Spring Cleaning Your Life

It’s time to consider a bit of Spring cleaning. While looking around your current living environment about things you could do without, you might consider things tossing out a few things from your more personal environment, by taking a closer look inside yourself.

You might find it’s time to cut our when Spring cleaning your life, like

Eliminate Excess

Find ways to minimize your lifestyle, streamlining it for maximum effectiveness with less effort and maintenance. If you can choose less over more, you will enjoy a life that is more simple allowing you to experience more happiness, joy and peace along the way to achieving your highest and best. You will find that you can cut out a great deal of nonessential possessions, dress more practically and adapting an attitude of finding less to say, listening more, when you speak make it more meaningful, and you will find your audience more attentive as you focus more on your higher calling and less about the things of this world that might otherwise weight you down.

Throw Out Caring What Other People Think

If you are unique (and you are. There’s nobody, like you, who brings your unique set of skills, talents and message – told only the way you can tell it – to the world), then at times other people are not going to get you, and they might even be inspired to prevent you from achieving your highest and best, for a variety of reasons. You may never be good enough for anyone else, but your responsibility is to God. To Him (her, or whatever you see God as), you are royalty. You have the highest authority on your side. All the greatest gifts given and advancements made in history were primarily made by people, like you and me, who were willing to go against the grain for the greater good, regardless of what other people thought, or the preconceived ideas they held tight to. Every once and a while someone needs to shake things up. Are you that person?

Place Perfectionism Atop the Trash Heap

Give up the idea that you have to have such a high standard of performance to release something to others. If you are constantly inventing/reinventing, creating/recreating, writing/rewriting, editing and re-editing, you are preventing your contribution from being released to benefit others and also preventing yourself from the benefits of your giving your gift or message to the world. Perfection often based in a fear of failure, can be holding you back, preventing your taking action, and could be your worst enemy.

Discard Excuses

Maximize your effectiveness by taking full responsibility for your life and all the opportunities that present themselves to you and avoiding making excuses that prevent you from executing. It doesn’t matter where you’ve been or how you got here. Your worthiness can be eliminated from the equation because this is your God given birthright. So quit making excuses or nay saying yourself. Excuses are only rationalizations for your not taking action. Sure, life is a scary place, but you got this. So, go for it.

Dispose of Limitations

Not far off from excuses are self-imposed limitations or negative self-talk. You never have to be good enough and you will never be educated enough or qualified enough to meet your own expectations. You might be surprised that the world doesn’t really care about your qualifications as much as they need what you are holding back. Your ideas, your expertise, your perspective, your insight, your mater-of-factness, your openness and honesty. They are waiting, don’t let them (or yourself) down by letting limitations get in your way. If you feel like something is too much of a stretch for you that may be necessary to deploy our gift, have faith. Don’t let it stop you. If you keep moving forward with momentum, what you need will appear.

Chuck Your Need for Instant Gratification

Often the best things in life take time, require a process, or a variety of details or successive decisions and associated actions along the way to arrive at an expected conclusion. If you focus only on the ultimate goal and fail to see it appearing in your anticipated time frame, you are likely to abandon your goal prior to achieving it. You can instead like your expectations to the individual steps that can get you from where you are to where you want to be. While payoff may not feel as enthusiastic, find the joy and sense of pride in knowing that you are one step closer to what you really want. Stay steady on your path and you will get there. Keep in mind that your goal may change in shape and form as you are making your way to it, and allow it to shift as you approach it for the greater good.

Junk the Idea of Being Rinky Dink

Stop playing the game like a small-time amateur. It’s time to step up and take life seriously. It’s time to man up (or woman up) in order to make your greatest contribution to your community and the don’t let your impact be limited by your locale. You have a unique gift and message that you came to this world to share. It’s on you to stop letting you being satisfied with day-dreaming, fantasizing or treating your contribution as a hobby. This is your time to get serious and make a stand or statement, let your voice be heard and your blessing be realized.

