Manifest a Yacht

Ever wonder where the frequency of your life vibrates at? You should. Because if you know what frequency you’re at, you are better equipped if you desire to change your life, to have more abundance, live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place. So, where’s your vibration?

If you want to experience the manifestation of an abundant life, know this: You are attracting all the things into your life which you are a vibrational match to, right now.

In our Beyond Science Lab we’re working on a device which reads your standard energy frequency vibration, every thought you think, situation, circumstance, or media hit you are exposed to will raise or lower your human vibration frequency. But there’s no need to use complicated electronic devices to determine the frequency of your vibration.

So, look around, and you’ll see exactly what you’re a vibrational match to. The life that you are living is always a perfect match to your current vibrational frequency setpoint. Always.

But you want more!

Who wouldn’t? And you’re mere wanting of a better life, lover, car, home, financial status, and whatever else is in your idea of the having of an abundant lifestyle are all important pieces of the puzzle which can bring all these things to come to pass.

How Can You Raise Your Vibration?

So, how can you raise your vibration to match the frequency of what you want? The answer is important because this is the quickest way to manifest the desires of your heart with the least amount of effort. And the answer is simple, but it may not be easy. The answer is,

Change Your life

Make your life a vibrational match to what you want. Now there are a couple of ways to go about this. The first will sound a little more reasonable.

Become a Financial Match

This is not always the best way but it is the way which is more commonly embraced by society. If you can raise your financial frequency, the pure number of dollars or financial resources over which you have control, you can affect a substantial change of life, and manifest more abundance.

Using this approach, you will need to evaluate where you are financially now to establish a starting point and then to find out at what level of income you need to be at to have all the things you want. Let’s just take a look at one thing, for example:

Your Very Own Luxury Yacht

You can get an entry-level yacht for around $100,000.00. You don’t have to pay it all at once if you have good credit and a 40% debt to income ratio (that means you have 60% of your monthly income to spend on whatever you want besides living expenses). You will need a $10,000 down payment, $1,500 for personal necessities including life jackets and $600 for insurance, Oh, and you will have to pay for a yacht pilot when you want to take it out as well.

To become a financial match, you need to make at least $50,000 a year and live moderately enough that you can have enough left over to enjoy your yacht at least once-a-month.

You can call vendors of any item your heart desires and ask them what the average cost to buy, own, and maintain it. You can inquire about the financing options, what it would take for the down payment and monthly obligations, even asking what the average income of someone is, who normally owns such an item.

With this data in hand, you can reverse engineer how much you would need to make it happen. Then find ways to raise your income level to match the item(s) you want.

Or you can manifest your yacht in another manner using primarily your vibrational frequency to match the boat you want.

Become a Vibrational Match

You could, using your imagination and power of thought, achieve a state of mind equivalent to that of having your yacht, then when your thoughts along with the feeling of having your yacht match, the yacht will fond its way to you.

This process does not involve making a financial plan but making an energetic plan. You will be focusing your attention every day on the object of your affection. You will cut out articles about it, read news articles and blog posts about people who have a yacht, like the one you want.

You will make vision boards, and spend time imagining every detail about what it would be like to have that yacht and even join a yacht club in accordance with your desire to have one (except for the most exclusive yacht clubs, you don’t have to own a yacht to join the club).

Joining a yacht club has you enjoying the company of people who already have yachts, love talking about them, and these could potentially become your new friends, effectively raising your vibration to match that of the vessel you desire, and may open up the avenues to allow your yacht to appear when you are a perfect match for it.

There is no doubt, there are countless examples of this working efficiently even for those who are not in a financial situation which would normally be required to achieve such an abundant lifestyle.

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