Everything You Believe is True

This one thing you know for sure, everything you believe is true. You are so convinced of it that you are willing to testify under oath in court to convince a jury or your peers of it. You believe what you think is true so much that you will gladly shout it from the rooftops, engage in arguments with strangers who dare question you, or defend your truth, even if at the cost of your own life.

If you look back at your life, you will notice that there were instances where what you believed to be true changed dramatically or instantly upon your access to new information which changed the way you thought about something.

Once a belief changes, a domino-effect takes place, one thought topples its neighboring thought in a complicated chain of successive transition as entire concepts of thought are dismantled and rebuilt based on your new information or experience.

Following this process, not unlike a rebirth, your new thought patterns are formed, solidified, and you believe something else to be true, and so it is. And in that moment the whole world changes.

It would not be unusual for you to have second thoughts about your expansion of knowledge and belief, even to have remorse or guilt regarding what you had believed prior to your mind-change.

You might even think something, like

“I can’t believe I believed in a lie.”

We are programmed to think of anything that we don’t believe in as an untruth, or in the extreme, a lie.

If you have discovered anything by now, you know that truth is not black and white. Truth is always expressed in shades of gray, and you, yes you, are the determining factor in what truth is at any given time.

Just try to nail down any philosopher to any distinctive and limited idea of any “truth” and they are often geared-up and ready to act as the “devil’s advocate” in response. They often have a propensity (or training) to blow away any absolute thought or principle, even if they agree with your point of view.

They are likely to reply with something, like, “Yes, I agree with you, but what about in the case of…?” as they challenge your idea, which may be solid as a rock, and permeate your absolute truth with holes that make you think there are certainly exceptions to any hard and fast rule or idea.

And there are.

Change any number of circumstances, and any immutable truth begins to breakdown.

But what about that thing that you believed in the past that you no longer believe to be true?

You feel bad about wasting your time, effort, emotional investment, and maybe even financial support in the belief of something that you no longer believe to be true.

Instead of beating yourself up over having believed in something in the past that may not be aligned with you in the now, think of truth as not being absolute. Instead, think of it as being in the Truth Continuum.

Truth is always a moving target, and it is never untrue or a lie. Just because any truth is not true for you in the here and now at your place in time and space, does not mean that it is not true somewhere else in time and space, or highly held to as immutable truth to someone else now, or in the past.

All truth is evolutionary thought, and it changes as you grow and change.

Therefore, do not limit others in what they choose to believe. Respect others just as you would expect to be respected for what you believe to be true, and don’t think of it as a personal attack if someone challenges what you believe or doesn’t agree with your point of view.

truth is like a garden with all varieties of flowers in bloom
Truth is like a garden with all varieties of flowers in bloom

Think of truth not as a single red rose but as a beautiful garden with all varieties and colors of flowers in bloom. When you do, it is all there to be enjoyed, cherished, and shared, without disrespect or malice of intent.

One day, you might prefer the rose, another day, a bright daisy, and you would never feel bad about someone loving a sunflower at any moment in time, even if you have no interest in the sunflower.

There was a time when I loved dandelions. Even though they don’t do it for me anymore, when I see one, I still remember how fondly I used to think of them.

Truth. Stop and enjoy the full beauty of the garden in bloom.


No Such Thing as a Lie

When someone lies to you, if you feel as though someone has hit you in the stomach or stabbed you in the back, you’ve bought into the lie which asserts that there is such a thing as a lie. What if there is no such thing as a lie?

The idea of promoting the idea that there are lies, and that there are fewer crimes more offensive than lying, is the single most effective tool used against us to keep us fully separated from each other.

This obsession over the difference between truth and lies keeps us at war with each other and keeps us constantly on the defensive, ever wondering, “Who will lie to you next?”

This begins and perpetuates the endless cycle of looking for lies, and as you know, you will always find whatever it is you are looking for. If you are looking for lies, you will find them everywhere you look.

What if there was no such thing as a lie?

What if everything anyone says (in spoken word or print) actually is true one hundred percent of the time?

This is the essence of my Truth Continuum which purports that everything is truth. If history teaches us anything it is that everything which has been widely accepted as truth is subject to change and that one person’s truth can vary wildly from that of someone else.

Truth is subjective. And if truth is subject to influence and personal interpretation, then the antithesis, lies, must also be subjective. Which puts these concepts on par with each other, for if someone’s truth is another person’s lie, they are one and the same; all within the Truth Continuum.

As much as you might like to assert your truth is based on facts or sound science, we know that these things are not as black and white as we might like to believe.

Truth more adequately stated might be, “The truth as I see it,” which reasonably must allow for the truth of others as, “The truth as you see it.” Therefore, all truth, past, present, and future (including other dimensions and places in time and space) resides within the truth continuum.

