Happy Easter

Today, I wished a dear friend, “Happy Easter,” and was met by a highly negative response, verbalized as, “I don’t celebrate Easter,” turning his back to me and walking away.

I get it. Everyone has a right to their own opinion, and I honor that in other people.

Over the course of my life, there are a few holidays that have special meaning for me and my family. In my life, there is a particular hierarchy of these holidays and in order, they have been,

1. Christmas
2. Fourth of July
3. Easter
4. Thanksgiving

The values of the celebration of these holidays decreased due to extreme trauma suffered by me and my family, but basically, the hierarchy remains in place, and as recovery continues, the overall value of these holidays remain as somewhat sacred tradition.

I must admit, when my friend abruptly shut down my friendly gesture of sharing something important to me, I was initially surprised and offended.

I thought of all the times that I supported my friend in the things that were important to him, that I could care less about. Always supportive, never rejecting him, his ideas, or the battles he chose to fight. Celebrating with him his wins and consoling him when struggling without judgment.

I was shocked at his response my simple, friendly salutation.

I was not imposing any belief, trying to convey any importance to the idea of it being Easter or any religious reference which may have been offensive.

Then I realized this was not about me. There was something within my friend which had been triggered by my, “Happy Easter,” and he responded appropriately based on his own inner wounds and fear. His response was not directed at me, even though I had initiated the phrase that triggered an inner child tantrum.

All things considered, he probably did an exceptional job of subduing the inner child’s outburst, had I taken it personally and decided to defend myself, the inner child’s ranting could have expressed itself as a full-on catastrophe.

So, I send love to my friend as he has the rest of the day to struggle with whatever his concerns are about his idea of Easter, and why he is unable to share in someone else’s joy during this (or any other) day that he may respond to negatively.

I understand that he, just like I am, is doing the best with what he has, and I allow him his own sacred space to work out the details, or not, without judgment.

For me, Easter remains to be one of my Top 4 holidays, and it does have spiritual significance for me.

I’ve never been so glad to find out that someone was not where they were supposed to be.

I cannot speak for anyone else and bless you no matter what you think or believe because I believe in you.

I love you.

What is your perception of prosperity today?

No matter where you are in your life’s journey, you have a general idea (if not a definitive set of criteria) about what prosperity means to you. What is your perception of prosperity today?

Your idea of prosperity is subject to change over time.

Interestingly enough, remember when you were younger you had a particular idea about what would make you feel prosperous? Maybe all you needed to make you feel prosperous was a new outfit, a cool bicycle, and a particular gaming system, then you’d feel like you had it all.

If you were lucky enough to get those things, chances are fairly soon, you would have another idea (or ideas) about what would qualify you for being prosperous. On and on it goes, ad infinitum.

When you think about prosperity and what it means to you at any given time it represents all the good things in life. You think about what makes you happy, what it would feel like to be thriving, having more than enough to enjoy the good things in life without struggle or strife.

For some, their perception of prosperity might center around financial wellbeing or being wealthy. Of course, everyone’s idea of “what is wealth?” varies among all people.

Many people measure prosperity based on the achievements of someone else which can be highly inspirational, if it leads you to think about someone else’s success as achievable, especially if he or she came from a background similar enough to yours that you might be able to relate.

You might think,

If he could do it, so could I.

And it’s true.

If anyone of us could do it,

any one of us could do it.

The idea of prosperity changes over time. It wasn’t long ago that the music of the day set the standard for prosperity awakening young Americans to the ideas that a-million-dollars is not enough to get it done. You need the biggest gold, lots of diamonds, designer clothes, most expensive cars, a huge house with a pool, oh… and scantily-clad people worshipping at your feet.

It’s nice to have people to look up to who inspire us to look at the possibility of being more prosperous than we are in our present circumstance.

There are basically four different varieties of prosperity, there are

• Love
• Health
• Spiritual
• Financial

There are those of us which prefer one form of prosperity over another, but I am seeing a growing trend of people desiring to find a harmonic balance of all four types of prosperity, love, health, spiritual, and financial (not necessarily in that order).

I think this is due to the way the earth and her inhabitants are evolving. We are seeing the end of an era where we (the top one percent of us) would do anything for financial profit. This is the final stage of the human barbarian.

As we continue to evolve and expand in consciousness, there is a tenderness, nurturing, and caring which grows as we are more empowered by our hearts than our brains. We grow in love, intuition, awareness, and our knowingness support the cooperation and coexistence of all things, for we are all connected.

