Live in a Perfect World and Have Everything You Want?

In a perfect world, if you want something, something that would fill your heart with joy, you could have it, no matter what it is. Right?

Guess what? We live in a perfect world. Maybe you can’t see it from where you are right now, but ask yourself this:

Are there people who can have whatever they want?

Do you know that there are people on this planet who can have whatever they want? Maybe the things they dream of do not appear instantly, as if by magic, but they are able to put all the necessary components into motion to manifest their heart’s desires.

These people live in a perfect world. Even though they may be surrounded by a planet infested with confusion, chaos, and poverty, they live in a world that is in harmony with the good things in life.

In no way am I suggesting that these people do not experience challenges or hardship. They must navigate the world through relationships with other people, which is often a root cause of conflict, which must be resolved on one way or another to maintain one’s positive momentum.

If there are people who can have whatever they want and live in a perfect world, could you agree that if you could change places with them, you too, could enjoy the life of living in a perfect world, regardless of the confusion that surrounds you.

From the vantage point of the most powerful people on our planet, you could see how there is a supreme order in all things, that you have the ability to influence the world, and that ultimately, all things work out for a better future world.

If that is true, then you live in a perfect world, one where you can influence the way things go and can have the desires of your heart.

But you protest,

That’s not me!

Agreed. But ask yourself,

Aren’t you made of the same trillions of cells mostly composed of generally the same amounts of raw elements which include hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, calcium, and phosphorus of those other people?

Yeah, but…

There are no yeah-buts about it. You are no different, and you do live in the same world, though admittedly, you are not in the same shared vibration. These people maintain a vibrational frequency which matches the “world” they live in, while you are more a vibrational match for the world you recognize and experience every day.

The good news is that you can change your vibration.

Start dreaming of the things you want, and making those dreams come true.

Start small and work your way up from there. I mean, you can start really small, like with a bag of Jelly Belly’s or a cup of Dutch Bros.

This is not rocket science, but this is science. Some refer to it as Quantum Science, but regardless, the results are verifiable though much of what these unknown elements that comprise the universal power that keeps us in perfectly balanced motion are yet to be identified.

Even so, those who possess the ability and knowledge of how to use this power, are the most powerful people, and you can be one of them. Because,

If one of us can do it, any of us could do it

and that means you could do it, too.


Manifest a Yacht

Ever wonder where the frequency of your life vibrates at? You should. Because if you know what frequency you’re at, you are better equipped if you desire to change your life, to have more abundance, live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place. So, where’s your vibration?

If you want to experience the manifestation of an abundant life, know this: You are attracting all the things into your life which you are a vibrational match to, right now.

In our Beyond Science Lab we’re working on a device which reads your standard energy frequency vibration, every thought you think, situation, circumstance, or media hit you are exposed to will raise or lower your human vibration frequency. But there’s no need to use complicated electronic devices to determine the frequency of your vibration.

So, look around, and you’ll see exactly what you’re a vibrational match to. The life that you are living is always a perfect match to your current vibrational frequency setpoint. Always.

But you want more!

Who wouldn’t? And you’re mere wanting of a better life, lover, car, home, financial status, and whatever else is in your idea of the having of an abundant lifestyle are all important pieces of the puzzle which can bring all these things to come to pass.

How Can You Raise Your Vibration?

So, how can you raise your vibration to match the frequency of what you want? The answer is important because this is the quickest way to manifest the desires of your heart with the least amount of effort. And the answer is simple, but it may not be easy. The answer is,

Change Your life

Make your life a vibrational match to what you want. Now there are a couple of ways to go about this. The first will sound a little more reasonable.

Become a Financial Match

This is not always the best way but it is the way which is more commonly embraced by society. If you can raise your financial frequency, the pure number of dollars or financial resources over which you have control, you can affect a substantial change of life, and manifest more abundance.

Using this approach, you will need to evaluate where you are financially now to establish a starting point and then to find out at what level of income you need to be at to have all the things you want. Let’s just take a look at one thing, for example:

Your Very Own Luxury Yacht

You can get an entry-level yacht for around $100,000.00. You don’t have to pay it all at once if you have good credit and a 40% debt to income ratio (that means you have 60% of your monthly income to spend on whatever you want besides living expenses). You will need a $10,000 down payment, $1,500 for personal necessities including life jackets and $600 for insurance, Oh, and you will have to pay for a yacht pilot when you want to take it out as well.

