Sabbatical Take a Break

Sometimes in life amidst the pursuit of success and happiness it is prudent, if not necessary to take a break from the constant grind of your daily routine and completely unplug from your profession for a period of time to re-center, evaluate, reposition yourself and consider charting an entirely new course for your life’s journey.

sabbatical self discovery reconnection take a break

This process takes more than the traditional week or two of vacation and can take months or years. Corporations are seeing the value of this increasing employee or partner value over time and may offer official sabbaticals (extended separation or leave with, or without, pay while not losing their job as they take this important personal time to focus on themselves free from professional constraints).

In some cases, if taking an authorized sabbatical is not an option, one may have to resign completely and walk away.

If you have been stuck in a particular career path for many years, you may need more time to effectively separate, discover and reconnect with your true self. In many cases our sense of self erodes or dissolves away in service to others, especially over long periods of time. Everyone is different, some may require months off to conduct their rediscovery, for others, it could take years.

Being restrained in an intense, high-pressure profession is manageable but over time the stress and strain can understandably take a toll on even the most top performance professional, leading some on a crash course to burnout, or worse, even to suicidal thoughts and tendencies. How much better would it be to take a break (sabbatical) with the likelihood of returning to your profession re-exhilarated and ready to conquer the world?

The better you prepare for your break, the less concerned you will be about the day-to-day responsibilities (part of the purpose of the break). Have some money set aside in savings. Investigate health care or insurance options, maintenance of retirement accounts and other accounts while you remain unplugged.

I had a client who lacking any preparation (but felt it was imperative to take immediate action) quit his job without notice, moved to a small coastal community, lived in a trailer and washed dishes at a restaurant to finance his break. He says it not only saved his life, but empowered him to discover new meaning and purpose in his life. (You might be surprised if you knew who was working in the kitchen at the restaurant you frequent.)

Now, he is back on the top of his game, more successful and better than before following his three-year severance. I know many people who have self-financed their sabbatical via Internet Marketing, where all they needed was an Internet-capable device and an Internet connection… and they never went back to traditional work environment.

Even so, you might consider better preparation for your sabbatical, including plans to return in some fashion, shape or form. It’s best not to burn any bridges upon your departure from service.

What you do during this extended time off is totally up to you. What is important self-focused, self-indulgent, self-sacrificing or inner exploration of self is totally individualized for each person. Do not fashion your break after anyone else’s, nor compare your break to anyone else’s. Even though you may use someone else’s break for inspiration and may even begin modeling after someone’s sabbatical that went before, let your journey unfold and change direction to better suit your own inner work, personal needs and desires.

Take this time to rediscover who you are, your inner being… Connect, or reconnect, with your life’s purpose, your individual mission and message to bring to the world. Find your authentic voice from within and celebrate by singing your song.

Focus on your individualized healing, incorporating rest and relaxation. Engage in activities that thrill you, bring a sense of joy to your soul or give you a strong sense of purpose or meaning. Take this precious time to accomplish some of the items you might love to scratch off of your bucket list.

This is your time to be or do anything you want. Consider travelling to a new location, engaging in a new field of study or trying out new hobbies. Experiment with new recreational activities and technologies, whatever piques your interest, try it; see if you like it.

Expect to emerge like the Phoenix from the ashes. The new you will be more able to achieve more, be more and offer more to the local community and the world at large than ever before.

Gossip Dirty Laundry

Idle words. Talk, talk, talk…

gossip rumors dirty laundry talking behind my back

Notice how everyone loves to get the latest dish from you about what’s up with whom? You like having their full attention to hear all the latest dirt. You keep your ear t the ground and are ready to serve up a fresh serving of dirty laundry with the compelling, “Word on the street is…”

You don’t think twice about saying something about others behind their backs. Ever wonder what others think about you behind your back? Chances are, the very same people who love to hear you spin your attention-getting headlined yarns about the private lives of others, are wondering (and concerned) about what you are saying about them when they’re not in your presence.

You may not realize, when you’re reporting the latest gossip, what you’re really communicating to your listening audience is, “I can’t be trusted.”

