Is It Your Time?

In your attempts to live a better life, your best life and make the world a better place you can reach out for all the energies which are available to you at any time and place because you have learned by experience that to get from you to get from where you are to where you want to be will take more ability than you possess in your flesh only.

Your intention, dedication, and willingness to do the work does propel you in the right direction, yet with all your abilities and militaristic forcing of yourself to go through the motions and do the work, you realize that there are other resources outside yourself which you can draw upon, if you dare.

Is it your time?

Has the time come for you to evaluate your life, considering your vibrational frequency, and struggle with the question of whether you are willing to do the deep inner work necessary to raise your default frequency setpoint?

Is it time for you to look into your life, all the details which have brought you to this point in time and space. You look at all the things which have molded you into the person you have become ‘til now since you’ve taken your first breath. Unfortunately, on our planet in its current sociological state, your separation from who you are starts with your first breath.

Would you dare to be you?

Will you evaluate all the times in your life where you have missed the mark, even with the best of intentions, you fell short? Maybe you overreacted in a situation where you would have rather expressed yourself in love but found yourself throwing an inner child tantrum instead. Have you ever unintentionally hurt someone?

In the getting to know yourself more deeply, you gain the understanding of who those around you really are as you come to realize things are not always as they appear on the surface. When people show you who they are, you believe them.

Are you ready to start doing the work of clearing your social and sacred space? To investigate your circle of influence, to see who you can rely on and truly trust with your dreams and desires? To reduce your access to toxic friends and energy vampires by setting boundaries?

Are you willing to love more? Might you consider increasing the love vibration so much as to love like it’s the only thing that matters? Can you feel yourself unequivocally telling everyone and everything, “I love you no matter what,” with your heart and your entire being fully engaged?

Do you think marriage is good medicine, or are you refusing to even think about matrimony because you’ve loved and lost, or, “I just got dumped?” Are you able to open your heart and mind to the possibility of having a successful love relationship? In terms of romance in your life, is your awakening to true love a valid option for you?

Will you embark on a journey which leads to your spiritual awakening? Can you conceive of the idea of being completely open and honest with yourself about who you are and who you could be, secure in the knowledge that you can’t do God wrong, and are grounded in the knowingness that everything is connected and perfect in every way?

Will you be willing to allow the powers of the universe to integrate more fully in your life?

Will you welcome the idea of angels and dimensions with exist beyond your scope of rational thought?

Are You a Shaman? I believe you are.

Can you hear it?

That’s the sound of your evolution, your life in the process of a massive transformation.

It is your time. Your time is now.

Just remember, as you do your own work, we’re all in the same process, individually and collectively.

The world is a better place because of you.

Stepping into the Unknown

When you’ve acted out in faith, readjusted your direction and continued to move in a path that is unfamiliar to you, how are you stepping into the unknown? You know, you’ve observed your unfamiliar surroundings, saw the dark void ahead, slowly and carefully you take that step and move yourself into the void.

Fade to Black

You find yourself standing in utter darkness. You cannot hear anything. There is no sense of which way the air is moving. You can breathe, feel something solid beneath your feet, and you exercise your ability to vocalize, “Hello?” and you notice your voice appears to be dead as you can hear yourself speak the word but there is no reverberation.
You wonder where you’ve found yourself, if there’s anyone out there? “Is anybody there?”

There you are. You. Only you.

You are here. Feeling lost and alone.

What do you do when you find yourself stepping into the unknown?

No one would blame you for immediately turning about-face and running back to what you know, what is familiar, in the direction which seems more safe and secure.

You might find yourself carefully crouching yourself down into a face forward lotus position placing yourself in a meditative state or sending out your extended senses, projecting them forward to see if you can “feel” what’s ahead.

Or you might curl up in the fetal position and go deep inside yourself, evaluating where you’ve come from, what brought you to this place, and contemplate your decision to take this step in this direction which has led to your stepping into the unknown.

You may have the composure and dedication to realize it was you who brought you here, you know why, and you’re committed enough to keep moving forward, so you take half a step forward. You may not be able to see what’s ahead or know if your next step will offer you a firm footing, or if you will find yourself falling into eternal darkness. Determined, you take another step.

Then there’s the you who channels your inner Rambo. Finding yourself stepping into the unknown, your quickened as you stop to evaluate your surroundings as you find yourself stepping into the unknown, grit your teeth as you summon all your inner strength, and let out your mightiest warrior call, as you run straight forward into the void.