To become a financial match, you need to make at least $50,000 a year and live moderately enough that you can have enough left over to enjoy your yacht at least once-a-month.

You can call vendors of any item your heart desires and ask them what the average cost to buy, own, and maintain it. You can inquire about the financing options, what it would take for the down payment and monthly obligations, even asking what the average income of someone is, who normally owns such an item.

With this data in hand, you can reverse engineer how much you would need to make it happen. Then find ways to raise your income level to match the item(s) you want.

Or you can manifest your yacht in another manner using primarily your vibrational frequency to match the boat you want.

Become a Vibrational Match

You could, using your imagination and power of thought, achieve a state of mind equivalent to that of having your yacht, then when your thoughts along with the feeling of having your yacht match, the yacht will fond its way to you.

This process does not involve making a financial plan but making an energetic plan. You will be focusing your attention every day on the object of your affection. You will cut out articles about it, read news articles and blog posts about people who have a yacht, like the one you want.

You will make vision boards, and spend time imagining every detail about what it would be like to have that yacht and even join a yacht club in accordance with your desire to have one (except for the most exclusive yacht clubs, you don’t have to own a yacht to join the club).

Joining a yacht club has you enjoying the company of people who already have yachts, love talking about them, and these could potentially become your new friends, effectively raising your vibration to match that of the vessel you desire, and may open up the avenues to allow your yacht to appear when you are a perfect match for it.

There is no doubt, there are countless examples of this working efficiently even for those who are not in a financial situation which would normally be required to achieve such an abundant lifestyle.

Believing is Seeing

Wayne Dyer said, “You’ll see it when you believe it,” and he couldn’t have been more right. This is a cautionary concept that if you get the grasp of it, can set you free from the chains of belief which bind you.

Exercise caution in your beliefs because what you believe will present itself to you more and more. Your beliefs are unique only to you. Sure, people can try to stuff their beliefs into you, but only you control what you believe to be true.

Your beliefs are the most powerful structure in your life which determines just how happy, healthy, successful, and fulfilled you will be.

So, what do you want?

I’m still surprised when I ask someone what they want, and they just look back with that deer in the headlights stare, like, “What?” It’s as if they’ve never allowed themselves the luxury of even considering what might be their heart’s desire because it’s just too inconceivable that any good could be out there waiting for them.

Don’t let this be you.

Of this you can be sure: You can’t get from where you are to where you want to be if you have no idea where you want to go. Oh, sure, you can run off and end up somewhere, but you might be surprised at how familiar the new location is to your previous location.

Why? Because your beliefs are still the same, and this will determine your experiences.

Make a list of what you might like to see in your life, in your wildest dreams, and look at it every day.

Add some enthusiasm to support what you want to see in your life. Read books about what you want. Sing songs about your heart’s desires. Conduct Google searches about the life you’d like to live. Take courses and align yourself with others who have similar desires.

The more you can submerge yourself in the vibration of what you want and allow yourself to believe it is yours for the asking (and it is) the closer it comes to you.

When you see people having what it is that you want, reach out to them. Ask them, “How’d you do that?” Let them know that you love the idea that they have it, and you’d like to do it, too. They may just smile and walk away, or they might give you invaluable tips that might help you achieve the same.

You might be surprised at how well this works on social media, like Facebook. No need to be afraid. The worst that could happen is that they ignore your message. The best? If not purely an inspiration, they could become your mentor.

When you learn of ways that others have achieved those things in life which seem to elude you, keep in mind that whatever process worked for someone else may not work for you. While the information is invaluable, keep in mind that your journey to what you want will be unique in many ways, so find ways to reduce the gap between where you are and where you want to be which resonate with you, and you’ll find yourself going farther faster.

Keep focused on your heart’s desire, even if it appears to be so far off that you might think it might never come. Whatever you do, don’t give up on your dream, because if you do, you will definitely see what you believe. Don’t stop believing.

