I’m About to Explode!

Everyone deals with trauma and crisis differently. With me, and people like me, no one on the outside will ever know what we are going through. People like us, put on our happy face and keep going, regardless of the inner struggles we may be dealing with.


Because we would never concern others with our problems, when there are so many who depend on us for strength and our ability to deliver, follow through and execute, no matter what; and this is where we shine. We excel at being dependable and demonstrate relentless integrity.

I'm about to explode and you don't even know.
I’m about to explode and you don’t even know.

This requires mountainous internal work behind the scenes, if there is any hope of continuing our pace of service to others, our communities, or the world at large.

Our inner struggles could be enormous, but we maintain an even keel for the greater good, even though inside,

I’m About to Explode!

And you don’t even know.

Thank God for those of us who are highly committed, dedicated to serving the greater good and on a higher personal spiritual path because we connect to (or create) resources for ourselves that enable us to push through life’s adversities, making our way safely to the other side. And no one is the wiser.

No one has any idea the deep inner work we go through, often alone, to make it to the next level, and this is the greatest gift of enlightenment and self-empowerment. We do this, and the greatest honor in maintaining this most personal sacred space, is finding that one person who wants to do likewise.

In our society, this attitude of individualized deep inner self-work is shunned.

Granted, their surface rationalization is a good one. They say, while solo inner work might be highly effective, so many people do not have the strength to survive the process; they end up more broken than when they started the process, may realize rapid decline in health, an increase of disease, and potential for committing suicide; all valid points.

Underneath this rationale exists a more sinister plot to control the mental health of individuals and the population en masse. Individuality is discouraged, and taking an individualized approach for one’s personal expansion or evolution is clearly a rejected concept due to the impossibility of being able to control one of these radicals, not to mention a world full of them.

The answer? Create social structures where we can contain them in their prisons, some with walls and others with invisible walls of containment, which we secretly control (or at least monitor and influence). This keeps us “in charge,” and we’ll use a bit of sleight-of-hand to make them think it’s their idea, and we’ll provide enough variety, diversity and opposing ideas to keep them polarized against each other to keep them from uniting, greatly reducing the threat it would create for our control, if they could unify, potentially taking down the entire system.

So, they let us have our own boxes of clinics, social programs, clubs, organizations, societies and religions to keep us moving in separate directions in groups, adding to the confusion. Only they are not confused, we are. They look at all of this as a perfect construct to keep us distracted in groups, focused and polarized against some other group.

They sit back in their easy chairs made of power, money and gold, and smile, high-fiving each other for a job well done.

But then there is me, and you, and others like us, who are seeing things from a different point of view for a change, and “change” is the name of the game.

We are willing to let it look like they’re controlling us, but they’re not.

We are on our own, individualized, highly personal path, and there’s nothing they can do about it.

Sure, they can try to extricate, exorcise or diagnose us with an incurable mental illness, such as individuality psychosis, and threaten us with mandatory medication, hospitalization, imprisonment or death, but we cannot and will not be stopped.

I can already hear the clamoring of those in opposition of this expanded, illusive, yet true freedom, and there are those who would ask questions, like,

“Aren’t you just trying to develop another ‘group’ not unlike those other groups you say are part of the problem?”

The answer is, both “Yes” and “No.” Yes, we are a group. No, we are not a group that sees ourselves (collectively or any single one of us) as separate from any other group(s), but a group of individuals including and transcending all members and all groups in an effort to be uniquely “one,” each of us as individuals, and “one,” together as a whole, which cannot and will not be confined, once critical mass is achieved.

There is a revolution coming and it is powered by the evolutionary power of individual hearts set ablaze for a better world.

Things are changing, and we are that change; one heart at a time.

Carpe diem!

Self Healing and Health Care

I have the privilege to work with people who are both patients and practitioners of alternative treatment therapies. It never ceases to amaze me that people can heal themselves of all types of ailment, from sleeplessness to cancer without drugs or surgery.

People with ailments are looking for alternative methods to deal with the emotional and physical issues that rear their ugly head when you least expect it.

The health management industry is bilking the unsuspecting public while promoting continued dependence on the system for health management. For instance, if you have pain in a particular area of the body, you can go the doctor and get a prescription medication to reduce or eliminate the pain. The prescription medication is scientifically designed to target the specific ailment, but also possesses a host of side-effects.

