How to Exert Mind Control Over the Masses

Daniel and I were talking the other day and were discussing subliminal mind control, and we both referenced seeing the same video on YouTube wherein Darren Brown uses subliminal advertising to influence the creative output of a pair of advertising executives. Here is the video:


This was part of a discussion we were having about the significant power of sway that the news, media, and advertising over the minds of the people. There is no doubt that we are evolving in thought, changing, and adapting our outlook on life, our opinions, and how we feel about certain topics as we gather new information from these sources.

Some of the media persuasion is bold and overt, while others are subdued, reduced to slipping past the conscious gatekeeper of the mind in an attempt to communicate an idea or thought subconsciously without being recognized by your rational filters.

Television shows, movies, videos, magazines, and tabloids are in charge of presenting ideas to the masses, to persuade them to accept what is cool, desirable, stupid, rude, or utterly offensive. A general rule of thumb to determine who is behind the core message of the media is to ferret out who is funding the project, or as they say, to follow the money.  (Though keep in mind, the actual funding source may be hidden behind many layers of shell corporation. It may take a concerted effort.)


How to Exert Mind Control Over the Masses

1 – Disrupt Normal Thought Process

To sway public opinion, you must present the people with a tragic scenario, left with a tough decision to make.

2 – Present the Desired Response

This would be a hard decision for anyone to make but must be presented as the only reasonable option with the best outcome.

3 – Reinforce the Proposed Solution

Reinforce the scenario by delaying any immediate action. Keep supporting “if this” = “then that” is the best action to take.

4 – Storytelling

Storytelling in different ways helps to reinforce the desired result.

5 – Use Games and Training Exercises

Game playing and running through training exercises also help to establish the ability to make instant decisions and taking actions that would normally be hard to do in real-life scenarios.

We see this in everything from schools and religious orders to military and paramilitary organizations.

6 – Create a Manipulative Event

Governments and political groups have used falsified scenarios that have played out in the media to sway the opinion of the masses. A terrifying case is set up and portrayed in the media to sway public opinion, if it is terrifying enough, the goal is achieved, and support garnered, even if the mind of the people were previously against any sort of thought process. This process is referred to as a “false flag” scenario.

People will change entire belief systems in favor of safety and security.

You may even see such a scenario played out among competing businesses. If one business can create the illusion that the other business is in some way responsible for some horrifying event, the consumer consciousness can be converted to support the competition.

The key is to play out the scenario so effectively that the actual source could never be detected.

7 – Fear

High emotion and fear are the most persuasive tones that breakthrough the rational mind’s defenses. If the negative emotions of the people can be aroused, their minds can be changed and they might even be persuaded to protest or even take action based on the information provided.

Fake News

This has turned into a hobby for social media persuaders. Using social media platforms, anyone can present any idea that arouses the negative emotions of others and present it as newsworthy truth. If enough people fall for it, their post goes viral. This is their reward. Today it is a common pastime of many a social media user.

Yes, there are “fact-checkers” that can be accessed by social media users, but as you may have guessed, these, too, can be manipulated by those who seek to exert control over the masses.


Thanks to the Internet and instant access to any information available to anyone at any time, the veil between those truly in the know and those who were controlled by media has fallen. This has given way and necessitated those who would like to control the masses by propaganda to flood the Internet with even more misinformation. The idea here is to create instability in the platform (Internet), enough so that it would cause reason to doubt whatever might be found via your favorite search engine, assuming the results were unfiltered.


This brings us to the next method of public mind manipulation, censorship. We are seeing the biggest providers of information obtained by the Internet, mainly Google and Facebook, censoring information to “protect their users.”

You know where that’s leading, right?

What do I think?

I don’t like censorship and I believe that there should be unfiltered access to the Internet. I think that people should be able to filter their own information to suit themselves and take full responsibility for doing so. It appears to me that controlling information to manipulate the thoughts of individuals, all but eliminates individualism.

I make this statement for myself and no one else.

As I caution anyone, even as I share my ideas with you, do not believe me. Get out there. Do your own research and come to your own conclusions.