Modern prosperity includes love, health, spiritual, and financial balance.
This is a huge step forward in our industrial, tech-driven society. No longer will we rape and pillage our planet and exploit its peoples to add money to the pockets of the one percent.

Let’s face it, the one percent already know that there is something coming which threatens their survivability. It is the rising up of another one percent. The earnings of this up and coming other percent are growing immensely, and these individuals are accumulating massive wealth without being entitled to it (by the standards of the original one percent).

The rise of this new one percent could have never been possible without the current status of human evolution. Things are changing before our very eyes. The changes are not instant.

The change will be amazingly slow and steady because we are pushing against the financial resources of a ruling class which owns and controls everything, and they are putting all their efforts to keep your from awakening and evolving, sparing no expense.

Ask yourself,

How effective are the efforts to keep you down, focused on servitude (slavery), keeping small, and serving them?

Do you see prosperity as only for the rich?

Or are you feeling like you have a growing feeling of being worthy to have prosperity in your life?

What is your perception of prosperity today?

Sort these four types of prosperity in the order of importance to you and assign them with a percentage of importance.

Financial, Spiritual, Health, Love

1. ___________ % ___

2. ___________ % ___

3. ___________ % ___

4. ___________ % ___

If you are leaning toward a balanced perception of prosperity today, you are part of this evolutionary process. And your prosperous potential is growing.

Are you ready to move forward in your balanced prosperous life?

I got you.

Maybe it’s time you joined a support group, like Prosperity Anonymous.

Contact me, and we will help you make your dreams come true.

Learn Something New

For those who like to learn new things, I am in an enviable position because I learn something new every day, and if you’re like me you also look forward to learning something new regularly if not on a daily basis.

If you truly anticipate learning something new, opportunities to learn new things occur regularly. Granted, depending on the base-setting of your vibrational frequency, they may not all be good things, but even at higher frequencies, bad things are considered good things, for, at the highest frequencies, there are no bad things.

Those who are on the track to learn something new are generally on a path of constant and never-ending improvement (CANI) in their personal and/or professional lives. You will find them taking classes, courses, attending workshops, reading books and blogs.

If you’re on the quest for attaining greater knowledge you are more than simply an academic, you are on a path of empowering self-improvement and personal development, and there’s a good chance that if you’re continually growing and evolving, you may also be heading toward enlightenment and spiritual awakening.

It is inevitable, as you get access to new, emerging data and technologies, that the world as you know it gets turned upside down, the contents spill out, and you begin to understand things aren’t always what they seem to be. This is the evolutionary awakening of humans is taking place as you read these words right now and you are a part of it.

This enlightenment and spiritual awakening is a process of self-discovery which is unique to everyone amidst the transformative human evolution. Your mind, body, and spirit are expanding exponentially, and you are starting to think of yourself as growing away from the forest of social programming which could not be seen from the perspective of being lost in the midst of so many social trees.

Just as the sciences are finding out the things we once believed to be immutable facts and truths, were only stepping stones to a greater awareness which is unfolding before our very eyes as we develop microscopes so powerful so as to see the galaxies inside our cells and telescopes so powerful we are discovering there is more to the universe which we are a part of.

The science of science is leading us into realms which were inconceivable years ago, as we are discovering multiple universes and dimensions coexisting in tandem with the third-dimensional world which we’ve become so acclimated to.

Our sense of security we once felt as being the highest life form in the universe is being challenged by emerging quantum sciences, and for many, the very same science which denied the existence of God or a higher power is conceding the existence of a powerful intelligence which permeates all things seen and unseen.

This is crazy talk

This sounds crazy, if you try to relate this new science to the sciences you’ve been accustomed to, as well as the trying to rationalize this leading-edge information by comparing any of it to what you’ve known previously. And who could blame you? No one. For we all have been there.

We all (well, most of us) have been deeply programmed to reject such ideas as being ridiculous ideals which are only the fanciful imaginings limited and assigned to science fiction. Quantum physics, quantum mechanics, and quantum theories are making science fact out of science fiction. Things that were empirically implausible just a few years ago are the fodder of scientific breakthroughs across the board of reality.

Dare to learn something new while continuing to be open to personal development, quantum, and spiritual sciences. Be forewarned you may be surprised by what you find waiting beyond the opened door.

