I Hope We All Can Heal from Those Unspoken Things

We all gather and store traumatic experiences, keeping them buried deep inside, afraid to disclose the details of these experiences due to fear, the fear of being judged, unaccepted, or being told that we’re making a mountain out of a molehill, and we’re further traumatized by being told to “just get over it.” I hope we all can heal from those unspoken things.

All this pent-up trauma leads us to try to find hope, anything that might help relieve the pressure we feel building up inside of us. And what is this pressure doing to us? What is the cost of hiding and feeling as though we cannot talk about the things that trouble us the most?

As an Olympian Life Coach and spiritual consultant, I am blessed to have lived a life of helping others voice their inner struggles with past trauma. And my longing is echoed in Jared Peterson’s statement made on September 8, 2022, “I hope you heal from things you don’t talk about.” The quote’s author is unassignable, but the sentiment strikes a chord in the heartbeat of Americans who try to ignore the past for the greater good, and/or the bravest of those who contemplate seeking alternatives for releasing the pressure of withholding.

Yes, there is healing from brokenness, few can find such healing in solitude, but better results are realized by reaching out for assistance in digging up the past, one’s deepest darkest secrets, unearthing the root cause of unhealthy negative ruminations, disconnecting painful triggers, and battling one’s inner demons.

A traumatic past can destroy your life

Therefore, unexpressed anger can cause disease. These withheld secrets can kill you. Hidden memories of a traumatic past haunt the energetic sphere that surrounds us all.

Unspoken trauma doesn’t just go away.

In the search for relief, believers may find themselves searching for bible scriptures for heartbreak. Christian counselors can be sought out, but many of them are ill-prepared to help individuals do the deep inner work necessary. Unfortunately, these victims of destructive trauma, are encouraged to trust God or pray about it. In a sense, forgive, forget, and just get over it. This can burden the victim with guilt or shame, now questioning “what is wrong with me,” when the standard Christian recommended solution offers little or no relief.

St. Paul says, “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed, perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body” (2 Corinthians 4:8-10). This is to say that regardless of the adversity we face or how we have been exploited or victimized, all of this can lead to the glorification of God’s goodness.

Also, “And we know that all things work together for good for those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).

Given the sacred space necessary, in compassionate love, and understanding, without judgment, one can be empowered to do the deep work without fear of rejection or being accused of “attracting the trauma.” It cannot be swept aside by playing the “karma” card. Being allowed to fully release the trauma in a safe environment is necessary for finding healing in brokenness unashamedly.

I hope we all can heal from those unspoken things, and this is a more likely result of following this process of dealing with one’s traumatic past. Failing to do so causes infectious festering inner wounds to spread disease throughout the body. This can be realized and witnessed in a lack of energy, weakness, and a compromised immune system, leading to sickness, disease, and premature death if left unaddressed.

I am honored to have experienced the immense transformation of individuals who have overcome these kinds of challenges and am excited about results that can include the ability to help others who could be facing these kinds of victimizing circumstances.

This is the power of God realized in healing from brokenness, and in this way, the painfully broken can help others, doing their part to make the world a better place.


You and Your Puppets

There is you. Then, there is the “you” which you present to others. No one knows the real you, except for you, and you create a disguise which you operate, like a puppet, to present to the world. After one realizes the efficacy of puppeteering, you create an army of puppets to represent yourself in any situation and circumstance.

You expend a great deal of effort adorning your puppet(s) to present to particular audiences. You clothe and accessorize and present each puppet in such a way to have a particular impact on others, or to get what you want or need from others to make you feel good about yourself.

Masquerading is an effective way to interact with the world, but it doesn’t work that well with you, because you know the real you who dresses up your puppet(s), surrounds him/her with supporting evidence. You adorn your puppet’s environment to validate his/her personality by decorating his/her home, earning certificates and take taking photos to hang on the wall, driving a particular kind of vehicle, and a myriad of other supporting evidence to in essence prove to the world that your puppet is the real deal.

You’re constantly looking for new ways to support the identity of your puppet. Every time you think this is the one thing that will finally cement your puppet’s identity, it satisfies for a moment, then you discover it just didn’t quite accomplish you intended purpose, like you thought it would. So, you seek out another piece of supporting evidence.