Stay steadfast in maintaining your positive vibration, finding the things in your life which bring you joy, and do more of those things, because the better you feel more often, the gap closes even more.

Believe in you, in what you want, and that you can have it, and it will come to you.

When you find yourself enjoying the anticipation of having whatever it is that you want more than the disappointment of not having it, there you will be in the midst of it all, and even more.

Focus on What You Don’t Want

Focus on what you don’t want, and you will see more of what you don’t want with more intensity. As you see more of the things you despise, your negative energy rises, exponentially creating even more. This is the basic premise of the “law of attraction.” The more you focus your thoughts on anything (positively or negatively) the more powerful that which your thoughts are focused upon become.


The choice is yours.

You choose what thoughts you will focus your attention on, and you can choose to make a new choice at any moment in time, the sooner, the better.

When you think a thought, you have a seven-second delay before momentum starts to build promoting the thought that you are thinking about.

If you can quicken your consciousness within those precious seven seconds and focus your thoughts upon something you intentionally desire to promote, you have not given your energy away to the thing that is unwanted.

When you catch yourself, you don’t have to rush your thoughts straight to sitting in the sun under a shady tree by a babbling brook, lowing bubbles as butterflies fly around you. You can strategically center your thoughts on the opposite of the thought that you don’t want more of.

If your attention has been grabbed by negative media (this is the intention behind the creation of media, to keep you at a low vibration frequency) of, say, starving children in America, you can wallow in those thoughts of how wrong this is, and pointing it out to anyone you know about how terrible this is, which is a form of vibrational sabotage.

Or you can as quickly as possible start thinking about all the ways all the children in America, even the world could be well fed by people just like you.

More importantly, you. The sooner you can add momentum to the solution by taking action, even the smallest action, you are no longer energetically part of the problem you are proactively part of the solution.

Make a five-dollar (or more) donation to a worthy organization which feeds American children, then if you are so led, use media against itself. Then share on social media links to the organization that is feeding children in America, and tell everyone about this good work, and encourage them to follow your lead in the support of this movement.

The same goes for your innermost thoughts about those things which are not satisfying about the way your life is in the now.

If your thoughts are focused upon things from your past which bring you down, you are inviting more of this negative frequency (what you don’t want) to appear more frequently in your life. If you want to add more power to that which you do not want in your life, talk about it.

Talk to a friend. Like memes which resonate with what you don’t want in social media and share them with the world. Share links about the travesties which have wounded you with anyone you can think of and people you don’t even know, and you will increase the suffering from this thing exponentially.

You already know this is how it works.

Or, you can stop thinking about it as soon as you can.

“But what if my husband is having an affair?”

Infidelity is not just sexual, and if you focus on the unfaithfulness you will experience more of it, you will distance yourself, build a stronger wall separating you, and reduce your personal vibration to places you’d rather not be found.

Or, you can love your husband so much, that whatever he is doing (or what you think he might be doing) doesn’t matter to you, because you are focused on you, and focus your thoughts and attention on maintaining your own vibrational frequency high.

And you dare to love unconditionally. Willing to say (with heartfelt intention), “I love you no matter what.”

Not because your husband deserves it, because it what your heart desires.

Love yourself, don’t focus on what you don’t want, and focus your attention on what you do want.


If You Want It You Can Have It

If You Want It You Can Have It

Yes, if you want it, you can have it. Sounds crazy, right? You might say, “I want it, but it’s not here. So, that must not be true.” Totally understandable, but the truth remains that once you have the pure desire in your heart with love’s vibration for something, God sets it aside for you. Once you’ve felt the desire in your heart, it is done. All you have to do is to get from where you were when you had the thought to where what you want is. So, it is true; if you want it, you can have it.

Of course, there are many ways you can have what you want. You could, and many have, get what you want by defrauding someone else, deception, theft, or any other nefarious degrees of compromising your morals. That’s one approach to getting what you want, and you will find the people who choose this approach either living lavishly, in prison, and/or in fear of going to prison.

For those who are in prison, most of them think it’s a small price to pay for getting what they want, when they want it, most of the time, a minor inconvenience, or a part of life.

