Launch the Love Rocket

Love can be seen as a super power if you decide to embrace it as such. Though it may be dormant, it lies within each and every one of us, but like any tool, weapon or skill, it takes practice to learn how to wield it masterfully.

For instance, we have many tools that we can use when we feel like we’ve been attacked, treated badly or disrespected by another person. We can counter-attack, ignore and ban them, launch hate campaigns or we can choose to love them.

What if a friend betrays you?

You have a variety of tools you can select to deal with the betrayal. Anything you do in response to the betrayal will have a similar effect on you. At the outset defending yourself vehemently may make you feel justified or better during the counter-attack but most likely will have aftershocks of remorse, guilt, shame or sadness that could lead to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) similarities. On the other hand, you could respond with love.

What would the love response look like?

When choosing the love response it’s important to note that you are in no way condoning the actions of the other person. In its highest form, love does not require either an apology or forgiveness on your part. Love only requires you to initiate and launch the love rocket.


Launch Your Love Rocket

The love rocket soars high above the situation, explodes and showers its contents over everything. Try to see your situation from the aerial perspective of the love rocket, seeing you and your adversary as tiny dots on the landscape.

From this perspective you can see the person who betrayed you actually did you a favor by educating you as to his or her level of trustworthiness. As the love cascades down from the heavens, you can love yourself because you are good and you can also love the other person because he or she is equally as good as you. The more you look at this person from a perspective of loving yourself and him or her, you can’t help but wonder what the other person might be going through or what life experience has led them to the place where they felt they had to treat you like that?

Though you may see them now from an empathetic point of view, there is no cause for alarm, confrontation, explanation or intervention necessary. You simply accept that things are what they are as you allow this person the space they need to find their own way in the realization that we are all only doing the best we can with what we have.

You are an intelligent person, and now you know this particular person was not as trustworthy as you might have originally thought. You retain the education, are wiser for it and adjust your relationship accordingly.

While choosing to love might sound like self-martyrdom to someone who is more accustomed to fighting battles head-on in brutal combat, it is actually taking the high road that leads to peace and harmony.

It is not a sacrificial denial of self, if anything it’s just the opposite.

You love yourself enough to love others and protect yourself by reaching for your set of love tools to respond to any situation.

As you receive and retain the learning from others, you adjust your relationships accordingly.

What if I’m in an abusive relationship?

That doesn’t mean you need to love someone while they devastate you. It means you love them as you love yourself and leave them, putting the necessary distance between you so they cannot continue to do harm to you as you continue to love them from afar.

Never Retire

This is a secret: Don’t tell anybody, but there is an undercurrent that is rocking the world of the elderly. It has the old folks thinking that they can contribute to society long after the world would be better off without them.

Unlike the societies that populated America before it was invaded and taken over, the culture here was to honor the aged and to value their contribution to the community for as long as their life would allow. In present-day America, we’re pretty much done with you once you become eligible for an AARP card.

Yet, there are Americans who are making a stand for continued contribution to the local community and the world at large as they continue to embrace living their best life and making the world a better place well beyond their “retirement years.” And they all share a similar mantra,

Never Retire


Leading the pack are celebrities who refuse to retire and claim doing so enriches their lives, increases their quality of life and supercharges their happiness and continued zest for life.

Who in their right mind would want to work until they die?

never-retire-art-linkletter-age-94Art Linkletter was 94 when he penned his How to Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life along with Mark Victor Hansen. They took to the road touring churches and sharing the key to enthusiastically enjoying one’s golden years by continuing to create and live a better life while refusing to succumb to society’s expectation that you should retire at a certain age.

betty-whiteActress, animal rights activist, author, comedian, radio host, singer, and television personality Betty White, says “retirement is not in my vocabulary.” at age 94. Having been honored by the Guinness World Records for having the longest-running TV career of any woman in history she says, “Why should I retire from something I love so much?… Nothing that I could possibly find to do would be as much fun as what I do for a living.”

shelley-berman91-year-old comedian Shelley Berman retired from the stage but continues to write books and volunteers at the Motion Picture & Television Fund and he says retiring would be, “wasting the rest of your time. Don’t do that. What you gotta do is keep your muscles going. I wouldn’t suggest that you quit. What are you going to do, sit? I’m not good at that. I have an itchy bottom.”

warren-buffettWarren Buffet is 86 years old and he says you should never retire. Citing that you will live longer, enjoy life more as you continue to learn and earn.

