Sending Love to the World COVID-19

I know, we usually only run the Sending Love to the World call out during the holiday season due to the increase of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation at that time of year, but now is the time to be sending love to the world COVID-19 style.


Only a few days into state-wide and nation-wide lockdowns, there is an increased rate of those suffering from depression. Some people are barely on the edge of self-destruction and something like the coronavirus and its associated social distancing could be enough to push someone over the edge.

Many people who are barely getting by have been sent home. Likewise, marginal businesses who supported local families and were the only source of survival for their families are being shut down and may not be able to survive the length of time necessary to reopen when allowed by the government and its agencies.

People who initially looked forward to a little recreational time off, are now starting to get a bit of cabin fever, feeling cut off from family, friends, coworkers, and aren’t finding much relief from social media. People need people to survive.

It is for these reasons that we are campaigning for those who are so inclined to join us in sending love to the world throughout these difficult and challenging times.

Sending love to the world only takes a few minutes and can be done as often or as little as you like. Know that every time you find yourself sending love to the world that it does make a difference and may be that love-energy boost that will help someone to see the light, at least the silver lining, of this looming dark cloud of isolation.

The process is simple, all you need to do is to center yourself into a meditative, love-filled state, and send love to others, as you do so, this will also make you feel better because as you flow energetic thoughts of love from yourself to others, that flow infuses your cells with love as well. And you can feel the effects of doing so.

My name is David M Masters, and I discovered this method of sending love to the world when I was suicidal during the holidays. It helped me, and it helped others as well. I feel like I am here, today, because of my sending love to the world.

This is to say that you do not have to feel like you have any hope or love to give. You can feel as though this would be your last act in life, like I did, and you can help others, and receive the healing from the process, like I did.

This pandemic can be brutal as we go forward through the process.

Here is a simple guided meditation I’ve provided if it will help, but it is not necessary.


You can use any method which feels right for you for sending love to the world.

My heart goes out to those who have contracted the COVID-19 virus, those who have it now and don’t know it, and those who have yet to get it. I am sending love to them.


I am sending love to all those who continue to serve, willingly putting themselves at risk, in an effort to keep the rest of us safe.

I am also sending love to those who do not have the virus but are suffering just as much, if not possibly more, from being shut down or locked down and isolated from their support system. They, also, are in need of receiving love right now.

So, I hope you will join me, and others, in sending love to the world throughout the COVID-19 epidemic.

God bless you for all that you do,

Sending Love to the World


Alone and Suicidal on Christmas

There I was alone in my bed in the fetal position in my bed. I had suffered so much loss, buried my stepson, watched my family break apart, suffered financial loss, attacked by people I loved and adored, non-physical entities, as well as predatory psychopaths, which left me feeling hopeless and helpless in this, my darkest hour. I had never felt so alone and suicidal on Christmas as I had in that moment.

I had planned the steps necessary to take my own life in a clean and quiet manner, in such a way as to not make a spectacle or leave behind a mess for anyone to clean up, knowing that it would be a while before anyone found my body.

I’d spent a lifetime helping others with their mental health issues as they’d sought me out for support along their path to achieving their highest and best. I’d been a student of the therapeutic sciences. Up until this time, I had only a background in Pastoral Counseling, Christian Therapeutic Sciences, and mastered Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) and Hypnotherapy, as I dabbled in other modalities. I thought the more tools I had, the better assistance I could offer my clients. I had huge success in working with others using prayer and meditation.

I had a good life, full of treasures and traumas, and had experienced the entire spectrum of experiences this life had to offer. I felt that I had lived more life than the average person up until this point, so it wouldn’t be like I’d be missing anything. I had made a positive impact on the lives of people I’d counseled and trained, which meant that whatever energy I’d passed onto them would survive and continue to serve the world in my absence.

I felt as though I’d done the best I could, and could not see any way to recover from my current state of affairs. I was hurt, desolate, exhausted, and felt as if I had nothing left to give. I knew the holiday season was a time for increased suicide, and now, I knew why. Even though I knew I would just be counted as another normal statistic (I’ve always been resistant to being considered “normal”), I was determined to see this through.

I would leave behind children I loved more than anything, who would not understand why their parent would do such a thing. So, in a last-ditch effort to give them some spiritual support, especially now during the holiday season, I decided to send them love.

While I loved them, I really had no love resources left within me to give. I was empty. The only thing I could do would be to send them God’s love from some infinite source from without and beyond myself and send it to them.

