We Are One

I am one. We are one. I am a divinely made unique individual. I am also one part of the body of like-minded individuals who are united in faith, as well as one with all who are blessed to call this planet our home.

Imagine if this were true. What would that look like?

A celebration of individuality and collectiveness simultaneously. Neighbors as brethren, lifting each other up, loving and helping each other for the common good. If my brother or sister is in need, wouldn’t I find a way to help him or her in his or her time of need? Absolutely.

Younger generations would have no compulsion for separation. No prejudice. No social cliques. No murmuring or conspiring behind someone else’s back. No bullying. This could be the loving example that would lead to healing future generations.

If we, as the human race, could see each one of us as a part of everyone else, this is the path to peace and harmony for the future. For if I disrespect you, I am disrespecting myself. I honor you, just as much as I expect you to honor me.

What would be the need for war in a world like that? Your land is my land. Your oil is my oil. Your son or daughter is my son or daughter. Just as I would not kill my own son or daughter, I would not even think of having my son or daughter kill your son or daughter.

Peace will only come when we realize that it cannot be achieved by violence.

You cannot legislate love. You cannot fight, argue, debate with, imprison or kill enough people to proliferate love. Only love can perpetuate love.

And faith? Your Beliefs? They should be as unique as you are. Believe what you like based on who and where you are at the time because while we are individually unique, we are also each other expressed in different ways.

Just like in me, there are many facets that make up who I am on this day at this moment, and I am ever-changing and evolving as I interact with those around me, within the circumstances and the environment in the world where I live.

I may believe one thing today and another thing tomorrow based on new information or experience. I expect to be respected for doing the best with what I have and reciprocate such respect to anyone else.

I see a world where we all are grateful for the life with which we have been gifted, so we care for each other and respect the world that we have been bequeathed. I love the idea of reforestation. I am so glad that we are going there.

The idea that as we take something from our environment to benefit us in any given way, we honor the earth’s sacrifice by replenishing it as best we can, is impressive and can be extrapolated to include all resources. Our planet is a closed system. We have abundant yet limited resources. Let’s use them with gratitude, wisely, giving back as we consume responsibly.

If we have faith and love it should be apparent as a part of our life’s expression, without fear, separation, disrespect, the threat of harm, loss, or destructive violence. Instead edifying each other’s uniqueness in love as we are all a part of the “us” that makes the world go round.

In honor of this authentic synergy of myself, the peoples around me and abroad, and the planet for all that she does to support us all, I often find myself sending love to the world, for an even brighter future for all life.


Merry Christmas Rant with Love

It’s Christmas and I celebrate it. My friends and family celebrates, each one a little differently than the other. Yet, everyone gets the idea.

I find it interesting that people find the most interesting ways to divide themselves from other people when it would make more sense to allow us all just “to be” and bless those who don’t see things the way you do.

Granted, some people don’t believe in, celebrate, or condone the idea of Christmas… and who cares? I celebrate your right to believe anything you want.

Second, only to New Years, Christmas is the most celebrated holiday in the world. And thankfully, this “religious” holiday has become so watered down that anyone can celebrate it. Even though it was originally a Christian holiday to celebrate the birth of Jesus, now it represents the advancement of love and peace among all peoples. An idea of which Jesus could be proud of having been promoted by His birthday.

While the majority of us find it easy to wrap our heads around this idea of Jesus’ birthday being a joyous, love-filled celebration of life and the bright future which awaits us all as we unite in harmony for a better world, some hardcore Christians have a problem with non-cardholding-members joining in their holiday celebration.

Now, here’s where it gets a little dicey. Even among Christians (because there’s so many division amongst them), they can’t agree on a way to celebrate Christmas as a whole. Many Christian factions are divided on their celebration of the Christmas holiday, and some refuse to participate at all due to it’s commercialism, or basis in paganism.

Christmas, the whole idea of it represents an evolutionary approach to advancing harmony among all peoples, spreading love and peace. December 25th was originally a Roman holiday to celebrate the birth of the sun, later the Catholic Church (Pope Julius I) adopted this day to celebrate the birth of Jesus, “The Son of God.”

As Christianity expanded across the globe and spread to all nations, unique characteristics were gathered along the way and included into the celebration of Christmas. Christmas evolved to invite anyone and everyone to be honored and to celebrate the December 25th holiday in their own way.