Continuing to earn, rather than trying to live within a predetermined budget, can offer you safety and security against unexpected occurrences or challenges that may arise. And if you love what you do, why would you want to stop doing it? If you don’t love what you did prior to retirement age, then start doing what you love now. You’ve invested a lifetime in becoming the person you are; don’t let it go to waste.

Warren Buffet says he doesn’t do it for the money, “If I quit today — I see these people. They spend a whole week planning their haircut. That is not my idea of living. I’m tap dancing to work every day… It doesn’t get better than that.”

clint-eastwoodClint Eastwood, who is also 86 years old an actor, filmmaker, musician, and political figure would say it with his crass attitude, encouraging others to follow in his unretired footsteps, “If you tell yourself, ‘I’m too old to do that,’ bullshit – you’re not too old to do anything.”

loretta-lynnCountry music legend Loretta Lynn whose body of work spans sixty years is 84 years old and says she “sees no reason to retire.”

At age 83, Parisian Karl Lagerfeld fashion designer, artist, and photographer hailing from Germany, insists, “Retirement is not one of the topics with which I deal. Why should I?… Chanel will still need some clothes when I’m 89.”

Even at age 82, Italian film actress Sophia Loren still rates a 10 on my personal Humma-humma-ding-ding-baby-you-got-everything-scale, says she doesn’t ever want to stop learning, no matter how old she gets. “That’s terrible, the word retire. Never. Start always like it was the beginning of a long career.”

judi-denchI just saw actress Judi Dench in Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children yesterday, and at 81 years old, she calls “retirement” a “rude” word. Best-known role as “M” in the Bond franchise, she maintains, “I don’t want to be told I can’t do something. I’ll just have a go at it and I may make a terrible mess of it but I’d sooner make a mess than not have a go at all… What matters is your determination not to give up and not to stop learning new things.”

jane-fondaJane Fonda is 78 years old and even though she did try to retire after marrying Ted Turner, just couldn’t embrace a lifestyle of inactivity and leisure. Refusing to continue her retirement, she returned to the screen and the feisty actress, writer, political activist, former fashion model and fitness guru is back in the limelight again.

paul-mccartneyFormer Beatle, singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and composer 74-year-old Paul McCartney says, “If I retired, I’d still do exactly what I do. So I may as well not retire.”

70-year-old Country music singer-songwriter, actress, author, businesswoman, and humanitarian, dolly-partonDolly Parton, who says “I will never retire unless I have to,” she has said. “As long as I’m able to get up in the morning, get that makeup on and my high heels on, and even if I can’t wear high heels, I’m going to do like Mae West, I’m going to sit in a wheelchair with my high heels on.”

How to Reduce the Over 50 Population

Let’s say, purely for the sake of conjecture that someone wanted to reduce the number of 50-year-olds in the United States. Let’s assume that the folks behind this agenda see the over-fifty-year-olds (and those of more advanced age) as an unnecessary drain on our country’s resources. Let’s also imbue this group of individuals with the ability to influence, manage or control media and major industrial markets to create any set of circumstances to get the job done and unlimited resources to do it.


How would you eliminate a bulk of the above 50-year-olds?

And more importantly, how could you accomplish such a feat while being unnoticed and without questions being asked (like, due to natural causes)?

I don’t know… Let’s look at the statistics:

1. Heart Disease
2. Cancer
3. Unintentional injuries
4. Chronic liver disease
5. Stroke
6. Chronic respiratory disease
7. Diabetes
8. Suicide
9. Septicemia
10. Kidney disease

These are the top 10 ways people over the age of fifty are dying.

Now, if you and I were members of this think tank charged with the task of accumulating ideas, methods, and introducing chemicals to accomplish reducing life expectancy of the aged over time, we could come up with some good ideas.

If we were to brainstorm and come up with 100 ideas to cause older people to expire prematurely – while making it appear completely natural – and no one would be the wiser, it would be quite a list.

Having participated in a hypothetical project, like this, was interesting. The group of individuals I participated with (there were four of us) came up with an impressive laundry list of ways to get rid of the elderly to preserve resources for the young.

By the way, I might interject that Mother Earth does come up with natural methods to phase out the aged on her own. Our bodies naturally begin to deteriorate and moves us closer to death after our ability to procreate decreases. She is so very cruel in this manner, so it’s not that big of a step for us to think that we could help her along without being detected.

