I Have A Bad Feeling About This

You know that feeling that you get just before something bad happens? You might think, “I have a bad feeling about this,” in a precognitive manner seconds before something goes awry.

Well, say, “Hello,” to your little inner guidance system, or intuition. The heart is the seat of intuition. It’s just not the fodder of artists and philosophers of old anymore, as science is finding this is true, and it’s just not Jedis from Star Wars who can sense these things enabling them to announce, “I have a bad feeling about this,” seconds before something unexpected takes place.

We all have it to varying degrees. Our cognitive central nervous system which is seated in the brain, if you are aware of it, can provide you a good three-second advance notice via a feeling (like Spiderman’s spidey-sense) to brace for something, which can be highly advantageous, especially in a potentially dangerous situation.

Three seconds of advanced notice and heightened awareness can make the difference between potential-loss and prolonged suffering, or even life and death.

What if you could increase your intuition awareness from 3 seconds to 7 seconds?

It would have a massive impact on the difference it would make the next time you utter those words,

“I have a bad feeling about this”

Due to the advanced scientific research being conducted on the human heart, we are now finding the heart’s possessing a central nervous system separate from the brain, and more high functioning than the brain with far more accuracy.

While the brain emits an energetic field which can be measured a few inches from a person’s head, the energy which is broadcast from the heart projects a peripheral information-rich energetic field which transmits electronically for feet in every direction, consciously immensely further.

When an unexpected event is about to take place, the heart is the first physical organ to respond, immediately sending impulses to the brain for interpretation. The heart signals an urgent need for heightened awareness to the brain a full 7 seconds, and it takes about four seconds for the brain to process and react to the heart’s communication.

The brain is so busy thinking and it has been trained to disregard the heart’s nervous system, and until now, the most educated humans disregarded the heart’s significance on the human contribution to the human body as simply a blood pump.

The question of whether you are,

Thinking with your head or your heart?

Has far more significance today than it did at any time in the past.

Heart and quantum science are discovering the heart as the new frontier in scientific advancement, and it appears the heart’s energetic connection to the source of all energies of life is not just the subject of fantasy or fiction anymore.

Things like psychic connections and communications, telekinesis, and the like, which have been regarded as either science fiction or secret government researched potential weaponizations are not as ridiculous an idea as we were previously led to believe, as much of science fiction is increasingly becoming science fact.

The issue of whether there was a grand conspiracy to cover up this knowledge is moot, the fact of the matter is that we the people are becoming more aware, and as more and more of us awaken to this knowledge, honoring and connecting more with our heart’s intuitive intuition and the vast energetic source and storehouse of infinite wisdom and possibilities, the world (and mankind as we know it) looks increasingly different as it evolves every second.

There is so much going on here that far exceeds a four-second advantage.

Where will you be focusing more of your energies?

In your head or on your heart?

How is that working for you?


Barbarians in Love

Just like when you dip a strawberrian into chocolate and it alters the experience of the strawberrian from its original format, so do barbarians change when they are dipped in pure love. Once a barbarian is dipped in pure love they are changed forever, never the same. This is the evolution of barbarians in love.

I was born a barbarian into a barbarian world; a world full of hate, and the struggle to imprison its inhabitants in various levels of restraint in prisons without walls, as one might think of them.

Like a good barbarian, my instincts were to feel bad when I didn’t get what I wanted and desire to smash anything I didn’t agree with. I was brainwashed and trained isolate myself from others who did not think like me, to believe things that were not true, and in some cases, would fight to defend the falsehoods, even to the death, if necessary.

Then, one day I awakened from the fog and I began to look at the world from a different perspective. From this vantage point, I could see (though not clearly, yet) the prison planet and the machine that ran it. It was hard to believe, as such thoughts are only the meat of science fiction or the rantings of madmen, or so I was led to believe.

The prison planet is so vast, well-conceived and the construct executed with such a high degree of intensity and precision, that the barbarian prisoners have no idea that they are prisoners at all. Even though they are provided a clue, if only they could see that the prisons of the barbarians are microcosms of the prisons which they themselves are held captive by. Only their prison is not constructed of concrete and steel.

Our prisons are constructed externally by borders, but more importantly, the most powerful weapon of restraint used by our jailers is our own minds, which are socially-programmed from birth.

There is a way out of the barbarian prison, and its simple enough. All you have to do is to open the door and walk out, if only you had the key. You might be lucky enough to spy an open door and see it as an opportunity to escape. So, you raise enough courage to make a break for it.

