Angels and Dimensions

You have an angel who is individually and acutely attuned to you whether you believe in them or not. Angels exist in another (higher) dimension, so we cannot see them but they can see us. Though intelligence existing in higher dimensions cannot be seen by lower dimensions, they can affect the environments of lower dimensional participants.

For instance, we populate the third dimensional plane of existence, which maintains a particular vibrational frequency. We are able to move around freely while being able to view and interact with second and first dimensional planes of existence.

There are other vibrational planes that exist which maintain higher vibrational frequencies. For the sake of simplicity and as a basis for this particular example, allow yourself to consider the idea that other intelligent forms exist in these higher spiritual states of vibration.


Let’s take a look at some of them to gain a better understanding. For instance,

Dimensions 1-3

We can agree that we exist in the third dimension. This is widely accepted, and we understand that we are able to view and interact with the second and first dimensions below our vibrational frequency.

Fourth Dimension

The fourth spiritual dimension vibrational state is what I lightly refer to as the state of confusion. It is the mysterious plane of existence closest to ours and it is the vibration where the human spirit realm exists. This includes our ability to increase our growing ability to raise our vibration through various methods to visit the fourth dimension.

The reason I refer to it as the state of confusion, is because it is in this dimension that the human spirit can be relegated to following death (commonly referred to as ghosts) or transitions through between here (the third dimension) and the afterlife. It is also the vibrational plane that is used by intelligence from higher dimensions to interact with us in the third dimension and where two-way communication can take place.

Fifth Dimension

This is the plane of existence populated by intelligent entities that have never existed in the third dimension. Being closely associated with the third dimension, entities in the fifth spiritual dimension can interact with us easily, influence our thought patterns, circumstances and/or the elements. In religious texts, these entities are referred to as demons or fallen angels.

Sixth Dimension

This is the plane of existence inhabited by beings we refer to as angels. Here they are able to view and interact with lower dimensional vibrational planes. This dimensional plane is more heavily populated than that of the fifth spiritual dimension. While one (or more) of these beings are individually attuned to each living being in the third spiritual dimension, other angels are always nearby and observing (and/or interacting with) us in our current vibrational state.

Seventh Dimension

This is where we exist in our highest state of existence. It is where we ascend to following our life, here in the third dimension. The seventh spiritual dimension is such a high state of vibrational existence it is not possible to fully understand it from a third dimensional existence. Religious texts refer to this dimension as “heaven.”

Higher Dimensions

Are there higher dimensions above the seventh dimension?

I didn’t think so in the seventies and eighties, when I first became acquainted with various dimensional planes of existence. But now, with our growing knowledgebase, accumulation of expanding scientific data, quantum science and spiritual awakening – even at this stage – I believe there is so much more out there to be discovered.

The possibilities are endless…

Related: Angels You and Me, Angles Among Us, Are Angels Real?, Do you Believe in Angels?, Angel Encounters

Are Angels Real?

If you’ve ever wondered, “Are angels real?” you can feel safe in the knowledge that angels are so real. In fact, possibly more real than you and I are, though you are welcomed to deny their presence and they do not take it personally. They are still around you, love and protect you, regardless of what you believe.

Angels are a peculiar lot; they are not human, are dimensionally separated from us but even so, are always present and aware and able to interact with us if necessary. They have seen and heard everything as their existence predates humans and they do not have a limited lifespan like we do, they do not have language barriers and can be an incredible resource with or without our permission but far more amazing if we acknowledge their presence and choose to interact with them.

Contrary to popular belief, angels are not religious.

Angels don’t care if you are of a particular religious persuasion, they don’t care if you’re “saved” or even believe in them – or anything – at all. No matter how we try to explain or rationalize them, angels exist.

You might ask, “Why do angels exist?”

