationships, financial health, education, personal satisfaction, increased quality of life, happiness, whatever you want.

While this is a simple concept it is also profound and useless if you do not continue to take action and keep stepping toward what you want.


It is on you to keep yourself accountable for your progress.

If you really want to get from here to there, then by all means track your progress. It not only allows you to see how far you’ve come, but it establishes the reasonable expectation that you will take a step to move you closer to what you want every day, no matter how small.

If you’re serious about getting what you want, you will review your steps every day. Every evening before you call it a night and ready yourself for slumber, ask yourself, “What did I do today?” to move closer to what you want.

In the event that you cannot recollect any step, there is still time. In those final moments do something – anything – that will move you even the slightest bit closer to that which you desire and make a promise to yourself to purposefully move closer tomorrow.

There is no judge or jury here, only your own accountability to yourself.

These daily steps are key to the success of the doers who make things happen and enjoy the best this life has to offer.

What do you have to show for today?

If the answer is “nothing,” then all your wanting is for not and you are not likely to get what you want.

You can do this.

What will you do today?



I was just on the phone with technical support at Network Solutions, and I noticed the lack of background noise in the call. So, I asked the technician, “Are you in a private office?” The answer didn’t surprise me much when I heard, “I work from my office at home,” as I have several business clients who utilize telecommuters in their organizations.

Interested in how this company manages their telecommuting staff, I queried and found out that this person used to work in the office. A survey was circulated and potential telecommuters could volunteer to work from home. Requirements? Must have a separate work area to use as an office and the necessary equipment, Internet and phone connections/services. All hours and calls are tracked by computer and the telecommuter must attend scheduled in-office meetings.

Pay is the same as working in the office and the telecommuter saves travel time, gas, and childcare costs. Bam!

The employer also saves overhead costs when empowering employees to telecommute making it a win-win effort for all parties. Also, as companies expand their services and are actively engaged in recruitment of employees, telecommuting staff need not be regulated to a convenient commute distance and can actually reside outside the state of the business location.


Telecommuting is a trend that you might consider talking to your employer about. There are many tracking systems available to add confidence to your employer about your fulfilling your obligations while, “on the clock.” And in most cases, employees can be far more effective and productive when empowered to telecommute.

Of course, not all jobs can be performed off-site, but it is commonly agreed as we charge into the information age, that as much as fifty percent of the workforce could be effectively telecommuting and to date 45 percent are. You could be one of the growing numbers of telecommuters.

Some of the best skills or services provided from an at home telecommuter include accounting, call centers, secretarial services, communication-related services, writing or journalism, marketing, art departments and multimedia services, data entry, publishing, advertising, consultation, sales, programming and technical, educational or training services just to name a few.

Now, if you’re going to consider making such a move to telecommuting, you must have a realistic evaluation of the work environment that you can maintain from your home, like having all the necessary equipment, a private space as well as being able to manage life at home enough to ensure that you can remain uninterrupted while “working.”

This means getting commitments from other people whom you may be sharing your living space with, like spouse and children, or other roommates. If you are unable to secure a clean and separate work environment with the support of co-habitants then you may not end up having an effective telecommuting experience.

Outsourcing is another trend, where we see companies reaching outside the office to work with people who support their organizations in a telecommuting relationship. Many people are engaging in freelancing opportunities while offering support services from home.

This can be an excellent way to subsidize one’s income by working from home part-time and some people have grown their telecommuting freelancing businesses to far exceed their normal nine-to-five day jobs.

Veteran Suicides

I just want to preface this eye-opening short by stating that I am sharing protected private information based on a story told to me in confidence by a veteran who was consulting with me who had regrettably survived his first suicide attempt. His story rocked my world. If it has the same affect on you, do not take my word for it. Conduct your own research and draw your own conclusion.

Having lost a son in Afghanistan, my heart immediately went out to this veteran who told me the reason that he decided to end his own life was due to his coming home to a broken family and exited his service after completing his commitment. His wife had filed for divorce while he was stationed in Afghanistan.

The father of two young children was reported as being a dangerous killing machine with knowledge and experience with the most dangerous weapons and recorded kills (even though this was in service of the United States military) and the mother claimed to fear for both her life and the lives of her children.

The father was granted supervised visitation, while he looked for gainful employment. While he was in Afghanistan and later looking for work (which is difficult for many returning veterans) he was accruing a substantial child support debt.