On your way out the door, you are attacked by prison guards who you never noticed before. They wrestle you to the ground and restrain you, and drag you back into the barbarian prison, where they feel safe, and call it, “home.” They’ve been so acclimated to the prison life that they cannot conceive of living life any other way.

You can leave the prison, but you must have the key, and you must do it alone. Once outside the barbarian prison walls, you will find others who have made it outside as well. Kind of a ragtag bunch but growing in numbers.

Love is the Key

Barbarians in love can walk right out. Bathed in pure love, and allowed to evolve, changes the barbarian matrix altogether, you can unlock the door at will, and exit the prison, and once you do, things will never be the same. Oh, sure, you could return to the prison and turn yourself back over to the authorities. Some people even slip in and out of the prison undetected.

Then, there are those who are finding their own ways to survive and thrive outside the prison walls, and their numbers are growing.

Regardless of what you believe the state of the world is today, one day you (or future generations) will look back on this present day, knowing this was our barbaric age of human history.

When the population outside the prison reaches critical mass, there will be no more need for the barbarian prison at all, and it, and all the people, the system, and the machine will fall and crumble to the ground.

This is the new evolution of the human spirit which is breaking free from the prison and making its way to a better, love-filled world of peace, liberty, and prosperity, the likes of which cannot be imagined within the prison walls, except for the fanciful daydreamers, science fiction writers, and madmen.

Welcome to the other side.

You are the evolution.

See you at the Soulmate Wizardry event.

You Are More Space

I know, it’s easy to get all wrapped up in what’s real and what’s not, then that trickles down to what’s right or wrong, good or evil, and if you’re frustrated in knowing that the universe is expanding at an alarming rate, and when you look at our tiny galaxy floating in perfect harmony among all the other galaxies, that can leave you feeling quite small. And if that wasn’t enough, try throwing on, “You are more space than matter,” for size.

You Are More Space Than Matter

You are less than 1% matter, the rest is space. I don’t know about you but this literally blows me away and it a glimmering testament to the magnificence of life on planet earth and our privilege of being able to participate in this amazing journey called life.

We are made up of atoms with a nucleus at its center. Quantum physicists maintain that if the nucleus were the size of a peanut, the atom would be the size of a football stadium and what’s inside? Space. Lots of space.

But what holds us (and everything we believe to be a solid, to have shape or form) together? For quantum physicists, there is a whole lot of scientific mumbo-jumbo going on, which reduced to its simplest form, represents energy.

This is not the energy that you think of when you think about putting batteries into a flashlight or plugging your toaster into the wall, this is energy which mills around in the space in and between the atoms holding them in perfect balance resulting in our ability to interact with the world around us in all its forms.

Your body, if you were to remove the space, would be the size of a dust particle.

The energetic space which accounts for the vastly greater part of you is conscious and consciously connected to all the other space in all the other dimensions, in all the other galaxies in the universe, past, present, and future.

You can start to imagine the possibilities of being connected to an infinite network of consciousness, opening a whole new area of independent and scientific study. Independent researchers who are more sensitive to the energies which surround us, are considered as outside-the-box thinkers but are making discoveries, expanding their consciousness, and are growing by leaps and bounds, even though the fields of independent study of these expansion explorers may not yet be embraced the majority.

It’s like being in the same room with the most advanced technology network which holds the answers to everything, seeing the lights blinking and feeling the surge of the energy underneath your feet, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand at attention, and not being able to figure out how to interface, or access any of this infinite information, yet there it is, and there you are in its midst.

Many believe the increase of this conscious connection and the ability to communicate with this infinite energy network is the next step in human evolution.

What do you think?

It Takes All Kinds

Take a walk down any metropolitan street in America today, you will clearly see a wide variety of peoples represented. There is no doubt that it takes all kinds of people to make the world go around and in order not to get in the way of progress, we are better off if we can practice tolerance. And these differences are only apparent from outside appearances. What about what’s happening on the inside?

It Takes All Kinds

It takes all kinds of people who vary massively on the inside to make the world go around. As much as you might like everyone to think just like you do, the chances of you finding anyone anywhere who thinks like you is highly unlikely, if not impossible.

Personal Isolation

Now, you can ostracize yourself in an effort to isolate yourself, only surrounding yourself with like-minded people. The less tolerant you are of others, the fewer people you will enjoy in your social circle. You might like existing as a solitary power of one. For some, there is safety in being alone and not a part of society at all, and that’s perfectly fine because it does take all kinds.