If you’re like me, your life has had a lot of situations where you have found yourself stepping into the unknown. At different times, we’ve tried all these approaches to finding ourselves in the unknown void.

Sometimes, turning and running is the best option.

I find myself transitioning through all the phases.

But in all cases, the best opportunities for growth and change comes from moving forward into the unknown.

When you step into the transitionary vacuum corridor, you have no idea what is on the other side of it.

There is only one way to find out.

For what is unknown to be known, you must move forward. It need not be at supersonic speed, baby steps will do. It is there, ahead of you, waiting for you to discover it.

If you’ve done it before, what did you find there?

If you are stepping into the unknown, right now, what do you think might be ahead waiting for you?

Check back with me and tell me what you found on the other side.

Feel Like You Don’t Fit In?

Do you ever feel like you don’t fit in?

Do you feel like you don’t fit in every once in a while? Or is it more often?

You might just be wearing a pre-evolutionary body.

Maybe you’re feeling like you don’t fit in because you don’t. You and your body may not have been designed to be a part of the servant race of beings you were born into.

If you’ve been educated or raised in a firm social structure (these exists everywhere among all walks of life) this will sound a little crazy but bear with me while we take a look at what’s happening in our world.

Our world has been “run” by a very small number of people with some degree of efficacy with very complex social and belief systems to make us more easily manageable en masse. We, as the servant race, have been programmed to accept certain terms for the living of life, and for the most part, do not aspire to evolve.

We are socially managed (or herded) by allowing ourselves to need nurturing by others with whom we believe we have an affinity with, groups who share the same beliefs or other similar characteristics.

For the most part, the majority of us believe our destiny is reduced to: Try not to cause trouble. Don’t stand out in the crowd. Go to school and find a way to support yourself financially, which usually means to get a job, or to team up with someone who has the wherewithal to take care of you.

If you can, go to college which will allow you to be qualified to make enough more money than your peers to have the things in life which those who are barely getting by desire (oh, and we’ll fill your heart with so much desire, that you may be capable of little else) but cannot afford.

Allow the State and or their health-related associations to manage your health throughout your lifetime so as to more effectively maximize your lifespan to better serve their needs and to extract any resources which might be lingering prior to taking your last breath.

All the while, the chosen few, stuff their pockets with profits garnered from the social machine they have built.

But something started to happen which threw a wrench into the machine and things started to go haywire.

Humans started to evolve, expanding their consciousnesses, and stumbling onto perceptions well outside of what was acceptable human thought, and at their first awareness of it, the profiteers leaped into action to use whatever resources they possessed and any means necessary to prevent such evolution.

Nonetheless, with all their efforts, humans continued to evolve behind the scenes, and this process is happening right now, all around us. And you, yourself, may be a part of it.

The social structure used to control us restricts individuality, for this causes the system to fail. For how could a world of individuals be effectively controlled? It would be nearly impossible unless the whole world was a military prison, which would be far less profitable.

It’s better to trick the servant race into thinking that it is “free” by giving them many choices to choose from and allowing them to exercise their “free will” to join any group you’ve designed for them that they want.

But there is something far more frightening to them, the idea that the servant race might evolve to such a state where they were stepping into their natural innate and divine nature individually and collectively.

All the systems created to control and profit from them would dissolve, then where would the puppet masters be?

So, in the last 50 years or so, the profiting puppeteers have been ramping up to tackle the problem through chemistry, and creating more and more groups, which allow members of the human race to huddle together with others who are allowed to think they are exercising individuality, while they are just hypnotically aligning with another group.

And if you can’t find a place to fit in, you can just as easily be put in jail, or prison, unless you are able to succumb to the drone of the status quo.

If you are starting to act out by questioning too much, or stepping outside the lines, no problem, “We have a pill for that.” You will be encouraged by your doctor and peers to take the pill and return to normalcy, or you can try to buck the system, and chances are you will get swallowed up by the legal system or dead (which, you were going to die after they were through with you anyway, so whatever).

The evolution of the human race is inevitable. It cannot be stopped but they are finding new ways to restrict it, to keep us and our cells at bay, for now. Yet the process continues.

This is why you feel like you don’t fit in. Because more and more, your ability to stay small and manageable is fading away.