The Division of Child Support, harassed the veteran, threatened to imprison him for non-payment, assumed owner status of his modest motor vehicle, seized his bank account and suspended his driver’s license.

Unable to make the payments, the subsequent loss of visitation rights for non-payment of support and fearing the worst (as well as possibly suffering from PTSD from his military service abroad) the veteran felt as though his life was worth nothing and he would be better off dead.

I became acquainted with him following his first failed suicide attempt. Protected by clergy-penitent privilege, he shared his story with me, and try as I may, I cannot be certain that he will not be successful if he tries to take his own life again.

I have long been troubled about the high suicide rate of veterans returning from abroad and while my son was serving I feared that he might return from Afghanistan with suicidal thoughts.

The man who was telling me his story insisted that as much as two-thirds – or more – of all the veterans committing suicide were in the exact same circumstances.

Every Hour of Every Day

Every hour of every day a veteran decides to take his own life, 90 percent of them successfully kill themselves.

To think that it might be due to child support harassment, while they are trying to recover from coming home from war, trying to find a job and managing the psychological stress from serving their country and losing their family boggles the mind.

I am deeply troubled by this story and find it hard to imagine it could be true, even though I have had access to individuals who have suffered many atrocities conducted by our government and the system which supports it.

I realize it is not my purpose or ministry to immerse myself in this injustice, but I can support someone else’s efforts to try to uncover any hidden conspiracy and make this right, if it is true.

Please let me know, and share your information, if this is your calling.

What Does Your Phone Use Say About You?

Are cellphones preventing our spiritual growth or expansion of consciousness?

Go to any public place today, take a look around and what do you see? You see us intently embroiled in our electronic devices. You see this activity in elevators, malls, street corners, bus stops, in line at the store, hospital waiting rooms, restaurants and theaters. Pretty much anywhere you see people you will find us on our cellphones or other devices.

The social architecture is changing and for better or for worse, we are changing with it.

Smartphones are associated with increased sleep disturbances, depression (BMC Public Health journal), anti-social behavior, drug use, aggression, crime and deviant behavior (University of Texas research).

According to a Pew Research Center report 13 percent of America’s smartphone users fake being on their phones to avoid interacting live people who may be nearby. Ignoring interaction with others while focusing on your phone is referred to as “fubbing,” or snubbing someone with your phone or device.


Smartphone users with Facebook apps installed are less likely to volunteer of their free time to help make the world a better place while 75 percent of all cell owners use their phones to text and as photo and/or video cameras. Psychologists propose those more likely to feature themselves in a photo are more likely to suffer from other personality traits such as insecurity, self-objectification, addiction, damaged friendships and body dysmorphic disorder.

Speaking of all those photos, the psychological community also agrees on the rise of what is called, “Social Media Narcissism.” A device-centric personality disorder hallmarked by the ever-popular selfie as well as changing or updating their account profile picture(s) often, obsessively checking social media accounts (60-100 times a day).

Other indications of Social Media Narcissism (SMN) include sharing photos or posting to gain approval in the form of comments, likes or shares. Someone with SMN is likely to skew their posts to feature themselves in a positive light to gain attention and are more likely to over-share to obtain more validation.

A social media narcissist will probably have a large number of “friends” who are not known very well and are merely used as possible sources for responses to their posts. They will also find comfort in reviewing their own profiles and photos and view them often.

When someone responds to a selfie by like, share or comment (even if it is a negative comment) Dopamine is released in the brain which creates a motivated feeling of accomplishment and creates a desire to share more photos in an effort to receive more responses.

When using your devices, it might be well to monitor one’s self to avoid the narcissistic tendencies to appear to be self-centered, have an exaggerated sense of self, attention-seeking or expect favoritism. And you might not like to be viewed as someone who is arrogant, indulged in selfish fantasies or expect individuals only to validate your need to feel intelligent, important or attractive.

Narcissists are likely to be insensitive to the needs of others, may look at themselves as being better than other people and find pleasure in disrespecting others.

Alternative Energy Sources

Not one to start a controversy over energy production or start a campaign against any corporately authorized used and distribution of energy, I do think that empowering people to discover ways to achieve independent sustainability and even create their own alternate forms of energy, for themselves and possibly to share with others.

I remember, back in the day, my engineer/friend Norman and I experimented with a perpetual motion generator and while we had a working model, we were told it was not feasible, could not be patented and broke the laws of physics. Yet, if it were scaled up, it could possibly have powered an entire home, possibly even several homes, without consuming other energy sources.

