The Path of Least Resistance

We all have choices to make every day and this ability to make daily decisions gives us a sense of freedom or control over our lives.

You get to a stoplight and you get to decide, “Do I take the short cut or the scenic route?” Most days you put your underpants on first, but if you wanted to take a step on the wild side, you could put your socks on first. You get to decide what television programming you’d like to watch, and what political party you most align yourself with.

Most of us get to decide what clothes to wear (and if you’re like me, this can be a crippling decision when you look at a closet full of clothes and can’t find anything to wear).

When our decision-making accountability grows, and the stakes run higher our choices come with challenges and consequences. In times, like these we often lean to the path of least resistance.

When you hear your inner voice calling out to you, reminding you that you were meant for so much more in this life, you know that if you were to listen to it and action on it, there is a very good chance that you would face unknown challenges, requiring more of an investment from you, than would be expected from working your “normal” job.

To not answer the call is safe, the path of least resistance, and you have nothing to lose because you have not put yourself at risk.

You don’t have to worry about your friends telling you that you’re foolish to chase after your dreams, and to do so would be ridiculous, because you’re not worthy. And if you were to proceed to live the life you were destined to live, the naysayers are waiting in the wings, withing for any misstep you might make, ready to say, “I love you, man, but I told you so. You better get out now, before it gets any worse.”

There is a lot of fear which keeps people just like me and you, from attempting to fully embrace my or your highest and best.

So, you keep your nose down, moving forward, going through the motions, while denying your own divinity and having the life you were meant to live.

Still, something within you resonates and you know, regardless of what other people might say, that you can live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place.

You have heard people say, just find happiness in what you have, give all you can in service to others, don’t expect too much in return, and if you can do that, you can get your reward in the afterlife.

What do you think about the idea that every moment you do not make a stand for your own divine independence, you deny the sanctity of your sacred birthright?

Every moment you do not make a stand for your own divine independence, you deny the sanctity of your sacred birthright.

Your birthright consists of your coming to this planet with talents, skills, and special abilities to help to make the world a better place. You have a unique calling, purpose, and message, a message that is unique to you and your life experience. You have been chosen to deliver this message.

Your birthright includes living an excellent life, enjoying all the good things this life has to offer joyously in all its fullness. So, think on these things, and go forth in insured action to make your dreams come true because your dreams would never have occurred to you if they were to be withheld from you by any set of circumstance, anyone, or anything.

The battle is on for your soul. Society would like to dictate that you settle for mediocrity, that you succumb to a life of servitude to the machine from which the chosen few profit immensely, while the rest of the world’s inhabitants wrestle in the mud over the spoils.

And every day that you give in to those who would take advantage of you, the ones that use and abuse you, those who give you empty words of encouragement to get you to perform like a circus monkey for their amusement and profit, every precious moment you live in compromise, your dream fades.

To win the battle for your soul, you must stop settling for this life of slavery and imprisonment is a system that profits from your life, while you get so extraordinarily little in return for your efforts.

You can turn the scales.

You already know that your life is the result of the choices you make. One look at the life all around you will substantiate this so clearly.

To change your world, you must start making decisions that have impact on your life. Start making hard choices that are not considered as the path of least resistance. The path of least resistance leads to complacency, a dispassionate life, a boat-load of regrets, and an early grave.

Don’t get me wrong, going with the flow is great, if the flow of your stream is headed to the land of plenty, but if it is headed some dark elsewhere, you must exert the effort necessary to change your destination.

Stop letting others dictate your destiny. You need to get behind the wheel of your life. It means taking the wheel from whoever’s doing the driving now, whether it be your parents, teachers, boss, or overbearing spouse. These people have no right to minimize your right to choose for yourself.

Avoid the path of least resistance. Make the difficult choices and take full responsibility for your quality of life.

It’s time for you to take your life back if you are willing and able to step up your game and take full responsibility for your future, your future home, your financial outlook, all the things your heart desires, and your ability to give back and make the world a better place.



The Scorpion and the Frog

While I have spent my life in the support of empowering people to change their lives for the better, there are some people who simply cannot or will not change.

Only an individual can choose to do the work of creating massive change in their lives. I see it all the time, alcoholics and drug addicts stop being slaves to their substances. Victims of childhood abuse, leave their propensity for violence behind, becoming loving and supportive members of society. Criminals become law-abiding citizens, and the poverty-stricken change their lives and become highly prosperous.

Even diseased or disabled patients, find ways to heal themselves, saying, “Goodbye,” to their maladies, once and for all, living long, healthy, and wildly satisfying lives.

Nobody knows the capacity for a person to change their lives more than I, yet, even so, there are some people who are incapable of doing the work necessary to change.

