Societal and Religious Programming

The biggest conspiracy of all time is the battle for the control of your mind. Everyone’s fighting for control of your mind, it’s a miracle if any of us can have a really original thought at all. Nonetheless, there is a growing number of people who are breaking free from societal and religious programming.

You can understand how truly miraculous any free thought could be, if you’re able to see how the cards are stacked against you from the moment you take your first breath.

The powers that be, those who desperately fight for control of you, will stop at nothing to make you believe what they want you to believe. The people (all humanity) is so much easier to manage en masse. So, societal engineers go about creating a wide variety of belief systems to herd the people into manageable groups. All this mysterious mental programming goes on behind the scenes so stealthily, that none of us (very few of us) are aware of it going on at all.

The system provides us with ample choices to select from which gives us the illusion of having freedom, and indeed, in this respect, we do have freedom of choice. To choose between this and that. To obey the laws or live a life of crime. To choose between to work for the State or private industry. To go to school to increase your ability to earn a living, or to find another way to support yourself.

To join a worthy non-profit service, fraternal organization, political party, or not. To work for the man or start your own business. To adopt a religious belief system (there are many to choose from) in a theistic manner, or not as an atheist, or anywhere in between.

So effective is this programming, that the system fully supports it in every way. Laws are created to enforce it and noncompliance is either a verifiable illegal act, or a mental disease or disorder which can be treated wither by restraint, drugs, therapy, or death by natural causes.

This is all done with the “best intentions,” to manipulate, control, and profit from all human inhabitants, but there are those who seek to exploit the individual members of these groups. These wolves in sheep’s clothing infiltrate all types of organizations under false pretenses to exploit its members.

Any of these organizations have varying degrees of built-in control mechanisms to further manage the details of the lives of those who participate within them. Religious organizations have the greatest degree of control for they “represent” the highest power in the world: God.
“God” and “Country” are the two largest contributors of premature death in the world.

Certain people (the majority of them) will gladly (or reluctantly) sacrifice their lives for either God, their country, or even more powerfully: both.

All this exercising of control is taking place while humans blindly follow and pledge their allegiance to these manipulating factions, while the religious psychopaths, and predators of all types who seek to victimize those who submit themselves to the dogma of the system, exploit the followers.

It’s no surprise the followers mostly from military or religious channels suffer from depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and have suicidal tendencies, for they have subjected themselves to drama, trauma, and abuse out of a sincere desire to serve either God or country.

To think that the very same people you have entrusted your life to, have taken advantage of you, tortured, and abused you in all manners, is an unfathomable concept. Yet, the truth of the matter is that it IS true.

As a regular common course of business, these victims visit the offices of coaches, counselors, and therapists every day in search of hope. We see them every day, and their painful stories would shock anyone.

So grateful are those of us who avail ourselves to them, that they have graced our offices with their presence before they either find themselves in penitentiaries or cemeteries.

This is in answer to our prayer.

Though we may not be able to help them all, we do our best in the hope that we might, by all means, save some.


See you at the Recovery from Religious Trauma Event in Olympia, September 21st

Masters Miracle Workers

I am so blessed to be working every day with some of the most amazing miracle workers on the planet. They come from all walks of life and are engaged in a wide variety of disciplines. Each one answering their own call and carving out their unique paths, living a better life, their best lives, and making the world a better place.

If you really are, as Jim Rohn says, “the average of the five people you spend the most time with,” then, well, I am speechless. I have the unique ability and privilege to hang out with some of the most gifted and amazing people on the planet.

When I am spending time with people, the people I am spending it with are by far some of the most amazing people in the world. They are awakening, evolving, and expanding in ways that are hardly imaginable to anyone without the special ability to recognize these advanced beings.

If you stumble onto me with a group of my friends, I can pretty much guarantee that I am not the smartest guy in the room because I surround myself with people who are extremely smart, talented, and gifted. These are literally the crème de la crème and they span a wide variety of industries.