We finally gave up on the whole idea, especially after hearing that other people who had pioneered similar devices were disappearing without a trace or dying of “natural causes.”

Free Energy Sources


I still believe there is a viable platform for experimenting with and discovering sources of free energy, even though this is counter-intuitive to the corporate machine.

I have personally seen cars running on H2O. That’s right, normal tap water, and a menagerie of other devices that are far superior to wind, water or solar devices which are “patentable” and authorized for public use. Believe me, if you’re driving a car that runs on water, you don’t take it our much and you don’t brag about it because it’s not street-legal and for other obvious reasons.

I mean, I can’t really believe that we live in a world where you can be arrested and thrown in jail for collecting rain water in a rain barrel. Really?

Breaking the Law, Breaking the Law

Wait a minute (you think to yourself) I have a stream that runs across my property, I can install my own micro hydro generator and create my own electricity. Sure, that’s well and good, until the authorities show up, fine you for interrupting the natural flow of water, seize your gear and threaten you with imprisonment.

And some states actually have passed laws making it mandatory to connect to power and water grids, period. If you do not comply and attempt to engage in off-grid electricity generation, even use an independent water source or are not connected to the local sewer system, you will find yourself trying to defend yourself in front of a judge who is likely not able to empathize with you, as the judge must uphold the law. And you broke the law by attempting to live off-the-grid.

So, don’t be surprised when the SWAT team shows up in full regalia, handcuffs you at gunpoint and hauls you off to jail for attempting to live independent of the corporate community, just like members of the Garden of Eden Community in Arlington, Texas.

It is horror stories, like these that prevent most of us (myself included) from attempting to entertain the thought of using alternative energy or fuel resources in this day and age. It is easier to pay, than to have one’s self imprisoned to make a stand for something that seems so right, and should be protected by our constitutional rights as Americans.

I want to encourage those who are willing to press forward in the underground energy movement and applaud you for taking the initiative to do so. But if you decide to don the Energy Maverick superhero costume, keep it safely hidden beneath your appropriate-looking attire. Do not draw attention to yourself and go about your business stealth-fully and carefully enough not to have to suffer the consequences.

There are so many injustices in our society today, where we forfeit our God given (and supposedly upheld by the United States Constitution) rights, please don’t allow yourself to become another statistic who will intimidate neighbors by seeing you cuffed and stuffed into a police car as they watch from the street.

Victims of Psychopathic Relationships

Psychopath Victims helps and supports those who have suffered abuse from psychopaths, sociopaths or other predators on the Anti-Social Personality Disorder (ASPD) spectrum. Suffering at the hands of a psychopath can have devastating results. At the very least, they can drain all of your energy, leaving you broken and alone and they may have drained all of your financial resources, leaving you broke and alone.

If you think you might be suffering at the hands of a psychopath, it might be a good idea to know how to identify whether the person responsible for your suffering is a psychopath. So, how can you identify a psychopath?

is he or she a psychopath sociopath victims help

Here are some signs that you might be dealing with a psychopath:

  1. Psychopaths are charismatic and are able to attract supporters easily. They are wonderful speakers who are able to engage their audience who can easily engage the emotions and attention of those fortunate enough to be in their presence. They exaggerate stories skewing the truth for their self-serving benefit, and will go as far as to lie and place themselves in someone else’s story and claiming it is their own.
  2. Psychopaths are intellectual. They have a gift of having incredibly sharp wit and intelligence enabling them to masquerade as highly-educated, bob and weave in live situations. This also      makes them excellent con artists able to conceive, plan and execute elaborate schemes, while (mostly) staying one step ahead of the authorities.
  3. Psychopaths are devoid of feelings. They do not grieve, are in capable of feeling guilt, shame or remorse, empowering them to easily victimize anyone. They will enthusiastically engage in      anything that bolsters their position at someone else’s expense. They do not love. They are incapable of giving or receiving love, but terribly acute at acting as though they are in the throes of love, if it will help them achieve a desired result. They are great actors/performers with no      real feelings whatsoever.
  4. Psychopaths are impulsive, often acting or speaking without thinking through potential consequences of their words or actions, and are more likely to take risks, being free of repercussion, since they see themselves as above the law or the constraints of the social norm.
  5. Psychopaths never lose. They will dominate anyone who gets in their way, will vehemently defend their position, often by telling lies and spinning wild tales in an effort to discredit      naysayers.
  6. Psychopaths are never wrong. They never apologize; do not feel remorse for hurting others and are incapable of feeling guilt. If asked to apologize, will often strike out and attack their victim, rather than admit they may have made a mistake or misstep.
  7. Psychopaths believe their own press. Once they have said something, it becomes gospel in their mind; so much so, that they can often believe their own bold-faced lies, even to the point of      being able to pass a lie detector test. They keep a long list of secrets, and are not forthcoming about intimate details of their past, unless they are fictitious.