People are already keen to the idea phasing out the old, but our hypothetical project is to accelerate the process without anyone noticing.

I am not going to share the specifics of our list, only to encourage you to try this project yourself, if your so inclined.

Something so very peculiar happened after reviewing our list.

We recognized that many of the outrageous ideas which appeared on our list of ways to stealthfully cause the premature death of older folks as being possibly initiated and ongoing at this very moment.

Lacking the scientific wherewithal to reverse-engineer all the possibilities we were left only with the question,

What if some group of individuals was in charge of eliminating the aged?

Our little brain teasing exercise began to take on a grim shadow wreaking of conspiracy.

We decided to abort all concern about this idea because it would be a distraction and this project was not in alignment with any of our specialties.

But it does make you wonder…

Is it possible that such a thing could be happening?

Benefits of Laughing

If you want to start living your best life, you best start finding ways to enjoy it. They say laughter is the best medicine, and there is no doubt about the therapeutic effects of a good laugh.


Decreases Stress

One of the best drug-free stress reducers is a good laugh, the combination of serotonin and endorphins makes you feel more at ease or peaceful and can make you feel better, even raise self-confidence and love-ability factors.

Gives Good Sleep

Staying up and watching something humorous before going to sleep is sound advice for insomniacs. If you’re having trouble sleeping, find ways to yuck it up before calling it a night.

Natural Pain Killer

Laughing releases endorphins that act as natural pain killers. Want to ramp up your health and wellness? Laughing boosts T cells and your immune system, increasing your ability to ward off sickness and disease.

Improves Breathing

A good laugh will have significant positive impact on your respiratory system and revitalizes the lungs while increasing the flow of oxygen throughout your body.

Helps You Lose Weight

Laughing is like a mini aerobic workout where you’re burning the same amount of calories as you would if you were walking at a moderate pace and helps to burn fat.

Makes You Look Young

Laughing is good exercise for facial muscles and increases blood flow to the face which results in a healthier, younger looking smile. People who laugh regularly can look ten years young than those who don’t.

Reduces Heart Disease

If you have high blood pressure, a good laugh will cause it to drop dramatically. People who laugh more often are less likely to suffer from strokes or heart attacks. Laughter is good exercise for your heart and the entire cardiovascular system.

There’s no reason not to laugh

Fortunately, as a grandparent, there is the benefit of having grandchildren and many family members to celebrate life and enjoy all this life has to offer.


Nothing gives me greater joy than laughing, sharing life and frolicking with the whole Masters Family Crew.



Haunted by Ghosts of Life

Ever feel like you’re being haunted by past experiences of your own life?

It’s as if ominous ghostly specters are floating around you at all times haunting you, reminding you of past occurrences that hold you back or keep you down. The ghosts of your past find ways to remind you of things that have happened before, especially when you’re about to experience a breakthrough or contemplate a potential opportunity to change your life for the better. You are reminded that you are unworthy or damaged goods because of the past experiences.


It’s possible these ghosts of your life’s past started to accumulate since an early age. Maybe an injustice at school where you were belittled or bullied, or you felt an absence of love and as if you were not good enough, and for some they get even more intense as we continue to grow into high school and beyond.

Maybe a romance gone bad or sour business venture caught you off guard resulting in a gnarly ghoul who keeps you from moving out in faith and love to achieve your highest and best.

Whatever the reason, you have these unfriendly ghosts hovering around you, ever reminding you that things did not turn out either nicely or the way you had planned.

ghostbustersI know a ghostbuster (who even teaches classes and certifies other ghostbusters) whose process of dealing with ghosts is to lead them to their higher destination. Once they’ve graduated, they’re not stuck anymore and they’re no longer interfering in the lives of the living. They just didn’t know any better, the same goes with the ghosts from your past haunting you.

If these ghosts keep persisting to keep you from living a better life, then it’s time for a little ghostbusting for you. You could seek some outside coaching, counseling or therapy; then again, you may be able to battle the ominous specters on your own.

When ghostbusters deal with ghosts, they try to start at identification and that’s there you need to start, too. Create a profile of your ghost, when did it first appear? What incident is it connected to? What does it moan, chant or whisper to you? And when does it rear its ugly head?

If you didn’t already know this,

The Ghost is Dead

It is no longer among the living, but it does not know that. Nothing that happened in the past that is no longer happening has any life in it. It is dead and buried in the past.

