Is It Time to Rebrand?

Holistic entrepreneurs are not only doing great work in the world, they are also cognizant of their own spiritual wellness. This is why I am blessed to be surrounding myself with creative triunistic (body/mind/spirit) conscious individuals who are ever evolving and expanding.

As my clients evolve, likewise their lives and their business environments change and adaptation is necessary to maintain congruency with the ongoing metamorphosis.
It becomes necessary to contemplate changing your brand (the representation of who you are and what you do) to embrace and harness the power of your expansion to allow further opportunities and expansion.

Your brand is not only what you say it is, it is what people think about you when they hear your name or the name of your business. If not tended to, your brand can be very weak. Given the proper attention people will recognize the impression you desire to communicate when your name comes to mind. It is a powerful but delicate balancing act.

We love doing the things we love, that is why we do what we do, but as we evolve those things we love – those things we are deeply passionate about – are also subject to change.

Upon conception of your foray into the public medium, you brand yourself initially as you see yourself and like to represent who you are and what you do to others. Often this is apparent when you first meet and/or greet someone, exchange pleasantries and introduce yourself. What you say in the first 30 seconds establishes your brand.

It makes sense that as you change, so should the way you introduce yourself to others (your brand).

So how do you establish who you are and what you do?

Periodically checking with your inner self and query where your passions are and compare them to where you were. Ask yourself is my brand (the way I have been representing/introducing myself) an adequate representation of where I am today?

If not, it may be time to revisit how you represent yourself to others and consider rebranding.

Making these changes as often as necessary (there are no hard and fast rules about when, only when you recognize you have changed enough to communicate the adjustments to others) will open doors and invite further expansion of your efficacy in the community and the world at large.

If you’re considering that it is time for a personal or professional review, ask yourself these questions,

Where did I come from?
How did I get here?
What offerings, tools, skills and special abilities do I have?
What was I most enthusiastic about in the past?
What makes my heart sing today?
Is something calling me, beckoning me to bring it forth?
Can I accept the challenge to expand who I am or what I do?
If so, what would that look like?
Can including this vision in my brand further my evolution or expansion?

The answers to these and other questions that might come to mind will help you determine whether it is time to make adjustments to your brand.

Are you ready?

We Are Power Cells for Negative Energy

Most of us realize by now (and science is catching up with the idea) that our hearts emit an energy field. What does this science mean and more importantly how does this energy affect us, the space we occupy on this planet and the rest of the world as we know it? What if we, each and every one of us, is a power cell for negative energy?

I think we can all grasp the idea that we are all surrounded by a degree of negative energy, and we can easily see the effects of the dominance of negative energy just by viewing a few minutes of any news show or channel. Evidence of this proliferation of negative energy can be witnessed almost any time anywhere, ad if not, it doesn’t take long to find it if you simply look for it.

Negative energy (or “evil” as some may call it) is all around us, but this is not a natural state of our planet. Nature does not maintain a frequency of negativity. You look at nature and there is no evil, there is only life, evolving, changing, growing and continually making way for new life. Yet, in the world which we live (and we have made for ourselves) negativity abounds.

Since negative energy does not originate in nature, then the question remains,

Where does negative energy come from?

The answer, if you could stretch your imagination to postulate for a moment, lies within each and every one of us.

We Are Power Cells for Negative Energy

It’s you, it me, it’s each of us sharing the human condition on planet earth. We are the source energizing the negative energy that we see all around us.

If our heart emits an energetic frequency – and if this energy is negative – it fuels the negativity which permeates our world, creating more and more negativity. We are the batteries that run the negativity witnessed and experienced in our world.

Negative energy which is based primarily on the emotion of fear is transmitted via its various forms of energetic transference to the world around us. Fear is the base emotion that is the foundation for so many emotional states such as anger, depression, disapproval, envy, grief, hate, rejection, sadness and worry that we find ourselves surrounded by most, if not all, of the time.

When we find ourselves engaged in these emotional states, we are turning up the power on our individual power cells to further fuel the negativity in our own world and the world around us.

Here are the top 40 negative emotions and their antidotes:

The Top 40 Negative Emotions and Their Antidotes

Negative Emotional State

Positive Emotional Antidote


good fortune
good luck

How to Stop Charging the Negative Energetic Field

Fortunately, just as we hold the power to charge the negative energetic field that surrounds us, we also possess the ability, not only to cancel the negative energy, but to emit a more powerful positive energy which not only attracts more good things in life to us but in addition empowers the world for more good fortune.

The act of cancelling and producing positive energy not only benefits our own lives, but the lives of those within our social circles and the world at large.

While this may not be a widely help concept, yet, it is growing and people are making the shift from participating in (and promoting) negative energies and intentionally raising their frequencies in emotional states that are founded in love, not fear.

So when you find yourself experiencing any of the negative emotions via any of your senses, the sooner you catch yourself, stop the exposure and find ways to embrace the antidote, you can stop contributing to this negative energetic field.

Charging the Positive Energetic Field

The more you stop exposing yourself to the negative energy field and curtail allowing your body’s tendency to emote negatively, you can fully embrace more and more of the antidotes, or positive energetic frequencies, to further positively power the positive energetic field that is gaining power as more and more of us participate in this powerful action.