In most all cases, the victims invariably ask, “Why me?” This is often followed by feelings of self-doubt, taking responsibility for the loss to the extent of blaming themselves and even self-ridicule.

The truth is, it is not your responsibility, any more than it may have been your responsibility for being hit by a drunk driver; except in this case the drunk driver did carefully seek you out and ran over you on purpose!

If your currently in a relationship with a psychopath (either professional or personal) you might ask, “Why not have the psychopath seek treatment?” You might think that your psychopath is not truly a psychopath, but simply displaying the symptoms of psychopathic behavior due to some life circumstance.

You are an authentic human being and you would not purposely do something to harm or defraud another person, so why would this person of whom you are quite fond of – and may even love – act out in such a nefarious fashion? Surely he (or she) would not treat someone who cares about them so much this way unless there was some deep-seated issues that caused them to act-out like this…

Certainly, normal people may temporarily act in a manner similar to that of a psychopath if under some extreme type of stress, but for the psychopath it is a life-long condition and there is no successful form of treatment for their psychological disposition.

That is why specific coaches and counselors specialize in reaching out to and supporting victims of psychopaths. This is a special calling. Victims of psychopaths have a wide range of pain, needs, resources and options. The range of techniques and tools available vary significantly based on each individual circumstance.

The needs of the victim whose relationship has been forever severed are completely different from the needs of someone who must navigate an ongoing relationship with a psychopath.

Click Here for tips on How to Deal With a Psychopath

You might be interested in attending the Victims of Psychopaths Event


November Image Directory

Wrapping up the month of November, here’s a quick screen shot review of the month’s news. Let me know which ones you like the most. Thanks for your input, -David M Masters

materialism-what-your-stuff-says-about-youMaterialism What Your Stuff Says About You 10-signs-you-might-be-too-selfish-self-centered10 Signs You Might Be Too Selfish christmas-the-best-and-the-worstChristmas the Best and the Worst
suicide-for-christmasSuicide for Christmas signs-from-the-afterlifeSigns from the Afterlife a-whack-upside-the-headWhack Upside the Head
why-not-me-but-i-did-everything-rightHow I Achieved Everything volunteer-helping-othersVolunteer Helping Others self-sabotageSelf Sabotage
do-others-to-control-you-stop-blaming-take-control-responsibilityDo Others Control You? youre-not-doing-it-right-not-living-on-purpose-with-special-abilitiesYou’re Not Doing It Right imprison-the-mentally-ill-criminalize-mental-healthImprison the Mentally Ill
wiifm-whats-in-it-for-meWIIFM “What’s in it for me?” meet-your-egoMeet Your Ego revenge-vs-tolerance-ego-and-loveRevenge vs. Tolerance
its-all-about-your-car-luxury-sedan-mercedes-benz-jaguar-bmw-lexusWhat Kind of Car Do You Drive? please-lie-to-me-it-makes-me-happyPlease Lie to Me what-is-my-lifes-purposeWhat is my life’s purpose?
the-student-becomes-the-teacherThe Student Becomes the Teacher veterans-day-pfc-aaron-fairbairn-thankyouaaron-thank-you-for-your-serviceVeterans Day when-things-dont-go-your-way-what-are-you-going-to-do-about-itWhat Are You Going to Do About It?
all-things-work-together-for-goodAll Things Work Together for Good sometimes-things-dont-go-as-planned-swing-batter-batter-swingSometimes Things Don’t Go as Planned what-are-you-attracting-vibration-frequency-law-of-attractionWhat Are You Attracting?
play-your-cards-right-lead-with-loveLead With Love cancer of giving

Cancer of Giving

stars-or-stripes-motivation-fuel-egocentric-stars-or-soul-centered-stripesStars and Stripes Motivation Fuel
