How to Exert Mind Control Over the Masses

Daniel and I were talking the other day and were discussing subliminal mind control, and we both referenced seeing the same video on YouTube wherein Darren Brown uses subliminal advertising to influence the creative output of a pair of advertising executives. Here is the video:


This was part of a discussion we were having about the significant power of sway that the news, media, and advertising over the minds of the people. There is no doubt that we are evolving in thought, changing, and adapting our outlook on life, our opinions, and how we feel about certain topics as we gather new information from these sources.

Some of the media persuasion is bold and overt, while others are subdued, reduced to slipping past the conscious gatekeeper of the mind in an attempt to communicate an idea or thought subconsciously without being recognized by your rational filters.

Television shows, movies, videos, magazines, and tabloids are in charge of presenting ideas to the masses, to persuade them to accept what is cool, desirable, stupid, rude, or utterly offensive. A general rule of thumb to determine who is behind the core message of the media is to ferret out who is funding the project, or as they say, to follow the money.  (Though keep in mind, the actual funding source may be hidden behind many layers of shell corporation. It may take a concerted effort.)


How to Exert Mind Control Over the Masses

1 – Disrupt Normal Thought Process

To sway public opinion, you must present the people with a tragic scenario, left with a tough decision to make.

2 – Present the Desired Response

This would be a hard decision for anyone to make but must be presented as the only reasonable option with the best outcome.

3 – Reinforce the Proposed Solution

Reinforce the scenario by delaying any immediate action. Keep supporting “if this” = “then that” is the best action to take.

4 – Storytelling

Storytelling in different ways helps to reinforce the desired result.

5 – Use Games and Training Exercises

Game playing and running through training exercises also help to establish the ability to make instant decisions and taking actions that would normally be hard to do in real-life scenarios.

We see this in everything from schools and religious orders to military and paramilitary organizations.

6 – Create a Manipulative Event

Governments and political groups have used falsified scenarios that have played out in the media to sway the opinion of the masses. A terrifying case is set up and portrayed in the media to sway public opinion, if it is terrifying enough, the goal is achieved, and support garnered, even if the mind of the people were previously against any sort of thought process. This process is referred to as a “false flag” scenario.

People will change entire belief systems in favor of safety and security.

You may even see such a scenario played out among competing businesses. If one business can create the illusion that the other business is in some way responsible for some horrifying event, the consumer consciousness can be converted to support the competition.

The key is to play out the scenario so effectively that the actual source could never be detected.

7 – Fear

High emotion and fear are the most persuasive tones that breakthrough the rational mind’s defenses. If the negative emotions of the people can be aroused, their minds can be changed and they might even be persuaded to protest or even take action based on the information provided.

Fake News

This has turned into a hobby for social media persuaders. Using social media platforms, anyone can present any idea that arouses the negative emotions of others and present it as newsworthy truth. If enough people fall for it, their post goes viral. This is their reward. Today it is a common pastime of many a social media user.

Yes, there are “fact-checkers” that can be accessed by social media users, but as you may have guessed, these, too, can be manipulated by those who seek to exert control over the masses.


Thanks to the Internet and instant access to any information available to anyone at any time, the veil between those truly in the know and those who were controlled by media has fallen. This has given way and necessitated those who would like to control the masses by propaganda to flood the Internet with even more misinformation. The idea here is to create instability in the platform (Internet), enough so that it would cause reason to doubt whatever might be found via your favorite search engine, assuming the results were unfiltered.


This brings us to the next method of public mind manipulation, censorship. We are seeing the biggest providers of information obtained by the Internet, mainly Google and Facebook, censoring information to “protect their users.”

You know where that’s leading, right?

What do I think?

I don’t like censorship and I believe that there should be unfiltered access to the Internet. I think that people should be able to filter their own information to suit themselves and take full responsibility for doing so. It appears to me that controlling information to manipulate the thoughts of individuals, all but eliminates individualism.

I make this statement for myself and no one else.

As I caution anyone, even as I share my ideas with you, do not believe me. Get out there. Do your own research and come to your own conclusions.

This is your sacred right. Exercise it

Music and Your Health

You know the effects music has on your emotional state. A particular song can immediately take you back in time, back to a time when life was easier, or worse, depending on the song. Music is a powerful mood enhancer. It has the power to make you happy, sad, moody, depressed, all in a moment.

So the question is,
What kind of music do you listen to?


Did you know the music you listen to not only affects your mental status but also your physical status?

Music is a powerful medium sending waves of energy that not only tantalizes the ears and brain but permeates every cell of the human body. In this regard, music can be used as a potent therapeutic modality, as effective as any drug.

As we know, drugs can soothe, potentially heal or breakdown individual physiological systems. They can enhance ones biological state or cause the end of life altogether.

If you are experiencing a sense of not being well, depressed, lethargic, experiencing physiological pain or bio mechanical deterioration, you might consider looking at the kind of music you are in the habit of listening to.

Be aware that changing the type or style of music you are listening to may not be easy as your body may have a connection to the music which maintains its level of deterioration so much that your physiology is actually dependent on it for survival. It is not unlike being addicted to any other type of powerful drug.

Don’t be surprised to find that you are addicted to particular songs or music, and if you’re contemplating a change, it can be as uncomfortable (or even painful) to embrace a new, more healthy, supportive and healing style of music that can actually create improved and sustained health, wellness and happiness.

Changing the music that you listen to temporarily can have a healing effect on both the mind and body, but just as in other treatment models, once you return to our old habits, eating, lack of exercise, improper nourishment or revert to use of certain drugs, the mind and body begin to their previous state of deterioration.

It’s the old GIGO (Garbage In Garbage Out) conundrum. You, all your systems including your body, your mind and that part of you which is outside of your comprehension, often referred to as spirit or soul, everything combined can only reflect that which you put into it for nourishment.

If you are feeding yourself with continual helpings of depressing media, it is no surprise that depression begins to permeate your mind sending signals of degeneration throughout the cells of your body, causing inner physiological structures to breakdown or fail.

The same can be said for other states of mind that are experienced by heavy doses of particular types and styles of music.

And this phenomenon is not only limited to music, as it applies to the other media we expose ourselves to, also. The books and periodicals we read, the television programming and movies that we watch, etc…

Now, don’t get me wrong. I am not passing judgment or expecting to say that anything is better for you than any other thing. This is entirely up to you, it is an individual consideration. I am not condemning any type or style of media, only suggesting that you might consider pondering the idea that the media to which you expose yourself to may be reflected by your psychological and physiological state of being, particularly if you are not feeling well.

There is an awakening taking place among people who are starting to understand how our bodies reflect what we put in them. We are taking note of the types of foods that we eat, becoming more particular about ingredients and developing a preference for non-GMO-type food substances. We are developing a knowingness that certain foods are not good for us and other more natural nutrients and supplements are good for us and enhance our state of being.

hot-dog-manI would not berate someone for eating a hot dog. In fact, I would defend your right to eat a hot dog, or live on nothing more than hot dogs, if you like.

Yes, I was in line behind the hot-dog-man at the supermarket with a basket full of 56 packs of hot dogs that were on sale. When the cashier asked if he was having a big barbeque party, he went on to discuss how it’s all that he eats for breakfast, lunch, dinner and for snacks. While it did not seem appealing to me, he was exercising his choice. Bravo (Ugh).

I believe it will not be long, and we – as a global community – will begin to develop a particular taste for a new genre of music that will enhance our state of being, promoting a state of wellbeing, happiness, good health and longevity.

Or not.
What are your thoughts?