You have the power

You Are The Power

Use it wisely

15 Signs for Relationship Ending

Let’s face it, if you’re open to having an effective romantic relationship with another person, you probably already know you’re swimming in shark-infested waters. Still, we want to believe true love is possible – and I believe it is – so we continue to allow ourselves to be open and somewhat vulnerable because we know that is the only way to have a truly meaningful relationship.

15 Signs for Relationship Ending

The earlier you notice the warning signs of a potentially problematic or toxic relationship, the better. Although unfortunately we find ourselves in relationships and are only able to see the red flags after they have established a level of comfort and let down their guard. At that point you have to decide if it’s time for you to conduct your relationship ending to allow for a more healthy relationship to appear on the landscape.

15 Signs for Relationship Ending

1. It’s All About Me

If your partner is self-absorbed there may be no room for you in his of her life. Certainly, you might be invited to participate in their life but more as an accessory than a partner. You might be able to see signs of potential narcissistic personality disorder on their facebook or other social media accounts. Look for obsessive selfies and little else. If it’s all about them on their social media, it’s a good indicator that any relationship will also be about them, too. Look for someone with the capacity to have relationships with friends and family if you hope for them to have the ability to become a team player in your life.

2. Do This, Don’t Do That

If they have a long list of rules they expect you to follow and more often than not making suggestions to change you, this is likely never going to change, and you shouldn’t be expected to. This may also be a warning sign that you might be getting involved with a psychopath or someone in the anti-social personality disorder spectrum. If they’re expecting you to change to meet their requirements, consider changing prospective mates.

3. More Interested in What You Do

If your partner appears to be more interested in your career (and you have a good job with benefits, opportunities for promotions or influential in the community) then he or she might not be interested in you at all. It’s likely not just about liking what you do, but they’re more focused on what you can bring to the table for them. If it’s not about you, who you are as a person, it’s because they’re not interested in you and they lack the capacity to connect in a real way.

4. Not Interested in What You Want to Do

If you’re constantly trying to invite our partner to participate in activities that you enjoy and he or she is resistant to going along or could care less, how long could you live like that? Though, they might be quite expectant that you participate in their activities. If they’d rather you go alone and administer endless guilt trips for doing so, these are not signs of a potentially successful long-term relationship. It’s not up to you to always be the sacrificial lamb or the martyr. A true partnership includes a bit of give and take if it is expected to last.

5. Conversation Domination

Are they constantly talking about me, me, me and don’t seem to be interested in you? You can clearly see it when you’re trying to communicate with them. They rarely if ever ask you about you, and when you find yourself intimating details about you, your day, your life, they interrupt and make it about them. Try disagreeing with the. If they are more focused on defending their position than listening to your point of view, then what’s the point? Conversation – just like your relationship – needs to be a two-way street, if you want to be more in someone’s life than an audience member validating their sense of importance.

6. Doesn’t Keep Promises

Your prospective mate is armed and ready with a long list of excuses about why he or she was unable to d what he or she said they would do and may even look to blame you in some way for his/her inability to fulfill his/her obligation(s). This is not only shirking responsibility, but may be a clear indication that this person has no sense of integrity to bring to the relationship. How can you be expected to trust someone who won’t keep their promises?

7. Could Care Less About Others

If someone is self-centered, inconsiderate or rude, they may be borderline narcissists. You see it every day, the person who dominates the fast lane at low speed not aware of anything or anyone else being on the road, they stand in doorways unaware of others who would like to use the egress point, they talk out loud with their blue tooth device stuffed in their ear in public, are constantly checking their phones at inopportune times and places, holding up foot traffic or disrespecting other people attempting to engage with them. You are not likely to be truly seen by this person as the person you truly are, only a less than visible passer-by. Don’t hold onto the false hope of making a genuine connection with this type of person.

8. Pointing Out Others’ Faults

If your partner is constantly pointing the finger at other people, putting them down, disrespecting or making fun of them and/or their shortcomings, then they are nothing more than selfish nincompoops. There are deep-rooted reasons why someone needs to validate themselves by putting others down ranging from lack of self-esteem to psychopathy. Regardless of the root cause of this type of personality trait, it does not indicate an openness that leads to a long-lasting, meaningful relationship, knowing all the while he or she is monitoring everything you do for use as a comedy sketch in the future. Only fools hang with the foolhardy. Don’t be a fool.

9. How They Respond to Their Past

If your potential partner lies about his or her past – or worse yet – doesn’t talk about it at all, it does not reflect well on any potential relationship you might have with this person. Either they are a sociopath covering up their long list of casualties or they are too broken and timid to participate fully because they feel they have been victimized or afraid that you might leave, if you knew the truth. Unless you can freely and openly share the wounds and scars about your past with the person with whom you can be intimate with, there is no real possibility of making a connection of any significance. That onus is on you, too. You also need to be able to conduct a conversation about this person’s past, without ridicule or judgment.

10. Living With Their Ex- (in their head)

How can you be expected to have a quality relationship with someone who is still attached to their ex-? This person is clearly not ready to move on in any meaningful way. A little dialogue about exes may be helpful in getting to know someone’s capacity for relationships, but endless stories about the ex- go far beyond annoying. You’re participation in this person’s life may be relegated to being the rebound or transition person, making them feel better as they work through their grief of loss, only filling a temporary void until someone else comes along. Look for healthy recollections of the ex- and make sure he/she has had some time to disassociate and establish some independence.