The good news is, you don’t have to compromise yourself or sell your soul to the devil to get what you want. God wants you to have the desires of your heart, and the work is done the moment you ask for it, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7).

Really, all I have to do is ask and I can have it?

Yes. Although, you can’t always have it instantly. You must be a vibrational match to what you want for it to be manifest in your life if you want all of creation to conspire to bring it to you, no matter what it is.

It can be anything that you want, food, shelter, clothing, love, passion, abundance, babies, the most exquisite material things, anything, whatever you want, ask for it and it is yours.

It’s up to you whether you compromise yourself or allow the energy of life to present it to you. You can bring it to pass using your best efforts, or ignore it altogether and resign your life to one of lack, living without all the good things in life that God wants you to have.

You deserve the best things in life, and you don’t have to lie, cheat, or steal to have everything you want.

If this idea sounds unfathomable to you, if you think about it,

Aren’t there people in the world who have all the best things in life?

How do you think they got that kind of life?

They (or their parents) followed the ancient principles of life which brings all the energies of all the power of the universe to give them what they want, or they did it at the expense of others, or made it come to pass by force.

I encourage you to consider taking the high road of manifestation and abundance via the power of love following the law of attraction because if you want it, you can have it.

There is so much blessing, goodness, health, abundance, high quality of life, and wealth waiting for you.

What is your heart’s desire?

If you want it, you can have it.

How to Get What You Want

I’m in the business of helping people achieve their highest and best and this often also means I can help you get what you want. Now, I can’t give it to you. Where would be the fun in that? But I can help point you in the right direction to achieve your goals, dreams and discover how get what you want, though you must do the work yourself.

Looking for a free ride? Okay, there are free rides available for freeloaders, although my clients are what I refer to as “doers.” That is to say they are willing to do the work to achieve their goals and get what they want. You might think, “That’s the hard way,” and indeed there are many ways to get a thing done, though the most intelligent people focus on doing what appears to be hard or overwhelming in the easiest way possible. If you’re in the know, you may find it is not as hard as it seems.

My favorite – and easiest – way to get from where you are to where you want to be is by simply taking

Baby Steps


I mean, think about it; every baby wants to learn to walk, so they start with the smallest wobbliest steps. As difficult and awkward as it is, the stepping process in cumulative, every step makes the next one easier and before you know it, the baby’s walking confidently.

We can apply this same principle to ourselves, and you actually have been doing so your entire life, or else you would still be living in your parent’s home (no disrespect to those who are still living at home, you know what I mean).

One Step a Day

Even if you only took one step a day, eventually you would reach your destination. Some days you could take many steps, or walk a mile bringing you even closer to that which you seek. But even the smallest step brings you closer than you were the day before.

This concept can be applied to anything; obtaining physical items, amazing experiences, good health, healthy relationships, financial health, education, personal satisfaction, increased quality of life, happiness, whatever you want.

While this is a simple concept it is also profound and useless if you do not continue to take action and keep stepping toward what you want.


It is on you to keep yourself accountable for your progress.

If you really want to get from here to there, then by all means track your progress. It not only allows you to see how far you’ve come, but it establishes the reasonable expectation that you will take a step to move you closer to what you want every day, no matter how small.

If you’re serious about getting what you want, you will review your steps every day. Every evening before you call it a night and ready yourself for slumber, ask yourself, “What did I do today?” to move closer to what you want.

In the event that you cannot recollect any step, there is still time. In those final moments do something – anything – that will move you even the slightest bit closer to that which you desire and make a promise to yourself to purposefully move closer tomorrow.

There is no judge or jury here, only your own accountability to yourself.

These daily steps are key to the success of the doers who make things happen and enjoy the best this life has to offer.

What do you have to show for today?

If the answer is “nothing,” then all your wanting is for not and you are not likely to get what you want.

You can do this.

What will you do today?


What Are You Attracting?

Ever wonder why things are the way they are in your life?

The people, peculiarities, situations and circumstances that appear in your life do so according to your beckoning. You called all these things into being by the power of your thoughts, or even more powerful: your spoken words.