Lies are a little trickier because there are two kinds of lies, the lies which are contradictory to one’s perceived truth (these may reside within the truth continuum), and lies which are purposefully spun in an effort to deceive someone or to avoid some potentially undesirable consequence (excluded from the truth continuum).

To express a lie which is known to the deliverer to not be true in an effort to deceive may be spun in such a way as to be believable or potentially true is a lie which has no truth within it, even though there may be truths hidden within the details of it, to make it appear to credible or truthful.

Lying with intentional deceit is not the same as declaring something that is believed to be true but may not be perceived by others to be true.

The possibility exists that many of the popular beliefs purported by social engineers and leaders of certain factions may have intentionally spun to deceive a particular populace but with the intention to benefit the purveyors of the lie or the greater part of the population.

Those who use lies to control people may have concocted the most masterful lies with no truth present as a method to manipulate peoples, and even so, because these lies have been believed to be truth by someone, these ideas can also be found in the truth continuum.

So, what if someone lies to you intentionally to deceive you?

Ask yourself, “Does it matter?”

If you can wrap your mind around the idea that people just are, and you honor their ability to be who they are, to say what they say, without judgment, maybe what they say to you, even if intended to defraud you in some way, doesn’t really matter.

This is your life, and you can manage it any way you see fit.

Think about being an unconditional lover who believes in the idea that everyone has the same rights as you to be right or believed, no matter what.

Consider having the courage to believe there is no such thing as a lie, and to say, “I love you no matter what you say, no matter what you do.”

If there were no such thing as a lie, you could easily stay in the frequency of love’s vibration and your countenance would be unshakeable.

How to Tell When Someone is Lying

In all areas of life, it is likely that you will run into an individual who is less than honest. There are so many ways for people to deceive, cheat, lie and steal, and if you’re not diligently paying attention, you might be swindled or betrayed by someone you’d considered as trustworthy.

This is not permission to go over the edge and be paranoid or adopting the extreme thought pattern that, “everyone’s out to get me,” only to be aware enough of your surroundings to be looking for clues that someone might be trying to put one over on you.

For a proficient or pathological liar, their ability to confidently state an all-out lie is unparalleled, so these tells may not be effective in getting to the truth from a cleverly deceptive liar. But other, “normal,” people will express some behaviors because they are not comfortable when lying.

Uncovering Deceit Expose the Liars

Being aware means getting to know someone well enough to establish their baseline behavior in a normal non-threatening conversation. If you don’t know how a person acts like when their engaged in conversation about something they interested in, when they would have no interest in being deceitful, you do not have enough information to notice a change in their behavior, which is your first clue that something might be awry.

Body language will likely change when someone is being deceptive. If in a normal conversation, he or she looks you in the eye and his or her body faces you straight on, and in the present conversation, they are not making eye contact, or their body is now at a 45 degree angle, that could be an indication that something’s up.

Someone’s facial expression, or eye movement which is different from their normal pattern of communication could also indicate someone is being less than honest and open, or intentionally hiding something.

Yes means yes, and no means no. If you’ve asked a simple yes or no question and the person you’ve asked answers with a long drawn out story, and can’t seem to settle on a yes or no conclusion, this is a clear indication of deceit or coverup. If you want the truth, you might want to ask this person, “Is that a yes, or a no?”

If you notice some inconsistencies in someone’s delivery, it could be connected to some other life experience which would trigger a signal which could be interpreted as a sign of someone’s deceit. If you really want to get down to what’s going on (and risk getting too personal) you might want to ask more questions and drill down to make a better determination whether this person is lying to you, or if he or she connected your question to a life experience in their past, which caused him or her to react differently.

When you’ve completed your conversation, gathered whatever information they’ve had to tell you, and you’ve confirmed that he or she has nothing more to say, then watch their reaction when you ask them if everything they’ve told you is true.
This is another simple yes or no answer. An honest person may admit to some inconsistency or add information that was purposefully left out at this point, which after allowing them to speak their piece would indicate the need to ask again if that was everything, and if they are telling the truth, leaving you waiting again for a simple yes or no answer.

A deceptive person will dance all around “Yes,” or, “No,” citing all kinds of irrelevant information and/or confusing details, and once you’ve received your simple yes or no answer, you might be brazen enough to follow up with the infamous, “Why should I believe you?”

Again, if their reply is over the top, emotionally charged, or they offer up a liturgy of character references, appalled that you might challenge them in such a manner, it could be an indication that they are being deceptive or withholding important information or details.

While brief and incomplete, hopefully these key signals indicating that someone’s not being honest and open with you will help you in determining if you’re dealing with a deceptive person, or an otherwise honest person who is not being completely forthcoming.

Good luck.

Don’t get paranoid, but be aware.