This is your sacred right. Exercise it

When Do You Get Programmed?

They only have 21-years to turn you into the person they want you to be. The programming starts from the day your born and continues throughout whatever age they can fully monetize. So, when do you get programmed and how?

Proctor and Gamble know that they must capture the mind of consumers as early as possible. They must develop brand recognition and connect with the child during the parental imprint years. “If you don’t have them by age six,” it will be much more expensive to convert them to your branding later in life. This is their “cradle to grave” philosophy.

The corporations who dictate human behavior own and use media and technology to program the minds of contemporary humanity: You. They have been programming you since you were born, and they’ve programmed society, your parents, siblings, friends, teachers, and pretty much everyone else to enforce their control tactics.

The systems have developed over time, engineering how schools educate and program, to news, music, and video, and they do have you from the cradle, certainly by six years old ‘til the day you die, and they can no longer profit from you.

The social engineers, the ones who have placed these social control mechanisms into place, use an enormous number of varied methods to assist the government in controlling the minds of the people (specifically, you), making them (you) more easily manageable, and to amass enormous profit potential.


They use any media possible and have hypnotized your parents (or caregivers) into doing their bidding during the imprinting years from birth to age seven.


By the time you’ve reached age seven, they’ve preprogrammed your siblings, friends, teachers, and see to it that you have created a psychic bond to a character (either real or fictitious) who will in a sense be your “hero.” You may have multiple heroes with whom you will identify, all the better for their efforts to program and control your mind.


Throughout your young adult years, ages 14 to 21, they are exercising their greatest efforts in the fight to solidify the intricacies of your most intimate relationships. These are the years they break down familial relationships, cement your belief systems, and demand your independence (and your dependence on the government and consumerism).

This is the time they dictate how you will feel about certain things, what your social relationships will look like, determine what is valuable to you and what is not, in a last-ditch effort to forever monetize you as a faithful servant and consumer.

We have Massey to thank for delineating the Development Periods timeline, making it easier for us (them) to understand when we are best programmed, manipulated and how.

Now that you know how you have been brainwashed, controlled, and profited from your whole life, what will you do about it?

Good question.

Will you choose to continue to be a subservient money machine, or will you exercise true liberty and independence, exiting the socially engineered steel cage trap which has placed inside your mind and body?

While your mind can be programmed by society, there exists a part of you which cannot be touched by all their effort to control your mind. It is the highest part of you, your soul and spirit which resides in the area of your heart.

As you may know, those in charge of controlling everything about you know about this part of you, and they are doing everything they can to suppress this part of you or kill it, because they know this divine spark which lives within you can thwart all their efforts to control you in a heartbeat.

If you are recognizing your victimization for profit for the first time, and you are somewhat shocked by the realization of it, then you are having a moment of clarity, which is part of the process of your awakening.

You will start to notice things going on all around you which you were previously blind to.

As those of us awaken, if we cannot solve the predicament of social programming for the world, we can start with ourselves, our family, our home.

If you have children, you should at least be as aware as Proctor and Gamble, who know

If you haven’t got them by six-years-old, you’ve lost them.

Top 30 Minds Silenced

Kids who are different, kids who are “bad,” may be the most special kids of all, the hope for a brilliant future, if we could only let them flourish and grow into the potentially most amazing minds contributing to a wildly better world.

Some of the most amazing minds in history were rebellious or abused children, or kids who would have been labeled with certain “disabilities” in our modern day, medicated into compliance, institutionalized, or potentially never survived long enough to make their contribution.

What is the price humanity is paying for attempting to control the quality of our children, so that they are easier to manage, control, more similar, or “normal?”

We put those unruly little curmudgeons into special classes, and schools to train them to be more controllable, keep them in fear of persecution or prosecution for being “different”, and develop new ways to subsidize their submitting themselves to veritable “invisibility”, or institutionalize them for noncompliance.

Drugging our children to turn them into compliant zombies does lighten the load on teachers and educational administrations, but at what cost?

What if we rolled back the clock and imposed this method or forsaking the uniquely individual child for the ease of managing larger numbers of compliant children en masse?