You surround your persona with collections of supporting evidence which could be anything from material items to acts of service to others, or even vices or debilitating disease. All in an effort to convince the world to accept the identity you’ve designed for yourself. But no matter how hard you try, you know this is all an act. Regardless of how much time, effort, and finances you’ve dedicated for supporting your persona, as pretty or magnificent it is, you know it is all a worthless façade.

Then there is the most valuable and precious activity of life, and that is the real and authentic personal work performed by and on the behalf of the puppeteer. Unlike the things you do to support the identity of your puppet(s), the effort you put forth to support your true self which stays hidden from the external world, it is the best and most intimate thing you can do for yourself. This is your deep inner work.

There is great contrast between your deep inner work which cannot be seen by others, and the external representation of yourself which can be acknowledged and revered by others. The support and admiration you received from others creates an addiction to the maintenance of your façade, which clouds your judgment, preventing you from seeing the value in expending efforts to conduct your intimately private deep inner work.

Once you start to look deeply inside yourself, if you dare, you can start adorning your inner self, the real you, with mindfulness, self-care, support, therapy, forgiveness, and unconditional love. Just as you adorn your public persona(s), you beautify your inner self, connecting to that greater part of you which is a higher energetic vibration than could ever be represented by any material possession.

Nothing gives you such lasting satisfaction as doing your deep inner work. And as you conduct this deeply personal and intimate work on yourself, you can influence your persona(s) in ways that can offer glimpses of the changes taking place inside the puppeteer.

These subtle nuances cannot be hidden, as they can be seen by the trained eye, every time you pull a string, redecorate the surroundings, or operate your puppet.

Empowered by the energy emitted from your heart of hearts, your deep inner work begins to affect the world around you in even the smallest of ways like a pebble creating a ripple effect which radiates throughout the otherwise still pond of life.

You are love. Embracing your love life, loving yourself, all the deeply intimate and harrowing parts of yourself as all being in divine order, is the greatest love-work of all.

You are doing it. As you do, you create hope and inspire others to shift the focus of their lives from keeping up appearances to focusing within, and life by life, heart by heart, the world evolves and becomes a better place.

God bless you for all that you do.

Toxic or Angelic?

“I don’t know what it is, but every time this person comes around, I get upset.” If you’re in a relationship, especially a close or intimate relationship with someone that drives you crazy and you just can’t seem to see eye to eye, you’re likely to think this is a toxic person in your life. Is this person toxic or angelic?

If you’re in the stage of personal growth where you need to extricate those people in your life who have a negative effect on your life, then setting boundaries to avoid exposure to others who tend to irritate you is definitely warranted.

But what if some of these people who irritate you are angels or brought into your life to awaken your conscious mind to something which is hidden deep within your self that can be the key to unlocking a brighter future for you releasing the flow for peace, joy, and abundance to envelop your life.

This person could be toxic or angelic

Life can be hard, and we can get accustomed to working very hard to have a better life. While this is effective and generally accepted as a good method of creating a better life for yourself by exercising your brute strength to make a change or evoke something better for yourself, consider there might be a better way.

A better way might be allowing yourself to go with the flow of the life you were destined to live, full of all the best things in life. Believe it or not, this is your natural state.

The moment you were born, you were perfect in every way, and all the best things in life were perfectly attuned to you. Yet, not long after you were born, you were subjected to the social programming of those around you which robbed you of your divine destiny. This continued throughout your life and you became acclimated to life’s struggle for survival. Yet, struggle is not your destiny.

If you look at the body chemistry of those who struggle through life, you can see high levels of Cortisol, the reward for fighting for a better life. For those who allow all the best things in life to come to them, they are rewarded with Dopamine and have very low levels of Cortisol in their bodies.

Don’t believe me. Google it. Cortisol makes you feel stressed and causes deterioration of the body system, while Dopamine makes you feel good, and increases the body’s immune system.

How you approach life makes a difference

The sooner you can start to change your thinking process, looking for precious learnings or gifts when your emotional triggers are firing, the happier and longer life you will have.