Get Rid of the Need to Multi-task

Let go of the idea that you have to do everything, or that nothing will get done if you don’t do it: All of it. Be willing to ask for help and look for ways to outsource parts of the process that are less enjoyable. Don’t let your tendency to be all ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) about it, endlessly jumping into engaging every shiny object that comes along. The most successful and effective folks (while they can manage more than one project at a time) focus on one project until it gets to the point of maintenance, then can focus on another project that is waiting in the wings. Don’t allow yourself to be distracted by every new thing that comes along, because ti will be unlikely that you’ll be able to complete anything if you allow your attention to be diverted from current processes. Shorten your to-do list by focusing on the essential things you have to do and ditch everything else that only keeps you busy. Stay focused.

Cast Off the Bad Yes

You know the one: When you say, “Yes,” and make promises that do not represent your highest and best or support your ideals or goals. If you have a tendency to self sacrifice or give all you have to others, while watching your goals and dreams suffer and die, like some kind of martyr, now is the time to put an end to it. You are not only doing a disservice to those you are helping (Why? Because you’re not allowing them to flourish and grow. You are actually hindering their own ability to find and make their own way, as you’ve made them dependent on you.), but you are allowing others to prevent you from achieving your highest and best. You need time to focus on you and your ministry, start finding polite ways to say, “No.”

Ditch the Need to Be In Control

Certainly, you need to have a plan, but don’t be obsessed with controlling all of the minute details. You can’t possibly control everything. Allow the momentum and flow you’ve created with your intention and action to follow its own path. You might find that by releasing some (or more, if not all) of the control to your higher power, you will have a much easier and effective go of what it is that you’re trying to accomplish. Let things find their own way to fall into order as your keep pressing forward. Obstacles are not always opposition, sometimes they are the only way to lead you in a better direction. If something is not going the way you like, do not post up to fight against it. Instead look for a better way, and you will find an alternate door, window or path to follow and find yourself ultimately in a better position.

Jettison Toxic People

You know the ones: They suck the life, joy and resources out of you, leaving nothing left for you. They are unsupportive contrarians who could care less about you achieving your goals and ideals, and are often responsible for making you feel unworthy of the calling which beckons to you. It is also important to keep in mind that the frequency of your vibration is likely to adjust to the people whom you keep in close proximity. It’s time to eject the toxic people from your life, so that you can make room for the like-minded people who are ready, willing, able to support you and desire seeing you achieve your highest and best.

Reject the Media

Not just the news, but don’t allow your attention to be interrupted or yourself to be dissuaded by anything you see, hear or read in any media. Consider a media hiatus which includes all forms of media, including the television, Internet, social media… anything that might be bombarding you with negative energy. Avoid the temptation of these destructive forces that suck the time and life out or you, which could be thwarting your otherwise healthy pursuits.

Incinerate the Unhealthy Choices

You might find it’s time to let go of your attachment to activities that are not in the best interest of the maintenance of your body (AKA your temple of God). This is your vehicle for your performance and enjoyment of the journey you are on. Wouldn’t you enjoy the journey more, if your vehicle is in tip top shape? You’ve already discarded excuses, so start looking for ways you can eat better and find physical activities that lead to a more healthy lifestyle. We all could use a tune up.

Stop Looking for the Easy Way

You have to give up on the idea that what you want is simply going to fall into your lap, because that is never going to happen. Everything you could possibly desire (you only desire it because you don’t have it) cannot be realized without first taking action. It is highly unlikely (although not impossible because nothing is impossible) that you will win the Lottery without purchasing a ticket (if not a number of tickets in succession) first. You have heard stories of the instant, overnight success of others, but the truth is: Most of those stories are fiction. I don’t mean some are fiction and some are true and include all of the facts that contributed to the story as it was presented, I mean: None of those stories include all the facts necessary to tell the whole story, ‘ere they are all fiction. Does that mean there’s no hope? No. Good fortune always follows those who create it for themselves.

Is it possible for you to live the best life ever and have all your dreams come true? Yes, it’s all up to you.

Are you ready to take responsibility to do what it takes to have the life you want?