Your individuality and expansion of consciousness are fighting for expression, trying to break through all the mechanisms which have been put in place to hold you down. And as our race continues to evolve, there is growing awareness that there are not enough groups to keep us separated, not enough diagnoses or drugs to prevent our evolving, and not enough prisons or graveyards to put us in.

Love Hearing People Complain

I absolutely love hearing people complain, followed by what they’re gonna do about it.

When you notice some story of an atrocity which rocks your being piercing your soul to your core, you recoil and understandably upset. What happens next determines whether your opposition to this offensive subject will oppose it, or add power to it.

If you complain about it, great. That makes you feel better about it, because you’ve found a way to release the burden of it and pass it on to someone else.

I get excited when I hear someone complaining about something passionately. It instantly attracts my attention as I anticipate what comes next. I listen… if nothing else follows, I am disappointed. Instead of complaining and in a sense, courageously making a stand, by placing themselves in the bullet’s path, this person has just promoted the very thing that made him or her upset.

Instead, I love hearing people complain, followed by what they’re gonna do about it.

Tell me about the thing that upset you, tell me that you researched it to make sure the matter in question is valid (and not simply a false story to distract your attention from the good things in life and to make you fearful), and tell me what you’re doing about it. Even if it’s only donating $5 to an organization that is combating this offense.

If you complain in a venue which is highly public, like social media, then you have exponentially impacted the offending subject, intentionally or unintentionally, either for or against the thing which has upset you.

Do you want to promote this thing that has upset you? Fine, post something offensive in social media, with you acting as it’s PR promoter. Post about how horrible this atrocity is, without offering an opposing solution.

Do you want to be a part of the solution, to quash this thing, to stamp it out forever?

Then, complain. Post to your heart’s content. Put yourself on the line by telling me and the world what you are doing about it, and let your inspired action inspire me and others to join the cause.

Now, I’m excited!

Elizabeth Cady Stanton could have just complained about not having the ability to vote because she was a woman. But she complained and said, “I am drafting a Declaration of Sentiments and Grievances,” which addressed the basic rights which were being denied women at the time.

How crazy it might have seemed, when she, Lucretia Mott and a few friends met in her home to draft her declaration. Anyone looking in from the outside must’ve thought this an impossible task. Really? That one woman would stand against the mightiest political machine ever contrived. Are you kidding me? This dwarfs King David’s youthful account of slaying Goliath by hundreds of times.

She complained, followed by inspired action. She started a movement, complaining, and allowing others to join with her voice to be heard. 72 years later, because Elizabeth Cady Stanton complained and stood in the bullet’s path, the 19th Amendment was passed, granting women the right to vote.

This is only one small example among hundreds of thousands of true stories depicting what people can do to make a difference in a troubled world, and it starts with one.

Will you be the one who adds to the confusion and dysfunction of the world or will you be a part of the solution?

The choice is yours.

Release Emotional Trauma with Tap Cross Therapy

I know people have heard about Tap Cross Therapy, and I get asked about it all the time, especially when people hear about the transformative results that come from this quick and easy bit of therapeutic science.

So, without further ado, I will tell you how it’s done, briefly. Do not be afraid to try this. There is not much to it, but it is extremely powerful in removing the emotional component from any highly charged thought/statement.

First, I establish a safe and secure environment for my client. I’ve already cleansed the room and prepared my self to be transparent through the process. After I have their agreement that the space is safe, secure, and sacred for this procedure, I have them write their most emotionally charged thought on a piece of paper. This is a thought, that when they think of it, it takes them straight to a 10 on a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 represents the most upset, they could be.

I take a look at what they’ve written, and if I think they could do better, I encourage them to rewrite it in a way that represents all of the emotion they feel, not using politically correct jargon and including cuss words, if they feel it would be a more accurate representation.

When you have a nice, vile representation, which when read clocks in at a solid 10, you can continue.

I sit across from my client, face to face, with our faces at least two feet apart, and show them what we are going to do, as I show them. “This is a two-part process. We will to the head first, because that’s where the thought originates and triggers are fired. Then we will do the body, because that’s where the physical manifestation of the pain or upset resides.” As I demonstrate the tapping, I say, “First, we tap on the forehead at the area of where the third eye would be, as you read your statement with as much emotion as you can muster.

“Then, you will read it again as we tap the chin. Then the outside of the eye, then the outside edge of the other eye.