You can apply this approach to those who make you upset. While these people may seem toxic on the surface, they may have been attracted to your life at just the right time, when you were ready to consider talking some deep inner work which may be hindering your personal growth or potential.

This is common in romantic relationships, where we are magically divine mirrors, one to the other, reflecting back those areas of our lives where we can find deep work waiting to be brought to the surface, so they can be dealt with.

Remembering that we all get upset when we are triggered is a normal human condition. No need to berate yourself for feeling this way. It happens to everyone, especially the more we expose our true selves to someone who is close to us. You are not broken or in need of fixing. There is nothing wrong with you.

If you are a highly sensitive person, you will find you are more sensitive to the things people say or do, and even those things that are not said or done, as you rightly (or wrongly) interpret the meanings behind or underneath that which is obvious to the naked eye or attentive ear.

The basic function of triggers is to protect you from potential danger which may or may not be present but projected onto the screen of life. This is rooted in fear, and while this method is instilled in you to protect you, the fear of it all does hinder your progress.

Often, if you are in the process of excluding others from your life who do not make you feel good (though this may be necessary for a time, while you define and get acclimated to who you really are, it is limiting your becoming aware of those things which block you from the best things in life.

The next time someone triggers you, think about it. Ask yourself if there’s any shadow experience of belief hiding inside? There might be something lurking to be exposed and expelled when you feel like you’re getting upset, especially if your reaction seems to be more than the present circumstance requires.

Love is waiting for you.

Your greatest love adventure of all

Your greatest love will require vulnerability, trust, and welcoming all the good things of life, which long to be found in all things, even those which appear to be bad at first glance.


Looking through the eyes of love

Deep Inner Work

Doing the deeper, inner work is the most rewarding work that you can do, yielding the greatest results allowing your personal evolution to take place changing your quality of life, affecting the lives around you, even changing your DNA and the DNA of those whom you are close to.

While some people read a paragraph, like the previous one, rolling their eyes and expressing how ridiculous it might sound, you either know, or have a sense of knowingness, this deep inner work is the most rewarding work.

I absolutely love (sometimes its fun and amazing and other times its dreadful and draining) doing my deeper work for the benefit I receive on the other side, and when I am blessed enough to assist someone else achieve a breakthrough in their inner work, there is no greater blessing and honor.

It’s all about love. Love is the highest vibration. For everything that troubles you or makes you feel bad is based in the lowest vibration: Fear. Every emotional state – and whatever it represents – consists of varying degrees of love or fear and carries with it a particular vibrational frequency.

When we tune into this frequency, we attract life circumstances that match the channel we are tuned into. If you are tuned into a negative emotion, you actually attract and transmit (adding power to) that particular negative frequency. You actually become a negative power cell, even though it is the furthest thing from y0ur intention.

Drilling down and doing your deep, inner work, can help you to remove the power from these negative anchors which trigger your negative downward spiral into lower frequencies or emotional states.

You are doing the work, you are taking back the power over your life which is your birthright and you are helping to make the world a better place by becoming a positive powerhouse, welcoming in the next phase of human evolution, starting with you.

It all starts here, with you, the one evolving cell, empowered to multiply.

Doing your deep inner work allows you to discard the things in life that are holding you back or keeping you down, so that you can rise to your potential and watch the world around you change for the better.

Find out what really matters and see these areas of your life flourish without being squelched by negative frequencies.

Will this work be easy? No. But it will be worth it. Especially when you begin living the life you were born to live, feeling all the love your soul can bear while travelling your new journey to experience the metamorphosis from the way things were to the new life that waits ahead.

Sure, there will be obstacles and challenges along the way, and those who scoffed at that first paragraph, will try to pull you back into the mundane pit, they’ve become so accustomed to. For it would be far more convenient for them to be able to prove to you that the idea of life outside the pit is ridiculous, if not dangerous.

But as they witness your escape, and see that over time you did not return… They will start to question whether there really is a better life outside.

It is not your job to tell them anything about your new journey, as it is your journey and yours alone. As much as you might want to have your friends follow you, that would be not be good.

While you may encourage people to follow you on your journey, it is yours, not theirs. You are doing them a disservice if you do not encourage then to find their own way.

Love to the doers of the deep inner work.