Stranger in a Strange Land Syndrome

The people I attract who become my clients are clearly not a part of the rest of the pack. They don’t fit-in with the majority of the folks who accept performing little more than their allotted function within our societal structure.

Individuals that I work with want something more… and they know (though they may not be able to put their finger on what it is) that something’s just not right with the widely accepted cover story.

Thought leaders dont fit in like a stranger in a strange land

They suffer from what I call the Stranger-in-a-strange-land-syndrome (SIASLS). Something inside them intrinsically recognizes that there is so much more to this life than we are led to believe. These people are attracted to me because I, too, suffer from SIASLS, and to say the very least, we all feel like we just don’t fit in with the status quo.

People who have SIASLS feel as though they are “Strangers” called to a higher purpose and function in this life. Fortunately, I possess a wide variety of skills and abilities that I offer my clients in their quest to achieve their highest and best, a small (but growing) percentage of these individuals fit somewhere among the SIASLS spectrum.

Strangers suffer from

Not fitting in: Though some Strangers can blend-in quite well, it takes a considerable amount of energy and effort to do so.

Rebellious: Knowing that there is something more, makes one resistant from being told what to do, what to believe or accept as, “normal.”

Burning and yearning: A message burning within them and a yearning to share this message with the world.

Service: Strangers have a desire to help others less fortunate, or struggling to get along amidst their life’s journey and may be more inclined to put themselves at risk for the greater good.

Problem-solvers: Since strangers often can see things from a broader perspective, they have the unique ability to make connections that are not obvious to others, allowing them to come to conclusions and solve problems with creative solutions.

A Better World: Belief in the possibility to experience a better world imbues them with the desire to do their part to help create a better world.

Fulfillment: They seek to do what they feel is “the right thing” to do for them. Doing so gives them a more satisfying sense of fulfillment by being true to their purpose, calling and message.

Freedom: They find it difficult to accept the socially accepted definition of freedom and believe that more freedom is available.

Happiness: Strangers are intrinsically aware that feeling good exponentially can lead to higher levels of joy and believe it is within our grasp.

Quality of life: They seek something more out of life than a good job and some retirement.

Who Are the Strangers in a Strange Land?

You find them excelling in professions that are congruent with the lives that they live, like Artists, Authors, Clergy, Entrepreneurs, Inventors, Motivators, Social workers, Speakers, Thought leaders, Visionaries… and a host of other occupations where they can feel free to exercise their unique skills and abilities.

Hidden Strangers

There are far more Strangers among us than we know. Their presence has been subdued by a life of social programming in an effort to help “make them normal” or encourage them to blend in with others.

The process starts at a very young age and continues through life and is sometimes accompanied by therapy and prescription drug intervention… anything to squelch the Stranger within.

I am so blessed in my work, when I am found by the hidden Stranger and able to help them to embrace their Stranger in a Strange Land and empower them to find peace and help encouraging them to sing their song.

You don’t need to hide

You are not alone


Free Full Length YouTube Video 2 Hours

Let’s take a look at your life. Let’s see what it looks like if you reduce it to a 2 hour video on YouTube…

Free full length youtube video 2 hours you are the star best movie ever

I find it so interesting in hearing clients’ responses to:

If you could live this life anyway that you want
And could reduce it to a 2 hour YouTube Video
What would your life’s movie look like?

Granted, I don’t propose this idea to everyone that I meet. I am inspired to suggest this process when someone has mentioned dissatisfaction with this life, or has intimated that this life is just too hard.

One of the YouTube Videos that comes to mind:

I win $150 Million in the lottery. Buy a large house on 40 acres with my own private lake, surrounded by great walls with a huge garage filled with all my favorite automobiles, a plush indoor theater, where I can watch TV – all the channels throughout the whole world 24/7 if I want – or films on demand all on the biggest screen ever. All my meals – anything I want, anytime I want – delivered any time. All my bills are automatically paid, and I don’t have to deal with people. I can enjoy my life and do whatever I want whenever I want. And if there are people outside the walls clamoring for my money; too bad, they have to win their own lottery.

I asked, “What about your family?”
Response: “What about them?”
“Okay,” I queried, “What about love?”
Response: “No such thing. You can’t trust anyone, and I don’t need anyone.”

Well, there you have it.

And you might find it as surprising that I do, when I discover that most of the YouTube Videos that someone would reduce their perfect life to, would undoubtedly be

The Worst
Most Boring
Movie Ever

Who would even want to watch such a film?