“After we’ve read and tapped those locations, we’re ready to move on to the body.

“Now, you may have noticed that this sequence is similar to the sign of the cross.” And I reassure them that any similarity is simply coincidental as these are actually therapeutic meridian points, such as those used in acupuncture, and there is no religious significance to the procedure.

“Repeating the same statement, we start at the third eye location again, tapping and reading the statement. Then do the same at the area of the belly or solar plexus. Then each opposing shoulder.

I continue, “Then I will have you repeat some closing affirmations which will conclude the process, and we will check for results.”

Then I ask them if they are ready? And have them take a deep cleansing breath. I have them look me in the eye, eye to eye, start tapping on the forehead, and have them shout their statement.

I keep moving through the process until we have finished tapping the outside of the second eye, then ask if they feel like they are ready to move onto the body? If they are, we continue. Then we do the body. When you’re moving to the shoulders, if there’s any Catholic background working away at them, they may hesitate. Just keep on tapping and repeating their phrase. (Note: I also tap the shoulders in reverse, as the client will mirror me, so they are tapping from shoulder to shoulder in the right direction, but this is not necessary.)

After we’ve completed a round of both the head and the body, I follow up with having them place their hand on their heart and repeat after me, “I totally love and forgive myself for having held onto this pain” (I totally love and forgive myself for having held onto this pain) “I now release these emotions to the universe” (I now release these emotions to the universe) “And I let them go.” (And I let them go) “I am loved” (I am loved) “I am love.” (I am love)

Then I announce that we are complete.

Now, I have them read the statement again, then measure their level of discomfort when it is read. You and your client will be shocked that they are now at a two or three on the scale of 1 to 10.

If not, you will notice some reduction, and another round or two may be necessary.

With the emotional context of the subject removed, your client will now be able to approach processing the situation or circumstance rationally, unimpeded by emotional overload.

Please use Tap Cross Therapy (TCT) whenever needed. You will find it works every time, with immediately measurable results.

Once your clients know how to do this, they can do it anywhere, any time they are feeling emotional overwhelm. This is a huge advantage for clients suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as well as other emotionally debilitating disorders.

My gift to you.

david m masters tap cross therapy tct

Suffering from Religious Trauma and Abuse

Victims of religious trauma or spiritual abuse suffer from the invisible disease that can be totally debilitating because everything you believed to be true, your whole world, everything you trusted and believed in has crashed to the ground in burning flames, and you survived. Or did you?

If you’ve been a victim of religious trauma or spiritual abuse, no one can tell, because you have to go on with your life, right? Being victimized by a religious leader or believer can have you trying to get along in life among a spectrum. And this spectrum is all over the map.

On one end of the scale is showing up as an insanely obsessed hate-driven workaholic atheist, on the other end, you’re a barely functioning depressive with suicidal tendencies, and anywhere in between.

Or comes the day that someone takes their own life due to the effects of religious trauma or spiritual abuse, and in most cases, no one really knows why. Oh, sure it’s sad, when someone commits suicide, and (sarcasm intended) certainly no one would do such a thing because they used to go to church or had a particular religious affiliation. Right?

See. That’s the thing. To most people, they have no idea what happens within the walls of the church or behind closed doors in the name of God. Our therapists have no idea, and treat you just like anyone else who comes into their office, and suggest getting over it and going on with your life, like a big boy or girl.

Unless you’ve been through this kind of trauma, you have no idea how deep the invisible wounds are.

These wounds run deep, and those who have exploited and abused you have used the most powerful weapon and control tactic ever conceived: “God says.” And once you’ve bought into the idea that there is an all-powerful God who will punish you, either now, or in the future (even eternally), that gives a religious psychopath all the power in the word to force you to think and act in ways you might not otherwise be inclined.

The headlines are full of stories coming out, these days, about what goes on behind church doors, and what is being revealed is shocking. Most people have no clue that what they’re seeing in the news and media isn’t even a fraction of a percentage of what’s really going on behind the scenes in the name of “God.”

If all these acts are not sanctioned by “the church,” they are certainly covered up, so as not to tarnish the image of the church. And to be fair, this happens in all organizations who house many members or participants. The greater the population base of your membership, the more evil participants you will attract. It is just the nature of the beast.