The ghost strives to survive due to its struggle to live and torturing you makes it feel as though it is alive. And the ghost’s intention is good, though misled. It thinks by keeping you in fear, it is protecting you from evil.

The ghost has led you to believe that the incident(s) or series of circumstances it represents are bad. It’s up to you to lovingly present a case to the ghost that though the event appeared to be bad – and, certainly it was bad – the experience and the learning that you gained from it was highly beneficial, not only to you, but armed you with skills and abilities to relate to others in a similar situation.

You may find it helpful to write out your story on paper and refine it, being certain to list all the good things that resulted from the bad thing that happened.

Trust me, the ghost is watching your work intensely and reading every word. It may even try to taunt you while you’re conducting this work, but don’t give in. Push through and show the ghost your completed report.

Thank the ghost for trying to protect you all this time. Let it know that you understand that its intentions were good in trying to protect you, but you don’t need its protection anymore. In fact, to tell it the truth, all this protection has actually prevented you from achieving you highest and best.

Thank your ghost for all its effort to protect you, but now it is time that both you and the ghost be set free. As you destroy the list, tell your ghost that you love it and send it to the light.

Start living your life ghost-free

If another ghost rears its ugly head, apply the same procedure when you and your ghost are ready to move on.

You Picked Your Parents

Sometimes in life it is beneficial to reverse engineer it to have a clearer understanding of how your life has unfolded, led you to where you are now and prepared you for what lies ahead.

you pick your parents before you are born
You pick your parents before you are born

Your life usually starts with the selection of your parents.

Before your arrival you are aware of what your mission, purpose, message and song will be. You scour the planet looking for just the right parents to maximize your development, to hone your life skills and find the melody of your song.

You know your life will need enough environmental thicket to build your character, compassion, and emotional acumen so that when you exit the jungle of your training camp you will be better prepared to fully engage and assume the responsibility of being true to your calling.

Your parents are a key component in preparing you for your life’s journey and though it may feel accidental, there was no randomness in which family you were born into, the circumstances of your birth, or the journey that resulted from the moment you emerged as your new self.

Prior to your inception you scoured the planet for the ideal circumstances that would lead to building you into the person you would need to be to accomplish your mission. Unfortunately your incarnation separates you from the greater part of yourself which is a necessary part of the journey if you are to train effectively for the mission that lies ahead.

It’s not uncommon for someone to ask, “Why?” Why wasn’t I born into a different family? Why this family? Why under these circumstances? Or any number or variations in the question, but if you can look deep inside that quietest most aware part of you knows your life, beginning with your parents was no accident. You carefully selected them at the right time, in the right place and under the unique circumstances prevalent at the time to assure you would have what it takes to achieve your highest and best.

As you become more aware of the perspective of your higher self the seemingly random acts begin to transform into highly purposeful, precisely timed turning points resulting in either redirecting your path or assisting in your learning lessons promoting personal growth, making you even more prepared for what lies ahead.

Experiences that once perplexed you because of their negative impact on your life suddenly have deeper meaning as you realize they were necessary to fashion you into the person you were intended to transform into.

When things are at their worst and it feels like there’s no way out, no possible way to go on, you know you are at a critical junction in your life’s journey. If you are there, right now, you can rest assured that the best part is about to take place. If you have already come through the bleakest moment of your life, you know it’s true. You would never be where you are now, if you didn’t go through that part of the process.

And it all starts with the parents you chose to launch your mission of life.

If it wasn’t for them, you would not be the person you have become – and are becoming – to fully emerge as the hero of your life’s story.

Could I have picked better parents? No way. If I was to become the person that I am, I couldn’t think of anyone better who could have helped me find my way here. I did such a good job of picking them and now that I am more aware, I am even more appreciative of all the opportunities that I have been exposed to that helped me to have experiences and develop skills I would have otherwise been deprived of, if born under any other circumstances.

And if you are a parent, it becomes apparent how blessed you are that your children chose you at the right place, the right time and under the unique circumstances to maximize their life’s journey.

I send an enormous outpouring of heartfelt gratitude to the children who picked me as their point of entry, as they are the bling in my life and I love them so much. I can’t imagine my life without them.

Life and Death Medical Miracles

I have met many people who have received a fatal diagnosis from their doctor, received the same grim prognosis from a second doctor, both suggesting the patient has, “6 months to live,” and that they should, “get their affairs in order.”


Interestingly enough, some of them experience miraculous recoveries. 84% of Americans believe in miracles.