There are scientists, engineers, doctors, lawyers, researchers, physicists, artists, healers, psychics, philosophers, therapists, … it just never ceases to impress me, how blessed I am to not only work with these people, but to call them my friends.

They are the smartest, most powerful people I know, they are masters and miracle workers in their own right and more are joining my circle all the time.

I am honored and blessed to be in their presence, and to be on the inside track. That is to say that I could very well be in the room when a breakthrough of immense magnitude takes place, and to be there, sometimes to be an active participant in the process, it just overwhelms my heart with gratitude.

I also work with people who are on the track to greatness, and I get to see them grow and blossom. You, too, might like to begin such a transformative process, but be aware that it is not a path for the faint of heart. It takes a great deal of commitment to your own self-discovery, tapping into and expanding your own intuitive nature.

We all have these innate special gifts and abilities, and your imagination and intuition are the keys to unlock the untold treasures that may be lying dormant within.

You could tap into the same resources of mind and spirit that these most powerful people on the planet have access to. Some say that these abilities teeter on the edge of clairvoyance or psychic abilities. Whatever you call it, it is an inner knowingness that something else is out there combined with the ability to access the energy of life which connects and permeates all things.

Each of us has had that intuitive “hit” when we feel something in our gut, or have a feeling that something’s up, and if someone were to ask you, you might respond with something like, “I can’t put my finger on it, but I just have a ‘feeling’,” or a knowing.

For others, there is this thing called clairaudience, where they actually hear what’s happening in between the lines, within the cracks of what is observable by the rest of us. Certain sounds can also trigger an intuitive response, quickening, or awareness.

As we try to unravel the mysteries of all these things in laboratories all over the world, one thing remains; there is definitely something going on here, which boggles one’s ability to understand these things.

And we call them, “miracles.”

Astrologers claim that those who are born under the signs of Scorpio or Pisces have a propensity to demonstrate these gifts and abilities, but as the human race continues to evolve, these extra sensory perceptions are being expressed in everyone, more and more, all the time.

So, why even consider that you might have these special abilities? Well, because it increases your connection. Your connection to others you care about, those who you’re barely aware of, anyone, and everything, really, increasing your understanding of everyone and everything.

You have greater access to expanded creativity, passion, and deeper, more meaningful love. It almost makes you embrace your more compassionate side, because of your greater understanding that everyone’s just doing the best they can with what they have, some better than others, and that’s okay.

Plus, this process helps to align yourself with your own inner power, passion, and mission in life, as you nullify and eliminate all those things you’ve accumulated over your lifetime that have been holding you back.

How did these masters and miracle workers do it?

Well, everyone has to make their own way from here to there (not that you really ever get “there”). For some, they used,


Meditation is an excellent way to disconnect and to be open to everything else that “is” which is beyond our rationality. Plus, it’s just the most pleasant, peaceful state of mind.


That’s a pretty good way to break through the layers of cognition and programming that are holding you back.

Positive Thinking

The power of positive thinking is a great place to start. I know this was an impactful step on my journey, and its action you can take while having your brain fully engaged.

Letting Go

Letting go is a little riskier and advanced, technologically, because we get so attached to thoughts, emotions, and stuff which makes a normal person go nuts, over stuff that seems so darn important, but really isn’t.

Giving Up Expectation

This one is huge! But essentially, if you can get a hold of the idea, if you have no expectation, if you’re not expecting anyone or anything to happen. If you’re not connected to a particular outcome, then you can simply allow whatever it is in life to unfurl before your eyes, and revel in the magnificence of it, no matter how it comes into being.

Trust Your Instincts

This is your intuition, that uneasy feeling you get that is hard to explain. The more you trust it, the better you get at it, and you will find it easier to interpret when it shows up.

Don’t Worry, Be Happy

Not just a song by Bobby McFerrin, but a life mantra that will allow you to be in resonance with everything your heart desires.

You, too, could have it all, just like the masters and miracle workers that I hang out with.

Maybe you and I should be hanging out.