According to the Law of Attraction, what you think or speak about is what you are attracting to you, even if it your thoughts are in the negative form. For instance, if you were to think, “I want to see a black cat,” or alternatively, “I don’t want to see a black cat,” the universe responds by providing you the opportunity to see a black cat.

If you add an enormous amount of energy to what you don’t want, like emphatically telling all your friends that you don’t want to see a black cat as long as you live, possibly scream it at the sky or pray fervently about how much you never want to see a black cat again, guess what?

You got it: A big black cat… maybe even a barrage of many black cats.

If this is true, then everything in life that surrounds you is a product of your thoughts or the words that escape your lips. And it is likely, the more things you don’t want (especially if you’re enthusiastic about not wanting it and/or clearly express your not wanting it) the more opportunities you have to interact with what you do not want.

What do you want?

The answer is easy: Start thinking about and professing what you do want.

Even religious texts urge us to think about good things, so this is nothing new. For if we focus on the negative, this is what we get, on the other hand if we think only about those things that are good and lovely, beautiful, honorable and bring us joy, then more of these things are added to our life.

Stop thinking, speaking (or even worse: obsessing) about what you don’t want and start focusing intently and enthusiastically about what you do want.

The people who seem to have the best lives, the best luck and attract the best opportunities and circumstances think and speak positively about their expectations and (here’s the next piece) believe these things will come to pass.

You are energy

As much as we’d like to believe that we are flesh and bone, there is a much greater more powerful version of ourselves accompanying us on our journey on this planet. We are actually more energy than we are matter. Our energy emits a certain frequency and everything that exists around us is a perfect match to the energetic frequency we send out.

When you have a powerful, energetic thought which is contrary to your normal frequency or vibration, a powerful burst of energy explodes disrupting the vibration to which you have been so accustom.

While this creates a weak spot in your normal vibrational frequency, it is not enough to permeate your field of vibration for longstanding change.


That is where belief comes in. Thinking and/or speaking disrupts your current vibration and belief sustains the new frequency. In this way, the more you focus on the new thought pattern and the longer you trust or have faith that it will come to pass, the more certain your positive results.

What if I doubt?

Doubt is an explosive energetic demand that the universe return you to your previous vibration or state of affairs. You can correct for this by immediately initiating an emphatic positive affirmation, in essence, changing the channel back to your higher frequency or vibration. Continued doubt, will result in sustaining the old vibration and returning you to that which you’re more used to.

What about the how?

We can get distracted by trying to figure out the how. This is where logic gets in the way of the power of the universe. If we can stay focused on only the end result as non-specifically as possible, this allows the universe to fully engage bringing to us on that which is our highest and best, in ways we may not have been able to imagine, with a far greater end result.

To change your life all you need to do is to change your thoughts/words (the more enthusiastically the better), continue to believe the new results will appear, to be open and allow the details to be delivered in the best way possible, and you will find yourself enjoying having the things you want in your life, the way you want them, or even more.

Give What You Want

If you really desire something to be ever present in our life, then give it away.


There are many ways to get stuff, as in most areas in life, obtaining physical possession or emotional states includes a wide spectrum of possibilities but basically are obtained either by hoarding or giving.

Hoarding is fear-based promoting lack, and giving is gracious benevolence that promotes abundance.

Which sounds more appealing to you?

Fear or Gratitude


In a fear-based state of mind, the person who is acquiring any given thing, circumstance, state of mind or feeling is doing so from an energetic position of survival, and in a more aggressive campaign for any given thing, survival of the fittest. The extreme is likened to an act of war, where the goal is to conquer the enemy to obtain that which is sought.

In the battlefield of acquisition morality may be compromised in an effort to get what you want. Not unlike war-time. We raise our children not to kill. Later in life, they may find themselves in occupations where they are taught that killing is not only acceptable in certain circumstances, but if they are in a war-time occupation it becomes their job, to kill for their country.

The same is true for fear-based accumulation. To varying degrees (based on the individual) all bets are off. They are likely to do or say anything in an effort to obtain that which they seek. The more desperately they want it, the more desperate the measures they will take to get it.

You might think that this fear-based acquisition might represent only low income individuals. If so, be prepared to wrap your head around the idea that this style of acquisition permeates all income levels from the lowest to the wealthiest people on our planet.