Where you find a number of potential victims, you will find cunning predators, or wolves in sheep’s clothing, who will exploit whomever they deem will satisfy their evil desires. All manner of corporations, organizations, including political and military are in the same boat of having to manage the evildoers among them, and in a sense, protecting the public from discovering how bad things could be in the inner circle of any organization or nonprofit.

Not all of them are religious psychopaths, some are just exploitative compulsive controllers or narcissists who feel as though they are better than anyone else, so they have certain entitlement, privileges, or power over their “weaker” contemporaries.

And the type of abuse that is administered is also all over the map, depending on how twisted and demented the predators are and what positions they hold in the organization, to include even spiritual sex predators.

But there is hope for you, if you have been the victim of religious exploitation or abuse, and coaches and counselors who are trained in religious trauma and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) have the tools and techniques that will help victims eliminate the pain that drains their resources and slowly but silently kills them a little more each day.

If you need help finding someone who resonates with you, drop me a line. I can refer you to the right person who can help get to a safe place. To not only survive, but to thrive and have a powerfully full life, self-empowered in love and joy. (Even if that sounds impossible to you, right now.)

Conscious Awareness

Embracing the concept of the quantum self begins with cultivating conscious awareness. By developing mindfulness and presence, we become attuned to the subtleties of our thoughts, emotions, and energetic vibrations. This heightened awareness allows us to consciously shape our reality by actively choosing thoughts and beliefs that align with our desired outcomes.

In the journey of personal transformation and self-discovery, there is a profound and transformative concept that holds the key to unlocking our highest potential: conscious awareness. As we delve into the realm of the quantum self, we begin to realize that conscious awareness is not only a state of heightened perception but also a catalyst for profound shifts in our lives. In this article, we will explore the implications of conscious awareness and how it can be harnessed to unleash our quantum self and embark on a path of spiritual mastery and superhuman potential.

Conscious awareness is more than mere presence or attention; it is a state of deep connection to the present moment and an expanded perception of reality. It is the ability to observe our thoughts, emotions, and experiences without judgment or attachment. Conscious awareness allows us to step back from the incessant chatter of the mind and connect with a deeper level of consciousness that transcends our limited ego identities.

Through conscious awareness, we can expand our perception beyond the confines of our physical senses. We begin to realize that there is more to reality than what meets the eye. We tap into our intuition, accessing subtle energies and insights that go beyond logical reasoning. We become attuned to the interconnectedness of all things, sensing the underlying unity that binds us to the fabric of the universe.

Conscious awareness empowers us to recognize and transform our limiting beliefs. As we become aware of the thoughts and beliefs that hold us back, we can consciously choose to replace them with empowering and expansive beliefs. We no longer remain prisoners of our conditioned patterns; instead, we become conscious creators of our reality, aligning our thoughts and beliefs with our desires and aspirations.

One of the most profound implications of conscious awareness is the invitation to embrace our authentic selves. As we cultivate a deep sense of self-awareness, we are liberated from societal expectations and external validation. We become more attuned to our true passions, values, and purpose. Authenticity becomes our guiding principle, allowing us to live in alignment with our inner truth and express our unique gifts and talents.

Conscious awareness provides a powerful tool for navigating our emotions. Rather than being carried away by emotional turbulence, we develop the capacity to observe our emotions with compassion and non-judgment. We gain a deeper understanding of the root causes behind our emotional states, allowing us to respond consciously rather than react impulsively. Through this process, we cultivate emotional intelligence and create emotional balance and well-being.

Conscious awareness without action is incomplete. As we deepen our connection to our quantum self, we align our thoughts, emotions, and actions in harmonious coherence. We become conscious agents of change, manifesting our intentions and desires with purpose and clarity. Conscious action stems from a deep sense of alignment with our higher self and a commitment to serving the greater good.

Conscious awareness is a transformative force that has the potential to revolutionize our lives. By embracing conscious awareness, we step into the realm of the quantum self, unlocking our spiritual mastery and superhuman potential. As we cultivate conscious awareness, we tap into the limitless possibilities of existence, transcending limitations, and embracing the boundless power of our true nature. Let us embark on this journey of self-discovery and embrace conscious awareness as the key to unveiling our quantum self.

Remembering Aaron Fairbairn on the 4th of July

It was on Independence Day, ten years ago, when we received that fatal knock on the door. On the 4th of July, there stood a Sergeant and Chaplain in full dress uniforms on our front porch, with sad news about our 20-year-old son’s being killed in an attack, early that morning in Paktika, Afghanistan.