You can do it, and it’s not as hard as you might think, a little Spring cleaning will get you on your way, but you must move and keep moving toward what you want, and you will get there, if you don’t give up and keep going.

10 Ways to Increase Your Performance

1. Why

Ask yourself why you want to increase your performance, whether it’s at home at the office, in your relationships, in your bank account, wherever you want to increase your performance, ask yourself why? Why do you want to have marked improvement in the area at hand (there may be many areas where you might desire to experience a marked improvement but focus on which area feels the most pressing, right now). Once you define your why (which may change along the way) you have the base of your motivation to change.

2. Visualize

You need to create an image of you achieving your highest and best in this area of your life. What does the endgame look like if you could have anything the way you want it to be, all you dreams realized, the absolute best result or outcome; what would that look like? In your mind create the absolute best result in full color, what would it look like, feel like, smell like. Notice key markers, find visual representations of these key markers and find images that represent them. Images you can cut out of magazines, or print out, and tape it somewhere you can see it. Put it on your bathroom mirror, your refrigerator, your workstation, etc… Nobody else needs to know that that image represents, it’s just for you to act as a reminder that you know what “better than this” would look like in your wildest dreams.

3. Play Hide and Seek

Start looking for opportunities that will move you closer to where you want to be (and alternatively further away from what you don’t want). An amazing thing happens, once you are aware of your “Why” (#1) and you’ve seen in your mind’s eye how much better it could be, if you start looking for opportunities to advance or change, suddenly you start to see them appear. It doesn’t take long, and you will notice these opportunities were always there, only you couldn’t see them because they were hidden from view. Not so much hidden, as your beliefs or a lack of self worthiness obscured them from your awareness. Something has been calling you to a higher state, a better life, a more fulfilling way of living with increased satisfaction and love, but because of your reticence, you were unable to see it or didn’t believe you were worthy of having it better. Keep seeking and you will find ways to close the gap from where you are and where you want to be.

4. Make a Plan

A plan is like a map that can get you from here to there. You need to know where you are and where you’re going. Just as a map has markers between here and there, like you know if you’re travelling from one city to another, there are going to be towns you will have to pass between here and there. Knowing you’ve passed on of those key checkpoints ensures you are making progress (you might even stop to have a coffee or piece of pie – like little rewards or celebrations – along the way, but don’t tarry, keep moving). Thinks of ways you can start to assure you’re moving and making measureable progress. Make a schedule, prioritize activities and constantly check in with your internal GPS to evaluate your progress. Above all, stay on course and keep moving in the direction of where you want to be.

5. Avoid Distraction

Invariably, when you start to make significant advancements in your life, you will face opposition, both from external sources, like other people (including people you love becoming more needy, requiring more or your attention) and circumstances that will appear as to be thwarting your efforts to push through to the nest level, as well as internal sources, like your lack of belief in yourself, or negative self talk, all designed to distract you and throw you off course. And if that wasn’t enough to distract you, you will notice the media, and your personal devices will increasingly be finding was to keep you from achieving your highest and best. Learn to say, “No,” to distractions and resume you’re looking for opportunities to move closer to what you want.

6. Educate and Correct

Read books, blogs, and when you are able, get an accountability partner or coach. When you start making the move from a comfortable (or tolerable) way of living to a completely new plateau, it’s good to have ideas on how to make the journey. You can get these ideas by reading about who others have made the transition. An accountability partner or coach is like having a co-pilot or being able to check in with the weather service and tower (as if you were flying a plane and wanted to know how the weather might affect your flight and making certain the flight path was clear). Having another set of eyes vested in seeing your dream come true can help immensely, when your vision is limited to the view from your cockpit, allowing you to make important corrections along the way.

7. Question and Listen

Being in a constant state of openness can be highly beneficial. Don’t excommunicate others who might have a valuable tidbit that might be helpful for your journey. Don’t eliminate the possibility of learning from someone else (what to do, or not to do) by immediately discarding someone else’s point of view. Ask questions along the way, and wait for the answers, always being open to hear the input of someone else. Realize that whoever is giving you advice may not have the best answer. Even though they are adamant and passionate, don’t judge them, if their advice does not resonate with you. Realize they are only doing the best they can with what they have. (That person, who may sound like a kook today, may be highly valuable to your journey in the future.)