If you do not live a solitary life and you have an open mind, it is likely you can learn extremely valuable information from someone who is extremely secluded from modern society.

Evolutionary Expansion

The practice of tolerance may not be necessary for some anti-social types of individuals, but for the rest of us, tolerance is the key to the successful future liberating all human beings to share in all the benefits offered the human race, including our eventual progressive evolution.

While society would like to separate us and keep us opposed to each other either based on what we look like, how and where we live, how many financial resources you control, or how much royal blood runs through your veins, the trend among ever expanding and evolving peoples are becoming increasingly more tolerant embracing all peoples unconditionally in peace and harmony.

Think about it, when we are intolerant and judge others as being right or wrong, what is the outcome? Dissention, disrespect, separation, wars, and rumors of wars, to say the least. Do you really want to be a promoter of separation?

Something inside you (that higher part of you) knows there’s something about disrespecting or hating your neighbor that does not sound or feel right. And the bases resonance of maintaining separation is not hate, it is the frequency of “fear” which is the polar opposite of love.

Love is the resonate frequency which evolution is moving toward; toward love and away from fear. For years, ever since humankind can emotionally recall, which is a part of our biological makeup, fear has kept us alive and prevented us from being devoured by beasts who might think of us as a nutritious meal.

At this point in our history, human beings are evolving from a fear-based life to a love-based life, and this looks very different from the way we approached living in the past, or even in the now, nonetheless this evolution is taking place and there is nothing you can do to stop it. You can choose to opt out of the evolution, but your refusal to participate will fade generationally.

Science substantiates the benefits of practicing tolerance as an extremely healthy exercise. Every minute you live in the vibratory state of unconditional love, you reap the biological benefits of boosting your immune system exponentially and adding many times to your healthful longevity. Imagine what the possibilities which may be at your fingertips if you could maintain healthful tolerant loving vibratory state. This promotes your evolutionary process, and you can feel the difference.

This further evolved human being enjoys an incredibly fascinating, happy, and healthy prolonged life, with more prosperity and abundance than their lesser-evolved peers, and everything becomes possible.

As we evolve, not only do we resist the tendency to judge others, but we are less likely to judge ourselves, and silence your negative inner voice as well as any hidden demons which may haunt us from our past. Living life on planet earth has never been so free, and if you’ve achieved this level of conscious evolution, you are truly free indeed.

The New Human Evolution

What are you talking about when you’re talking about evolving as a human being?

There are many ways to evolve as a human in this current stage of evolution. You may elect to be a part of the evolution by simply being open and allowing the evolution to take place. If you do, you will be adding energy to the evolutionary change that is spreading among the human race, even though the powers that be would rather suppress the expansionary evolution of humans.

You may not be able to see the effects of our evolution from the outside of our bodies, it’s not like seeing the disappearance of your pinky finger. No, this evolution takes place deep within the body and its connection to the source of all life, affecting your consciousness which encompasses your personality, emotions, power of thought and how these are demonstrated via your outward expressions.

This evolution does also have a profound effect on the human body by expanding the health and natural healing capabilities, increasing the immune system, resulting in the living of longer, healthier, and more productive lives.

This evolution is taking place in the psychological and spiritual realms of existence and the results can be measured in increased quality of life and longevity.

The trend is to evolve beyond the herd or mob mentalities and toward individual growth, increased human potential, and energetic expansion.

Expanding human potential encompasses looking at challenges (any challenges, even the most incredibly intimidating and/or frightening) and approaching them with the courageous intent to overcome them in a valiant effort to emerge victorious over the challenge.

This stretches both imagination and super-human ability to ma, e, what may have been thought to be impossible, possible. Once the impossible has become possible, due to the breakthrough of one person, it is now possible for all humans. One example to consider would be the breaking of the 4-minute mile in 1954. Prior to that the common consensus was that the human body could not possibly perform with the speed and intensity necessary to break the 4-minute limit, it was impossible. Once one human being, Roger Bannister, broke through that barrier, it has raised the standard for optimal or excellent human physical performance to expect to endure running 15 miles per hour for four minutes.

Before Bannister could break through the previously set human limitations, he needed to believe it was not only possible, but that he could do it. Belief is comprised of positive energy, rejection of nay Sayers, increased empathy, compassion and a courageous all-in commitment to overcome a particular otherwise insurmountable challenge. And do it, he did. He also enjoyed the benefits of overcoming the impossible limitation (those who overcome tremendous challenges become more resilient, ‘ere the saying, “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”) and paved the way for others to follow because,

Once the impossible becomes possible, it becomes possible for anyone.