PFC Aaron Eli Fairbairn 20 Aberdeen Washington Died July 4 2009 Paktika Afghanistan

Though our family could not survive the loss of young Aaron, the memory of his heroism lives on, as having served our country honorably, while surrendering his all by answering the call.

Jeff EJ Jaycie Tabitha saying goodbye to Aaron Eli Fairbairn RIP

The 4th of July used to be the most joyful celebration for our family, and now it has turned into that pivotal day honoring Aaron’s sacrifice (as well as all the sacrifices, great and small) of all who participated in ensuring we can celebrate this weekend.

PFC Aaron E Fairbairn carried to his final resting place flag casket

Enthusiastically enjoy this weekend’s events, and if you care to, take a moment to give a nod to all who have made this possible.

I honor all who have helped make our American Independence Day what it is today.







See also: Aaron Fairbairn


June 2019 Image Directory

Wrapping up the month of May, here’s a quick screenshot review of the month’s news. Let me know which ones you like the most. Thanks for your input, -David M Masters

You Can’t Do God Wrong You’re Offended Protect Yourself Feeling the Draw of the Bow?
Take Your Shoes Off What Are You Going to Do? Dimensional Dimensions
This is Happening Now When Things Don’t Work Out as Planned



You Can’t Do God Wrong

I meet people who are struggling with “God” all the time. Some of these people are so broken and in pain and suffering from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and have decided to reject God because of the suffering they’ve endured in His name.

Stop defining God by religious activity. Not that there is anything wrong with religious activity, in and of itself, unless it is performed in the absence of Love.

God is Love and without Love there is nothing. Do not choose to opt out of Love because you suffered at the hands of men serving religion.

If you love, God is there. If you live and breathe, God is there. If you hate, God is there. If you’ve ceased to live, God is there, for there is God’s Love is everywhere, all the time. God will never leave you, or any thing. God is there, 24/7, limitless, eternal, and if you believe this, if you can have an understanding of God’s limitlessness, God is more. God is more than you could ever conceive of.

I’ve known the most scholarly students of God, who know more than I could ever comprehend of God and He is so much more. You cannot define God, but you can seek God and there is no dishonor in attempting to knowing God in the best way you can.

Do we miss the mark? Certainly, for any of us are only doing the best we can with what we have, but if you have all the knowledge of God, all the power of persuasion and miracles, all the words and best intentions, and have not love, you could do better.

It’s easy to sit back in your religious easy chair and judge others for doing God wrong, but you, any of us, cannot do it wrong.

If you’ve been wronged, hurt, victimized by those who are trying to learn everything they can about God, serving God the best way they can with the information they have at the time, God is there, and when it seems like there is no love there, God is there, in you.

When it seems like all is lost, and feels like there is no God, God is there. God will never leave or forsake you. People, on the other hand, are fallible and can do things which are void of love, but God’s love is still there.

The problem with people who stop learning, growing, and expanding, is that they think they’ve arrived at their Godly knowledge destination, and maybe they have, but God is greater.

Whatever you (and I’m including myself, here) think God is, God is infinitely more.

People can let you down, talk behind your back, betray you, stab you in the back, and victimize you, but God will only love you.

Please, do not blame God for the actions of others, who may have acted in His name. Some of the worst events in history were atrocities performed in the name of God, but just because someone claimed God’s anointing, doesn’t supersede God’s love. Just because a person claims to be acting on the behalf of God, doesn’t make it so.

So, the ownness is on you. You are loved, you are love, and without God, anything that is would cease to be.

You may have been told that there is only one way to be one with God. This is true, but people get bogged down by the definition of the “one way,” when in reality, there is no way to do God wrong, but we could have done or could do God better.

You can seek God, continue to learn and grow in any way you see fit, and if someone challenges you in your pursuit of God, bless them, for they are only doing the best we can. Could we do it better? Yes, any of us could, no matter where we are in our spiritual journey.

Know this,

You Can’t Do God Wrong

All any of us can do is the best we can with what we have, and you are allowed and encouraged to maintain your relationship with God in whatever way suits you best at any time. You could try to not create the separation of exclusivity and allow others to find their own way, blessing them all the way.

And above all,


Love. That’s who God is

And so much more.