There is a deeper connection and level of communication that takes place between people who possess a high degree of trust between them. The gossiper is less likely to have this type of deep connection with another person, and if this level of communication does exist, it will likely deteriorate in the light of continued gossip as the once-deeply-connected individual recoils in fear; fear of betrayal, anticipating what you might report about him/her to others to garner attention and amusement.

If you are in the habit of spewing idle words when others are not present, you might consider doing just the opposite. When you are talking about someone and the details of their life, make certain that you are talking to the person who is the topic of your story. It really is that easy. If that person is not present, don’t say it.

In business, management often struggles with the milieu of the rumor mill among the workforce, as it eats away at the fabric of productivity and breaks down an otherwise cohesive team network. Responsible businesses maintain a gossip-free zone, and when someone’s story-telling is detected at the workplace, measures are taken to get the storyteller and the subject face-to-face, while reinforcing (or enforcing) the no gossip policy.

Being in the business of helping others puts me in a position to maintain a high level of confidence with my clients. They tell me their deepest, darkest secrets, hopes, desires and dreams. Over the course of my life’s work, I’ve heard it all, and it is my responsibility to maintain confidentiality and respect the non-disclosure of the intimate details of their lives.

As fascinating as it might be to hear about someone else’s dirty laundry, when someone has the propensity to go on and on about other people’s life, more likely than not, I will turn the conversation around to the storyteller, with a, “Tell me how this affects your life,” or, “Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation?” Or I might ponder out loud, “Hmm, I wonder what it must feel like to be in that person’s shoes?” while shifting into, “Tell me about you…”

By disengaging in the activity of talking about others behind their backs, people will be less likely to consider you to be potentially toxic, begin to trust you more and you will be able to enjoy the benefit that comes from having deeper, more meaningful, connections with other people.

Soul Mate Draw

I’m not much for playing poker or any card games for that matter, but it occurs to me that being in search of your soul mate can be likened unto playing a draw-poker-style game. The odds vary hand-to-hand and, at least in my experience, sometimes you bet everything you have on what you think is a hand that cannot lose, only to find someone else had a better hand. Unbelievable but true and you are left empty-handed and alone.

After a hand, like that, you’re likely not to even want to play again for a while. Time passes and you’re feeling a little more confident, then you think maybe it’s time to see what’s happening at the table of love again.

soulmate draw

You walk into the poker room, a little more cautious this time, survey your surroundings, watch some of the other games in progress, then select a table and request to be dealt into a round. You place your initial bet and before you know it, you’re feeling a little more comfortable being back in the game.

Some games have a significant buy in while others do not. Depending on the game and how much you’ve invested, you have more to lose but also more to win. We all hope to win, but sometimes (if not more often than not) we lose.

Such is the game. But the more you play it, hopefully, you get better at it.

You don’t fall for all those false tells of the other players. You have a better idea about what a good hand looks like.

In this game, the dealer is God – the universe, fate, the powers that be – and you’re not afraid to ask to draw another card if it doesn’t feel right.

I’ve played some good games in my life, and I was all in – and they were the best played games ever – but they’ve left me wanting more true love. I’m not expecting to beat the house, only to finally get that royal flush in hearts I’ve always longed for.

When I started playing the game of love, I expected only to play one game and I’d be good forever. I bought-in to a couple of huge tournaments since then. I’m not saying the games weren’t the best games ever – because they were – but I think I could do better.

Don’t get me wrong by assuming that because I’m relating my quest for a soulmate to a card game that I am a player, or that I’m playing the part of the victim who has been played by someone else. That’s not it.

I’m just looking for ways to relax, hold the space for the perfect hand of love, to be ready and willing to be all-in when my royal flush arrives.

So, here I am, at the table again. I am open, watching the other games in progress, the other players, trying to learn from both my and their mistakes and waiting for the perfect Ace of hearts to turn up.

I know, I’ve heard people say, waiting for the perfect hand is no way to play the game. Just have fun playing the game and play all the cards that you’re dealt.

Yeah, that’s not me; not my style.

Yes, I’ve been told that’s the problem with how I’ve played the game of love in the past: waited for one hand then bet it all and lost. But that’s their interpretation. I don’t think I’ve ever lost, because what I gained far surpassed everything I had to bet.