Two hours of watching a film, like that, would not be far from brutal torture, and I’m pretty sure, that even though people might click on the YouTube Video to voyeuristically tune-in to see what someone’s life looks like, I doubt anyone would want to watch such a film for the whole two hours.

I’d click it off, and look for something a little more entertaining.

The greatest stories – the best movies – are ones full of excitement, ups and downs, unexpected twists and turns, a good soundtrack, special effects and good editing.

When you’ve watched a film that takes you on a journey through all your emotions – where you identify with the hero or heroine, having tearful empathy in the hard times and cheering joyously in the good times – after two hours, you’re fulfilled, your soft drink and popcorn tub are empty, and you’re satiated, a clear indication of the best stories.

Maybe, you want to see what happens next, asking:

Is there going to be a sequel?

My life has been the most amazing journey and I wouldn’t change one scene.

My wish for you, is that you can enjoy your life’s film as much (or more, if that’s possible) as I do mine.

The good news:
When something happens unexpectedly
I look off-screen and ask,
Who writes this stuff?

As I continue to ad-lib and play-out the scene to see what the director has in mind.

I didn’t have the chance to read ahead in the script, but who knows? Maybe this scene will be one of the best performances in the final cut.

Or it could end up on the cutting room floor, or at viewable in the DVD extras as outtakes. Who knows?

All I know, is that I am having so much fun and feel so blessed to be in the cast of – what I believe is – the best film ever.

What’s Right with Me?

Oftentimes, as we traverse our life’s journey, we find ourselves reflecting over our past. The contrast between where we want to be and where we are is clearly apparent and we ask, “How did I get here?

While this reflection can be good, it likely will include a variety of problems, dissatisfaction, discouragements and ill feelings in review; and it might cause one to question, “What’s wrong with me?” Launching another search through our mind’s hall of records, reviewing even more painful shortcomings, mishaps and victimization… the process can be daunting and lead to depression.

This work is difficult and unglamorous

In the past, I would work with clients, assisting them in uncovering the deeply buried and often painful experiences to uproot them, deal with their implications and help them to move on. This grueling process was painful and an emotional drain; more so for the client, but also for me, being somewhat empathetic.

Digging through the past, dredging up tragic moments, causing people to relive each horrific moment of their past that had been concealed from their conscious awareness, so they could just get through their day to day business of moving through life, with some sense of normalcy.

This is ugly work

Though the process is not enjoyable, life on the other side of the process is cleansing. Once dealt with the deep emotional suppression is released and the subject feels a distinct release of a heavy burden and emerges with a new sense of vitality, liberty and joy.

In this respect, the work was worthy work and satisfying in the long run.

Thanks to my thirst for Constant and Never Ending Improvement (thanks, Tony) I am ever on the search for new emerging technologies and techniques for integration into my practice. This quest for new knowledge led me to uncover therapeutic concepts that were nowhere to be seen on the radar of my awareness.

One such technique eliminated the ugliness from having to deal with one’s past. This was a completely new approach, unlike I had ever seen before; painless, highly effective, non invasive and instantaneous, a complete

Paradigm Shift

Now, my work is far less about uncovering the details about the past and drudging up horrific memories (because the same results – or better results – come from new techniques, instantly eliminating the shackles of the past). There is no focus on, “What’s wrong with me?” Now, it’s all about

What’s right with me?

whats right with me are my strengths special abilities super powers

Asking “What’s right” with us helps uncover our talents, strengths and special abilities. Embracing our superpowers while wielding those skills and abilities responsibly make us uniquely equipped to have whatever we want in a way that cannot be duplicated by anyone else.

If you look at the personal histories of all the most successful people throughout all recorded time, you will find that their individual successes are not duplicatable. As many have tried to follow in the steps of a heroic overcomer or high performance superstar, embracing their unique individuality is often a key component; and since no two people are the same, it is also true that given all the same circumstances and techniques, actual results will vary.

That’s why there’s no perfect cookbook for success.

It’s an individual journey, no one has experienced before you. Your story is the best story, yet.

Certainly, we can learn from the experiences of others, but we each must find our own way as we

Seize the day

Seize it with the intention of extracting all the best moments of all the moments that lie ahead and

Love every minute of it.

~ Carpe DM


Believing in Things Unseen

Ever wonder if there’s some force that animates all the life around us?