8. Honor and Gratitude

Honor those who have supported and helped you along the way, with the highest respect and gratitude. For if it were not for them (whether their influence was good, or bad), you would not be on the path that you are on today, and you would not be making the progress you are making to achieve your highest and best. Be gracious, seeing the good in all things (even if they look bad at the time) because they are moving you closer and preparing you for what lies ahead. Give thanks in all things, because this is the journey that gives your life meaning and a reason to live a life better lived.

9. Maintain Your Resources

Keep an adequate awareness about your personal resources which you have for your journey, don’t lost them. You’re going to need them. This includes your own personal health and wellness. Take time out to enjoy the journey, to relax and refuel along the way, because the last thing you want to do is to run out of gas along the way. Do not neglect your body, the vehicle without which you would not have the ability to make the journey at all. Think about keeping it in tip top condition – at least the best condition possible – for your journey. Good health will make the journey so much more enjoyable and satisfying.

10. Give It All You’ve Got

Pursue your goals with passion and heart-felt admiration and love. The more you put in, the more rewarding the payoff, as well as all the milestones between here and there. The less you hold-back, the greater the gain. Be willing to push through when the getting gets rough (as you are likely to meet resistance along the way) and have an exciting story of perseverance when you have made it through.

Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to traverse this path, follow it through to its logical conclusion and to be a light to others in search of taking on the task of daring to live a better life.

10 Questions for a Better Life

Are you ready for a better life?

If you are ready for a living a better life, you may find yourself asking yourself questions, like these:

1. What do I want?

When you’re reviewing your life, you may discover that you’re somewhat disappointed and you may think back to a time when you knew what you wanted, but have been overcome and overburdened by life to give it much thought lately.

Still, the day comes when you look around and realize that the life you are living does not represent what you want. So, what do you do?

Recall, record and get in tune with what you want. There is still time to get what you want, if you are willing to take action to line up your desires with your reality.

2. Should I change?

Am I the person I wanted to be? At the risk of being accused of morbidity, think about what your obituary might say about the kind of person you are today. Is that how you want to be remembered?

Oftentimes we hide the real identity of who we are deep inside ourselves, not allowing others to fully see us out of fear. Fear of not being accepted or honored for who we are. Fear of abuse or rejection.

Growth necessitates change. Maybe now is the time to readjust your life, how you live your life, integrate with others and offer value to the greater community.

With a pure heart, think about practices you can add to your life, the things you can do, that will impact the way others see you.

3. What’s the hidden treasure?

With hindsight being 20/20, looking back at your life can be an amazing adventure. If you’re able to look back at life’s situations and circumstance – especially the most difficult ones – you can find the hidden treasures buried beneath the surface of any negative experience.

No difficulty in life is experienced where there is not some hidden message or learning to be gained from the experience. Though it may not seem true in the moment, from a future vantage point you may have the wherewithal to see the data clearly enough to extrapolate the precious hidden treasure.

4. Do I love what I’m doing?

Living a passionate life in congruency with doing what you love to do is where life’s greatest satisfaction is found.

If you desire to live your best life, then you need to start doing the things you love and continue to do more and more of the things you love and less and less of the things that do not bring you joy.

Find ways to increase the doing of the things that bring you the greatest amount of pleasure, and outsource the things you’d rather not be doing, exponentially increasing your quality of life.

5. Do I love my life?

If you love your life, you often find yourself in a state of happiness and joy. You find yourself optimistically waking up each day with anticipation of what each new day will bring.

The more you find the best things in life permeating each and every day, the more goodness and things to be grateful for are attracted to the various moments of each day.

You get to set the tone for the day, so start each day with a smile on your face and say out loud, “I love my life!” and make it so.