August 2019 Image Directory

Wrapping up the month of August, here’s a quick screenshot review of the month’s news. Let me know which ones you like the most. Thanks for your input, -David M Masters

Your Relationship is in Trouble Believing is Seeing Competitive Spirit
Are You Spiritual or An Ass? Spirit Guides Off-Grid Summit
Hope After Deceptive Love Making a Living from the Homestead What Did You Do Today?
Strong Not Broken Religious Psychopaths Spiritual Coach Certification Course



Your Relationship is in Trouble What Can You Do?

It’s not uncommon for a couple to run into problems in a relationship because you really are two different people trying to live as a unified pair and it’s nearly impossible to pull that off without some inconsistency, suspicion, or misstep, for, after all, this is life, and very rarely are we able to move through life without challenge.

Challenges arrive in life to give us opportunities for growth. Without growth, we become mediocre and stagnant. While that may work for some who find survival and barely getting by as acceptable, you find yourself wanting more.

A little conflict opens opportunities for inviting something more into your life, and great conflict, even more.

Of course, no one is blaming you, but to respect your partner and the relationship you share will go a long way toward a bright future you can powerfully share together without allowing the fire of your shared flame to go out.

If your relationship is in trouble, what can you do?

Establish trust. When relationships get rocky, it normally is d to a deterioration of trust. Whether there has been an actual betrayal or not, one or both of the parties in this relationship is experiencing a lack of trust.

To build or rebuild trust, just try to be normal, reestablishing routine. You still want to allow room to grow and change but if you’re changing it up too much, too often, you may find your partner responding to red flags which do not actually exist, raising unfounded suspicions.

Try sticking to a predictable schedule so that your partner knows what to expect. This will make him or her feel more secure, but still, allow a little space for informed spontaneity. Switch it up a little bit every once and a while, just to breathe new life with a little unexpected joy into your relationship.

When you’re feeling awkward in your relationship, be open and honest about it. Otherwise, it will look like you’re covering something up (and you are, your feeling awkward, for whatever reason), and your uneasiness will be infectious. When your partner is left in the dark, it allows his or her imagination to go to some dark places. Be honest open, and invite the light of life to illuminate who you really are, including your quirks and inconsistencies, and don’t be afraid to share and ask, “What are your thoughts on this?”

Be congruent. Make sure you and how you present yourself is in alignment with what you really mean. Often, we find ourselves just going with the flow to avoid any potential conflict, but if your partner starts to pick up on your mixed energies, these could be misinterpreted as potential problem areas.

Being open and honest about who you are (I mean the real person you are beneath all your persona and façade) engenders trust. Being uniquely you, naked, afraid, needy, expressive, overreactive, and vulnerable is the biggest power move you can make in taking your relationship to the next level. Be you, and share all of you with your partner. When you’re holding back, you throttle your relationship’s potential.

We all bring stuff into a relationship, our inconsistencies, insecurities, trauma, and emotional wounds from our past, and some of us have better communication skills than others. This is not a competition, but a cooperation. If you find yourself in a situation where you have tried to express yourself and it was received incorrectly don’t panic or get defensive. Just try to be understanding and willing to restate what you were trying to say in a way that might be better interpreted by your partner.

If you are keeping secrets from your partner, you can expect trust to erode. I know, there are a million reasons to justify keeping secrets from your partner, just be aware that this energy will affect the relationship, and your partner will be aware that something is not right, even if you’ve been so careful to cover it up that he or she will not be able to figure out what’s really going on. You might be able to sustain a relationship long term while keeping secrets which are never disclosed but be aware that such a relationship will never achieve its highest potential.

As you move through life together, times change, you change, your expectations, needs, and desires change. Be open and loving about what you need, want, or expect.

Sometimes, you might feel like if there’s something that you want from your partner, you think that giving it to your partner will make him or her want to give it back to you. If you aren’t open about your intention and just expecting your partner to “get it,” don’t be surprised when he or she just thinks you’re being weird.

Be willing to put yourself “out there” enough to say, “Hey, I’ve been thinking about it, and I think I’d feel better about where we are and where we’re going if I could have a little more,” (fill in the blank). Of course, your partner might respond with, “Oh yeah, well I could use a little more…” No problem. This is an opportunity to get it out on the table and negotiate. Maybe there’s a way you can both get what you want.