Allow this new information to flow over you, take in what you can, expand and get cozy with the idea that you are evolution.

This is the new you expanding and evolving into your emerging new world.

How to Stop Sabotaging Yourself

You want something, would pretty much do whatever it takes to get what you want, yet you get in your own way enough so as to prevent yourself from ever getting what you want. Isn’t this bass ackwards? If only you knew how to stop sabotaging yourself.

This one step forward two steps back lifestyle of self-sabotage has got to stop. You’re growing, changing, expanding, then your emotional frequency plummets in a sort of vibrational sabotage.

You desire all the good things this life has to offer, yet you still find yourself doing things that prevent you from getting what you want, either by making decisions and taking action, or by not decisively taking action, and you end up missing the opportunity to get what you want.

People who are watching you do this to yourself might chime in with, “Man, you have the worst luck,” or may offer advice, like, “You just need to be more diligent,” or assume that you have an inability to follow through or have a lack of commitment, and you know yourself better than that.

Deep inside, you know you have what it takes.

There’s an powerful underlying energetic part of you that has every cell of your body that you are unworthy of having the things you want, and for any number of reasons your shadow self fears that you will suffer greatly if you get what you want.

Has that ever happened in the past? Did you get something you wanted, just to see your feelings get hurt in the end? If so, this part of you, which unbeknownst to you works in the background of your life, doing whatever it can from keeping you safe from suffering by preventing you from getting the things you want.

This subconscious part of you is busting its ass 24/7 to keep you from suffering and was programmed to do so over the course of your life, and it started accumulating data even before you were born.

This part of you seeks to see that you are kept safe, warm, fed, and somewhat connect to others, enough so to help support you in getting the things you need to get by. It also buries dangerous emotions, hiding them from your conscious mind to protect you, but these suppressed emotions could be the death of you.

This is the primary force behind your struggle for survival and has gotten you this far, but it can easily upset any possibility of good things coming your way, because you are not worthy, or may fear your potential for suffering or loss.

Then there’s the other part of you that wants it all. It sees other people having nice things, fame, fortune, happy, healthy, and living long prosperous lives. But because all these things have potential risk attached to them, they are in conflict with your survivability, so that part of you which wants to keep you safe will do just about anything to sabotage your desires.

How to Stop Sabotaging Yourself

First of all, you must decide to take the wheel and not give up in the taming of your survivability program, recognizing that this is a valuable (and powerful) part of you, and you are grateful for it’s getting you this far as safely as possible.

Now that you know this program is running in the background all the time, you can do things to tweak it, in a sense reprogram it, to actually support you in attaining your heart’s desires and achieving your highest and best.

There are many methods to get in touch with this inner part of you, to love and educate it. Once you can get this subconscious part of you to understand that you are powerful, deserving, and that there is no reason to be fearful or so protective all the time, this part of you can actually help you do what it takes.

By getting more in touch with your heart, your heart’s consciousness can reprogram your subconscious mind to serve you in a more supportive fashion as you receive more information, data, and connection with your higher self.

By doing the deep work which may be necessary to repair a lifetime of rote learning for the sake of survival, you will be able to reprogram not only this part of you but repair damage which your cells and even your DNA have suffered in your lifetime of bad programming.

Your awareness will expand, your intuition grows, and you will start to see things are they really are, not as you were previously programmed to perceive things previously. You may dare to be you, the “you” you were born to be.

Look inside, be honest and talk to yourself, start challenging the thought patterns which are holding you back. This deep inner work is a process which does not happen overnight, but you can do this. And as you do this work, it gets easier, and all the things you want start coming to you.

It’s up to you to do it.

Are you ready for the change?

Maybe it is time for you to live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place.

You are not alone. Join those of us who are doing so, we’ve been where you are, right now.


STOP! Heart Says

Here is a simple way to exit the patterns of drama which surround your life. Conflict, upset, and drama could come from anywhere outside yourself and even from within. Just use the STOP! Heart Says approach to redirect your life to a drama-free life.

You know when you’re annoyed at something in life, and you feel your harmonic frequency dropping to a lower vibration where drama hangs out. At your first inclination or awareness that your vibration is dropping, when you feel the slightest degree of upset coming your way, this is the perfect time to take action.

You can start by saying to yourself, “Stop.” At this early juncture of the transition from an otherwise peaceful or serene life, you are in charge. You can stop whatever’s annoying you by simply using your words internally, or if someone is really pressing your buttons, you can use your outside voice.