11. No Same-gender Friends

If he or she doesn’t have any friends of the same gender and insists that they just don’t get along with individuals sharing the same sex, this could be an indicator of problematic social entanglements which could rear their ugly faces in the future. If his or her ability to have friends is predominantly relegated to friends of the opposite sex, he or she may not have the capacity to engage in a high level of friendship at all, and isn’t that what you want your partner to be, your best friend? You just don’t want to be one of his/her other friends (unless that is what you want). Some speculation could be made about the reasons why he or she is only attracted to making friends with the opposite sex, which could take years to unravel. A good partner has friends who are of both genders it exemplifies their ability to partner.

12. Tries to Trip You Up

Instead of looking out for you and celebrate your individual successes, if they’re more likely to downplay your wins, they ma potentially be destructive, looking for ways to make you stumble so that they appear to have the upper hand. This can be the case when a pair of successful people gets together, especially if one of them may have narcissistic tendencies. Look for someone who celebrates you, encourages you to do better, even helps build you up along the way to success, stay away from anyone who wants to sabotage your personal or professional growth in an effort to keep or tear you down.

13. My Way or the Highway

This potentially narcissistic person is more likely than not going to insist that you comply with their expectations, or follow up with a demand to, “Hit the road, Jack,” or issue a Dear-John letter post haste. If you don’t like it, leave it. They obviously don’t care about you as much as they do themselves. Take advantage of the invitation and just leave, you’re better off without them, cut your losses, leave now, because eventually they will just throw you out anyway.

14. Financial Infidelity

If your partner is weird about finances, keeping financial agreements, or may have undisclosed sources or hordes of financing options, be on guard and be looking for clues of someone who may not be honest with the way they conduct their financial affairs. Money issues are one of the most primary indicators of relationship troubles. You don’t want to be left holding the bag, while your partner scurries off to drain his or her next victim.

15. Abusiveness

There are many discourses on catching the early indicators of a potential abuser. The last thing you want to be in is an abusive relationship. Even though predators are very stealthy early on in a relationship, you may be able to pick up on sings such as how they interact with wait staff, animals or children.

Keep in mind that all abuse is not relegated to only physical. Other kinds of abuse include verbal abuse, mental abuse, emotional abuse, manipulation, humiliation and/or substance abuse. Healthy relationships should be maintained as abuse-free as possible. And for god’s sake, never think that you can change a potential abuser. Is it possible? Maybe, but not likely.

Overcoming Entrepreneurial Burnout

You’ve dreamed, been given the gift of an idea from beyond, a special skill or service or any of the myriad reasons people get inspired to take the leap of faith and start your own business. You’ve been bit by the entrepreneurial bug.

Maybe you’ve been feeling life is taking you nowhere, that it’s time to do your own thing, live life on your own terms and be your own boss. You’ve decided that it’s time to take action and do what you love and allow others to compensate you for following your passionate dreams.

You love the freedom of being able to set your own hours, share your gifts, talents and special abilities while letting your inner light shine as you exercise your creativity, reach your lifestyle and financial goals, enjoy more happiness and make the world a better place.

You’ve taken action and made the commitment to take a risk to embrace your dream, and you find out that entrepreneurialism (starting and running your own business) may be more than you bargained for. When you started out, you were enthusiastic and empowered with self confidence and love. Then, after a while, of dealing with the day to day operations of running a business, your confidence and determination begins to wane. Even though you’re doing what you love, you may feel your energy draining, begin questioning yourself, and possibly find yourself entertaining a personal bout with depression.

In my work with entrepreneurs, it is not uncommon for these otherwise potentially hugely successful business people to waver, when this is the critical moment for them to push through this thicket we refer to as burnout.

15 Signs of Entrepreneurial Burnout

  1. Lack of energy
  2. Increased anxiety
  3. Work too much (long hours)
  4. Not eating right
  5. Denying your own self-care (exercise, meditation, reading, journaling etc.)
  6. Feeling as though the weight of the world (your business) is on your shoulders
  7. Not interacting socially
  8. Noticing your personal relationships are deteriorating
  9. Holding yourself to unrealistic high standards
  10. Doing everything yourself
  11. Feeling guilty for taking time for yourself
  12. Endlessly pushing yourself to do more than expected (or even possible)
  13. Beat yourself up for not managing your business better
  14. Being disappointed in the level of success you have attained
  15. Not taking the time to celebrate your wins along the way

If any of that sounds like you, it might be time to re-evaluate and get a grip on your life. Don’t sacrifice your quality of life for your business. It’s easy to get in over your head, it’s not only expected in business, but it is also a primary element to moving your business to the next level and allows you to increase your opportunity for massive success.

You have forgotten about yourself – the most valuable component – of our business. It’s time to focus more on caring for you and nurturing the most valuable asset you have: You.

You can do this by considering

It Is What It Is

Simply accept that things are the way they are. Sometimes stuff happens that you have no control over. Get a grip, it’s not all about you. Sometimes you make a mistake, accept responsibility for that, get over it and move on. Don’t beat yourself up. And when you have a win (look for them – even small ones), celebrate it!

Being bold enough to make your own way invites challenges. It’s up to you to make sure you have the strength to deal with them when they arise. And if you need a hand, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Not everything is your fault and don’t let anything get in the way of your attention to yourself comes first.