Then we would have missed out on the benefits we all enjoy due to the new ideas and thoughts that were bestowed upon us by the most amazing minds in our history.

For instance, take a look at these 30 minds, which would have been dumbed-down, drugged-out, or otherwise silenced by today’s standards:

Top 30 Minds Silenced

1. Alexander the Great
2. Hans Christian Andersen
3. Aristotle
4. Beethoven
5. Alexander Graham Bell
6. Andrew Carnegie
7. Lewis Carroll
8. Winston Churchill
9. Leonard Da Vinci
10. Charles Darwin
11. Emily Dickinson
12. Walt Disney
13. Thomas Edison
14. Albert Einstein
15. Henry Ford
16. Galileo
17. Vincent van Gogh
18. George Frederick Handel
19. Thomas Jefferson
20. John F. Kennedy
21. Abraham Lincoln
22. Michelangelo
23. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
24. Sir Isaac Newton
25. Norman Rockwell
26. Anna Eleanor Roosevelt
27. Nikola Tesla
28. George Washington
29. Orville and Wilbur Wright
30. Woodrow Wilson

To live in a world without the influence of just these 30, of some of the greatest minds of our time, would hardly be conceivable. Yet, minds, just like these, are being silenced every day as we medicate and segregate our children by modern methodologies.

The world we live in, today, is vastly different than the world we lived in, in the past. In many ways, this strange new world has presented us with unimaginable possibilities, especially when compared to the world where these 30 minds lived their lives.

While it is different and more advanced, what have we sacrificed for the benefit of those social engineers tasked with the management of the human race?

Do you feel like you are a more independent thinker?

And if you to think that you are an independent thinker, do you think that someone “out there” may have convinced you of those thoughts which you think are your own?

May those thoughts have been carefully placed there to more easily manage you?

Are we all just mice racing through a craftily constructed maze?

Might we be perpetuating this madness by imposing behavioral restrictions and segmentation of our children?

Are our rebellious children, or the ones who don’t fit in with their peers, potential geniuses?

I believe that even the most awkward of our children, the ones that face the greatest challenges, those who are diagnosed as, “disabled,” hold within their hearts and minds the keys to a greater world. A world so great, that there are others who may be afraid of its unfurling before us.

I live in this world, and in many ways, I play along… but I know that something grander lies just over the horizon, and a new day is dawning.

Just for Kids

If you’re a kid, and someone is trying to make you be something you know in your heart of hearts that you know you are not. Think about finding someone to talk to, who might be able to help you. Do not let anyone tell you that you are anything less than perfection, because the truth is: God doesn’t make junk.

You were made to be different, not just another face in the crowd. If you don’t fit in, great! That means you’re on the right path. You are special.

You are perfect, just the way you are. Maybe not perfect for the situation you are in, right now, but you, yourself are the perfect you. The most perfect that you could be at every moment of every day.

Will you make mistakes? Yes. Will you face challenges that sometimes feel like it’s just too much for you to handle? Yes. We all do. And we just keep on going. Just do the best you can with what you have. It’s all anyone of us can do.

Every step you take makes you better, stronger, and more prepared for your bright future.

Don’t lose sight of who you really are. One day, when the time is right, your light will shine.

You are amazing. We are so blessed that you are here, and we can’t wait for all the great things you have (or will have) to share with us.

We love you, no matter what.


Invisible Abuse

Ever notice the stuff that makes you angry about the world?

It happens every day, if not all day long, something captures your attention, spins you up, and you can’t believe this kind of stuff happens in our world today, yet, here it is.

You think (if you don’t say it), “Aargh!” and might add, “I hate it when that happens!” You feel your negative emotions swell up and they overcome your rational mind, even if nothing happened to you directly.

It’s as if you’ve been physically assaulted even though no one has touched you.

You are the victim of invisible abuse

The societal structure which is the containment method of those who seek to control and herd a massively growing population is formulated in such a way to use fear and belief systems as a method to invisibly restrict and harness its inhabitants.