To the onlookers, other players (and sometimes in front of other live feed cam viewers) it looked like I lost it all; and I did. The pain of the loss was as real as it looked in that moment, but what I gained was far superior to anything I could have imagined, and the game itself was amazing.

Everyone has their way of playing the game. That doesn’t make it good or bad, right or wrong, it just is what it is. And if you’re cheating (believe me, in this game it’s impossible to cheat but you can go on believing you are), that’s okay too, because this house always wins.

Looking forward to playing the best game ever…



Only Visiting This Planet

Ever feel like you don’t belong here? Like you’re from another planet?

Do you occasionally look around at all the people around you – and all their stuff – and ask, “Who are these people?”

When you see a falling star do you make a wish or wonder

When you see a falling star

Do you make a wish?

Or wonder

“Are they coming to take me home?”

I am not here to contradict anything you might believe about yourself of your origin. Whatever you believe is absolutely true, though, just for fun, you might like to consider:

You are not from here and you are not from another planet.

You are from another place far above the cosmos, where you can see all the universes at the same time and from this perspective, the multiverse looks like a huge display at the museum of science, where you can walk around and see everything in real time.

It’s a challenge to fathom from this vantage point because here we live in linear time, where outside all that we know (and have yet to discover) time does not exist, as we know it.

This is where you are from.

One of the attractions at the museum of science includes selecting a life to live on any of the inhabited planets. It is a full immersion experience where you will feel all of the feelings and you may not opt out of the ride once you start it. It will feel like you’ve lived an entire lifetime, and on your planet of choice, you will have lived an entire life but in the museum of science, the ride only takes approximately five minutes.

Using my imagination, I pretend this is where I am from:

While I am living this life, here, on planet earth, I feel at peace with the idea that the greater part of me is off-camera, so to speak, back at my point of origin, lying in a recliner, possibly with a headset hooked up to some large equipment (though I realize this kind of technology is likely not necessary, it just makes it easier to wrap my head around it by visualizing it this way from this vantage point).

With this pretext in mind, sometimes, when I am going through the most intense, dangerous or ironic plot points in my life, I will break character, look into the unseen camera, assuming that the greater part of me is watching from afar, and I’ll say something, like, “Who writes this stuff?”

Okay, back to real life; that was just a fun little diversion.

The truth is, if

All Things Are Possible

Either they are, or they are not; it’s up to you to decide whether they are or they are not.

If all things are possible, then all of us/each of us can come from, and go to, anywhere.

So, if you’re feeling like you’re not from here, you’re probably right.

Elon Musk says we’re all characters in one big video game.

Where are you from? Only you can decide what you can live with. Maybe you’re just from dust to dust and that’s all there is to it. Certainly there are those here on this planet who do have that origin and finite life, you could be one of those.

Or you could be one of the many other possibilities.

Think about that for a minute, or not.

Assemble Your Dream Team

Ideally, you would surround yourself with a team of superstars; individuals who are the best I their field, at the top of their game and respected as leaders in their respective field.

A skilled orchestrator will have the ability to ferret out these powerful people and persuade them to join your team. While you could go it alone with any project of idea you may have with the particulars of your otherwise ingenious idea hidden under a bushel, a team can help you get from where you are to where you want to be. The most effective team will rocket launch your project faster and farther than you might have imagined.

building your dream team

Surrounding yourself with the brightest and most amazing people means

You Should be the Least Qualified Member of Your Team

It’s a generous serving of humble pie for some, though if you’re ready to think and take action like the greats, surrounding yourself with people who are better than you at their area of specialization is not only prudent but necessary if you desire stellar success.

This applies to all areas of life, whether in business, education or in one’s quest for higher meaning and purpose in life.

When assembling such a team, you can avoid potential pitfalls by

Know the Basics

You must have enough of an understanding of the skill set you’re looking to add to your team to keep you from getting ripped off. Industries are plagued by swarms of powerful marketers and stealthy conmen poised to drain you and your organization of your precious resources.

Having a sense of what to look for, checks and balances to ensure performance and effectiveness will keep you from inviting a black hole to join your team. If you are cautious and prepared, you can make adjustments accordingly without compromising – or allowing too much damage – to your project or the rest of the team.