Making the World a Better Place

Compassionately evolving human beings are raising the bar for expressing gratitude and generosity in helping to make the world a better place for all creation. This benevolent attitude is an indicator of human evolution moving well beyond the survivalist mentality which predominated human culture for thousands of years.

Evolutionary Thought and Expression

Prior to this evolutionary expansion, humans were fairly predictable, as we could be categorized and defined by various personality traits and behavioral patterns. The evolution of human potential makes it possible to avoid being defined or pigeon-holed into well-defined personality types or diagnosis of a variety of psychological disorders.

Unfortunately, the system has developed a series of drug therapies and protocols, which will force you into a particular subset of personality definitions quite nicely.

Nonetheless, there are individuals who are expanding well beyond any formal definition and here’s the exciting (or “frightening” depending on your perspective) news: the evolutionary personality is constantly changing, growing and expanding. Therefore, the person that you are today can be very different from the person that you were yesterday, and tomorrow is another day, and potentially a newer version of yourself waits there for your arrival.

Brain Function

As the human being evolves, this evolutionary process affects the brain, and it is measurable by PET scans and other scientific measurements as active function moves from reptilian-based areas of the brain to more advanced and energetically intuitive areas of the brain, which leads to expanded,

Heart Function

Current science is seeing the evolving human being allowing and embracing the empowerment of the human heart to expand in consciousness. In fact, current scientific evidence is indicating that the heart’s consciousness is far more powerful than the brain, which was previously considered to be the powerhouse for consciousness. While this science is still in its infancy, we’re seeing the ideals of artists and philosophers who saw the heart as the seat of consciousness were more accurate than science had given them credit for.

You Are the Creator

You can take a proactive position in your evolutionary expansion and in essence become the creator of your own evolved self. You may be surprised to find how easy it is. What was not possible for you only moments ago is now possible for you now.

All you have to do is to think about the person you might like to be. Asking yourself, if you could have a particular attribute of any person you admire, no matter what it is, what would it be?

This is like, step one: “Who do you want to be?” What do you want to be like, feel like, look like, act like?

Then believe you can be that kind of person, use visualization techniques or affirmations, imagine yourself in situations where you can react in a fashion which is congruent with the type of person that you desire to be. See yourself as being that type of person (this is your 4-mintue mile).

Put yourself in real life situations where you can demonstrate your ability to be this kind of person, and do it. It may be uncomfortable or awkward at first, but practice will make it appear to be more natural, and sooner or later, it will be.

If you dare to chronicle your evolutionary process, start journaling every day and prepared to be amazed.

Blossom Like a Rose

Wake up. Your soul is waiting to be set free and blossom like a rose. Society, your friends, coworkers, and acquaintances are expecting you to neglect your soul and keep it safely locked away. For the religiously-inclined, there’s a good chance that your leadership doesn’t want you to tap into your soul-source and set it free, blossoming into life, either.

The sociological system depends on the hierarchy of power and strong division between groups, thereby making the masses easier to control as they are led to believe that they “choose” one group or another. For the system, it doesn’t matter what group you are aligned with, only that you can define yourself, and that you are either a leader or a follower of a particular set of thought constraints.

But the times they are a changing. You may have noticed your soul expanding and you’re starting to see the divisions differently. How acutely wise was it for Groucho Marx to proclaim, “I don’t care to belong to any club that will have me as a member.”

While anyone who might have the individual strength of character to think of such a thing, risking being labeled a narcissist or potentially being diagnosed with individuality psychosis, there are those who are courageously backing away from the mob and group mentality and beginning to think, feel, grow and expand on their own.

That part of you that has been denied free reign, that sacred part of you, is coming alive, and you are realizing there is more to this life than you’ve ever had the permission to imagine.

When you start to embrace your true spirituality (not the heavily controlled ritualistic following of a prescribed notion of someone else’s insistence) you start to grow, expand and see things in a different light, from a spiritual perspective.

From this perspective, you can see your place in the universe as well as the parts others and our planet plays in the cycle of all things. This allows you to experience greater love and compassion for others, and the world, as it is. You are likely to explore ways to tap into your soul-connection to the intelligent source energy that surrounds and permeates all things, life as we are able to experience it, and beyond.

You are starting to experience a sacred respect for life and the role that you are so blessed to play in it. As your connection increases, you may find yourself experimenting with meditation and prayer, as that spirit part of yourself cries out for connection and expression.