Ever wonder if you have any effect on the source, or if it’s all just predetermined fate?

Have you ever asked the questions (either aloud or silently to yourself):

Who am I?

Where did I come from?

Why am I here?

If you have, you are not alone. There are many of us asking those questions and thanks to emerging science we are starting to get answers, though you may not be able to access the scientific facts as they come to light.

Why? – Because there are those who would like you not to know this information. There are people who are charged with managing us, the masses of the earth’s peoples that continue to grow and expand. They cannot have us knowing that there is the possibility that we are more… three-dimensional beings living simultaneously alongside other dimensions teaming with vibrant life.

It is not my lot in life to convince anyone of anything, though regularly while conducting my work with clients it is part of my function to challenge a client’s belief system; not to persuade the client in one way or the other, only to get him or her to consider there might be other possibilities that may not have been considered previously. This awakens one’s sense of wonder.

Wonder is the bane of the controllers’ quest for power.

We, as a people, are much easier to manage if we are taught by wrote, example and trained to believe, act and react in certain ways; and this training starts at birth as we are trained by parents who have been trained and shuffled into learning institutions who have been heavily programmed to deprogram your sense of wonder.

What if we were surrounded by power that was so great that it could only be imagined but even our imaginations have fallen under the power of the controllers. The mere though – let alone mention – of the idea of supernatural power elicits the pre-programmed response, “If I can’t see it, it is not true.”

Then, if someone insists that a certain unfathomable idea might have some merit, the pre-programmed response escalates into questioning one’s mental acuity and/or sanity. Certainly such a person would run the risk of being crazy, labeled a kook or insane.

If they can only keep us thinking that a thing must be seen to be believed; they retain control.

I have always wondered if there was something more… Even in my youth (I know; the pre-programmed response would try to blame my early exposure to marijuana fog or hippie communes leading to brain damage, so as to discredit any experience or factual data that I might try to deliver, nonetheless) I knew there was something so incredibly bigger than we had been told was going on.

My early foray into the ministry was my first attempt to find out more. I was full of wonder, starving for the truth and open… so very open. So open, in fact, that the ancient texts that I had access to were not enough to quench my thirst.

Why? – Because no matter how advanced or open-minded the reign of thought within any particular model, each expounded thought was placed neatly within a box – the box was secured and protected. Yes, this new revelation is the highest form and it stops here. This is our definitive truth.

Immediately, my feathers begin to ruffle, “Are you kidding me?” Surely this is a joke. Didn’t you just explain to me all the series of revelations that have been revealed to man via God or science, and how it superseded all thought up until that point of revelation?

Is it just me? – Or is the fact that you just said, “This is it!” sounding a little like the unenlightened folks that you ridicule for embracing their beliefs in the same manner?

Could there be more?

Maybe I am not normal (dear God, please don’t let them ever make me the N-word) but I have the wonder of a hundred men.

Do I believe in things unseen?


There is more unseen than seen The unseen is waiting for youAlong my life’s journey I have witnessed things – and connected with people who have witnessed things – that could never be rationalized… Or is that true?

Far be it from me to say that a thing is this, or that, or limited in any way; leaving the door open… for even more…

Could it be that it’s not just me and a chosen few?

Could it be that there is a growing awakening among all the people who are readying themselves for the nest step of human evolution?

And does even the thought of such a possibility make anyone, who thinks it is their duty to prevent this evolution and to control us, shake in their boots?

Consider this:

There is more unseen than seen; so much more that you can’t even conceive of it.

The unseen is waiting for you.

I Am What’s Wrong With the World

I am whats wrong with the worldThe world is in disrepair, the United States is in shambles… If you don’t believe me, turn on the TV and it won’t be long, you will see that our nation and the world are sliding down a slippery slope.

How did we get into this desperate cycle of degradation? I mean, here we are on the epicenter of technological advancement; it wasn’t long ago (only several generations) that there were no toothbrushes, electricity, cars, toasters, telephones, radios, televisions, let alone computers or the Internet.

It wasn’t until the 1600’s that the printing press allowed information to be controlled, doled out to the general population and used as a means to persuade collective groups of people to embrace particular types of thought. Following the 200 years of the printing press’s dominion, the propaganda strings became stronger and swifter with the introduction of better methods of communication, like the telephone, radio and television; let alone more recent technologies including the personal computer and the Internet, leading to present-day communication technologies.