Don’t assume everyone is out to get you. This is not an invitation to instill fear, only to be aware there are wolves in sheep’s clothing in all professions. You don’t need to be an expert in every field but you should know enough about each field to keep your teammates accountable.

Allow for Diversity

While there are different strokes for different folks, don’t overlook the diamond in the rough with the potential stroke of genius disguised as an introvert. You will have all types of cats on your team and they will all have their particular strengths and weaknesses. Not all of the most valuable team members will be highly driven A-type personalities, some will be meek and mild Clark Kents delivering Superman-like results if properly acknowledged and supported. Expect and promote personality diversity within your team and manage it effectively.

Manage and Mediate

Having such a diverse team, will lend itself to a certain degree of discourse. It’s up to you (or your designee, though this will play-out better with you performing this function while supporting your helmsmanship) to guide the team, while encouraging all members to fully contribute and minimizing dysfunction.

That said, occasionally members of your team will passionately disagree. Do not allow endless debate or disrespectful arguing. You need to be willing and able to allow all ideas to be expressed and understood with as little conflict as possible, while keeping in mind that you are in charge and ultimately have the power of veto.

Recognize and Reward

When your teams helps to accomplish a major coup, make certain that the team knows that you are deeply grateful by recognizing their effort as a group, but also key individual contributions. Recognizing and rewarding an individual’s performance will raise the bar for other members of your team, who might like to be recognized accordingly.


Celebrate the team wins as a group to show your appreciation and thereby fostering cohesiveness among teammates. Celebratory events need not be expensive but should promote camaraderie.

Don’t Overdo It

Don’t look for excuses to recognize, reward or celebrate. Doing so will create a sense of entitlement and will devalue earned rewards. Keep it honorable, real, integrous and an effective representation of your respect and gratitude for a job well done.

The Best Things in Life are Worth Waiting for

They say the best things in life are worth waiting for, and they usually follow up with examples of wine, especially red wines get more spectacular tasting and oxidant-rich with age, as is the case with whiskey which becomes smoother also. Then there is the cheese when aged to perfection has increased levels of vitamins and probiotics. More foods that are enhanced by age include tea, balsamic vinegar and pickles.

Other things get more valuable with age, like our homes and alternative investments (even if we were unable to preserve them through tough times, they do – or have – increased in value over time). Antiques also continue to rise in value over time.

love gets better with age the best is yet to come

Then there is YOU

Yes, you. As you continue to age you get so much better in so many ways. While some of the things that you once took for granted in your youth may be fading away, the you that is emerging, like the butterfly from the cocoon, is a much grander version of you than ever existed before.

In fact, the things you were greatly concerned about in your youth are increasingly less important. Things like being selfishly obsessed with your body image (you are getting more comfortable with the idea that there is no need to maintain your high school appearance), your smile and countenance take on a new sparkle accented by lines chronicling a life well-lived as you embrace the comfort and wisdom of your years.

Your new, more seasoned and transformed self begins to materialize as friendships strengthen and family bonds become cemented. The concerns of your youth fade as you become more tolerant and empathetic as your perception shifts and you see more and more from a wider and wiser perspective.

You are more able to embrace a peaceful state of mind and enjoy less stress because you are more likely to forgive than hold a grudge or judge someone else. Now you have come to the understanding that we’re all just doing the best we can with what we have. In fact, most negative emotions are falling by the wayside as you continue to see the folly of holding tightly to such things in your youth.

As you embrace this new heightened sense of awareness, you realize your expertise achieving new heights as many of the tasks that took thought and concentration can now be performed with unconscious competence or simple muscle memory.

Your ability to make sound decisions are growing and you find it easier to maintain balance in all things such as your work and play while adding greater value to the community at large. Now you can enjoy greater degrees of happiness than you might have ever allowed yourself to enjoy before.

And while technology enables you to enjoy all these things even more,

The Greatest of These is Love

You have a greater capacity for love, to love and be loved. Appreciation, acceptance, and love of yourself flow outward to family, friends, mankind, fauna, flora, the earth, and your beloved.

This is an extraordinary opportunity for you and me – and those, like us – who are in search of that perfect person with whom to grow old and enjoy these golden years in each other’s presence.