There are a divine love and peace which resides within you. It has always been there and will always be there, you need only to tap into it and embrace your soul’s journey. Love and connection to others through relationship, emotional and spiritual connection is your primary concern as the concerns of this world grow strangely dim.

You develop a reverence for the beauty and elegance of our planet, and seek a connection with it, whether in taking a stroll along a waterfront, traipsing through the wilderness, exploring the sky, or watching the sun rise or fall.

You are connecting with that deeper part of you and you connect to life all around you and find a sense of peace and calm in knowing you are a part of it all. You know it when you stop and smell the roses, and you realize you are the rose.

As you grow and expand the things in life which seemed so important, the things that distracted you from tapping into your soul, the energetic powerhouse that laid dormant within you, and kept you from achieving your highest and best, those distractions lose their hold over you. Day by day, you are less and less, affected by those invisible chains that used to bind you and still enslave others.

You are a young rosebud, your petals are forming and expanding, as the light of love and life illuminates and furnishes you the energy necessary for your expansion. It’s not something you need to (or can) force. No one can dictate how it will happen. This growth and expansion only need to be allowed. The more allowance, the easier the unfolding expansion is.

It’s easier said than done because we’ve been programmed against such liberty and true freedom to evolve individually. It’s hard to just let go and let it happen, but one day, there you are, your rose bursts open in all its glory, and you are beautiful, thriving and free.

If you are wise, you will find ways to keep your growing expansion somewhat a guarded secret from those who might have no possibility of fathoming what life might be like if they were uncontrolled and allowed to evolve. These people have been programmed to respond to any such idea of evolving beyond structured thought patterns as folly, a serious mental condition, or potentially criminal behavior.

Do not waste your time trying to explain yourself to someone who cannot possibly hear or understand what you are trying to say. They will not be able to conceive of it until that sacred part of them starts to awaken, but many will not.

This is not about them. You are not here to rescue anyone, except yourself, and all you need to do is let go and allow…

Until that day, when the awakening populace achieves critical mass and the entire human race evolves. Then, the world will indeed be a different place.

How Can I Allow Evolution?

Someone asked me, “Evolution? What do you mean? How do I allow evolution to happen for me?”

The answer is a little tricky because it’s different for everyone, but there are similarities that are shared among many who are allowing the evolution to take place in the life you are living in real time.

1. Evolution Is Calling

The first thing is to wrap our head around the idea that you – every part of you, from your mind to your body, right down to the DNA – is yearning to evolve, right now. There is an advanced being longing to experience all the best things this life has to offer, and beyond. And you don’t have to do much, except for to allow the evolution to take place, by preventing you from getting in the way of the impending expansion.

2. Avoid and/or Limit Impeding Distractions

There is an underlying conspiracy in our society that does not want you to evolve. There is a great deal of non-stop activity and programming that is designed to keep you distracted and resistant to the idea that this evolution is longing to release and allowing the new you to emerge. No need to try to explain or rationalize why this is happening, you can do this on your own. All you need to know, really, is that distractions abound to prevent your evolution and expansion. If you are aware of this, you can side-step the distractions and allow your evolution to take place.

What are the distractions to be on the lookout for?

Your life experience is hindered by many things designed to keep the frequency level of your life low enough that evolution and expansion is hardly possible what with the barrage of drudgery involved with everyday life, with our countless routines, and pressure from looming bills, our efforts to try to get ahead, our jobs, maintaining our abodes, dealing with the many levels of relationships that we manage on a daily basis, raising the kids, taking care of our pets, trying to fit in time for others, and on top of all this a constant overflowing of information via media and the Internet designed to keep you hovering at a low vibration. It’s no wonder so few of us are able to break-free enough to allow any expansion to take place. But if it is your time, you will be able to let this pressure subside as you make room to embrace your evolutionary process.

3. Be Prepared to See Things Differently

Expect to start seeing things differently. As your evolution starts to take place, you begin seeing things in a different light. You may start to realize that everything you’ve been told, everything that you feel is true and have sincerely believed in, may not be as you previously thought. When this juxtaposition begins to take place, over-analyzing the contrast between what you previously thought was one way and understanding that what you previously believed was true, you could find yourself bailing out of the evolutionary process. Why? For some, the idea of seeing things as differently is too much to imagine, and if so, that’s okay. It might not be your time to evolve at this time.