Make and Take Time

Make time to rest, relax and take care of yourself. We all have the same 24 hours a day, and you’ve been denying yourself a portion of the available hours. It’s time to reallocate and prioritize. Consider some time management and scheduling to maximize the time you have.

Look Out for You

Make priorities of making opportunities to do the things you love to do and take better care of yourself. Start paying more attention to the way you eat, exercise and sleep, make adjustments to enhance these basic primal needs for your mind and body. Also find ways to make room for activities that promote better health and joy. Rebuild neglected relationships (or make new ones) and manage the more important, meaningful areas of your life.

Do It

Think about it, if your son or daughter were conducting their affairs, like you, you would be all over them to make changes, to take better care of him/her self. Take your own advice. Make a commitment to you and your own self care and love. Learn (and practice) to say, “No,” when your business or others demand expectations of compromising your attention to you, without feeling guilty.

While it may sound counter-intuitive at the outset, your renewed mind, body and spirit will be better equipped to do more with less if you’ve put yourself first.

Cut Yourself Some Slack

When you’re frazzled, feeling like your world is crumbling around you and it’s all your fault, stop. Take a break. Try to look at it from a different perspective. In every tragedy there is treasure, you need only to take the time to find it. Then it all makes sense.

And if you fail, forgive yourself and get back on track as quickly as possible. Failures are necessary components of success empowering you with invaluable education as you push forward. Don’t beat yourself up and keep going. You have everything you need to get you from where you are to where you want to be. If you keep going, the things that you don’t have will appear when the time is right.

You got this

Look for the good in everything and you will find the success you’re looking for. It might not turn out like you thought it would, but the results will be better than you imagined because every adversity will lead you to a far better place if you persevere.

Follow the Leader – Or Not

We’re all passengers on the same boat called, “Life.” We all do the best we can with the knowledge skills, tools, gifts and resources that we have. We all have both and invitation to have anything we want and an inner longing to have these things. The things we want vary from person to person, some monetary or physical things, others more esoteric, etheric, or visceral. Nonetheless, we all have a longing for the better things in life.

The good news is everything you desire has been provided for you. It is here, on this planet somewhere, or if not, it is on its way. So what do you want?

Right away, your inner voice sounds off, with warning signs of potential emotional pain, fear of loss or failure, ridicule of peers and a firm rationalization of, “It’s just not that way in real life,” or any other limitation in an effort to control and save your life; which is fine, if you don’t mind being another cog in the machine of society.


It’s not unlike the imposed, posted and enforced speed limits on highways and roadways.

It’s the law. But you know it’s not a natural law. How do you know? If the posted speed is 55 MPH and you exceed the posted speed limit, you keep one eye on the speedometer, another on the road and find you’re driving safely but clearly exceeding the speed limit. You did not crash, did not put other drivers at risk and you did not die.

You know this, because you’ve performed this exercise more than once. If you attempt this speeding exercise periodically, you run the risk of being noticed by


The police, sheriff’s department, state patrol and other extensions of law enforcement are all on the lookout for you; you as a whole (monitoring group compliance) and you – individually – the rebel who sets himself apart from the herd. They are not only looking for you, but they are empowered by a higher court to impede your progress, cite and impose limits upon you, judge, fine and convict you for your refusing to honor the posted limitations.


As it is in most aspects of society, there is a preponderance of encouragement for playing follow the leader. Leaders are established, who enlist the aid of sub-leaders, who help to control and manage the masses. This is not only regulated to driving speeds on roadways, but all aspects of life.

Leaders allow a certain degree of individuality to be established by clearly defined groups, who can be managed as a whole. While they are able to exercise a facsimile of free thought, there are established checks and balances imposed to create the limits of society in an effort to more easily manage the masses.

And this is the way it is – and has been – ever since any one of us can remember, being raised up in a system that constantly demands

Do This – Don’t Do That

Our parents start it. The responsibility for social programming gets picked up by the educational system, and the legal system runs the gauntlet from there, all the while being supported by peers, groups, organizations, religions and the government. We even police ourselves, warning our friends and family of the impending dangers of not going with the flow.


But you know better. You can feel it within your heart of hearts that this is not the real world. You’re beginning to see there is more to this life.

Again, you start to feel the desire…

What Do You Want?

The magnificence of all the possibilities beckons you to come and taste of it…

Wait! Isn’t that the call of evil?

Ah, that inner voice; the programming which was so carefully conceived and executed. Ask yourself, seek a deeper level of understanding, exercise your inalienable right to think freely. Ask,

Is this good for me?
Does it hurt me?
Does it hurt anyone else?
Can I accept the responsibility for having it?

The thought initiated by your desire has already been provided for you, is there for the taking. If only you could believe and remove whatever stands between you and that which you seek.

You are so much more than you know

Watch your knowingness grow

You are amazing

Awakening to True Love Workshop

Who Should Attend?

Singles in search of true love and/or their soulmate
Individuals who want to increase the quality of all their relationships
Couples with the desire to invite true love into their relationship
Anyone who wants to set their relationship on fire

Rather than rekindle a disintegrating romance these tools, tips and techniques will totally dismantle all your previous misconceptions about love and empower you to embrace a whole new paradigm of true love, if you dare.