Revisiting their doctors, they are re-examined and the doctor’s reply is the same, including two options:

“This is either a miracle or a misdiagnosis.”

Not all of the patients are faced with having to sort through the details of their recovery in an effort to discover why they aren’t dead, because most of them did die. Those who lived are grateful to have another day and continue to do so for the remainder of their long life.

No one believes in miracles more than me, but if you have access to the people who lived and ask the right questions, another vista begins to appear on the horizon.

Based on my (admittedly anecdotal) research of those who have lived and others who have died, I have concluded that a common perspective is shared by those who live and alternatively those who die.

Mind you, I am promoting no agenda, just offering up my observations for you and possibly other more qualified researchers to further investigate. That said, the people who live

Don’t Want to Die

While the people who die
Don’t seem to care much whether they live or die

The people who experience miraculous recovery (or misdiagnosis) have reasons to live. In fact, if you query them, they passionately list many reasons for living another day. They are so enthusiastic, that if I were God, I couldn’t help but give them one, and another, and another…

Of course, if you dig deeper, there seems to be another component in place for those who have looked death in the face and proclaimed, “Sorry. Ain’t goin’ there.”

And that is that they began to live. They began to live their life like never before. They began to live their life like they only had six months to live, then five, then four, then three, then two, then one, then each day – one day at a time – living each day as if it was their last, in an effort to fit as much life into that one day as possible, then onto the next.

Alternatively some of those who defied death took full responsibility and alternative proactive approaches to their medical condition, which may have included a complete change of lifestyle and an out-of-country medical vacation. Medical tourism is growing by leaps and bounds as Baby Boomers go offshore for alternative treatment modalities that are highly effective but not legal in the United States.

Other alternative therapies are also considered to affect change and to enhance one’s ability to enjoy a higher quality of life in their remaining days or years.

So, the “miracle” in the doctor’s miracle-or-misdiagnosis proposal appears much less than a miracle than it may seem. In fact, the doctor’s referring to what has actually transpired seems to be not the declaration of a miracle at all but more of a dismissal of anything the patient may have done to affect such a miraculous metamorphosis.

It might be worth contemplating the question

What would you do if you were given six months to live?

Having an idea about how you might respond may have you prepared and at peace with your reaction if you are ever the recipient of such a grim diagnosis.

Or, you might consider living a better life, your best life and making the world a better place now and possibly even bypass the entire scenario altogether.

You don’t need a death sentence to start living.

You can start living your best life today.

What If You Create Your World?

Let’s say for a moment (I’m not expecting you to fully embrace this concept at the outset, only proposing that you follow along and consider the point of view momentarily, to think about it) that you have 100 percent control of your life. I’d expect you to immediately respond with a Scroogesque, “Bah! Humbug.”

What if you create your world... every detail of it?
What if you create your world… every detail of it?

But just for fun, let’s say there is a person in a massive control room who can orchestrate and influence every detail of your life, not unlike The Truman Show.


If you’ve seen the film, it’s not too much of a stretch of the imagination to consider the possibility that in some ways – in this life – that you are playing the part of Jim Carrey unaware that you are participating in a sophisticated, “reality show.”

Only, it’s not quite as simplistic as all that. This is merely an introduction. What if we kicked it up a notch and made it much more sophisticated, along the lines of The Matrix.

THE MATRIX, Carrie-Anne Moss, Keanu Reeves, 1999. (c) Warner Bros./ Courtesy: Everett Collection.
THE MATRIX, Carrie-Anne Moss, Keanu Reeves, 1999. (c) Warner Bros./ Courtesy: Everett Collection.

Ugh, “thanks a lot,” you think, but the main component in this scenario is to consider that you could be in two places at once. There could be two parts of your self running concurrently, one on-camera and one off-camera so to speak.

Either way, you are living out a dramatic life somewhat scripted (if not completely scripted) by a director who is manipulating all of the players and scenarios with whom you interact. All the people, nature, coincidences, personal achievements, surprises, pain, suffering, accidents, random events, natural disasters, all carefully played out before you for someone’s viewing pleasure.

Now (just for fun, keep playing along), let’s say it occurs to you that this might be true, you, like Keanu Reeves’ Neo, are becoming more aware. So much so, that you start challenging the capabilities of the sets, equipment and energies that create the construct of the world that you’ve come to believe is “real.”

What if there was a way to breakthrough to the other side to see who is running the show behind the curtain.