I used self-guided prayer meditation to send this infinite unconditional love to each child and to their children as well. This was late on Christmas Eve, and I thought my coup was inspired because any lift of their spirits which they may have felt from this spiritual effort, would have been attributed to the holiday season.

Using this meditative process, one by one, I filtered this infinite love through every cell of each child’s body, their mind, and the deepest parts of their psyches and souls. After I’d completed the process and blessed each child, I felt like I could do more. (Not realizing this was a huge improvement, already from when I started this process.) So, I continued the process for extended family members as well.

I thought about my friends and neighbors, how they could use a boost, which might help when they’d heard of my taking my own life, so I sent love to them using this meditation.

It was at this point that I decided to include the people who had disrespected and attacked me on the behalf of predatory individuals, and the predators as well. For even with all things considered, weren’t they only doing the best they could with what they had? Many of them did not know what was really going on, nor any recognition of how their actions would affect me. I sent unconditional love to every one of them.

Then, I felt compelled to continue the process to include my local community, the state where I resided, the country, other countries, and the world.

Then, I thought, remembering this is the time of the season that others would be taking their lives, along with me, so I sent love to them, that they might grasp enough of this love, that they might be able to make it one more day, because in most cases one more day could make all the difference.

I had imagined their lives as not being as full and complete as my own, and thought if given the chance, they could have plenty of life ahead of them to experience a better life, possibly their best lives, and maybe even help to make the world a better place, if they could just make it through this tough time. So, I sent love to them.

I thought, even if only one person was able to feel the love to make it past this moment without taking his or her own life, my life would have been worth it.

I felt as if my efforts had made a difference.

After my last act of benevolence had been completed, I noticed that I felt better. The sun had come up. It was a fresh Christmas morning. I looked outside to see no snow, but it was cool and brisk, and I was alive. Feeling more alive. As if I had made a contribution, and my dream… My dream of being able to reach just one person had come true.

While I had flowed all that eternal love through me to others, it filtered through the cells of my own body as well.

I had come out on the other side, strong, and at peace with all that was.

That Christmas morning, I vowed to expand my studies to include energetic work, in an effort to better understand what miracle had just occurred.

My practice of Sending Love to the World became an annual event for me, personally, and others have joined me in sending love to the world at this time of year.

If you feel so inclined, you could join us in sending love to the world this year, and every year.

We start sending love to the world on November 11th, and continue through the 1st of January, in the hopes that we might help to make the world a better place and by all means save some.


Sending Love to the World Meditation

Sending love to the world raises the love vibration of those who are lonely, whose bodies and hearts are hurting. Maybe it doesn’t heal them. Maybe it doesn’t drastically change their lives, but it does help to take the edge off, maybe enough to make it one more day.

And maybe that day is the day when their life starts to take a turn for the better. They might not have gotten that extra day if it wasn’t for someone sending love to the world.

So, I’d like to recruit you, right now, to join me in sending love to the world this year.

You can join us this holiday season and make a difference by sending love to the world and make the world a better place in just a few minutes throughout the holidays. It’s free, and your love could help save the life of someone in need. Start a new tradition, help spread the word and send love to the world this holiday season.

To prepare for this exercise sit in a comfortable upright position. One caveat; please do not attempt this exercise while you’re driving if you are driving. Wait until you have stopped your vehicle in a safe place where you can spend a few minutes in private participation without interruption.


Rest your arms on your thighs with your hands palm up take a deep breath and as you exhale, relax breathe in… and breathe out…

Close your eyes and place your hand over your heart feel the vibration… and visualize… see with your mind’s eye the area of your heart as it begins to glow with light. Breathe in… as you inhale imagine the unconditional love filled oxygen going deep inside the area of your heart

As you exhale see or feel your breath leaving the area of your heart

During this exercise imagine and feel every breath coming into and out of the area of your heart.

With every breath you take, the glow from the energy from within your heart increases.

Now, imagine a stream of white light from above beaming down through the top of your head and filling your heart with unconditional love.

Breathe in…

With every breath that you take the love light from within your heart burns brighter.

You can feel the love growing within the area of your heart.

Breathe out…

Breathe in…

As you take another breath the love energy expands sending love light throughout every cell of your body.

You feel this love growing even more.

Breathe out…

Connected to you physically and emotionally, all your family friends and associates. We are going to send love to all these people who are connected to you in your life.