Once you’ve issued the stop command, you immediately interrupt the energetic flow which is causing your frequency to tank, but only briefly. What you do next is everything.

In the precious second (maybe two) following your stop command, you need to check in with your heat to see what utterance might come from the voice of love if spoken at this very moment. I assure you, it’s probably the opposite of what you want to say, because you’re already triggered.

It’s a little like sacred Family Feud, as if the announcer says, “Stop!” turns and looks at the reader board and barks, “Heart says!” There should be something there within your heart waiting to come out.

You probably are inclined to start any response with “you” or “but” when the heart’s response will always start with, “I.”

Whatever your response is, just know the heart will always start with I. So, go ahead and throw it out there and see what the heart will give you to follow it up.

I like having a little ho’oponopono in my bag of tricks to pull out anytime I am in an awkward moment. Ho’oponopono is a ritualistic succession of short statements in four simple parts. They include,

I’m Sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.

Very easy to memorize by rote so that you have them handy and on standby in any awkward moment.

If I am in an awkward situation and I start feeling my vibrational frequency sink, I consciously initiate the Stop command and say, “I.” If nothing immediately follows, I start using ho’oponopono, by adding, “’m sorry,” with no intention except to respond from the heart without having to sacrifice my vibration because to respond otherwise requires my going to a lower vibration to interact at the level of the upset and/or potential drama.

Sometimes (most of the time), just saying the, “I’m sorry,” is enough to cause the whole scenario to veer off on a different direction from the path to conflict which you were on only seconds ago.

If, “I’m sorry,” doesn’t do the trick, and the heart has not provided you with other words or phrases to follow up with, keep going, “Please forgive me.”

You might find words coming up from your heart to follow your please forgive me with, “I didn’t know that…” followed by whatever is coming and relevant. Maybe that’s all you needed to change the whole world at that moment.

Whoever, or whatever, you are facing, knows the origin of these words, and is not used to hearing them as a response to potential conflict or drama, and receiving your heart-inspired love response is enough to break the spell of negative energy flow that you were facing less than a minute ago.

If you need them you still have, “Thank you,” and, “I love you,” as back up, if you need them.

It’s easy to use “I’m Sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you,” anonymously as your sacred chant to interject unbridled love into any situation, it’s entirely a different thing to use it in a verbal confrontation or face-to-face.

It takes a lot of courage. I know it did for me, but once you see the effects it has on the world around you, I think you’ll find yourself using your STOP! Heart Says skills more often, preserving your sacred space and high vibration baseline.

The more you get in time with your heart, the more love words will come to you, but if they do not, you will always have at least four things to say before you have to wing-it in faith.

The next time you’re facing a potentially dramatic situation, try playing a little round of STOP! Heart Says and see what happens. I think you’ll like it.

I’m Sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.

Good Things Happen to Good People

We all know that there is a common nomenclature which suggests that bad things happen to good people, but also good things happen to good people. And if you think about it, more good things happen to good people than happen to bad people.

The truth is, no one is totally immune from experiencing something bad, and as some of us know, bad things, while they may be very bad, also come pre-loaded with lessons to be learned and blessings to receive (though some are harder to find than others).

We generally think the especially good people should be able to avert suffering altogether, though this is not true. We think they are more deserving of good things, and they are.

All that said, there are good things that happen to good people. Though some bad things may happen, it is far more likely that good things happen to good people. It’s just that when the bad things come, you notice it more because you’re more acclimatized to the good things in life.

I don’t really know if we really have a definitive explanation which describes what “good people” might be. Good people can be found in all walks of life. All we know for certain is that when we think of them, we think of them as good people.

I try to be one of the good people, but I am just as human as anyone else, for who of any of us is perfect? Certainly not me, and I’d rather be anything but “normal.” Nonetheless, I strive to be good and given the chance to err on the side of good, that would be my intention, and I would like to think my base reaction.

I think that you and I, we can consider ourselves as among the “good ones,” and I think people do notice how grateful we are for the good things that happen to us. We are grateful for the good things far more often than upset about things which catch us by surprise.

We maintain an attitude of gratitude and a general humility about the good things that happen without the propensity to brag or boast about all the good things in life that find their way to us.