Meet Your Event Hosts

Sherry Lynn Marie

Author of Love Letters from the Lighthouse and Reiki Ranch alumni, Sherry Lynn Marie presents the keys to mastering authentic love in contrast to the love you’ve believed in, in the past in this groundbreaking Awakening to True Love Workshop based on ancient Toltec writings, February 11th in cooperation with the Leading Edge University, hosted at the Reiki Ranch school.

Click Here for Class Information & Tickets

Inspired by the life and works of Mother Teresa, this former Catholic school girl, relationship coach, domestic violence counselor, reiki master and empty nester, Sherry Lynn Marie raised 4 children. She was born at Kincheloe Air Force Base, Michigan, raised in California where she lived at the Point Cabrillo Lighthouse, now enjoys her residency in the pristine Pacific Northwest’s Willamette Valley, where she enjoys nature and expressing herself in song.

Learn to love, fulfill your life’s destiny, achieve your dreams and fulfillment. Anything is possible with the right tools and guidance.

David M. Masters

Coach, consultant and author of Live a Better Life, Your Best Life, David M. Masters, presents the distinct contrast between the lackluster love we’ve been programmed by society to accept and the higher calling of unconditional love which can transform all your relationships including romantic and otherwise in the Awakening to True Love Workshop, Feb. 11th, in Chehalis, Washington.

Click Here for Class Information & Tickets

Former minister, educator, entrepreneur, public speaker, and business consultant, David M Masters has helped many people improve their lives financially, physically, personally, spiritually and professionally. Following the loss of a son in Afghanistan, and subsequently, his family, Masters took a sabbatical to reconnect with his Higher Source as he continues to live out his life’s purpose, sharing his message and helping others to achieve their highest and best and make the world a better place.

Masters’ Awakening to True Love Workshop will rock your romantic world and set all your relationships ablaze with new found freedom and authenticity.

The regular price for this 1 day seminar is $120 if held in metropolitan locations. Through a special arrangement with our friends at the Reiki Ranch we are able to offer this event at a special discounted price.

Can’t make it to the Awakening to the True Love Workshop on February 11th?

Or did you wait until all the seats were sold out?

Drop us an email to receive an advance notification for the next workshop at

Here’s more on the Awakening to True Love Workshop…

Ever wonder why your relationships just don’t work out right?

In the beginning, you feel as though you’ve met your one true love and it’s not long before this magnificent love dream come true devolves into your worst nightmare.

Top 10 Reasons Relationships Fail

Desperate to save your precious dream, you explore all the challenges that caused your relationship to be compromised or fail. Therapeutic intervention dissects your relationship and all its flaws such as

  1. basic compatibility
  2. communication styles
  3. disinterest
  4. abuse
  5. lack of trust
  6. betrayal
  7. unmet expectations
  8. unfulfilled obligations
  9. money issues
  10. infidelity

These top 10 reasons that relationships fail are not why relationships fail, nor are any of the other so-called reasons; they are only treated as symptoms, while the underlying toxic disease continues to spread – not only in your relationship – but most relationships in the world.

The real reason why relationships fail is due to the spread of this dangerous disease which spreads like a viral wildfire. This toxin, left to itself will destroy and break down every love relationship we’re involved in, not just out romantic relationships. This viral disease leads to the failure and destruction of all kinds of relationships, including a significant other, family, mom, dad, brother, sister, children, coworkers, bosses and platonic friends.

All our relationships are at risk of being infected by this deadly disease, which is the real root cause of the death of any relationship.

The Truth: Why Relationships Fail

You might be surprised to discover there is only one reason that relationships fail. If you’re fervently seeking to find true love, you will never find it if you are infected with the toxic disease.

Wonder what the toxin is that will thwart any relationship you have and cause it to fall to pieces, no matter how you try to save it?

The name of the disease is


Yes, “love;” the definition of it, the concept of it and everything you believe about it, love is the disease.

What if

Everything You Know About Love is Wrong?

You’ve been infected with the toxin which has spread more and more with every interaction you’ve had with other relationships as far back as you can remember (and before).

Your parents, society, the media and Disney have planted and spread the disease so pervasively that you couldn’t recognize true love if you saw it.


Join us for the

Awakening to True Love Workshop

Where in this all day event, you will learn what love really is, how to have it, get it and keep it without fear.

Awakening to True Love Workshop
Saturday, February 11
10:00 am -to- 6:00 pm
Reiki Ranch, Chehalis, Washington

Drawing from ancient Toltec wisdom, don Miguel Ruiz’s work, The Mastery of Love, other texts and new thought, Leading Edge University’s David M. Masters and Sherry Lynn Marie, in cooperation with the Reiki Ranch are bringing this 1 day love, romance and relationship seminar which will change the way you love and look at all your relationships.

Following this event, you can choose whether to practice




Eliminate the poison that spreads the highly contagious disease of toxic love that promotes possessiveness, jealousy, envy, suspicion, bitterness, dishonesty, controlling, abuse, judging others and yourself.

Instead, you will learn to love unconditionally and have true love in your intimate relationships amidst a society dominated by the disease of love.

You will find the source of the power of true love emanates from within your heart and does not come from outside yourself. Thinking that love comes from anywhere else is the lie that germinates the disease of toxic love’s seeds.