6. Am I loved?

Love covers so many aspects of your life and (whether you’re willing to admit it or not) you desire to be loved. Do you feel loved?

Do your family, friends and peers love you? What about your significant other, or your children? Do you feel as though they really love you?

If you’re single, are you attracting the love you want?

The best way to have the love you want is to love others, like you would like to be loved. It sounds risky because you may have to be vulnerable and you might get hurt (yes, you may) but it will be worth it as you begin to receive the love you bestow upon others.

7. When is it my turn?

You may have found yourself always in the service of others, willing you sacrifice your own wants, needs and desires for the greater good.

Begrudgingly making your way through life self-sacrificially, as benevolent as it may be, is not your highest and best. You know you work and attention to others has been a worthy effort. Consider you are worthy of your reward.

Ask yourself, if now is the right time to start focusing more on the things that bring you happiness?

8. Do I want more?

Invariably, we find ourselves disappointed with our station in life, regardless of whether you live modestly or extravagantly, dissatisfaction is common, leaving us wanting more.

In many cases we find ourselves feeling as though we are undeserving, or unable to afford the things we desire, but nothing is further from the truth.

You can have whatever you want. Others are doing it who have fewer resources than you at this very moment.

That doesn’t mean to be irresponsible about it, taking out a second mortgage or pawning your wedding rings. No. Instead investigate and consider using the Law of Attraction to bring the things that you desire into your life without the sociological or financial trappings of debt accumulation.

Find ways to have all that you want out of your life’s abundance.

9. What turns me on?

What are those things by which you are enthusiastically motivated?

Make more time for the things that thrill and excite you. No need to rush off and try to do everything at once, just find or make opportunities to engage in those things that light your fire of enthusiasm.

10. What is my secret desire?

If you’re like me (and the rest of us on paths to live better lives) you have a secret desire, one that has been tucked away in the deepest recesses of your heart for some time, if not for your whole life.

You may have thought it not possible, you may have felt unworthy, but if you are reading these words and have the breath of life within you, there is still time.

Your secret desire is begging you to be realized and it’s up to you to bring it to life.

You’re asking the questions

You know the answers

Take action

And let today be the first day of the best of your life

You Are the Best

The least we can ever expect of ourselves and the most we could ever expect from anyone else is the idea that we are all doing the best we can with what we have. After all, we’re all in this life together, each of us doing the best we can and you are the best you can be.

One can’t help but look around and notice that some people seem to be doing a little better with their share than others. Aren’t we all born with the same inalienable rights? Most of us are fortunate to have the same number of limbs, fingers and toes. We all have the same potential for achieving our highest and best, yet for some it appears to be easier to achieve goals than others.

Any of us, regardless of family, fortune, sense of entitlement – or the lack thereof – can at any moment decide to live a better life. A life focused on maximizing our individual potential and achieving heightened states of satisfaction, well being, love and happiness.

If you choose to, you can be one of the growing numbers of individuals taking action to make their lives better and even affect our communities and the world at large in a positive way. If you’re one of us, you’re mindful about what the future holds while taking the steps necessary to protect, preserve and enhance the life you are living each day, living your life on your own terms.

While making your own way is your primary motivation, you honor those who have gone before and are making their own way at the same time. Respectfully admiring others who are also making progress along the way (those who may be steps or miles ahead of you) without jealousy raises your personal vibration, allowing you to make better progress in less time.

This is why we monitor and celebrate the successes of others achieving their highest any best. Not just because it encourages them to achieve even more, but it also impacts the way we see our potential increasing before our very eyes. And if we’re listening closely, we may even discover insights from others, making our individual journeys more efficient, less prone to the missteps of others who have preceded us on the path to whatever we desire to achieve.

Hidden deep within the recess of your heart is everything you need to achieve your highest and best, and if you listen, you can hear its harkening to you, encouraging you, taunting you, daring you to take the challenge of breaking away from the mediocre and mundane to launch toward the massively magnificent future that waits just beyond the veil; the veil that society has tried to hardwire within you to keep you from seeing the possibilities, the gifts and treasures that were meant for you to enjoy fully.