For onlookers who are watching me, they are upset when something bad happens to me, but I find it curious that they are jealous if something good comes my way. Maybe they only voice,

“I wish something good, like that, would happen to me.”

But, deeper inside, there is a darker egoic thought pattern at work, and there’s nothing wrong with that. They might even wish that some bad would befall me to kind of keep me in check or balance. It’s all quite normal, and there is no judgment here.

We’re all doing the best we can with what we have.

Want better things?

If you want better things to be occurring in your life on a regular basis, you might consider trying to be a better person. What that means, who could say?

No one is saying that you’re not a good person already, certainly, you are. But who of us couldn’t be better?

The more you spend time and energy loving, giving to and caring about others, the more good things happen to you. It just is.

Stuff Happens (consequences)

Stuff happens. When you do stuff, stuff happens to you. Sometimes directly or indirectly, but pretty much it’s true, what goes around comes around. It’s all a process of watching, evaluating, finding a relation to things that have happened in the past, calculating and projecting variations of how this might look in the future, and basically trying to learn from your wins and/or mistakes.

You try different things, and when you discover a method that gets you what you want, it’s a keeper. It might not be politically correct, maybe a little inappropriate, but it works. In this way, you are the result of what works for you.

When people try to get you to do something that you don’t want to do, there is an initial natural resistance because, of course, you don’t want to do whatever it is. Something happens when you do stuff that is resistant, this “something” is called consequences (you might have heard of them).

This energy is the substance of the stuff which happens to us. Sometimes consequences are imposed upon us by those bigger, tougher, and meaner than us or in authority over us (parents, teachers, bosses, law enforcement, and the government).

In other times, natural consequences are just a “natural” energetic response to the decisions we make and the action we take. The hope is that we might learn from our experience with consequences, natural consequences, at least.

Imposed consequences appear to not be as effective method of training as we might like to think, as the spare-the-rod-and-spoil-the-child model of punishment doesn’t seem to be working very well in our modern society, or else our prisons would not be overflowing with those who insist in noncompliance regardless of any imposed consequences.

Punishment eases your mind if you’re witnessing someone being punished for doing something you don’t like. It makes you feel vindicated and is like a reward to your ego for taking the high road. It’s like, you’re not awarded any recognition for doing the right thing, but it feels good to see others punished for doing the wrong thing. This is punishment’s reward for you, seeing others suffer.

But does it work? No.

Whenever you tell someone, “Don’t,” (fill in the blank), it doesn’t work very well. If you tell a young child, “Don’t touch the burner. It’s hot and it will hurt you!” The child will obsess over the burner for the rest of his or her life, unless he or she tests it out to see if there truly is any natural consequence. If the natural consequence is severe enough, learning happens naturally. If burned from touching the burner, the child will probably never touch a burner again.

Punishment, or discipline, is not a natural consequence, they are unnatural consequences imposed by you or someone else, and the imposition of them does not foster learning. Instead, resentment is the more likely result, which causes the offender to see any imposer of unnatural consequences as a threat who must be defended against, or even punished for bullying the offender who sees him- or herself now as the victim.

Even if you or some arm of the system have obtained compliance via threat of unnatural consequence, the people who have complied will harbor resentment which may be suppressed. On the surface, this may look like a huge success for the imposer, but the truth is, there is little or no respect or love, only resentment and fear.

Repressed resentment will eventually explode into some manifestation of rebellion unless so much fear is imposed that the offender sees his or her self-submission to a life of slavery as an acceptable means of survival.

There are people who either naturally or unnaturally found their own sense of inner balance. They do not need to be told what is right or wrong or lorded over to force them to behave a certain way. They just have a knowingness within and an innate desire to do the right thing.

We would like to see more of them.

Unfortunately, our society has become so obsessed with crime and punishment that even these otherwise self-governing good people are caught up in the punishment-for-compliance system and find themselves being punished, not for doing something bad, but for being in the wrong place at the right time, or inadvertently crossing a law that was put in place to catch criminals, when no crime was committed.

We have so many laws on the books now, who could possibly keep track of them all?

Once you have broken the spirit of one of the good ones, they, too, become one of the other ones, as they give up and surrender to the system of the herd.

I think there should be only one law: Do whatever makes you happy, unless it interferes with someone else’s right to their happiness. That’s all.

Otherwise, let reaction, anxiety, fear, and panic run the show and see where that gets you.