This time as we exhale, we blow out a gentle love breeze that will find its way into the hearts of each of these people that you are connected to.

Deep breath in…

As the light grows ever so much brighter, ready to blow out this gentle breeze of love…

Breathe out…

As that love is making its way to all the people in your life…

Imagine your awareness rising outside of yourself through the roof, high enough that you can see where you are, and where all the people who are nearby, from an aerial view.

Breathe in…

Now, we’re going to send love to all those around you, and as you

breathe in

the love energy increases even more.

We need to blow out this gentle breeze of love

Breathe out…

That love is seeking out all your neighbors. This love is unconditional. It does not judge or prequalify. It seeks out every heart and wraps it in warm, heartfelt love.

Now raise your awareness again, so now you can see your local community as we prepare to send love to them.

Breathe in…

And as the love light and energy grows even more powerful…

Preparing to send out your love breath

Breathe out…

Love is seeking out all the hearts in your community, those who are already filled with love are feeling even more on love, and those who feel as though there is no love for them, they’re feeling the effects of the love that you are sending.

Raise your awareness even more to include your entire city or town.

Imagining the aerial view of the entire area…

Breathe in love…

Beaming so brightly from the area of your heart and glowing, casting light on the land below.

Breathe out…

And as you exhale, imagine in your mind’s eye, your breath being purposefully and precisely delivered to every man woman and child in your geographic area.

Raise your awareness once again, so now you can visualize the whole state or province where you live, as we prepare to send love to the people below.

Breathe in…

The love vibration increasing even more as you exhale send unconditional love and light to all the peoples below without regard to who they are, their social status, or any other judgment. This unconditional love is for them all.

Breathe out…

Raising your awareness even more you can visualize in your mind’s eye the entire area encompassing the entire country.
Big inward breath into the area of your heart…

Prepare to send this unconditional love to all the people in the entire country.

Breathe out…

Love is seeking out even the most hardened hearts, making them a little more tender than they were just moments ago. People are feeling the effects of the love you are sending.

Now raise your awareness once again past the satellites, so that you can see the entire planet.

Breathe in…

Then as we prepare to send unconditional love to the whole world,

Breathe out…

Letting a wave of love work its way into the hearts of all Earth’s inhabitants, creatures, and the earth itself…

Now, imagine yourself quickly but safely descending… returning to your world… your country… your state or province… your town… your home… and your body.

What an exhilarating effort as you feel the effects of having been an effective love conduit for the greater good.
This love energy has permeated every molecule of your body, and you feel good.

Many people actually experience physiological healing from this exercise and you know this to be true.

Bask in this feeling. You will experience the effects of this exercise for a period of six hours.

Feel free to do this as often as you like.

Give yourself a big hug because you have loved, you are loved, and you are love.

loved, loved, love… you.


What is 3D to 5D Consciousness? And How to Experience It Now

You may have noticed an uptick in discussions surrounding the concept of moving from 3D to 5D consciousness. This shift is often associated with a growing quantum awareness of multiple dimensions coexisting simultaneously. While many of us currently experience life in the Third Dimension (3D), there is a prevailing belief that the Fifth Dimension (5D) represents a higher state of consciousness, offering an alternative perspective for those seeking a more fulfilling existence.

The Third Dimension: Understanding 3D Consciousness

The Third Dimension, or 3D, is the reality most commonly perceived by individuals. In this dimension, experiences are often shaped by duality, polarity, and the limitations of the physical senses. It is a realm where the ego plays a significant role, fostering separation and a sense of individuality. Materialism, competition, and fear are prevalent aspects of 3D consciousness.

The Call for Transformation: A Planetary Evolution

As humanity progresses, there is a collective shift occurring—a planetary evolution transcending the confines of 3D reality. This transformation is not merely an individual journey but a shared experience, with the Earth itself undergoing a process of ascension. Many spiritual and philosophical traditions proclaim that we are in the midst of a profound transition, transitioning from 3D to 5D consciousness.