As you listen, this still small voice grows and becomes more reasonable as you consider this may be the life that you had intended to live from the beginning and you ponder the idea that your life may have meaning and purpose… and yes, you do; if you only knew.

So, you take action. A step – possibly a very small step – or a succession of steps and you begin to feel like. “Yes, this is really possible.” You keep moving. And you may even challenge yourself by setting a goal. It could be any goal, lose five pounds, make the bed, take a shower every day, or save twenty dollars a week, etc. It doesn’t really matter, you set a goal (whatever it is) and you achieve it.

How empowering!

You realize – in real time – that you are the master of your fate. If you could set one simple goal and see it through to completion, you come to the realization that you are the creator of your own life. You no longer have to reside yourself to just being a cog in the machine of life, you are beginning to understand you are in control, as your life’s purpose is beckoning you to grasp firmly and keep advancing.

You already know what it’s like to live a life devoid of meaning or purpose. Life loses its flavor, relationships are acceptable pieces of a mediocre life and nothing seems to satisfy any desire for accomplishment. You start to feel as though nothing good could come from your professional endeavors – no matter how hard you try – or from interpersonal relationships. Little turns out like you planned and even if it did, it just doesn’t seem to be all you thought it should have been. Any reward for your life’s accomplishment(s) just do not hold the shine that you expected and you ask yourself, “Is this all there is?”

Not to worry, it’s not your fault. Even though society doesn’t want you to realize it, you’re considering the truth of the matter. Your life – the life you live every day with all its qualities, challenges and confusion – is a direct result of the vibration of your projected energy field which is energized by your thought process. This electromagnetic field attracts the life that is a perfect match to your personal vibration.

The good news is you can change your vibration by changing your thoughts, thereby attracting a completely different kind of life.

This is the basis of the awakening which permeates the societal underground as one by one we start to understand there is so much more to this life than we were led to believe. You are realizing the whole, “get a good education so you can get a good job, married, a mortgage, raise a family, retire and enjoy your golden years” thing is not all it’s cracked up to be.

Now you’re coming around to the understanding of finding and following your life’s purpose is not only satisfying but so enjoyable as you align your life for a more significant and meaningful life, where each day is full of exciting opportunities to advance even further as you gravitate toward all the good things this life has to offer.

You’re not settling for second best or allowing anyone else to dictate the life you will live, and you understand that everyone else is, like you, only doing the best they can with what they have. You don’t need them to follow you along your path as you encourage them to find their own way, enjoy the moments (if any) where your paths intersect along the way.

Life is not a destination but a journey; your journey.

Listen to your heart, it will guide you along the way as you embrace your purpose and sing your song, enjoying a far more satisfying life and making the world a better place.


I’m old enough to remember the sixties, when young, rebellious Americans protested in the streets clamoring for peace and a better world. While they were able to voice their opinion for the most part, sometimes their making a stand against the machine turned to tears and fears when met with violence which turned to anger and more violence.

peace will only come when we realize that it cannot be achieved by violence

Peace will only come when we realize that it cannot be achieved by violence.

That was then, this is now. So much has changed. We the people wield so much power held in the palm of our hand that we can potentially expose evil cloaked in righteousness or send love to the world by tapping a button on our cell phone.

This power can be used for good or evil; even in the quest for peace.

How will you use your power(s) to promote peace?

It is exponentially more effective to lovingly and peacefully promote peace than it is to battle against those who would stand in the way of the peaceful world you envision for the future.

Yet there are those of us who are called to do battle as warriors, some who are steadfast lovers or saints and those of us who are warrior saints, a combination of both.

It is the belief held by the steadfast lovers and promoters of peace that by maintaining a loving and peaceful vibration will enable you to enjoy a peaceful life but also to live a better life and make the world a better place.


By example.

When the peace-lovers exemplify the living of a peaceful life less complicated, more abundant, filled with contentment and higher degrees of happiness, this cannot go on without others taking notice.