In the fear-based system, the acquisition of that which is sought is not satisfying to the person who obtained it in this manner. While some satisfaction is obtained by getting what they wanted, it doesn’t last long, and they long for something else to get.

I am not offering any judgment on how someone acquires the stuff they want. It’s not good or bad, right or wrong, it just is what it is.


Then there are the people who are thankful for anything they receive and give freely with no expectations and they get everything they want in an abundant fashion, while the rest of us look on in utter amazement wondering, “How do they do it?”

They don’t work hard for anything, do not obsess over its absence, just believe they will have it and whatever it is they’re wanting finds its way to them.

They tend to be extremely generous, helping others, giving of themselves in a variety of ways to offer energetic assistance, contribute to the evolution of peace and/or a better world in some way.

Whether they are aware of it or not, they are participating in what we currently refer to as the Law of Attraction. Some people just do it naturally and the rest of us can learn how to live a life like this, although it will take some effort on our part if we are to move from fear-based acquisition to gracious abundance.

Reduced to its simplest form, I see the fear-based acquisition and gracious abundance not as good and bad, but more like the hard way or the easy way. To me it is easier to freely give, love and promote peace, kindness and a better world and enjoying all the things that come my way, than to fuss and fret about not having what I want, scrimping, saving or manipulating people or circumstances (including finances and financing) to get what I want.

If you are in the fear-based mindset, the scrimping, saving, financing sounds much more practical and easier than letting go enough to find joy in allowing what you want to come to you at the perfect time. To you, the concept of giving-and-allowing sounds impractical or ridiculous at first blush.

Think about it

This applies to all things, material things as well as emotional states.

In this respect it is true: you cannot buy love or happiness. Oh, you can achieve that state for a while via any means possible, but it does not satisfy as much as when that which you seek is obtained by giving of it freely, and receiving it in return.

What do you think?

You Can Get What You Want

Love Mick Jagger You Can Get What You Want photographed by Gered Mankowitz 1966I was just listening to Mick Jagger saying, “You can’t always get what you want.” And to tell you the truth, I was offended by that programming. Then, to try to smooth it over by saying, “But if you try sometimes you might find you get what you need.”

I had a chat with God and told Him I want to know what it’s like to be one with my soul mate. As the story goes, I saw her at the reception, the whirlwind romance ensued and many years of happiness and bliss were the result.

I got what I wanted.

And in a moment… that moment had passed.

Ended up, what I got was not exactly what I wanted but for a moment I had what fulfilled me.

What? Is this a lesson in mediocrity?

Look, Mick, I love you. But I believe I can get what I want, especially if it’s for my highest and best.

Just have to reevaluate and restate my case.

Okay, God:

I am attracting a partner with the same capacity for love that I have… not expecting anything less than I am willing to give, in an amazing woman who is traveling in the same direction that I am headed in this life’s journey, so that we can do this thing (life) together hand-in-hand, supporting each other, for the remainder.

Thank You, for I know it is already so.


Sounds like a tall order?

It’s not for everyone. This is just me. You have your own calling for your highest and best, that is perfect for you.

So, I’ve been holding out for just the right person who is my highest and best… I am being patient, observant and diligent.

Her journey to me must be an interesting one, because she sure is taking her time, and it’s starting to cause concern for others who love and care about me.

Friends and family are starting to freak out, claiming that I am too picky and need to compromise to, “get what you need,” so that I can get on with my life and not be the only single guy at group functions.

I’ve tried to explain to them that I am totally open but unwilling to compromise because I believe she is on her way. Do I have any illusions that she will be perfect in every way? No; only that she will be perfect (including all her imperfections) for me, as I am for her and she will be, “going my way.”

What about your list?

Yes, I have a list of attributes that I find desirable. (Wouldn’t it be silly not to?) Without such a list, how would I even be able to recognize her when she gets here? Hopefully, she has a list, too.

Besides romance, Mick makes reference to being willing to publicly make a stand for what you think is important and people with failing health.

You want a better world? You can have it.

You want to be healthy? You can have it.

You don’t have to settle for what you need. You can have it all.

You can be, do or have anything you want.