No problem, as the doctor has prescription medications to treat the ailment(s) arising from the use of the original prescription, each with its own set of side effects with prescription solutions for these new ailments also.

self healing non medical treatment medical alternatives self help therapy naturopath homeopathy

Is it just me? Or does anyone else see a problem with this form of health management system?

It occurred to me long ago, when making deathbed visits to people in the last moments of their lives, the mass of little brown bottles on the nightstand made me think something might be wrong with the system. I’m not saying it is entirely broken, as many lives are saved and life enhanced by medical intervention, treatments and surgeries. But there appears to be a dark side to medicine is disconcerting, to say the least.

Your body will heal itself if you love it with everything youve got You cannot chastise punish or poison yourself to health
Your body will heal itself if you love it with everything you’ve got. You cannot chastise, punish, or poison yourself to health.

People are waking up to the reality that something is amiss and they are seeking alternatives. There are thousands of non-medical treatment alternatives for just about anything that ails you, all within a few keystrokes of Google.

I actually know people – real, live people – who have healed themselves from chronic diagnosis indicating a short-term death sentence (given six months to live). Rather than take the prescribed treatment approach to dealing with their life-threatening circumstance, they reach out and embrace alternative treatment modalities varying across the board.

All the people who have decided to take an alternative approach to healing themselves using natural, spiritual or other types of alternative non-medical treatment, have had to deal with the negative side effects of being attacked by friends, relatives and licensed medical professionals, most being asked, “Are you crazy?”

Most of them proceed in secrecy, so as to avoid the negative feedback from others who disagree with their decision to seek out alternative treatment models. In fact, they report that maintaining a positive environment is a critical component to their treatment alternative.

I embrace personal health care and take responsibility for my own wellness without using prescription medications and feel as though my efforts are very effective, though it takes continual research and experimentation because what works for one person might not work for someone else.

Fortunately, there are health care professionals who also embrace these alternative treatment modalities. In this way, I can focus on my own self help therapy with holistic support and reaching out to a naturopath in search of an intervention offered by homeopathy as an alternative to seeking a traditional doctor who is likely to rely solely on prescription medications.

A naturopathic doctor will offer holistic medicine alternatives, like homeopathic remedies which are natural remedies and other alternatives, and a holistic doctor will refer you to a medical doctor, if necessary, to augment a complete integrative medicine approach.

I honor professionals and their work on both ends of the healthcare treatment spectrum.

What is your favorite alternative health treatment?

Penny for Your Thoughts

To use this process, you will need some privacy, a copper penny and the ability to reduce your discomfort to a single emotionally-charged statement.

A. The statement

An example might be something like:

Penny for your thoughts“I hate it when (insert name) disrespects me and treats me like garbage. He’s (or she’s) a dirty rotten (insert expletive)!”

Make certain to include his/her name and some inappropriate name-calling (even if you might not do it in front of anyone in real life) and make sure that when you speak the statement you muster up all the bad feelings you possibly can.

Say the statement out-loud just to make sure it is an emotional match to how hurt or mad you are.

B. Place and charge the penny

There are three location of your body that you will hold the penny flat against your body with your non-dominant hand.

The Places

1. Head
Just above and between the eyebrows against your forehead
2. Heart
Over your heart
3. Stomach
Mid-way over your stomach-area.

Starting with the head location, hold the penny flat against your forehead, repeat your emotionally-charged statement (you should feel the negative emotion as much as you possibly can) and charge the penny.

The Charging

As you repeat your statement, tap the penny at a comfortably rapid pace with a finger (or multiple fingers, if that is more comfortable for you) of your dominant hand.

This charges the penny with the electrical components of the emotional charge from your body.

Repeat as many times as necessary, repeating the phrase and charging the penny at the head, heart and stomach locations.

Usually three rounds of head, heart and stomach will yield a major reduction in your level of pain and/or discomfort.

C. Discard the penny

Smile. You feel better. You’re done with that penny and statement. You will find that you can now verbalize that very statement without feeling the emotional pain connected to it. Congratulations!

It’s so effective, you might like to get another penny and try another painful emotion that you’ve kept bottled up inside.