The Fifth Dimension: Characteristics of 5D Consciousness

The Fifth Dimension represents a state of higher consciousness that transcends the limitations of 3D reality. Several characteristics distinguish 5D consciousness:

  1. Unity Consciousness: In 5D, there is a profound sense of interconnectedness. Individuals understand that they are part of a collective whole, and the boundaries that define separation begin to dissolve. Love, compassion, and cooperation become the guiding principles.
  2. Timelessness and Non-Linearity: Time is experienced differently in 5D. Linear time, as perceived in 3D, fades away, revealing a more fluid and non-linear concept where past, present, and future coexist, allowing for a deeper understanding of the interconnectivity of all moments.
  3. Heart-Centered Living: 5D consciousness is characterized by a shift from the dominance of the ego to the wisdom of the heart. Decision-making is guided by love, empathy, and compassion rather than fear or self-interest.
  4. Manifestation through Intention: The power of intention becomes a potent force in 5D. Individuals recognize their role as co-creators of their reality, understanding that thoughts and emotions have a direct impact on the world around them.

Accessing 5D Consciousness in the Now

While the shift to 5D consciousness is considered a natural part of the evolutionary process, individuals can consciously participate in this transition in the now. Why wait for critical mass to arrive in this evolutionary process when you, just like many others, can access 5D consciousness in advance?

Here are some practices that can aid in accessing 5D consciousness:

  1. Mindfulness and Meditation: Cultivating mindfulness and engaging in regular meditation practices can help individuals quiet the mind, connect with their inner selves, and raise their vibrational frequency.
  2. Heart-Centered Living: Focusing on love, compassion, and empathy in daily interactions fosters a heart-centered approach to life, aligning with the values of 5D consciousness.
  3. Energy Healing and Balancing: Practices such as Reiki, energy healing, and chakra balancing can help release blockages and raise the energetic vibration of the body, facilitating the transition to higher states of consciousness.
  4. Intention Setting and Visualization: Conscious intention setting, combined with visualization, empowers individuals to manifest positive outcomes in their lives and contribute to the collective shift towards 5D.

Sending Love to the World

This 10-minute guided visualization practice can help to raise your vibrational frequency to 5D compatibility. It is something you can try right now, and know that you are helping to raise the vibration of your family, friends, neighbors, community, city, state, country, and the world as you engage in this simple process. You receive the powerful love vibration as well.

As humanity collectively moves through a period of planetary evolution, shifting from 3D to 5D consciousness offers a hopeful perspective. The characteristics of 5D, such as unity consciousness, heart-centered living, and manifestation through intention, provide a roadmap for individuals seeking a more fulfilling and harmonious existence. Individuals can actively participate in this transformative journey toward a higher state of consciousness by consciously engaging in practices that raise personal awareness and vibrational frequency.



Happy Thanksgiving

I am so thankful and blessed, not just on Thanksgiving, but every day that I get to spend living life on this planet. I have experienced the greatest of all peak experiences to their fullest and I have weathered the desolate valleys, and if I had a chance to do it all over again, I wouldn’t change a thing.

Baby Mary

I am thankful for my new baby granddaughter, Mary. She is the brightest new light of my life, and I have another grandson coming along very soon, as well.

I am thankful for all the people whom I know and have known, the people who love and support me, and those who don’t particularly care for me, even the haters. They all have been integral parts of my life, which is the most magnificent tapestry.

Of course, I wish everyone could love me, but I am an acquired taste, and not everyone can appreciate me for who I am. I am blessed either way because if it weren’t for those who would rather avoid me, I might take the respect and love I receive from others for granted. It just makes them all the more precious to me.

I suppose life has led me down a path accompanied by a soundtrack I sing along with as I traverse which is often optimistic. Even in the worst of times, I can see the good in all things (albeit, not necessarily at the get-go, but I get there).

It is from this blessed space that I like

Sending Love to the World

Initially, a solitary and private undertaking, I invited others to join me in sending love to the world, for the sake of others who are unable to find joy and may be suffering hardship, especially during the holidays, for, “There but for the grace of God, go I.”

It could easily be me in such a state of loss or disrepair, that I could not see the light, any glimmer whatsoever, and might even contemplate whether my life was worth living at all. It is for these people that I try to remember to take a few minutes out of my holiday season to send them love. And not just them, but broaden my scope to include my family, friends, community, state, country and include sending love to the world.

As I invite people to join me, all I ask is that you set aside at least three minutes from your holiday activities for sending love to the world. I usually send love in ten-minute intervals, but only three minutes of sending love to the world increases the love which radiates in your life, boosts your immune system for up to eight hours, and reverses aging. (Who wouldn’t want to do that?) It doesn’t cost a dime, and is beneficial to others, as you join in, even if only for a few minutes because the effects are cumulative and exponential.