Decline with dignity. If you find yourself giving in to things that do not resonate with you, start saying, “no,” to the things which do not serve you or do not make your heart sing. Keeping in mind also that it can be exciting to share something new, outside of your wheelhouse, just to mix things up.

If your partner is going through a self-destructive phase, you are under no obligation to participate. If you’ve come to the point that you cannot tolerate it, and you refuse to go down with your partner’s boat, there is no crime in getting off the boat. Just as long as you are open about removing yourself from the situation, which may include the relationship altogether. Then, be willing to walk away with your dignity intact.

Believing is Seeing

Wayne Dyer said, “You’ll see it when you believe it,” and he couldn’t have been more right. This is a cautionary concept that if you get the grasp of it, can set you free from the chains of belief which bind you.

Exercise caution in your beliefs because what you believe will present itself to you more and more. Your beliefs are unique only to you. Sure, people can try to stuff their beliefs into you, but only you control what you believe to be true.

Your beliefs are the most powerful structure in your life which determines just how happy, healthy, successful, and fulfilled you will be.

So, what do you want?

I’m still surprised when I ask someone what they want, and they just look back with that deer in the headlights stare, like, “What?” It’s as if they’ve never allowed themselves the luxury of even considering what might be their heart’s desire because it’s just too inconceivable that any good could be out there waiting for them.

Don’t let this be you.

Of this you can be sure: You can’t get from where you are to where you want to be if you have no idea where you want to go. Oh, sure, you can run off and end up somewhere, but you might be surprised at how familiar the new location is to your previous location.

Why? Because your beliefs are still the same, and this will determine your experiences.

Make a list of what you might like to see in your life, in your wildest dreams, and look at it every day.

Add some enthusiasm to support what you want to see in your life. Read books about what you want. Sing songs about your heart’s desires. Conduct Google searches about the life you’d like to live. Take courses and align yourself with others who have similar desires.

The more you can submerge yourself in the vibration of what you want and allow yourself to believe it is yours for the asking (and it is) the closer it comes to you.

When you see people having what it is that you want, reach out to them. Ask them, “How’d you do that?” Let them know that you love the idea that they have it, and you’d like to do it, too. They may just smile and walk away, or they might give you invaluable tips that might help you achieve the same.

You might be surprised at how well this works on social media, like Facebook. No need to be afraid. The worst that could happen is that they ignore your message. The best? If not purely an inspiration, they could become your mentor.

When you learn of ways that others have achieved those things in life which seem to elude you, keep in mind that whatever process worked for someone else may not work for you. While the information is invaluable, keep in mind that your journey to what you want will be unique in many ways, so find ways to reduce the gap between where you are and where you want to be which resonate with you, and you’ll find yourself going farther faster.

Keep focused on your heart’s desire, even if it appears to be so far off that you might think it might never come. Whatever you do, don’t give up on your dream, because if you do, you will definitely see what you believe. Don’t stop believing.

Stay steadfast in maintaining your positive vibration, finding the things in your life which bring you joy, and do more of those things, because the better you feel more often, the gap closes even more.

Believe in you, in what you want, and that you can have it, and it will come to you.

When you find yourself enjoying the anticipation of having whatever it is that you want more than the disappointment of not having it, there you will be in the midst of it all, and even more.

Competitive Spirit

A competitive spirit can be good and exhilarating, a high-quality fuel which helps you to excel as you present yourself and express your talents and skills in a masterful way, but it also has a dark side. A competitive spirit has you comparing yourself to others and can lead you to a place which places you in opposition of those to whom you are comparing yourself to.

To create positive momentum, the more of us who are headed in the same general direction in concert with each other is far more effective than anyone of us is pushing out ahead without regard of others, or even thinking that someone is not as deserving as you.

When you’re in a footrace with your friend, of course, you want to win. There can be a point, if your skills are well-matched, that you can send out a thought (which is a powerful signal) that your competitor lose balance, momentum, trip, fall, or otherwise, fail.