In this 1 day event you will

  • Learn to forgive and love yourself as you learn about and eradicate the poisonous disease of toxic love.
  • Discover your inner strengths and realize the opinion of others, criticisms or expectations have no effect on or power over you.
  • Eliminate the risk of betrayal as true love’s trust cannot be broken.
  • Get to know you, who you are and who you were in your youth prior to the installation of this toxic, deceitful and manipulative viral software.
  • Get in touch with your inner beauty and purity as you share your true love for another with your newfound peace and serenity from within.

Your true love accepts others just the way they are; without criticism, opinions, or judgment.

Awakening to true love in self-awareness, self-love and self-forgiveness empower you to accept yourself, love your reflection in the mirror, loving in your relationships whether they be with your spouse, friends or relatives but most of all learning to love yourself regardless of what anybody else thinks or says.

See you at the Soulmate Wizardry event.


Learn how to love yourself and by extension everyone and everything else that is out there in our universe.

Awakening to True Love Workshop
Reiki Ranch, Chehalis, Washington

Call (360) 748-4426, or email to reserve your spot today. Seating for this event is limited


* All ticket sales are final. No refunds or exchange.

Break Away for Your New Life

“Shhh… Be quiet. I know what you’re thinking. There is something about life and what we’ve been led to believe that just does not appear to be true.”

Continue to think. Think for yourself. This is an early sign of awakening from society’s trance, as you consider that it might be time to break away for your new life.

You’ve been programmed to be a societal robot, everything you “know” or have been programmed to believe has been in an effort to keep our true consciousness from breaking through, yet if only for a moment, you have a deeper knowingness that something may be terribly amiss.

You have been told you have free will; free will to do what? Free will to act a certain way, to be raised by parents who cause you to have certain thought patterns, to be programmed by school teachers, to get a job, to exist and participate as a productive member of society?

You ponder, “What if I truly had free will? What are the possibilities?” And you wonder why you’ve been programmed to believe there are so many limitations? And you say to yourself,

“I want more than this.”

Fighting off the pre-programmed inner voices, you push through the psychological barrier and affirm,

“I am ready to make a stand and change my life, to have more love, money and happiness.”

Sure, you have the free will to do just that, or do you?

At the risk of being diagnosed with a personality disorder, you are beginning to see life as we know it from another perspective than that which is promoted as accepting things as they are. You’re becoming aware that you are surrounded by people and things that are programmed to beat you into submission if you dare challenge the status quo.

As you awareness increases, you can feel a vibrational shift. Your vibration, the frequency at which your whole self (mind, body and spirit) is attuned, is changing and you’re finding yourself tuning into a new way of thought, like changing from a radio station from the AM band, to one in FM, you are accessing different, new information and experiencing individual thought.

In this moment of clarity, you declare your rejection of poverty or acceptance on limitations which have been imposed on you by others, you are going to move forward and create your new life. You are cognizant of others who are brainwashed and reason you can avoid them or play along, just long enough to gain momentum toward a better life.

And if you’re like many of us, you find yourself in front of the television, computer, tablet or cell phone which almost immediately reduces your frequency to the drone of everyday life once again and before you know it hours have passed. Those fleeting thoughts are discounted and disregarded as a brief daydream/fantasy which left unbridled may have led to a psychotic breakout of individuality psychosis or, at the very least, delusions of grandeur as you allow yourself to resume your “real life” comfortably numb.

Where is the free will in that?

Not to worry. There will come another occasion to awaken, to become more aware. What will you do then?

If you are blessed with the clarity of thought you have everything that you need inside of you (and if not, it will be provided to you) if you choose to take action and change. Change your thoughts, the way you see others ad the world. You can change your routines, your interaction with all areas of life, how you respond and deal with circumstances and challenges, truly exercising the free will which you were endowed with.

And if you fall back into your old frequency of daily life, that’s okay, too. Because another opportunity will arise and your interest will be piqued once again, enabling you to choose to take the necessary action or steps toward your free will and new life. If it were not for these brief moments of clarity, you might not have the opportunity.

This opportunity offers you a chance to take responsibility for your own life, to exercise your free will, break away and create your world, separate from the pack.

All you need is to embrace your individuality, raise your vibration, take action and move on your intuition and intentions, resisting the pressure to fall back into the mob’s mentality and frequency.

Mid-life Metamorphosis

It’s an incredible place to find yourself among the center of the spectrum of your life. You can look back on a life lived with lessons learned undoubtedly you’ve seen your dreams diminish in the light of responsibility and you have loved and lost.

Somewhere among the timeline of your life you awaken from the trance of life and see your life as it is. You can review the events of your life from a bird’s eye view. From this vantage point you can review missed opportunities of all kinds and realize that there is plenty of life waiting for you in the remainder of your life. How will you live it in comparison?

This is the moment of mid-life awakening. You know there is more to life and as you realize you are a multidimensional being, you ready yourself to take your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual lives to the next level.

You being to ponder the meaning of life, asking the most meaningful question of all, “What contribution have I made?” Realizing that with plenty of life’s breath and a full heart beating within, you shift as you reposition for the remainder of your life, modifying the question,

“What contribution will I make?”

You start taking stock of your talents, skills, abilities and resources. Things you have taken for granted in the past. Your inventory piques your interest and you know you could do better, so you gear up and look for ways to increase your assets, hone your skills and grow into the next version of yourself, an empowered, enlightened new you.