And still, with all this technology that we currently hold in our hands, the world remains in a state of decline?

Things will go on as they are as long as the majority of our populace is made up of puppets manipulated by puppeteers; the one’s that consume and those who control the media.

Oh, sure, we hear rumors of people willing to “make a stand.” Only to find their efforts are fruitless, as they are silenced. The boisterous rebels willing to publicly draw a line in the sand and attempt to influence the masses, whose messages fade away as they disappear, are murdered or die of natural causes.

The only way to change the world is one person at a time, from the inside out, and it starts, here and now with me. I am the problem. I am what stands between the world as it is today and the brighter future for tomorrow.

What can I do to change who I am?

I can turn off the TV. I can reject fear and find ways to love more deeply and passionately, embrace my personal power and a more intimate connection to the source of all that is and ever will be. I can conduct my affairs with integrity, have compassion for all peoples of all nations; including those within the boundaries of the nation where I reside who see things differently than me.

My power of influence will be focused on myself and who I am; not in an effort to convert or persuade anyone to accept my unique and individual point of view on these or any other matters. I will gently and humbly share my ideas, only when prompted; and when questioned I will respect the perspective of my audience, only disseminating that which the hearer may hear in a manner that will have the best likelihood of being understood.

I will allow everyone to go it alone, to find their own way at their own pace and celebrate their right to do so because, after all, aren’t we all just doing the best we can with what we have? I know I am.

And as I focus on me and who I am, there is the possibility that someone, somewhere else is turning their attention inward in a similar manner. I believe that as the number of these empowered individuals becomes more enlightened, as their consciousness is raised, it will clear the airspace for other individuals to begin to think for themselves.

This continued individual growth of consciousness grows exponentially as the number of enlightened increases forming a collective consciousness. Once national consciousness is raised to critical mass, then we will see change; not until then.

One man cannot conduct a battle against the world, but I can fight the battle for who I am. This I can do, for this is who I am.

Consider opening your heart to who you are to be a part of this change.

Who Are You?

What do you want to be known for?

Isn’t it time that you started thinking about how you would like to be known or remembered for? What would you like people to say about you after you’re gone?

Now is the time to start establishing yourself as the person you’d like to be known as.

You’re a wise world walker and as such, you have the ability to see and perceive things unencumbered by the social restrictions that confine other earthlings with limiting beliefs.

Who am I having an objective opinion about ones self is the first step of wisdomThe first step in establishing the person that you would like to become is to take stock of where you are currently. Evaluate how you see yourself, how others think about you, and if possible, try to get honest third-party perceptions about the kind of person you are.

Having an objective opinion about one’s self is the first step of wisdom.

I’m a list person, so I would suggest getting a piece of paper and start jotting down what other people’s opinions of you are as well as how you think others might perceive you objectively.

We tend to see ourselves from within and consider the person who we are to be the most intimate and trusted person we know. We know our thoughts, motivations and inner feelings. So, we know how deeply we feel about certain people, circumstances and topics but no one outside ourselves knows how we feel.

Decide which inner feelings you’d like to have recognized for by your family, peers, coworkers, community and possibly the world at large.

So, here’s the next list: Who I Want to be known as?

Go ahead; go crazy. This is your life. The impression you leave on others is all that remains of your life’s journey.

It might help to relax and imagine what you might like to hear people saying about you at your funeral (avoiding the morbidity of the idea). You need not go as far as writing your own eulogy, though some people like doing this as part of the process.

This is not a one-time affair. The wise world walker is constantly evaluating his or her life, being aware of where they are in their journey and intentionally putting their sights on other destinations to engage with.

As a matter of fact, as I write these words, I too, am reflecting deeply… and have just uncovered something that brought me to tears. Though too intimate to share publicly, the basis of it is simply:

I have sincere, deep feelings about something.

The public (exterior) sense of others might have no idea about how passionately I feel about this thing.

If I ask myself, “Would I like to be remembered for how I feel?” or, “Would I like the world to know how I feel?” and the answer is, “Yes.” Then I have a great deal of work to do.

It is not always comfortable work – and in most cases it is not – but thank God you have the wherewithal to realize the separation that exists between

where the perception of you lies


what you would like to have known about you.

Your challenge – if you decide to accept it – is to think of ways that your true, authentic self can be seen by others and start taking action.

Who are you?

Let people know who you are.

I want to know you for everything that you would like to be remembered for.

Don’t just tell me; show me.