But if you’re in a race with a friend and a hungry bear, your survival instincts may overshadow your cooperative spirit, when you decide that you do not have to run faster than the bear, only to outrun your friend.

The spirit of competition can come from a fellow believer, non-believers, a thought group, a coworker, family members, unseen influences, and/or even one’s self.

The distinction between cooperation and opposition is extremely important in achieving positive momentum.

Comparing yourself to others can be counterproductive. Admiration is a far superior vantage point than comparison. If you can look at others and truly admire their talents, abilities, growth, success, beauty, and bliss without comparing their state to your own, you are expressing love’s vibration, seeing through the eyes of love.

When you compare someone’s attributes to your own, this can be destructive, creating friction within yourself and leading to self-degradation. It causes you to question yourself and you can find yourself in a state of self-sabotage. When you start to compare and question your own worthiness, your doubt can become realized as a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Try to keep on the positive side of the competition spectrum, being supportive of others, and not beating yourself up for comparing yourself to others, or finding egoic superiority when making comparisons. Refrain from judging yourself or others negatively. After all, we’re all doing the best we can with what we have. Right?

Even if you are confronted with a highly competitive person or force, view the circumstance with a gleeful heart. Seeing humor in the absurdness of it (without sharing it with your competitor) can take you to the positive end of the spectrum, and find ways to extract all the compassionate joy you can from the scenario, without giving in to the temptation to feel any degree of superiority.

There really is no comparison, because we are all on our own individual paths, each finding our own way to fulfill our life’s purpose, and there is no right way, and there is no wrong way, only each of us having our own experiences along the way.

Often people exert a competitive spirit because of their feelings of not feeling good enough, lack, unworthiness, or suffering from emotional wounds. When you see someone acting out in this way, respond compassionately. See them in their wounded state and bless them. Pray for their healing.

See this as an opportunity to look within. Can you see any similarities between their pain and some latent pain that may be hidden within yourself? You may be surprised what you find hidden within.

Noticing the contrast in someone else can introduce an opportunity for your own personal growth.

It is never about them; it is always about you. Where will you focus your attention?

Focus on you, your metamorphosis, evolution, and expansion.

Seek to live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place.

Are You Spiritual or An Ass?

Think about what your definition of spiritual is. Is it someone who is connected to a higher source of love and light (in its most general terms. No disrespect, here)? Or does your ideal of being spiritual refer to someone who is proud about how much they know and sees others as lesser in some way because they are not as spiritually advanced as you?

When people around you are looking for your spiritual appearance, they are looking for one common indicator: Love. How is your expression of love showing up?

Based on their observation of how it appears that you love, they will either believe that you are either a spiritual person or an ass. Think about how others see the demonstration of your faith in terms of love, how might they see you based on what they can see?

Are You Spiritual or An Ass?

No one knows how you feel on the inside, in your heart, about those things that are the most important to you, but you can’t blame them by assuming that you are either spiritual or an ass based on the things you do or say, the way that you act out in the 3D world.

I know a lot of people who are very spiritual, extremely faithfully inspired and living a life dedicated to something that is so divine in nature, but they work their faith in a mechanism which is based in the flesh. If this is you, then you have a somewhat militant perspective of your faith, and your exercising of it looks like it is based on discipline and submission, instead of love and acceptance.

So, it doesn’t really matter what you say about what you believe to others if what they witness in your expression of your faith is anything but love.

Now, keep in mind, your heart may be full of love and your intentions pure, but if your representation is not perceived as love, then your expression, message, or presentation will be received by others as being anything but love, and therefore you may be considered to be an ass rather than someone who is deeply spiritual.

No one is saying that you are actually an ass, only that your expression of your faith is being received that way.

Hate Groups

We know there are a lot of hate groups running rampant in the world today. Look at the things they have in common; they are exclusive. That is to say, they exclude people who are not fully in alignment with their beliefs, and are disrespectful of outsiders, shunning them, or even worse.