You become more highly attuned to your capabilities and feel your body, like never before. You need this vessel to continue your work. You can feel your heart beat, the synapses firing in your brain, your muscles working, your skin as it wraps it all up. With a new sense of honor and respect for your body, you consider ways to enhance your physiology to better serve your new lease on life. While you may (or may have not) been concerned about your health and wellness in the past, now you have a new zeal for self-care, optimization and personal maintenance.

You’re not as concerned with the mere appearance of your human vessel, like others amidst a mid-life crisis to merely to vainly maintain their youthful looks by visually enhancing via cosmetic surgery. No, you’re looking deeper into your health and wellness, not just looking at the exterior visual but what makes you tick, the secrets hidden inside your body, all the way down to your DNA.

What about your connection to the source? The energy that creates and sustains life, enabling us to perceive, perform and seek to find and realize a better life for yourself, your children, your children’s children as you seek to add value to your life and that of your community and the world at large.

None of this – none of it – you, your life ‘til now, the new and improved you that will volley into the future with a new zeal and sincere desire to live a better life, your best life and make the world a better place would be possible without this energy. How will you honor your connection to source and use it to increase your effectiveness as you create new possibilities and probabilities.

It’s time to make so many adjustments, to envision your new life and start planning to execute your new life and manifest those things you see in your mind’s eye, to see your hopes and dreams realized and brought to life in your world.

You know what you want, what you don’t want. You are delineating your ideas, dreams and desires and creating a map; a map that depicts where you are and where you want to be, with good ideas on how to get from here to there. And as you do this work, and continue to do this work, the path becomes more and more clear, as it is revealed to you and you take action to move forward in faith.

Your desire to grow, change and contribute is undeniable as you become more cognizant of your purpose and mission in life with an unparalleled coherence for your new journey that lies ahead. You’re ready to accept the challenge, evaluating each area of your life from career to friendships. This is a clear demarcation in your life with a distinct before and after. You’re okay with and honor the past while not letting it get in the way of your bright future. You develop ways to express yourself in truth in ways that don’t hurt yourself, others or things.

Can you dreams come true? Have they ever come true for others? If they have, what is true for anyone is true for you. All you have to do is to embrace all that you have been given, as everything you need to bring it to pass is either within you, or available to you. It’s up to you to make it happen.

As you readjust for this massive transformation, some may refer to your condition as a mid-life crisis because others who have not awakened cannot imagine you at such a juncture, welcoming your metamorphosis. You bless the nay sayers, in hopes that one day they, too, will see the light. If not, you love them nonetheless because you realize that we are all only doing the best we can with what we have.

You can do this.

How to Deal With a Jerk at Work

Whether you’re an employee, in management or a leader in an organization, occasionally you’re going to run into a co-worker or person who is fairly difficult to deal with or just a pain to try to work with. As in all relationships in life, every person (even the ones that appear to be somewhat lackluster) brings value to you and your organization. So, you’re much better off finding ways to manage this working relationship successfully by figuring out how to deal with a jerk at work.

One of my clients is the CEO of an organization with a manager who possesses a powerful personality, which is a daily challenge for the CEO. While the manager’s value to the organization is painfully obvious, so is the contrasting personality, placing him at odds with the CEO on a regular basis.

It appears that every time they try to do something significant, the personality conflicts create immense controversy (including heated arguments), full on arguments and displays of opposing emotional outbreaks falling just short of progressing to fisticuffs.

Trump: "You're fired!"
Trump: “You’re fired!”

On more than one occasion, there has been reasonable consideration that excluding the manager altogether by blurting out, “You’re fired!” and to send him packing. Though, as much as the CEO might feel like he’d rather let him go than deal with him, he concedes, “He is more good than bad,” and therefore is willing to do the work to embrace and empower his charge for the benefit of the greater good.

The CEO decided to use his own management skills to reach out to the manager with the thought that there must be something lying beneath the surface which makes the manager resistant to leadership. He thought, maybe if he could better understand the manager, his life, how he became the person he is today, there is a possibility there might be a degree of understanding or empathy for the manager. After all, aren’t we all just doing the best we can with what we have?

The next opportunity for them to square off came when the manager’s department was upside down and had more work than it could handle, even exercising his best (or worst) management skills and strong-arming the team could not save the day. The CEO knew this would be a difficult meeting, but rather than poise for a fight (as usual) the CEO placed two chairs in his office at 45 degree angles, instead or across from each other (confrontational) in an attempt to eliminate some of the pressure.

Instead of starting with the obvious challenge facing the organization, the CEO first honored the manager by thanking him for saving the day so many times before when facing what seemed to be insurmountable odds, then broke character, humbled himself and intimated his struggle as a young child with making his way to succeed against all odds. There was an implied invitation for the manager to respond quid pro quo.

Following the exchange of their personal stories, these two powerful individuals discovered they had more in common than they may have previously thought, and finding the common ground enabled them, together, to find a solution to the latest challenge.

The chemistry between these individuals is still confrontational at best, but by reaching out and connecting they have a newfound respect for each other and are able to work together through crisis situations. While they may never be the best of friends, they do form a powerful team, when pushing through their social differences to mutually making gainful strides.

This is how to deal with a jerk at work.