I’m not talking about flower-child hippies. I’m referring to enlightened individuals and holistic businesspeople in all stations and walks of life awakening to their destinies and achieving their highest and best in the most love-fueled dignified fashion. These are the counter leaders, those who lead by example not by dominance. They approach life, challenges, obstacles and celebratory opportunities with tolerance and enthusiasm, while maintaining an even keel, both in the boardroom and in everyday life.

This awakening is taking place right now as you read these words and its spreading like a sacred virus.

There is a dichotomy that exists in the stark contrast between the people who use their energy to promote lower level vibrations, and those who use their energy to lovingly promote peace. You can instantly tell which who is who by looking at their social media profile.

Where is the love?

Although to utilize love as an energetic component, you must have some love to work with. In many cases, when I meet people, I take a look inside their heart – as if it were a canister meant to contain love – I open it and look inside. More often than not, I discover it is empty.

We are all born with all the love we could possibly use, yet as we travel our life’s journey, we tend to squander our love, and as an act of self-preservation discard it. Many of us would rather have no love at all than to risk loving and having it unrequited.

Healing, embracing love and learning to live life again are key components to the awakening.

A better world awaits

It is a highly regarded belief that when this new awakening and subsequent enlightenment reaches critical mass, this new peaceful and abundant planet will emerge, celebrating all life and a better world.

You are an important piece in the proliferation of peace today.

Thank you for taking the high road for peace.

Live a Better Life Your Best Life

Many of my clients, friends, and followers have been asking about when my next book is coming out. Well, finally, here it is.


It is based on the number one question I get asked on the street. It may come in many forms, but is basically, “How do you live such an amazing life?” followed by, “How can I do that?” Though the second half of the question is more often than not misstated as “I wish I could do that,” or, “I could never live a life like yours.”

The truth is, you can – anyone can – if you follow the basic ideas contained within this book.

Of course, I could not afford to sit down with each person individually and work with them on their life’s journey, but thanks to your queries and encouragement, I’ve collected these ideas, which I would share with you in person if we had the opportunity and time to spend together.

My clients are spoiled because they get unfiltered access to me and enjoy the benefits thereof and now you can, too.

If you’d like to live a more amazing life, without having to spend a lot of time and money on professional coaching, this is a great way to get started. So, run out and get a copy from Amazon or your local bookstore, and let me know what you think.

Also, be aware that I am in the process of expanding my service arena to better serve a larger audience, so keep in touch with me and I will let you know what new programs you can participate in as they become available.

Get ready to start living your best life ever as we spend time together via this printed word, which I have filled with my intention and purpose. We will see and feel each other’s presence as you read these words and begin to see your new life eagerly waiting to join you.

We are going to have a blast!

Love and light,

~ David

Here’s the scoop on the book:

Live a Better Life, Your Best Life and Make the World a Better Place

live-a-better-life-your-best-life-and-make-the-world-a-better-placeBy David M Masters

Price: $20.00


In this book, you will find the tools, tips, techniques, and thought patterns that will enable anyone who desires to live not only a better life but one’s best life ever.

The story of your best life starts now, no matter what your stage and circumstance in life is, you are at the right time and the right place to start living your most amazing life.

According to author David M Masters, we all have come to this planet with a unique mission and message to share with the world which is buried deep within at a very early age. When you become realigned with your purpose in life, your life explodes into the best life ever.

Even if you think you’re not worthy, or unqualified, it doesn’t matter; and if you’re feeling bad, like you’ve lost everything, or have no reason to go on…

You’re in the right place at the right time

To reinvent and live a better life and launch your best life full of abundance and happiness that you might have never believed possible.

live-a-better-life-your-best-life-david-m-masters-usa-book“The best stories start like that.”

Masters says his life-long mission has been to help others achieve their highest and best.

Now is your time to live a better life – your best life – and make the world a better place as you discover your mission and share your message.

About the Author:

David M Masters is a motivational speaker, author, and life coach. His focus seems to be on personal development, self-improvement, and achieving success in various aspects of life. He offers guidance and support to individuals seeking to improve their lives, find their purpose, and overcome challenges.