Likewise, if your spiritual relationship is expressed as,

“I am right and anything else is wrong,”

You’ve just disconnected yourself from the rest of the population, whom you will rarely, if ever, potentially have a greater connection with. At the very least, your faith would be better served by dropping the exclusivity and militancy.

If those attributes represent a hate group, then a love group must be the opposite.

If you want to have others open to your message, mission, and feel the love you have inside, you need to find ways to express your faith that is more likened to a love group, not a hate group.

Trade exclusivity and militancy for inclusion and expressions of acceptance, now you can be more easily considered as a person who is a purveyor of love.

And that’s what it’s all about, right?

It will take some work, but it will take a conscious effort to see that the outward expression of your spirituality is in alignment with what you really believe.

So, love like it’s the only thing that matters

Because it is.


Bridging the Gap: Humility in Biblical Knowledge

Since when was it a virtue to take pride in one’s knowledge of the Bible and to look down upon those less versed in its teachings? Saint Paul, in his wisdom, reminds us that knowledge, when wielded with pride, puffs up while love, in its humility, builds up. There are pitfalls that accompany boasting about biblical knowledge, and one should use such knowledge as a bridge rather than a barricade in connecting with others.

The Danger of Pride in Biblical Knowledge:

As Paul aptly points out, “knowledge puffs up, but love builds up.” The emphasis here is on the potential arrogance that can accompany an inflated sense of biblical understanding. Some Christians, as the author observes, strut their knowledge of the Bible as if it were an accomplishment, a badge of spiritual superiority. This, however, stands in stark contrast to the essence of Christian love and humility.

Knowledge as a Bridge, Not a Barricade:

There was a time when I recited scripture in the King James translation, and I was proud of being able to do so. Was it intimidating to others? Yes. Did that bother me? No. Why? Because it was God’s word, it should intimidate any heathen. (Yes, there was a time…) And I can tell you that my efficacy in sharing the real meaning of the teachings and the love of Jesus fell on deaf ears, mostly due to my own pompousness.

Over time, I realized that relating the ideas from scripture in everyday language and framing them within our contemporary world using current events and data to support them was far more productive than quoting the scriptures verbatim.

The crucial realization emerges: the purpose of this knowledge is not to build walls of separation but to function as a bridge to connect with people. The call is to utilize biblical understanding not as a barricade, showcasing self-righteousness, superiority, or causing separation, but as a means to foster understanding and unity.

A Lesson from Pharisees:

The cautionary note is sounded that behaving otherwise puts Christians on the same ground as a religious group that incurred Jesus’ strong disapproval—the Pharisees. Carey Nieuwhof’s Top 10 Things Pharisees Say Today serves as a reminder that the pitfalls of pride and legalism are timeless. Using the Bible as a tool for exclusivity rather than inclusivity aligns with a mindset that Jesus vehemently opposed.

The Top 10 Things Pharisees Say Today

    1. “If he knew the Bible as well as I did, his life would be better.”
    2. “I follow the rules.”
    3. “You shouldn’t hang around people like that.”
    4. “God listens to my prayers.”
    5. “Sure I have a few issues, but that’s between me and God.”
    6. “They just need to work harder.”
    7. “Of course I’m a Christian.”
    8. “More people need to stand up for Christian values.”
    9. “I’m simply more comfortable with people from my church than I am with people who don’t go to church.”
    10. “People who don’t go to church can come if they want to.”

The Heart of the Matter:

The core message resonates: it was never about what one knows or doesn’t know, but about what God knows and, more profoundly, who God loves. Humility is the key to understanding the purpose of biblical knowledge—to deepen the connection with God and extend that love to others. The emphasis shifts from self-righteousness to a recognition of the immeasurable depth of God’s love and grace.

The resounding call is clear—use the Bible as a bridge to the culture, not as a barricade against it. Humility in the face of biblical knowledge is a testament to the understanding that, at its core, Christianity is about love, compassion, and connection. Let the knowledge of the Bible serve as a catalyst for building bridges, fostering understanding, and, above all, embodying the profound love that lies at the heart of the Christian faith.