Let’s face it; we all have people that we get along with in the working environment better with some employees and co-workers than others. For those that rub us the wrong way, we ask ourselves, “What the heck is wrong with that person?”

You wonder, “How’d he get to be that way?” What makes him/her react, like that? Why is he/she so confrontational? And if you’re not mindful, you might consider resigning yourself not to care or get involved and avoiding this person altogether.

On the other hand, we still need to go through life in tandem with people like this, and chances are, if you tried to avoid them, someone else will come to take their place. Why? Because there is great learning to be had in finding common ground with others with whom you may not be well-suited for the greater good.

Here are some questions to ponder, the next time you become aware of someone who seems like a jerk, but there might be more to the story that you may not understand. Maybe ask,

Who is this person?

Not just the person you know if the working environment, but what is life like for him/her outside the confines of work? You might find this “jerk” engaging in recreational activities, volunteering their free time to help those less fortunate, working out, and embracing meditative or relaxing exercises. Try to see a more complete view of his/her life.

What does he/she want?

Even though they are difficult to deal with, what is it that they want to accomplish? Do they desire to be respected? Are they trying to establish independence or acknowledgement? Are they seeking attention, exercising control? You may find that you share similar goals but go about achieving them differently.

Why does he/she act/react like that?

If you can find out what lies beneath the surface of the way they do what they do, it may provide insight. Try not to take it as a personal affront. It has more to do with them than it does with you. Maybe, if you can understand their plight, you can exercise care and a bit of mentor ship, by gently reaching out and helping him/her understand or at least consider better ways to approach communication.

Be the Master

In any relationship, regardless of the conflict it may represent, the only thing you can truly control is yourself. So, proudly take the gauntlet and the high road to a better life by becoming the master of your own life and taking charge of the only half of the relationship that you have control over: You.

Don’t judge others for being incompatible. Instead, humble yourself, try to understand, reach out, or in extreme circumstances, change what you can (even if it means ultimately distancing yourself) and always seek to find the treasure hidden in any conflict.


Because if you don’t learn the lesson now, a new opportunity will present itself until you do.

Your journey is a magnificent one, full of excitement and drama, all for your benefit, if you so embrace it.

Don’t Stop Believing

Remember, back when you were in school and your classmates and others would ask, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” If you were an ambitious dreamer, like me, you would spin tales of unlived possibilities in an unknown future that lies just around the bend beyond the familiar terrain of the present.

You were young. You had dreams. As a young adult you were just starting your life’s journey and may have been willing to take the midnight train going anywhere, just to get a chance to experience something new and exciting. You were bold, adventurous, and though you may have been afraid, you were willing to roll the dice just one more time just to see what fate might tempt you with.

You were alive. The whole world was yours for the asking. You had a belief that you could do anything – and you could – all you had to do was to take the step and doors would open. You believed a vast world of possibilities held treasures in store for you, and if someone dared ask you about it, you could tell stories of a future yet to be realized, like a movie that never ends, and go on and on…

Then something happened

The rude awakening – life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness – you want the reasonable basics of life. And you start pondering more base questions about life, like “Where will I live?” Where will my next meal come from? How can I support myself? What do I have to offer a potential mate?

While you still believe and are willing to continue to dream, life grabs you by the wrist and hurls you into a sense of duty and responsibility as you reason, “I need to get a job.” Or some other sobering thought, as you hear the door to the cage close, realizing you’ve just been caught in the trap of life.

Life in prison

Day by day, your enthusiasm wanes as your dreams fade and you stop believing in a fabulous future. You resign yourself to the mundane day to day lifestyle of a reality where dreams no longer exist and become accustom to the engine’s drone as you taxi into your life of mediocrity.

The little, rare fanfares interrupt your otherwise “normal” life, where every day is just the same as the day before. The alarm goes off, the scurry to do what needs to be done. The hustle and bustle of your daily routine, which could probably be conducted while blindfolded, all to find yourself safely at home. Relax for a few minutes, until “lights out.” And it starts all over again.

And you go about making the best of your life in prison, without a thought of what’s going on outside, because to allow yourself to think of it would just be too tragic. That is, until you meet that young person, of whom you ask the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

In that moment you remember a time when you believed in all the possibilities, and you hope maybe to get a glimpse in the life of this young person of the flame that once burned in you so brightly. You think, even though you wasted your chance, maybe you could recapture the feeling by living vicariously through the life of this youth. Then, invariably, the young person with a dream of a brighter future begins to ask, “Where will I live?” and you know what comes next, as you shrug your shoulders and resign yourself to believe that belief is folly.

Don’t Stop Believing!

And that’s just how society has trained you to think and react. When you stop believing, the machine wins as you become nothing more than a functioning part of it, without hopes, dreams and unmotivated to disrupt the status quo.

It’s never too late to start believing and resuming your life’s journey again. All you have to do is to start where you left off. Have the courage to ask yourself, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

Don’t think of yourself as someone whose future has already been spent. You can ever continue to grow and change, embracing a brighter future and daring to do something to make the world a better place, no matter what station in life you may be in or what your age might be.

Dare to dream about the bright future that lies ahead, waiting for you in the next season of your life.

As you step back into the driver’s seat, ready to embark on your renewed life’s journey, you can continue to grow, evolve, write and rewrite your life’s script, like the movie that never ends, it goes on and on, and on, and on…

Don’t Stop Believing