You can send love in any manner which resonates with you. You can pray, meditate, light a candle, or whatever other way you choose to send love to the world. If you’re at a loss about how to engage in sending love to the world, then, by all means, you are invited to try my

Sending Love to the World Guided Meditation

Please, if you have known love, even if you are like me and have loved and lost, at least you have known it, given love, even if it wasn’t reciprocated. So many, have not even had the privilege of knowing love at all.

And for those who are reserved, withdrawn, suffering and in pain, a little love vibration might just be what they need to make it through this tough time in life, and you helped by sending love to the world.

If you’re reading this on Thanksgiving, please consider being bold enough to take a few minutes out of your family celebration to join in sending love to the world. And if Thanksgiving day has passed, please consider doing it anytime during the holidays.

Sending Love to the World runs from November 11th, through the 1st of January, with the most important days being Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, and New Years. These are the days, when the people who are not doing well may feel the most desolate. You and we can make a difference.

Thank you for joining me this year in sending love to the world.

~ David M Masters

Please share this with your friends, and invite them to join us.


How to Help Sending Love to the World

How to help Sending Love to the World December 25 who what when where why

Sending Love to the World is an even that is open to all peoples without discrimination or judgment. Anyone is eligible to participate and everyone is encouraged to not only participate but to share with and invite friends who might also like to share in sending love to the world.


Sending Love to the World is an even where the energies of all people participating are focused at a particular time and place for a period of time to send a powerful love vibrationally charged force to effect the world in a positive way in an effort to make the world a better place.


The current event is scheduled from

Midnight November 10th to Midnight January 1st.

Participants are to engage in sending love to the world by prayer, meditation, focusing their attention (or any other method that they are versed in or comfortable with) on sending love to the world.


This is non-physical-location participation. You can participate at any time, at any place that is convenient for you. All love energies will be combined to benefit those less fortunate and the world at large for the greater good.


Starting November 11th through the 1st of January, and peaking out on December 25th, there is traditionally a huge spike in crime, hospitalization, depression, suicide, and death among all age groups and across all social demographics.

We believe that by combining our efforts in sending love to the world at this fragile moment in time, that we can help to affect those suffering to feel love and have hope for a better life.


Commit to donating at least 3 minutes of your day to purposely and mindfully with all your heart’s ability in sending love to the world. (Many will be led to much longer periods, but all we are asking for is a 3-minute minimum commitment.)

Use any method that is comfortable for you.

There will be a meditation video stream on the homepage of to use as a guided meditation for those who would like to join in that manner.

Feel free to share your comments below for others of ways that they can focus their love and send it to others.

Thank you

It is with the deepest gratitude that we appreciate you sacrificing your time to reach out and help others with your love-focused intention.

May you be blessed as you bless others.


Sending Love to the World Starts November 11

The holiday season is a glorious time of love, laughter, giving, sharing, support and represents a time to celebrate family, friends and loved ones in all their many forms.

While many people are surrounded by others with whom they will celebrate this time of love and everything that is precious, others may be spending the holidays alone due to changes in life circumstances or other reasons.

For instance, on November 11th, we honor all those who have served our country in military service. On Veterans Day, the very day we honor those who have served, veterans are taking their own lives, not just on Veterans Day, but every day of the year.

During the year people commit suicide every day, 18% of these suicides are veterans who have served in various branches of the United States military. There is a significant increase in suicides during the holiday season beginning on November 11th through January 1st.

The concept of Sending Love to the World 2018 is not focused on being an anti-suicide campaign. The increase in suicides is only a signal and a sign indicating a greater underlying problem of the deterioration of mental health and love, during a time when most of us are feeling full of love. It is such a dichotomy, for you to have your heart so filled with love at this time of year, yet your neighbor is so severely lacking love that he or she might be considering suicide.

Many people whose hearts are filled to the brim and overflowing with love during the holiday season may not have an avenue to set their love free, to share it with another and bask in its glow.


Love-filled hearts without a venue to share this love can lead to a degeneration of the love vibration; alternatively, the sharing of one’s love causes the love vibration to increase exponentially.

Click here for Sending Love to the World guided meditation video stream
Sending Love to the World 2018 is an excellent opportunity for anyone to share their love vibration with the world. Imagine many people pouring out love for our planet and its inhabitants during a time when there exist extremes; on the one hand, peace, love, and happiness while on the other hand or end of the spectrum sadness, depression and loneliness.