Which reminds me of a contemporary fable of,

The Scorpion and the Frog

In the story of the scorpion and the frog, a frog meets a scorpion on the side of a riverbank. The scorpion wants to reach the other side to save his family, but there is no way to get across for him because scorpions are unable to swim.

The scorpion comes upon a frog and beckons him to engage in conversation, but the frog is apprehensive, thinking this might be a trap because scorpions prey on frogs.

The scorpion assures the frog that no harm will come to the frog because the scorpion must make it to the other side of the river to save his family, and since the frog can swim, he could offer the scorpion safe passage to the opposing river bank by allowing the scorpion to ride on the frog’s back to cross the river.

The frog asks, “How will I know you won’t sting me and kill me?”

“Because” answers the frog, “I need your skills of swimming to get me to the other side to save my family. If I were to sting you, and you were to die, I might not be able to make it to my family in time to rescue them.”

The frog and the scorpion make a bargain and agree to enter into a contractual agreement where the scorpion vows not to harm the frog.

So, the scorpion crawls onto the back of the frog and the frog starts to swim across the river.

All is going well, then about halfway across the river, the scorpion stings the frog.

The dying frog screams at the scorpion, “I am going to die, you are going to drown, and your family will suffer peril! Why would you do that?”

To which the scorpion replies, “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. After all, I am a scorpion. It’s just the way I am.”

The frog dies and the scorpion drowns.

Unfortunately, no matter how much you might like someone that you care about to change, you cannot do it for them. You cannot make someone change when they do not have the inclination or capacity for change.

Do not bargain or enter into contractual agreements for change of another person because you cannot make anyone change. Certainly, people are capable of changing, but the choice to go about doing the work relies solely on their ability and commitment to themselves.

Sometimes, the threat of loss can help to motivate someone to change, but even so, the process of actually making the necessary changes falls on the person who you might like to see change.

Don’t be surprised when someone breaks their commitment to you with little remorse, only offering an irreverent, “It’s just the way I am.” After all, he or she couldn’t help him- or herself,  as it was simply a part of his or her undeniable nature, he or she was a scorpion.


Choose to Change EMP

Feeling uncomfortable? Things not turning out the way you had planned? Are you stuck between a rock and a hard place?

When the going gets tough, it’s easy to turn and run and proclaim from the rooftops that you’re a victim of ________________ (fill in the blank).

On the other hand, you could consider the idea of choosing to change. You might reply to such a suggestion with something like, “Of course I would like things to change! Yes, let’s change this thing!”

More likely than not, you are not able to change that thing which is troubling you at the time, but you could choose to change something, right now, in this moment, that could change your life forever.

In fact, it’s the only thing you can do which delivers immediate, measurable, impactful results in a heartbeat. Know what it is?

You Can Change You

This is no wimpy, namby-pamby, rinky-dink, woos-out, whiny, “Well, if I can’t do anything else, I guess I’ll just try to look for the Brightside,” BS. No, this is the strength and the power that is your birthright to have dominion over any obstacle or challenge you might face.

It is your Ctrl-Alt-Delete Trump Card, which you can wield like dropping an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) bomb, and Wham! Out go the lights.

In that moment, the whole world changes, from the inside out. You’re no longer the victim. You are in charge of your world, and let the world take notice; for you are a formidable, unlimited, sole-battalion of power with hair-trigger laser accuracy.

“Don’t even think of screwing with me.”

Because you are unscrewable.

It is only possible if you choose to take charge. If you choose to take responsibility and control and change, making the adjustments necessary, you become invincible.

Sound frightening?

Hell, yeah; it means saying, “goodbye,” to the weak-kneed sheep being led around by media and society, like a mindless victim in a zombie-like state, accepting life as its doled out to you, just like you (and everyone you know) were robotically programmed to respond.

This is the juncture in your life, where you say,

“I’m not taking your shit anymore!”

“I wield the most powerful force in my universe!”

The times are a changing, and you’re becoming a part of that change if you choose to.

To be a part of the change, you must become the fully-empowered changing-weapon, always looking inward first to change and charge your weapon for deployment.

Don’t be fooled by the sinister sleight-of-hand move or others who will try to keep you small, your power minimized, by thinking you need someone else to help you do this. If you want to do this thing, you have to do it on your own.

This is not a follow-the-leader approach to making yourself feel better. No, that’s the false flag of the enemy, meant to distract you, while secretly maintaining control of you.

No, it’s time to break-free and embrace the powerful you that you were born to be.

Sure, you can take hints from others who may have forged their own way, but you must not follow their footsteps (although you could momentarily) but your real power lies within you waiting to be released by you and you alone.

Are you ready to choose to change and launch your highest and best you?