Spirit Guides

Q: Do you have spirit guides? A: Yes.

Having spent a great deal of time in the Beyond Science Labs getting access to science, technologies, quantum energies, and metaphysical phenomena, I have witnessed and actively documented concepts which elude rational thought. Regardless of all the concepts which may be unbelievable for the masses, spirit guides are real.

You have many spirit guides which are not visible from our 3D reality, but we do have a sense of them, and they do support and influence you for good along your life’s journey. It is generally accepted information that you have three spirit guides at the very least, or many more (some people have up to twenty or more spiritual guides).

So, who are your spirit guides?

As you might have guessed, they are other-dimensional beings. If you could see everything that happens around us 24/7 it would be overwhelming and could make you crazy. There are some people (who are commonly referred to as “mediums” among other labels we try to put on them) who have the ability to see, hear, feel, and interact with these other-dimensional beings.

They are not 3D beings, like you and me, but they may have been. It is not uncommon for at least one of your spirit guides to be someone, a relative, a friend, or a mentor from this life, who has passed over to the other side. They may no longer be a part of your physical life, but you know, you can feel their presence, in the absence of their physical presence.

But wait, there’s more. For those of the Christian, or similarly faith-based, community, you will be pleased to know that angels are among your spirit guides, and everyone has at least one angel who is assigned uniquely to you and your life on this planet. This one is referred to as your Guardian Angel but know that there are many more around you also.

I would be interrupted at this point by fear-based religious-types would interject and insist that “anything that is not an angel is a demon.” You might want to consider releasing some of these primitive beliefs, but if not, no problem, because you are absolutely right. Nonetheless, there may be more out there than meets the eye.

Are there demons?

Think about it, if there are angels, are demons, which is one-third of the angelic population which do have access to those who open themselves to them. Not surprisingly, demons are attracted to those from whom they get the most attention. It just so happens that many religious folks are focused upon them, so that is where these dark beings congregate. Interesting.

Demons are not your spirit guides. Spirit guides are only positive light beings of pure love who only love you and want you to have everything your heart desires, but they will not interfere with your free will, though they may give you signs to encourage you or influence you to make a better choice.

You are your own spirit guide

What? That’s right. There is that larger, higher part of you which resides off-site, outside your physical experience. There is that part of you which chose to come here to this planet at this time to have the experiences which you are engaged in, and this part of you is also one of your spirit guides.

Other Spirit Guides

Other types of spirit guides include other types of other-dimensional beings who have taken an interest in your life path. Their origins can be vast, and there are those who specialize in this area of research who are attempting to classify and categorize these types of spirit guides. This is not my area of expertise, but I am blessed to work with those who specialize in this area in the Beyond Science Labs.

Now that you know your spirit guides are there, isn’t the time now that you started tapping into this spiritual resource?

Off-Grid Summit



September 7th, 2019, Olympia Center

Admittance: FREE

Schedule of events:


9:00 a.m.

Class Description: A crash course in solar panels, micro hydro, wind, off grid electricity, heating, cooking, passive solar, hot water systems. Consideration of everything you need to live sustainably, securely, and in comfort.

Instructor: Daniel Schwartz


10:00 a.m.

Class Description: Cash flow strategies as alternatives to horse-trading for off-grid homesteaders both off and online. New and alternative ways of conducting business in current times. Independent Good News: You don’t have to work for “the man.”

Instructor: David M Masters


11:00 a.m.

Class Description: Creating family bonding activities while living in a sustainable community and connecting with our children while living according to our earth-friendly values. Love is safety, security, serendipity, and surprise.

Instructor: Wendy Lynn Johnson


12:00 p.m.

Class Description: RV Life: Minimize time & money, maximize nature & nurture. Your time and money are precious. RV living refines your soul-nourishing places & people

Instructors: Mark Siedler & Lynetta Avery


Event Location: Olympia Center, Rm 200, 222 Columbia St NW, Olympia, WA 98501

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This event qualifies for Continuing Education Units (CEU) for SPFU Alumni.