Yes, dragging a tree into the house to mark winter’s halfway point was a pagan tradition, and this idea evolved into the decorated Christmas tree which sets some staunch Christians ablaze with anti-paganism fury. Nonetheless, there is nothing new under the sun, and we all adopt ideas from the past and repurpose them into modern ideologies.

Now, you can fight for the idea of pure thought, uninfluenced by any preconceived thought (which is an exciting thought in itself, I’ll admit) and stand strong, like a marker carved in stone, unmovable, unchanging, in honor of ancient ideals or philosophies, dedicated to preserve the past and defend it, even if it means disrespecting, debating with, or killing anyone who dares to not align themselves with your belief(s).

If that’s you, don’t go reaching for your sniper rifle or loading your vehicle with bombs and think about tracking me down just yet, please hear me out…

Let’s say you believe the way you do, and I believe the way I do and let’s assume there are some differences, no matter what thought systems we’re talking about, religious or otherwise.

And let’s think about how you might like to have people think like you do. Heck, I might even like people to think the way I do. Now, we could kill all the people who don’t believe the way we do, then we win. But I think that we can agree that we’ve seen this approach in the past (or even recently) and can rationalize that this is not really a sustainable model.

On the other hand, we can lovingly turn our efforts into including as many people as possible to play in our game in their own way to make the world a better place, where we all can live in harmony, promoting love and peace.

On one hand, we have “separation” which promotes fear and death and is not sustainable. On the other hand, inclusion, which promotes love which is the energy which gives life, new life, expanding life.

All that to say, “I love Jesus,” and am proud to call myself a Christian but I would never impose my belief upon another person. I love the idea that the world is made of different people all with different ideas and contributions to make and gift to the world. Far be it from me to even entertain the thought for a moment, that I might not be able to learn something from someone else, anyone else.

Jesus is my greatest hero, and I have other heroes besides, and none of us has the right to dictate to another person whom we regard as our heroes. Regardless, even if I was not a Christian, I think I would celebrate Christmas because of the idea of Christmas, as it is celebrated among society en masse, is a microcosm of evolving and expanding life on planet earth.

I get excited about the very thought of Christmas, how it makes people who embrace the holiday feel special, full of love, and desire to do good things for family, friends, other people, and the world at large. A fantasy? Maybe, but what a thing to aspire to; peace on earth and goodwill to all men. That is a dream, that I believe, can one day come true.

You can join me in celebration of that on December 25th, and/or every day, for that matter.

And if you’re among those who are finding the holidays a struggle, when it seems so very hard, and it appears that there is no love for you; there is.

There is great love for you, now, and even more on the way.

Unfortunately, this is the time of year when many people are feeling lost, lonely, at their very worst, and my thoughts and heart are with you. In fact, my friends and I are sending love to you, right now. You might even consider helping us in sending love to the world while getting a little more for yourself in the process, with no strings attached.

If you search inside yourself, you can find the love within you, we are sending you more. We know you can make it, and you have great things to do ahead.

A better life awaits you, your best life, and we need you to help make the world a better place.

There are amazing things in store for you in the coming year.

Merry Christmas to you.

I love you.

I believe in you.

What about All the Evil in the World?

How can you not pick up your sword and join me in the battle against (insert evil)?

Answering this question honestly might widen the social gap between you and the proponent of the warrior who has taken it upon himself/herself to wage a war against a particular evil or injustice.


The basic concept, which is hard for the self-righteous warrior battling against the machine, is based on the energetic principle,

Whatever you add energy to increases

Mother Teresa understood this principle. While she would not engage in a war protest, she would support a peace rally. Because she knew what when you focus your attention on anything, it gains more momentum and power. So focusing on the solution is far more productive than focusing on the problem.

If you declare war against a particular evil, it requires the evil to defend itself, therefore it increases in power. It collects support and momentum to protect, defend and offensively counter-attack in an effort to survive.

Everything (good or bad) that exists is in a constant struggle to persist and survive, threaten anything and the struggle to survive intensifies. On the other hand, if you are aware of something that is undesirable, unpleasant or evil and do not fight against it, it becomes weaker.

It makes it easier for a young man with a slingshot to deal the deathblow to whatever it is that causes you concern or discomfort.

This approach is found on the high road of promoting a better world, not declaring war against an evil or corrupt one.

Certainly, there are those who are called to be the warriors, the champions whose life purpose is to expose atrocities and to stand boldly in opposition against evil. They are hardwired for this disposition and we need them to defeat the giant, but few of us possess the calling or the skills necessary to assume we could perform this function for the greater good.