The economic decline, post-traumatic stress, feeling hopeless, helpless, and a vast variety of issues lead to the rise of poverty, depression, domestic violence, theft, and other crime all steadily increasing since November 11th.

The most staggering data shows that the loss of life also spikes during the holiday season especially on December 25th and again on January 1st.

The purpose of Sending Love to the World 2018 is two-fold.

To offer those heart-filled individuals – especially those who would otherwise be alone and not have an ability to share and give their love at any time from November 11th through January 1st – and anyone else who would like to join the outpouring of love to have an opportunity to support and bathe the world in unconditional love.

And to send this love out to heal others who are struggling during these tough times, our country and the world at large.

Bound together with like-minded purpose, we can help to make the world a better place.

Join us, here – on this website – for a streaming guided meditation to heal and love those in need… Together we will be sending love to the world… that by all means, we might save some.

Bookmark this site.

Share it with heart-filled friends.

The meditation stream will be running from November 11th through January 1st. Feel free to join at any time and spend as long as you desire to love.

Love, love, love, and love to you.

For more information, see:

Love’s Prayer for You

You are the most amazing person I’ve never met. You have an incredible story of life and love that has me and others sitting on the edge of our seats, just waiting to see what’s going to happen next. If your life were a book, it would be an encompassing page-turner. If a film, we are in awe of the life you’ve lived until this moment, and we are watching, waiting, and cheering you on from the aisles, knowing that you are going to let your heroic virtues envelop you, enabling you to rise and step into the fullness of your power and purpose.

You and your story are so encouraging and enlightening. You are an inspiration to all, and we know that as you embrace all that you are, it gives us all hope that we can do the same, no matter what challenges or obstacles we might face in life. You are our hero. But,

What if you’re not feeling it?

What if you’re at one of those uncomfortable (possibly most difficult) chapters in your life? You know you’ve come to this planet with a divine purpose, message, passion, and mission. You know you are called to live a better life, your best life, and to make the world a better place, but right now, from this scene of your life, you just cannot see it. It just seems like it’s just not possible from here.

Do not fear, for love is with you; do not be dismayed, for you are love.

Know You Are Loved

You are a product of the creator of all life on this planet. Everything that is tangible in this life is held together in perfect balance by the energy of pure love. Just the fact that you are here, reading these words if proof that you are loved and that your life has tremendous value.

Feel the Loving Embrace

If you would close your eyes and see from your heart, you could see the love all around you, swirling in perfect harmony in and through all things. If you are not feeling it from within, you can just reach out and call it to you, and wrap yourself in a thick blanket of pure love energy.

You can feel its warmth and you feel safe and secure wrapped in love’s loving embrace.

No Matter What’s Happening

You can be surrounded by chaos and not feeling emotionally stable. You might be frightened, unworthy, sad, lonely, even helpless, yet you are loved. You are love. And when you’re just not feeling it, all you have to do is to close your eyes and reach out and grab it.

Buried deep within your physical heart is a love generator which emits a powerful forcefield. As long as you heart beats, you can reach out and tune in to the love all around you. You can attune your built-in love generator with the love energy which surrounds and permeates all things and recharge your love energy from the unlimited source.

You Are Love

When you turn on your love generator and connect to the vast love energy, you have the unlimited supply of flowing through your body. You become love; a powerful love machine empowered to send this love to anyone or anything which comes to mind, just by the power of your thought.

Send Love to the World

Holding a visual image of someone or something in your mind and sending love to them delivers an instantaneous surge of love to that person, place, or thing. You can do this because you are love. Try a little sending love to the world.

Love’s Prayer for You

I pray you know you are loved.

You feel the love holding you in loving embrace.

No matter what is happening in life at this moment, know you are loved.

You are love.

Share a little love with the world if only from your heart in thought.

I love you.


God bless you and yours this holiday season.

~David M Masters

Life Expectancy Continues to Drop Due to Pharmaceuticals

Another year, another drop in life expectancy in the United States. In the country that spends the most number of dollars on drug research, it appears the results of that research, the drugs, are killing most of us, as well as enabling us to use them to end our own lives by pharma-assisted suicides.

In a day and age when many of us are seeking out ways to extend our lives, it appears the pharmaceutical companies are using doctors and the medical industry to decrease our life expectancy.