Not unlike the electronic invisible fence method of placing a shock collar on a dog. The collar emits an electric shock when the dog gets too close to the perimeter, keeping the dog from making a break for it and running free. No physical fence which can be seen by the naked eye is seen, only a wire buried beneath the surface to trigger the shock collar is all that’s needed.

You are being invisibly controlled by your negative reactions (the electronic shock collar), just like that invisible fence method keeps the dog invisibly restrained.

This constant barrage of negative shocks (which really are represented as electric shocks firing inside the brain, flooding your body with chemicals that cause you to fear, panic, or get upset and angry) is the invisibly abusive control tactic wielded by those who are charged with seeing that you are controlled, obedient, and easily handled (manipulated).

This all seems quite normal. Just as it would appear to be a perfectly normal way of life for the dog, had the dog been fitted for a shock collar since it was birthed. Likewise, we accept this invisible abuse as a part of life and it keeps us easily manageable as we stay inside the invisible fence.

As effective as the invisible fence is, every now and then, you see a dog wearing a shock collar running free, admiring its ability to find a way to break free from the invisible abuse.

Our fence of invisible abuse is not one hundred percent effective. Every once in a while someone breaks free from the system and finds true freedom and liberty.

From inside the invisible fence, you could hardly imagine why anyone would want to be outside the invisible electric fence of negative emotional shock treatment. We’ve become so accustomed to it being the natural state of things, that we wonder why anyone would even think of anything differently. Even if you were inclined to dare to imagine what might be outside the fence of invisible abuse,


Your attention is interrupted with a negative shock to the brain, which distracts you from the passing thought that there might be a life outside the negativity as your body starts to react with rage, fight or flight, in the struggle for survival inside the fence.

“Look at what’s happening!” (Not at what might be on the other side of the invisible fence. Let the invisible abuse overtake you.)

This doesn’t even take into consideration, that you are surrounded by other people who have been trained by electroshock therapy to do whatever they can to keep you victimized by the negative electric voltage. They’ve become so used to the invisible abuse that they’ve learned how to create and disseminate their own form of shocking attention-grabbing invisible abuse to keep you restrained within the invisible fence of their own creation.

And so, it is.

But there are those who have made it outside the invisible fence of abuse who can see clearly what is happening from this vantage point of real freedom and liberty.

Increasingly, more and more people are awakening to the idea of the invisible fence of abuse and they are finding the courage to make a break for it, finding themselves on the other side.

Sometimes, they go back, because they can’t imagine living outside the invisible fence of abuse, while the others find new ways to live outside the fence.

The next time you find yourself “shocked” by negative thought and you’re thinking, “Aargh! I hate it when that happens!” what will you do?


Intuitive Intuition

Along the journey of my life and my desire to learn and grow while exercising my life’s calling of helping others achieve their highest and best I spend a lot of time introspectively examining what is inside me and ways that I can expand my skills and capabilities, not only for myself, but to maximize my offerings to others.

Early on, I recognized my lack of intuition. Having knowledge of this led me to conclude that this valuable skill was not only important but necessary. When assembling teams, I always sought someone to be a key player who was highly intuitive. Another thing that occurred to me was that either you were born to be intuitive, or not, and that it was a skill that you could acquaint yourself with. So, my personal growth regimen included education, tactics and skills related to bridging the gap between my not being born intuitive and desiring the benefits of having intuition.

My early attempts to attain a greater sense of intuition led me to advanced training in hypnosis and Neural Linguistic Programming (NLP) along with other disciplines. That was then.

It time, and with advances in scientific knowledge and technology, it became common knowledge we are all born with intuition, but in most of us, our intuitive abilities are ignored or suppressed early in life.

Now I realize my attempts to address the subject of intuitive intuition by relying on my power of mind were in vain. Certainly I learned a lot about myself and others, yet my level of intuition was not affected much with all my attempts to take a rational approach exercising mind control and brain power.

intuitive intuition heart 7 seconds mind 3 seconds precognitive intuition

Current scientific knowledge reveals that the seat of intuition does not reside in the brain or the mind, but in the heart. The heart has an independent mind of its own, and intuition is initiated from electrical impulses from the heart that are delivered to the brain (4 seconds later) for the mind to discern (taking an additional 3 seconds). So, it’s a one-two punch, where I had ignored the first – and most important – part of the process. (To tell the truth, to think about “thinking” with the heart sounded weak or at least ill-advised to me back in the day.)