Share Your Sacred Gift

Sometimes you feel like your life means nothing, and that couldn’t be further from the truth. The exact opposite is true: Your life means everything. You came to this planet with a divine mission, to share your sacred gift.

You’ve felt the tug on your heartstrings. Inside you know you were meant for something more in this life, but you feel unworthy. Any time you even think about having a grander mission, message, or purpose for living, you hear all those negative inner voices telling you all the reasons you are not qualified.

The fact of the matter is that there is no one who is more qualified for you to share your message than you. The most effective method for God to disseminate your message is via someone exactly like you, who have had the experience, witnessed and experienced all the life you have endured.

Perhaps, to you, you think this life has been unfair or cruel and nothing good comes from this life, or any life which has smelled, seen, tasted, heard, or felt the things you know first-hand.

I can tell you this for certain, there are particular people who are in desperate need of receiving your sacred gift, and they would not receive it from anyone else but you. Someone else could use the same words that you might use, but those words would fall on deaf ears because they did not come from your lips, your pen, your keystrokes.

You have felt the same way, haven’t you? Someone tried to tell you something with a kind heart, sensitive, and caring, but their words did not resonate with you because you knew they could not possibly know what you were going through. They just had no real frame of reference.

You might find effective methods of distracting yourself from answering the call by spending time online, out with friends, playing video games, shopping, or other ways to make yourself comfortably numb, in an effort to avoid your inner nudge to step out in faith to make an important contribution to your people, the local community, and the world who desperately need your sacred gift.

You must let go of the things that are holding you back, your negative self-talk, insecurities, and anything else that is preventing you from reaching out in faith. You do not need to be 100% confident in your abilities to fully express your sacred gifts, only courageous enough to step into the void, confident enough to know that God and all his angels will be there to support you and catch you if you fall.

It is more important to do a thing in faith than to have everything set up to be perfect. You and your gift are perfections. It may be awkward at first, but you will find it becoming easier and easier as you answer your divine calling, exercising your gifts and honing your skills along the way.

I was never an exceptional singer or songwriter but that didn’t keep me from using this as a method to communicate at a time when I knew of no other way to reach out to my perspective audience waiting to hear my words. For me, this was a stepping stone that would lead me down a different path, finding new ways to connect with others through writing, counseling, public speaking, teaching, and training.

If I’d let my lack of self-confidence keep me down, I would have never been able to help those I’ve assisted in achieving their highest and best, in only ways that I could have. This is my divine calling.

We do not have to be perfect, only brave enough to trust that something bigger and wiser than we could ever be is at work behind the scenes, and has selected you, and only uniquely you, to accomplish this task.

What if you never answer the call? No problem. You have free will to do, or not to do, things and to live your life in any way you decide. God will use someone else to do the best they can to pick up the slack, but you were God’s first choice.

One of my dearest friends, whom I loved dearly, committed suicide, leaving a note with only these words,

“My life means nothing.”

This was after spending years of fulfilling purpose in the assistance of others with the empowered sharing of sacred gifts, then something happened. I don’t really know the details of what darkness befell my dearest friend, but clearly, it had been too much to bear for another moment, when the following day would have been an altogether new day.

Many people do not cut their life short in such a dramatic way but do spend a great deal of time and effort, sometimes spanning the whole of their lives avoiding their sacred calling.

Will you answer the call today?

Reach out to me, and I and my people will help you get from where you are to where you will be able to honor your sacred fit, and in a sense, sing your song, as only you can sing it.

Your calling is calling you.

Call me.

Are You a Shaman?

A Shaman is a spiritually evolved individual who bridges the gap between humans and the course of all life. They possess spiritually advanced sensitivities are often considered to have psychic abilities and are referred to as seers and healers who access the energetic source of all life (God).

A Shaman serves the local and greater community to see life as it is, not as it is presented by social or governing bodies. They possess a higher divine perspective on all things of the earth, the cosmos and are multi-disciplinary explorers of consciousness.

Depending on where the Shaman is located on the earth, he or she may be referred to as a minister, priest or priestess, healer, psychic, medicine man/medicine woman, conjurer, sorcerer, and the like.

Commonly they practice their faith-based spiritual and healing arts outside the realm of academia and outside legal or governmental control as serving a higher authority (God) embracing the separation of church and state.

Natural abilities are inherited or handed down generation to generation and the current spiritual evolution of the human being is seeing these gifts as more accessible by the masses who, if so inclined, may expand their own potential shamanism via study and practice.