I look forward to this next incarnation of love to be my highest and best experience, though finding my soul mate can be a daunting, time-consuming task, I gladly accept the challenge in an effort to taste the subtle, flavorful nuances of its fruit when the time is right.

If all the best things in life take time, this appears to be taking the most time of all things that have gone before, and so worth the wait. Because the best life is awaiting us, and we both know that rushing this most important decision – about whom we will spend the rest of our life with – may well be the greatest decision of all.

For it is not just our lives we take into consideration, but the lives of our families and being able to better serve our communities for a better world to come throughout the remainder of our lives.

So much anticipatory love, while I remain to await your appearance with open arms because you are worth waiting for, my love.

Challenge the Impossible

You will discover your hidden strengths by daring to challenge the impossible.

Life, in its intricate dance of challenges and triumphs, often presents us with moments that seem insurmountable. These are the instances where the word “impossible” echoes loudly, drowning out optimism and eclipsing the path forward. Yet, in the paradox of adversity lies an extraordinary opportunity for transformation, resilience, and greatness.

The Encounter with the Impossible

Picture a scenario where the odds are stacked against you, where solutions appear nonexistent, and hope is a fleeting mirage. It is in these critical junctures that the concept of the impossible takes center stage. The magnitude of the challenge may be overwhelming, leaving you feeling powerless and entrapped.

Redefining Impossible as an Invitation

Contrary to its conventional definition, perceiving the impossible as an invitation is a paradigm shift that heralds a journey towards greatness. It is precisely when faced with the impossible that the seeds of heroism are sown. History stands testament to the fact that many of the revered figures in our culture emerged from the crucible of seemingly insurmountable challenges.

The Birth of Heroes

Heroes are not born in the ease of complacency but are sculpted in the fiery forge of adversity. The script of heroism often begins with a backdrop of impossibility, where ordinary individuals are called upon to rise above their circumstances. The hero’s journey unfolds not in the absence of challenges, but in the very heart of the impossible.

Rising to the Challenge

When life confronts you with the impossible, it issues an invitation to rise to the challenge. This is not a mere call to action; it’s a summons to elevate your existence, transcending the limits you once perceived. Facing the impossible is an opportunity to harness untapped reservoirs of strength, resilience, and creativity.

Evolution Beyond Limits

Overcoming the impossible is a transformative experience that propels you to heights uncharted. It is a metamorphosis that leaves an indelible mark on your psyche. The person who emerges on the other side is not the same individual who stood before the challenge. You evolve, carrying the wisdom, fortitude, and insight acquired through the crucible of impossibility.

The Irreversible Shift

Having triumphed over the impossible, there is no return to the former self. The journey has etched a new narrative into the fabric of your being. The limitations that once defined you crumble, making way for a heightened sense of self, capability, and purpose. You become a living testament to the fact that the impossible is not a barrier but a bridge to greatness.

Embrace the Uncharted Path

In those moments when the specter of impossibility looms large, recognize it not as a roadblock but as an uncharted path to greatness. Embrace the challenge with courage, resilience, and an unwavering belief in your capacity to transcend the impossible. For it is on this journey that you unearth the hero within and sculpt a narrative of triumph that resonates through time. The impossible, once confronted, becomes the catalyst for your extraordinary evolution.


You Are Not Your Job

In our society, often we tend to categorize people by what they do. Someone, somewhere, propagated the idea that we all can be defined by what jobs we hold in our local communities.

You are not your job there is more to life someone call a handyman
Someone call a handyman? There may be more to this man than meets the eye…

How do you feel when someone meets you for the first time and asks you what you do for a living?

Do you think people make certain assumptions about you based on your occupation?

Even though throughout the course of my life I have maintained and sustained my life’s mission of helping people achieve their highest and best, I have performed different kinds of work. Some of the work I have been involved in was more a representation of the larger portion of my personality, otherwise not.

Let’s say you meet me while I am a bartender. You might attempt to categorize (or analyze) me based on me performing this particular function in the community. I suspect that most (if not all) of the assumptions that you might have about the type of person a bartender is couldn’t be further from the truth. I have never been a bartender, but who knows; in many ways, I’ve thought being a bartender would be an interesting in many ways.

At times in my life, I have been active in more than one occupation at a time.

Just like you cannot judge a book by its cover, you cannot determine what kind of person someone is based on their job.