The basis of David M Masters’ philosophy seems to revolve around empowering individuals to take control of their lives and create positive changes. He emphasizes the importance of personal growth, self-reflection, and transforming limiting beliefs into empowering ones. Masters believes in the potential for individuals to shape their reality, achieve their goals, and find fulfillment.

People who might be attracted to David M Masters for assistance are likely individuals who are seeking personal transformation, motivation, and guidance in various areas of their lives. This could include individuals looking to improve their relationships, careers, finances, or overall well-being. People attracted to his philosophy may be interested in personal development, self-discovery, and unlocking their full potential.

Enjoy Life Feeling Good People

Enjoy feeling good about living a better life by being one of the good people

Five easy steps leading to you’re enjoying the best this life has to offer, sharing your goodness with others as we all do a little something-something to make the world a better place.

enjoy life feeling good people 5 step feel better 21 day challenge

Be Good

Smile. Treat others with kindness, respect and tolerance. A little tolerance goes a long way. Do not judge other people, their actions. If you feel the inclination to look down at someone, make fun of them or feel anger or resentment welling up inside you, try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes and imagine what it must be like to be living their life. Realize that they, just like you, are doing the best they can with what they have. Empathize and send them love instead.

Focus on Good Things

Look for and see the good in all things. Even in the worst of times, be looking for the beauty, the love, the positivity that abounds in all situations, even when it’s difficult to imagine anything good at the time. Do not research, look at, read, listen to or engage in conversation about injustice, tragedy, natural disaster or any other opportunities to be caught up in a whirlpool of negativity. Listen to music that makes you happy (not sad songs), read Chicken Soup for the (fill in the blank) Soul books or any other book that is implicitly positive. Look at images that fill your heart with joy, post them around your house, on Facebook (don’t share anything negative) and at work.

Be Around Good People

The people you surround yourself with carry and maintain a particular vibration. If they have a negative vibration, it is difficult – if not impossible – for them to see the good in any situation. This negative vibration permeates the space around these individuals and is infectious to others. Being around people who talk about or focus on negativity or things that are wrong or bad in the world, lower your vibration. Enough exposure will drag your vibration down to match theirs.

Likewise, spending more time around more positive people who maintain higher, more optimistic vibrations will elevate your vibration to match theirs, as you are in their presence more often. Find new friends who have higher vibrations. Being around good people, who are optimistic, use good words and do good things makes positivity easier.

Do Good Things

Start finding ways to do things that are good. Unsolicited acts of kindness, even if very small, help to make the world a better place. Be polite and courteous. Smile and compliment the cashier, let someone who looks like they’re in a hurry merge in traffic, let someone go before you in the checkout line, tip the waitress, hold the door for someone with their hands full. Look for opportunities to assist others who might need a helping hand, or just a word of encouragement. Make a donation to a worthy cause, help promote a worthy cause or start a worthy cause of your own (only make sure that it, like you, focuses on something good, not bad).

Feel Good Activities

The more you engage in activities that make you feel good, the better you feel. The better you feel, the easier it is to pass your goodness to others. Doing things that make you feel good raises you vibration and affects the vibration(s) of those around you.

As you feel increasingly better because you’re being in the places and participating more in activities that make you feel good, this “good feeling” attracts more good opportunities and circumstances in your life.

21 Day Good Life Challenge

Don’t believe me? I dare you to take the 21 Day Good Life Challenge. Take a 21-day negativity hiatus. Determine to be good for three weeks, starting today. Start each day by looking in the mirror and saying, “I love my life!”* Cut out images that make you feel good and stick them around on your mirror. Tolerate more, focus on good things, spend more time around good people, find opportunities to do good things, and make more time to do the things that bring you joy.

Three weeks of living the good life will raise your vibration enough, you will never want to sink back to where you were before as you being to live a better life the life you always wanted to live and enjoy it more fully every day.

See also: How to be Happy

* Thanks, Adam.