Shamanism espouses a greater connection to source with the ability to offer instruction, counseling, transfer insight, messages, or healing via energetic dissemination or exchange with others.

Shamanism is no respecter of sex as women or men can be equally empowered to embrace their shamanistic abilities and to answer their individual calling to such a spiritual mission.

Traditional shamans spend many years as an apprentice with commensurate training in a wide spectrum of religious, spiritual, and esoteric influences along their shamanistic journey, which often include a series of uncommon initiations, rituals, and experiences.

Many a student of shamanism does progress to the stage of being a full shaman but seek only to study shamanistic ways in an effort to expand their own consciousness and connection with source (God).

The study of shamanism is not without risk, as some who have aggressively sought out the ultimate shamanistic experience have crossed-over to the other side leaving their lifeless body in the wake.

Shamans have a special ability to look at things differently, to foresee potential obstacles, and have the ability to pre-navigate to circumvent things that would otherwise be problematic, so they often function in society as advisors, coaches, counselors, consultants, and therapists.

You also see them active in traditional healing arts using their gifts and abilities to augment the healing of their patients, either secretly or openly, depending on their circumstances and local religious, social, legal, or governmental constraints.

Shamans are also able to channel source energy to create individualistic works of art.

They may find their home among any of the arts, including public performance, or more private expressions of art. They may be artists, singers, songwriters, dancers, painters, digital artists, filmmakers, actors, actresses, documentarians, writers, etc.

You may also see them successfully thriving amidst the sciences as researchers, forensics, psychologists, physicists (quantum and otherwise), professors, as well as amidst the therapeutic sciences.

They are highly intelligent, intuitive, sensitive and connected to nature, drawing information and may be in communication with the spiritual world, earth’s elements, flora, and fauna.

What do you think?

Are you a shaman?

Make Time for Fun

You are awakening and you’re in the process of forging your new path through the world which is emerging before your very eyes and every day is an uncharted adventure. It’s easy to get so focused and enthusiastic about learning, growing, changing, seeing, and getting to know more and more about things that you barely could have imagined before (if you dared), that sometimes you can forget to make time for fun.

Then, every once and a while, you ask yourself,

“Is this supposed to be fun?”

And the answer is, “Yes!”

Make Time for Fun

It’s like all areas of life, you can achieve much greater heights of fulfillment if you find ways to take breaks and make time for fun, having more joy in life, balancing work and play. For what is the point of this life, if you’re so focused on your mission that you’re not taking the time to enjoy all this life has to offer?

Becoming spiritually enlightened is not just about moving from thinking with your head to getting in touch with your heart’s central nervous system, expanding your consciousness, and creating a greater connection to God. It should include having more love and fun in your life.

Sometimes, you get so wrapped up in doing the work of solving your personal equation of Perception + Purpose = Prosperity, that you forget to PLAY.

Joy and love are the chief components that raise your vibration to masterful levels. The journey of the spiritually enlightened is not one that can be conducted by pure force of will. You can review all the statistics, do the research, understand all the quantum sciences, and have all the knowledge of the secrets of the universe, but without joy and love your quality of life is lost in the pursuit of evolutionary expansion.

Your evolutionary expansion includes balance. To achieve your highest and best, make time for fun to enjoy the good things this life has to offer. Take time to smell the roses, to love more, and to have fun.

Find ways to actively progress spiritually while creating opportunities to have fun for increased happiness and joy.

When I do energy work with clients, to seal the work I infuse energy for love, health, wealth, freedom, and fun (among other energetic infusions, depending on the client’s needs). For what is life, if it is not fun? It is empty.

Besides the work that we do to continue our spiritual awakening, growth, and expansion, there are other forms of work which may be necessary for our survival. We may have day jobs, the highest form of which would be doing what you love so much that it doesn’t even seem like work at all.

Whatever you do, make time to play and have fun. Make time every day (or at least 2 or 3 times a week) to have some fun.

Remember, as being a full human (including the latest evolutionary version) you are a multifaceted composite being comprised of body, mind, and spirit. It is your responsibility to care for yourself in a holistic manner paying attention to all three areas of life.

Neglecting any of these areas will diminish your quality of life, ‘ere the need for balance in all things.

Even me. Sometimes I get so caught up in the work, that I forget to make playtime for myself. So grateful that I have friends looking out for me ensuring that I make time for fun.