On the other hand, a lot of people tend to take on the characteristics of their profession and do define themselves by their occupation(s). I periodically encounter these people at some point when they begin to realize there must be more to life than their job.

Society has nurtured us to believe that we are here for a purpose. This system would like us to believe that our function in this life is to perform a particular function that perpetuates the living machine, as we are programmed to believe the best we could hope for in life is to get a good education and a high paying job. In the event education is unattainable, we should happy to do the best we can with a lower-paying job and find ways to live on less than we had hoped for.

And, of course, no matter where we are on the income scale, we must have stuff. The more money we make, the nicer stuff we can have. If we want to gain the admiration of our peers, we will get cars, houses or other stuff that might be considered beyond our means… this makes us feel good (for a while).

You may ask yourself,
If I’m not my job, who am I?

There’s a good chance if you haven’t gotten around to that question long ago, its occurring to you now. Why? Because there’s a growing awakening taking place within our society as people are starting to question everything we’ve been programmed to think of ourselves and the parts we play in our communities and interact with the greater community.

We are starting to discover that there is more to this life. As we continue to awaken, we start to realize we have been suppressed and purposely dumbed-down in an attempt to embrace a life of slavery, working for the man, while the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. To keep us from breaking out of this imposed trance we are to believe is all there is to life we are bombarded by data, information and interrupted via media and mob mentality to keep us in a state of fear, keeping us locked-in to the societal construct.

If you are asking, “Who am I?” it is time to begin looking inside to find out and embrace your life’s purpose. Find your own individual message, soundtrack and Sing Your Song.

Attitude Adjustment and Vibration

Thankfully, I find myself mostly surrounded by like-minded people throughout my day who are able to keep me “in check” when it comes to managing my vibration.

As much as I try to stay focused in high frequencies, every once and a while I slip into lower vibrations.

attitude adjustment and vibration interuption law of attraction loa

Yesterday, on two different occasions, I began to rant…

If you know me, you know I don’t succumb to this negative vibration very often as I am a very tolerant person. Nonetheless, there I was complaining about this (medications that make us sick) and going off about that (politics).

Luckily, someone was listening in who was able to bring my attitude to my awareness, just by saying, “I don’t usually hear you go off, like that.”

It was as if those were the magic words triggering my being knocked out of a trance.

I was, like, “You’re right. How did I get all riled up, like that?”

So, I retraced my steps.

It shouldn’t have surprised me that the catalyst for engaging my lower self was media – not via the radio or TV, mind you – sources I sought out myself (or was force-fed). The culprits: Google and Facebook.

It’s the same ol’ thing: You’re looking for one thing, and you get distracted by a bazillion other things tugging at your lower emotional states. If you give in, this lowers your vibration which begins to attract other influences and circumstances to match your new level of vibration. If left unchecked for long, the next thing you know, you’re feeling bad and you’re bombarded with a downward spiral of more negative thoughts, attracting more negative people, circumstances and bad luck.

This is one of the basics of the Law of Attraction (LOA).

I am so grateful that someone who knew me well enough was able to get my attention mid-rant (twice in the same day), else the rest of my day might have spun out of control. Especially, since this was early on in the day. I mean, how effective can I be in helping people achieve their highest and best, if I’m unable to maintain my own state of peak performance?

Left unchecked, I would have stayed distracted by the media and become a distraction, myself, distracting anyone around me and potentially reducing their vibration also.

Granted, I cannot place blame solely on Google and Facebook. Clearly, I was already predisposed to allowing the disruption of the negative information that triggered me, like a Manchurian agent. There have been many occasions, when I have been exposed to the same type of information, and was able to breeze by it without a hitch. But yesterday, they got me and I feel somewhat ashamed of myself for falling for it.

I am usually more aware of my state of mind and presence, yet, there I was, caught off-guard and up in the negative whirlpool.

I know better than this.

I’m fairly adept at taking responsibility for maintaining my personal vibration. I couldn’t help but think about others, who may not even be aware of how important vibration is to sustaining a high quality of life, how much more difficult for them must it be to resist the barrage of negative vibration onslaught of information?

It’s no wonder so many people think Life Sucks.

How do you raise your vibration?