4. Find Your Own Way

What do I do next? This is entirely up to you. Your evolution will take place using any number of methods, just be open to what seem right and true in the moment that you are willing to let go of the distractions (of course, you may not be able to unplug completely, but just to give less importance to the pressure and more importance to your evolution is enough).

So, what will it look like? Whatever resonates with your willingness to be open and available to what is reaching out to you. Just have an open mind and allow your inner self to find the path that is perfect for you at this time. Some will lean toward prayer, religion or spirituality, while others may find submerging themselves in nature or meditative states or disciplines. You might be drawn to losing yourself in the arts or artistic expression, or find yourself in deep analytical study or contemplation. Whatever it is that you are drawn to, you will know that it is right at this time because it feels good. This is where your evolution begins to take place. Just be open for the method to change and shift over time as you evolve.

5. Allow Expansion

Allow expansion. As your evolution begins, you may find a comfortable place within a particular method of expanded presence. It is acceptable to enjoy this new vibrational state of awareness for a period of time, for the remainder of your life, if you so choose. This is your evolutionary journey, just know that for every plateau of awareness to which you arrive and enjoy, there is another one waiting to be discovered. If you allow it, the next level will begin to appear on the horizon. The choice to investigate or explore the even greater expansion is entirely up to you. Just know there is so much more out there waiting for you, and excited about your arrival.

6. Individual Tolerance

Don’t worry about anyone else’s journey. Just as your evolutionary journey is your own, anyone else’s is their own journey. It’s natural to get excited about your evolution, as it takes place, and want to share your expansion with others. Be aware that your path is not for everyone, in fact it is only for one: You. Allow anyone and everyone to find their own way. You might find some following the same path, or crossing your path along the way, allow the interaction to take place, and know that people will come and go as the new you continues to emerge along the way. Do not judge anyone, love everyone and wish them the best this life has in store for them.

Congratulations, for embracing the change.

You Are Human Evolution in Action

As you become more aware and evolved your personal growth is embedding particular codes throughout your mind and body. Depending on your genealogy, you may have inherited genes that give you a predisposition to continuing your evolution as sui generis.

You are human evolution in action sui generis dna

If you were bestowed this evolving genetic material by either one or both of your parents (even though they might not have known they were a carrier, because social programming would dictate their denial of it at all in an attempt to blend in with society) it already exists in your DNA. If you weren’t born with it, and you are activating it, you will pass it on to your offspring.

If this were true, you could examine data available by observing the offspring of those who follow this path of enlightenment.

You might think, that’s a strange preamble of a father declaring his massive love and pride of his children – how they’ve grown into the most amazing adults – clearly carrying the gene.

In their youth, these kids were not taught to have particular belief patterns nor trained to follow in either parent’s footsteps; each one of them clearly a unique individual and independent making his or her own way through life.

I would be just as proud if any of them turned out to not possess this genetic predisposition and would not love that one any less, but how amazing it is that each one possesses this incredible material enabling them to blend in, while continuing to evolve.

One thing in common with all of us who are on this evolutionary path, is that people do tend to notice us, even though we may be making concerted efforts to blend in. They say things like,

How do you do it?
It’s not possible for you to do this
How come you’re not more like us?
You’re not normal

Along with a host of more complimentary – and derogatory – statements and queries, we all have in common.

This genetic pattern was first observed by – and presented to me – by my eldest son. He recognized being endowed with almost super-human abilities, as were his siblings. He identified me, based on the life that I had lived, as the carrier of the gene (long before I even understood the concept, myself). Now he is raising his own family and his children also have this evolutionary genetic information hard-wired in their DNA.

Nonetheless, the evolution continues to spread. Either the genes are awakened from scratch, or they are inherited and continue to evolve and will be increasingly apparent in future generations as it grows and spreads, which give me the most optimistic outlook for the future of our planet.

Call this science fiction, junk science, or the fanciful ramblings of a proud father who loves his children more than anything on this planet. No matter what you call it (because for most of you, this is – for the most mart – unbelievable) the fact remains, in a few more generations we will be faced with a world that will have regarded our current generation as barbarian.

Now, there are those who desire to suppress the evolution of our DNA, with propaganda, social moire and medical interventions, and I believe that the best efforts of these opposing forces hell-bent on preventing human evolution will be for not.

For when our race reaches critical mass, we will better be able to see and more fully experience a world very different that it has been, where anything is possible, as humans begin to think for themselves and embrace their innate super-powers.

And none of this would have been possible without you
How much better does it get?