Via some magical adventure, you find a way to approach the control room, like Judy Garland’s Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz; only in this pivotal moment you discover it is not Frank Morgan behind the curtain at all.

Oh, you might have expected some gray-haired deity pulling the strings, manning the levers and programming the computers, though there is something oddly familiar about the person who instructs you to, “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!”

It is not a cast member from your set, back home… No, it is you.

From this perspective, it is you orchestrating every minute detail of your life, the way it plays out and how you integrate with others as you travel along your life’s journey. All in an effort to fully experience everything this life has to offer.

Not for a viewing audience, exposed to advertising and commercial interruptions, but for you. For without you, there would be nothing. None of this would exist.

Yes, you are surrounded by the largest cast ever. Some are extras, but most are individuals, just like you, living out their own “reality.”

This is the scenario I play out whenever I am overwhelmed or unable to make sense out of events playing out in my life. You might even catch me breaking character, looking into an unseen camera off-screen and ask, “Who writes this stuff?”

Sometimes, I fall to my knees, look up at the sky and dramatically query, “Another plot twist?”

Other times, full of gratitude, “Oh, thank you. That was a good one.”

Most of the time, I am thoroughly enjoying every experience I can think of to throw at myself.

My hope for you is that you find a way to enjoy the journey as much as I do.

Have a nice day

Are You Ready to Change Your Life?

Yes, you have had the thought of living a life that is better than the life you’ve lived up ‘til now. Yet, somehow you feel as though living a better life is just beyond your reach.

I can tell you, many people started with similar limiting thoughts, just like yours, and decided to begin living their best life ever, regardless of how they felt unworthy of being blessed with an amazing life.

It will take work, tenacity, commitment. You will need to conjure up enough self-esteem and courage to keep pushing forward when the gravity of your old life tries to drag you back into your old life.

Making a massive change in your life – from mediocrity to magnificence – is not going to be easy, so you have to be ready and willing to do the work.



How do you know you’re ready for change?



You’ve had it up to here


It seems like everything is going wrong, every time you turn around you’re faced with adversity and while you do your best to battle it, more often than not it wins over all your attempts to overcome it. You know minor shifts are not going to get you from where you are to where you want to be. You are dissatisfied, disappointed, frustrated and broken but you’re ready to dig in and do whatever it takes to break through come hell or high water.

Life is a prison


You feel as though your complacent life is holding you back. You feels as though you are restrained from the life you desire and cannot break out of the imprisonment of your own life. But you are beginning to see a glimmer of hope. For if your prison sentence is somehow self-imposed, there is an increasing awareness that you must have access to the key and the time has come for you to orchestrate our prison break.

Life is demanding change


What is with the constant struggle in life? It seems you just can’t get a break or catch your breath, and you’re faced with another change. A job that you liked comes to an unexpected end. Your relationship falls apart. It’s like every time to start to find a little comfort, your world changes, knocking you off-balance. It’s as if the universe is demanding you change or forever resolve to live a constantly difficult life.

Love is lost


Once you had an enormous capacity for love. Love for yourself, your family, your fellow man, the community at large, even the whole world seemed to be full of love. Then, due to changes, challenges and circumstances, your love of others and life diminished, leaving you broken and void of love. Yet within you lies the smallest spark waiting to be fully engulfed in the flame of a greater love that cannot be quenched and you know you have been called to share this love with others.

You’ve had a dream


You have had a dream, a plan, goals and aspirations for your life but just can’t seem to create enough momentum to get you from where you are to where you want to be. Whether it is only now occurring to you or it’s been a lifelong vision of the possibility of living a better life, this dream is calling to you to bring it to pass. The magnetic attraction of this calling is getting stronger, strong enough is it’s pull, that you are ready to embrace a brighter future.

It is your time to become a champion


Whether it is out of a sense of duty, or a highly spiritual motivation, you know it is your time to make the move and begin the transformation, unleashing the champion who lies dormant inside you. You know your life has greater meaning and purpose and the time is now to begin the metamorphosis, fully embracing your gifts, talents, special abilities and sense of purpose in an effort to make the world a better place.

The time is now

When is now the time to take the action necessary to create massive change in your life?

It’s time you became who you know you’ve always been called to be, enjoying all this life has to offer and giving to others in a way that creates a better future and world for you, your family, and the community at large.

You know you can live a better life, live your best life and make the world a better place.