Throughout the course of my life, I have heard many answers to the “why” query in regards to angels, and I have heard the wide variety of answers from both experts and laypersons with responses spanning the spectrum of knowledge from spiritual to scientific. My conclusion is that why is irrelevant and just as elusive as trying to determine “how” they even exist at all (though there is no shortage of hypothesis about angels) as I find myself more inclined to believe in things unseen.


Signs of Angels

How do you know angels are around? Depending on the type of person you are and the life that you are living on this planet, if appropriate, angels will seek to get your attention in the hope that you may understand that, regardless of your situation, you are never alone, even if you are in total isolation.

Though we normally cannot see them (some can or have) they are ever present and will occasionally give us clues or signs indicating their presence. If you are able to get a clue or a sign from your angel it will likely be at the most opportune time, when you’re feeling less than your best and can use a lift. Especially if there is not much around to lift your spirit, angels will sneak through the dimensional divide to let you know you are not alone.

Some common signs that angels will use to make you aware of their presence include the appearance of physical objects on your path, such as feathers or pennies. Other visual cues would include seeing rainbows (especially in the absence of rain) and sparkles or flashes of light without an apparent light source.

Other methods of efforts to communicate their presence may be audible, like hearing someone say your name when no one is around or hearing an angel’s message by highlighting a particular line from a song. Messages may also appear in an otherwise innocuous line of text read in a newspaper, online or even on a billboard or other signage.

Angels represent love and light, and when you can feel being embellished in the tender field of an angel in close proximity you experience an inexplicable sense of feeling love and safety. It’s like the best hug from God or the universe as an angel wraps his wings around you. There is a knowingness that you are not alone, you are loved, divinely protected, everything is connected and will work out for the best.

Do You Believe in Angels?

Believing in angels does not have any bearing on the kind of person you are; it doesn’t reflect whether you are a good person, bad person, religious/spiritual or not.

What’s interesting to me, as I meet men and women across many years of life, there are moments when people who would have never given a moment of thought about angels begin to question if, or believe that, angels are everywhere.

Do you believe in angelsIn a society whose faith is dwindling, angels still represent hope, resonating with individuals whose faith has waned, or express no faith whatsoever.

While educated atheists contend that belief in angels is part of the dumbing down of the United States, nonetheless 77% of Americans, including believers of all religions and those who refuse to have any religious belief at all, believe that angels are real. Yes, even some atheists believe in angels.

Here’s some exciting news: Angels don’t really care what you think.

You can believe – or not – it matters not to them. They are there, watching everything in life, gently nudging us to the left or right, whispering marvelous things inside our heads, protecting, guiding us and allowing us to make our own way (and our own mistakes) along the way. And, yes, they are with us when it is our time to exit this life.

Angels are not religious. Man is religious. Religion is man’s way of trying to conceive of the creator and have some understanding or connection with the creator. Religions may come and go, change and grow, yet angels are – as they have always been – never changing.

Do I have a guardian angel?

My personal belief is, “Yes,” you do have a guardian angel – but this is a matter for you to investigate for yourself – I would never persuade you to believe one way or the other. Since I have a religious background and some angelic work in my history, I am pre-disposed to certain ideas about angels and how we can interact with them, but everyone is different; just as every angel is also different.

Most people who once had no belief in angels begin to believe following an inexplicable angelic experience.

It’s not like the angels are clamoring for acknowledgement; they could care less what we think about them. Still, in that moment – when human stares into the eyes of an angel, face-to-face (figuratively) – it suddenly becomes clear: Angels do exist.

You believe in angels. That statement will apply to 8 out of every 10 people who read these words.

There are sound reasons why you believe, it may be religious persuasion, blind faith or in many cases you believe because of your experience and you know that you know that angels are among us.

Regardless of your belief in anything (or nothing) there are undoubtedly unseen energetic forces all around us in other dimensions that appear to display intelligence and have the ability to influence life, as we know it. For the moment, let’s suspend disbelief and refer to these energies as angels.

So, tell me…

Why do you believe in angels?