Evil is fully aware of the energetic principle of “Whatever you add energy to increases,” and the evil uses this to make itself more powerful.

This is why you see atrocities in the news, in magazines, on the Internet, just about anywhere you may focus your attention. The evil knows if you can be forced to focus on it with a negative emotion, it increases the negative energetic power of the evil itself.

For instance, when you view an atrocity on the evening news and the report makes you feel depressed, sad, hurt, anxious, angry or hateful (or any of the negative emotional responses) you increase the energetic power of the evil you oppose.

Add to your energetic response any action and the evil will push back (reaction).

A more effective energetic approach to dealing with evil in the world is not to post up in an effort to battle it, but to actively support any solution, like Mother Teresa would have done.

Be cognizant and mindful about how you share with others and interact within your social circle about the evil at hand. Most people do not realize that their disapproval accelerates that which they oppose, and they’re not likely to be open to your trying to explain the energetic principle while they are actively engaged in a negative state.

Just be aware of this not being the time to explain such a thing, but do make a conscious effort to not engage in the negativity or wrongness of the subject at hand. Instead, acknowledge the evil, then sway the conversation to the solution.

I really like being approached by someone all wrapped up in negativity (effectively promoted by the evil) complaining about some atrocity or injustice. I acknowledge and affirm their concern, and as quickly as possible simply ask,

“What could we do to change it?”


The whole world changes in that moment. The change of countenance in the person is immediately noticeable, and as the conversation focuses more and more about making a better world (instead of hating the one we live in) they add energy to the best things in life.

And I totally understand, and apologize if you are reading these words in a negative state and not open to the ideas proposed here. Please be aware that I am not saying how you feel about anything is wrong. You might be our champion. We need you.


I’m old enough to remember the sixties, when young, rebellious Americans protested in the streets clamoring for peace and a better world. While they were able to voice their opinion for the most part, sometimes their making a stand against the machine turned to tears and fears when met with violence which turned to anger and more violence.

peace will only come when we realize that it cannot be achieved by violence

Peace will only come when we realize that it cannot be achieved by violence.

That was then, this is now. So much has changed. We the people wield so much power held in the palm of our hand that we can potentially expose evil cloaked in righteousness or send love to the world by tapping a button on our cell phone.

This power can be used for good or evil; even in the quest for peace.

How will you use your power(s) to promote peace?

It is exponentially more effective to lovingly and peacefully promote peace than it is to battle against those who would stand in the way of the peaceful world you envision for the future.

Yet there are those of us who are called to do battle as warriors, some who are steadfast lovers or saints and those of us who are warrior saints, a combination of both.

It is the belief held by the steadfast lovers and promoters of peace that by maintaining a loving and peaceful vibration will enable you to enjoy a peaceful life but also to live a better life and make the world a better place.


By example.

When the peace-lovers exemplify the living of a peaceful life less complicated, more abundant, filled with contentment and higher degrees of happiness, this cannot go on without others taking notice.

I’m not talking about flower-child hippies. I’m referring to enlightened individuals and holistic businesspeople in all stations and walks of life awakening to their destinies and achieving their highest and best in the most love-fueled dignified fashion. These are the counter leaders, those who lead by example not by dominance. They approach life, challenges, obstacles and celebratory opportunities with tolerance and enthusiasm, while maintaining an even keel, both in the boardroom and in everyday life.

This awakening is taking place right now as you read these words and its spreading like a sacred virus.

There is a dichotomy that exists in the stark contrast between the people who use their energy to promote lower level vibrations, and those who use their energy to lovingly promote peace. You can instantly tell which who is who by looking at their social media profile.

Where is the love?

Although to utilize love as an energetic component, you must have some love to work with. In many cases, when I meet people, I take a look inside their heart – as if it were a canister meant to contain love – I open it and look inside. More often than not, I discover it is empty.

We are all born with all the love we could possibly use, yet as we travel our life’s journey, we tend to squander our love, and as an act of self-preservation discard it. Many of us would rather have no love at all than to risk loving and having it unrequited.

Healing, embracing love and learning to live life again are key components to the awakening.

A better world awaits

It is a highly regarded belief that when this new awakening and subsequent enlightenment reaches critical mass, this new peaceful and abundant planet will emerge, celebrating all life and a better world.

You are an important piece in the proliferation of peace today.

Thank you for taking the high road for peace.