Are you like me?

Do You Want Intuitive Intuition?

Finally, we have enough information to ascertain better methods of turning up the volume on our intuitive skills and abilities.

I am now in search of a more heart-centered approach to strengthen my intuitive muscle, now that I know where to focus my attention: Away from my head and toward my heart, where intuition is first alerted.

The normal process for someone who has a naturally high functioning intuition takes 7 second from the first impulse initiated by the heart to cognitive recognition. The heart knows something is going to happen, even before there is any indication that something’s amiss, it reacts a full 4 seconds prior to the brain.

You may say it’s impossible to know the future, but intuitive people know something’s going to happen before it happens more often than not. If you don’t believe me just ask someone who was born with high functioning intuition. Chances are you already know someone, if you’re not one.

So, here I go, off on another tangent in my self-improvement regimen to develop my psychic powers…


Confused? Subliminal Mind Control

Ever get confused while watching television, listening to the radio, reading books, articles, Googling data or just surfing the World Wide Web? Ever wonder why that is?

Consider this perpetual state of confusion and wide array of thoughts, philosophies and feelings as a method to keep you in a perpetual state of hypnotic trance. Your thoughts and perception of life, what is real and what is not, is determined by the thoughts planted in your subconscious in an effort to control what you believe, to cause dissention and polarization among the masses making you conclude that you are capable of independent thought.

confused subliminal messages mind control subliminal advertising subconscious mind

Is it any surprise when you realize that you are confused because you are a victim of mind control and have been since birth, as were your parents and their parents before. You have inherited the disillusionment of our forefathers, which – in reality – is a sleight of hand shell game, where the people who are running the show convince us they have nothing up their sleeves.

The power of your subconscious mind controls every thought, or succession of thoughts, determining your emotions, perceiving and interpreting your experiences as you make your way though this life, trying to make sense of it all.

In my work with businesspeople, I see the efforts of promotional departments and advertisers involved in the most painstaking efforts of pouring over the miniscule details of particular campaigns to illicit a particular response from those who have access to the product, story or advertisement.

Color, placement, font styles, shapes, sounds, backgrounds, words, phrases, punctuation, voice inflection, stimulating thoughts and concepts perceived by both our conscious and unconscious minds that could be interpreted independently of each other… and we fall for it every time. This power is wielded by manufacturers, retailers, promoters, public relations and the media.

Do you think the most powerful forces might have access to even more mind control techniques than advertisers?

Subliminal messages and overt polarizing events establishing preconceived popular thought patterns, all carried out with premeditated forethought, careful scripting, acting and played out with pinpoint accuracy, to assure you are kept in a state of confusion and fear, questioning your own relevance or existence.
Your concept of reality may very well be a figment of your imagination as there is no limit to the power of the subconscious mind to take precedence over the conscious mind.

In an effort to make sense of it all, independent thought patterns are emerging and breaking free from the mind control machine as we begin to embrace our individuality no longer shackled by the disillusion that imprisoned the minds of previous generations.

It’s enough to make you feel like you want nothing more than to get away from all the mind control, to establish your own individual mind power in hopes of possibly making sense of all this crazy stuff that we are constantly barraged with.

Your constant confusion is due to the full frontal attack of subliminal messages we all are subject to 24 hours a day (yes, even while you sleep) and it’s not just subliminal advertising that you are falling prey to. No, your subconscious mind is a victim of hidden messages filtered by your subliminal perception to cause you to be content enough with your life so as not to question authority or search for any real meaning in this life.

Your unconscious mind may be exhausted from all the continual exploitation, so it’s easier not to fight it; just to give in and let the forces that control us take over, because it’s easier that way.

Or, you might be part of the awakening underground, who are beginning to make their own independent stand against the crazy world, determined to reclaim their own power of the mind, as they begin to think independently finding truth, when what is represented as the real world just doesn’t make sense.