Do it now.
The world needs you now, more than ever.

My Life Has Been So Awful

Ever have those debilitating thoughts that keep you from pursuing an enormously successful life? You might have resigned yourself to recite the mantra, “Life sucks,” ad infinitum or may have heard the thought inside your head,

“My life is so awful, I could never amount to anything”


Have you suffered what seem to be insurmountable life circumstances that prevent you from being able to have the success you desire?

Let me propose to you that inside every adversity and substantial life challenge there is the seed of a brighter future, but it’s up to you to nurture it to see your life flourish either in spite of or as the result of a tragedy or injustice.

For instance,

A three-year-old boy abandoned by his father, as he grew he was moved constantly from town to town, struggling to make ends meet, reading and learning was complicated due to dyslexia and he was unable to complete high school.

A ten-year-old innocent child suffered familial sexual abuse. Unable to cope, she became sexually promiscuous, became pregnant at age 14 and lost her son shortly after giving birth.

A fifteen-year-old girl witnessed her mother shoot and kill her out of control alcoholic father in self-defense.

An eighteen-year-old boy whose father committed suicide following his parents divorce.

A nineteen-year old young woman was given less than a two per cent chance of living when she contracted an infection went into septic shock resulting in amputation of both legs and the loss of her spleen.

A twenty-year-old man with a dream, set out to share his cartoon art only to find himself unable to support himself became homeless, found a friend in an equally lonely rodent, showered at the train station at was forced to file bankruptcy.

A 25-year old burgeoning drug dealer was arrested at the Kalamazoo airport with over 650 grams of cocaine and promptly sent to prison.

A 28-year-old man burned over 65% of his body in a motorcycle accident, and if that wasn’t bad enough, four years later was involved in an airplane crash that left him paralyzed from the waist down due to spinal injuries.

There is no doubt these people represent those of us who face challenges that make us feel unworthy of accomplishing much at all, due to what might appear to be insurmountable circumstances.

Yet, even faced with such adversity, as these people were, they turned their hardships into the fuel that would lead to living lives that inspire as the rest of us admire them for the people they have become.

keanu-reevesThat three-year old boy became a well-known actor, producer, director and musician. You might remember Keanu Reeves from Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure, The Matrix, or any of the other films which have contributed to his notoriety.

oprah-winfreyThe ten-year-old sexual abuse survivor grew up to be a talk show host, actress, producer, publisher, owner of her own television network and philanthropist, Oprah Winfrey, the wealthiest African-American in the 20th century.

charlize-theronThe fifteen-year-old girl who witnessed the murder of her father by her mother is a South African and American actress and film producer. Charlize Theron has received acclaim for her work as well as recipient of the Academy Award, Silver Bear, Golden Globe Award and Screen Actors Guild Awards.

larry-birdThe eighteen-year-old boy whose father committed suicide following his parents’ divorce turned his attention toward sports and ended up playing for the Boston Celtics. Larry Bird is a 12-time NBA All-Star, won the gold medal at the 1992 Summer Olympics and currently serves as team president of the Indiana Pacers.

amy-purdyThe nineteen-year old who lost her legs is an American actress, model, world-class snowboarder and 2014 Paralympic bronze medalist, co-founder of Adaptive Action Sports, professional motivational speaker, clothing designer and author, Amy Purdy.

walt-disneyThe twenty-year-old bankrupt cartoonist who befriended a mouse was entrepreneur, animator, voice actor and film producer, Walt Disney won twenty-two Oscars, two Golden Globe Special Achievement Awards and an Emmy Award, among other honors. As well as founding Disneyland, Disney World and EPCOT (Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow).

tim-allenThe 25-year old imprisoned drug dealer survived his prison sentence using humor as his coping mechanism. Following his release, he tried standup comedy on a dare, and developed his “toolman” persona based on personalities of other prison inmate personalities. Actor and comedian, Tim Allen is best-known for his ABC television show Home Improvement and has enjoyed success during his Hollywood film career.

w-mitchell28-year-old man with the worst luck of all became known as W Mitchell, an American motivational speaker and businessman. He lives in Santa Barbara, California and maintains a second home in Hawaii, is a millionaire, former member of the United States Marine Corps, a paraplegic, and was elected mayor.

… And you think you had it bad.

What’s your excuse?


There is treasure in your tragedy

only you have the key

It’s time you started to turn your adversity into the fuel to empower you to live a better life, your best life and make the world a better place.