According to a recent report by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), mortality is on the rise again, this time the increase is due to drug overdose. The CDC reports post-mortem toxicology reports identify the culprits as heroin and synthetic opioids (not including methadone) such as the fentanyl family (like carfentanil, furanylfentanyl, and acetylfentanyl), tramadol, hydrocodone, oxycodone, and benzodiazepine among others.

Fentanyl is 50 to 100 times stronger than heroin and 10,000 times more powerful than morphine and the epidemic is a “public health emergency,” according to President Trump, to say the least.

Let’s face it, for many Americans, the outlook on life is grim, and many are reaching out for new ways to numb the pain of everyday life or a painless way to exit the game altogether.

Every wonder why people commit suicide, or have suicidal thoughts? Did you know about the growing number of Veteran suicides, and the general increased rate of suicide around Christmas time?

I don’t want to say why people are more prone to take their own lives today.

Have you ever thought of taking your own life?


I’ve heard many different perspectives from those who are considering suicide as a way to escape. And from what they say, if it’s true, sometimes it’s hard to argue with them, if I were in their shoes, I might consider likewise.

All I can say to you is that this is not the time to check out prematurely. We are on the leading edge of an evolutionary expansion of life on this planet, and you can be a part of it, but to do you, you must remain on this side.

There are other people who are feeling just like you and they are hanging on, even if by a thread.

If you dare, you could join me in sending love to the world in order to help others, just like you. Or if your fortunate enough to be one of those who are blessed enough to be feeling on top of the world, maybe you could join us in giving the gift of free love to others who desperately need a little love to get through this holiday season.

You have great things in store for you, just waiting for the opportunity to sprout, grow and flourish. The greater community is waiting for your contribution. There, not far off, awaits a better life, your best life, but you must hang on through this difficult time in order to breakthrough, embrace your innate love and power, and emerge as the best version of yourself.

You can live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place.

I believe in you. There is much love here for you.

Send Love to the World

(Click link above for my guided meditation)

You got this.

Give the Free Gift of Love

This holiday season, how would you like to give a free gift to help make the world a better place? It won’t cost you anything but a few heart-felt moments of your time, while you take a break from all the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Join us, this year, in sending love to the world.

For most of us, this time of year is a joyous celebration with family and friends. Our hearts are filled with love and optimism for the coming year. For others, it can be the worst time of year. We’re unable to see it because the hectic pace of increased activity this time of year keeps us distracted from those suffering, in pain all around us.

While we are concentrating our efforts to deal with all the issues of holiday preparations and celebrations, others are alone, feeling as though there is no love for them in the world, and are even taking their own lives. The holiday season is known for increased rates of suicide. Lonely, sad, people without love are killing themselves because they think the endless sleep is the only way to stop the emotional pain.

You can help. You can join us for a few moments periodically throughout the season this year, or at least during Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and a few moments during the New Years celebration, to send love to the world. These days represent the highest suicide rates. When most of us are feeling our best, others are feeling their worst.

What does it take to send love to the world?

Simply spend a minimum of three minutes to send love to the world in any manner which resonates with you. You can pray, mindfully meditate, light a candle, or use any other method to focus your intention on sending love energy to those who desperately need a little love at this critical time of year. Not just those suffering, or potentially suicidal, but everyone who might need a little love, even your family and friends.

If you need a little help in sending love to the world, feel free to join us by using this

Sending Love to the World Guided Meditation

This is a free gift from you to the world, a world so in need of love in these troubling times, and as you freely give this precious gift of free love, you are blessed in return for your benevolence.

Rewards for Sending Love to the World

You receive the benefits of flowing love through you, sending love from your heart to others, and the world. Just a few minutes of sending love to the world increases the love energy throughout your entire body, affecting the molecules of your body. Your immune system is boosted for eight hours, and many people report physiological healing from the process, as well as a sense of peace and wellbeing for six hours.

This is an invigorating, energizing, love-filling exercise which can certainly take the edge off of any holiday frustration, or when your energy reserves are running low.

But what if I’m not really feeling the love, or don’t have much love to give?

This is the best time to send love to the world because as you flow love through you and to others and the world, you are filled with love, and you will experience feeling love’s increase for six hours.

So, if you’re not really feeling the love this holiday season, then by all means, sending love to the world is just what the doctor ordered. It’s the best thing you can do for yourself and the world that doesn’t cost you a dime.

Love. It’s the most powerful energy in the world, and it’s a free gift to the world,thanks to you.

God bless you for sending love to the world this year.