Shiny Happy People How to be one

There are some people who live the most amazing lives. shiny happy people get up every morning to a bright, new day, full of magical opportunities as if every day is a perfectly wrapped gift with a bow just waiting to be opened and enjoyed. Many of the happiest successful people start their days, like this, and they don’t let up, keeping that sense of childlike awe and wonder as they progress through the day.

If life’s not turning out as you thought it might, and you’re feeling down, lonely, betrayed, victimized, unworthy, and/or worthless, not to fear. You can have a more optimistic and fulfilling life and journey ahead, all it takes is a little hacking to reprogram your life and get onto a track that will take you where you want to go.

Some purposeful redirection of your thoughts and energy, looking for the things that you desire from life and expecting them to appear, unfolding in their natural way (not necessarily like you thought they might), the way that it best for you and your journey, and suddenly your starting to climb back into the driver’s seat of your life.

Just thinking about the good things in life releases endorphins which make you feel better and can help pull you out of a slump. See? You’re already making progress.

Shiny Happy People: How to be one

Scientists who study the characteristics of shiny happy people and learning about how to be one are understanding that it doesn’t take much effort to shift your vibration enough to significantly and demonstrably change your mind and your life by hacking the computer which runs your life, your brain.

By studying shiny happy people, they way they look at life and integrate with it, we can learn the steps necessary to achieve the dramatic shift and actually start to enjoy life, living among the shiny happy people as one of them, and it starts with changing the way you look at life, them how you feel about it.

Looking for good things, and avoid ruminating on bad things, is a key activity of shiny happy people. There is a synergy which kicks in which brings to your life more of that which you focus on. Therefore, if you are focused on things that are not going well with the world, you will attract more of those types of things in your life. If you focus on the good things in life, and the world, you attract even more of these things, like a magnet.

Shiny happy people are optimistic promoters of good and have a desire to see an even better world tomorrow and for the generations to come.

The most successful and happiest people in the world aren’t just thinking about it, they’re doing something. The something they do doesn’t have to be enormous, in fact, it can be minute, but it all has a cumulative effect on the world as the efforts of all shiny happy people create a wave which changes the world energetically. This positive energy infiltrates all areas of life on this planet and makes the world a better place, leading the human race through a positively expanding form of evolution for an even better world.

Challenges and obstacles will often interrupt the lives of the shiny happy people. Just because they are more optimistic than their peers doesn’t mean their lives are free from problems or trouble. The difference is, what they do about it.

They apply their optimistic outlook to anything which presents itself as a challenge. If something goes wrong, if they’ve made a mistake, or something didn’t turn out like they planned, of course, they are disappointed, but as quickly as possible, they try to look for the good, extract knowledge, learning from the experience, and taking that experience and learning into the future with them.

So, if you know what you want, what makes you feel good, and you spend time focusing on that, the happier you will be, and you will start to shine.

It’s all about how you look at things, how you see and think about everything frames your life. You wrap it up beautifully and tie it up with a pretty bow, and admire its beauty and magnificence.

Although it might sound like living in fantasy land, shiny happy people are very practical, down to earth people, who are clever, practical, and purposefully control their minds, their thoughts, and their feelings.

They are more motivated than their peer to take action, and they don’t depend on exterior circumstances to make them feel motivated to do something. They look within themselves for motivation, make plans and execute them to the best of their ability.

They do not isolate themselves. They interact with others, are congenial, and find opportunities and ways to network with others (even if it is contrary to their individual personality type). They also create their own support networks, building strong relationships with a core group of often like-minded individuals, who they can share reciprocal common bond and trust.

Shiny happy people are confident in their ability to find provision for all their needs from within, and they are strong and wise enough to reach out and ask for help if they need it. Their high self-esteem and personal confidence are what adds the sheen to their shine.

Their positive outlook also encourages them to look after themselves, as they are more apt to find ways to get the proper nourishment, exercise, and rest necessary to maintain a healthy body and outlook on life, staving off fatigue and depression which might be rooted in physiological decline, or lack of maintenance.

Choose to be a shiny happy person

Happiness is a choice. By choosing to adopt the lifestyle of shiny happy people, you, too, become a shiny happy person, affecting both you and the world for a brighter future.

Blessings await all who join the ranks of the shiny happy people. All the best things in life are already there, waiting for you to join them on your new happy shining journey.

Start today with a smile. Get out in public and smile, even if you don’t feel like it, and see how the world smiles back at you. How shiny you are…

You are headed in the right direction, keep going.

The more you do it, the happier you will feel, and your world will change with you.

November 2017 Image Directory

Wrapping up the month of November, here’s a quick screenshot review of the month’s news. Let me know which ones you like the most. Thanks for your input, -David M Masters

Nothing Seems to Go Right How to Turn it On When the Thrill is Gone To Love Is A Choice
Unacceptable Behavior Loss of Love Infidelity Life After the Affair You Are More Space
Thanksgiving Leftovers Thankful and Sending Love to the World It Takes All Kinds
Mood Enhancing Quick Fixes Entertained Angels Believe It Or NotEntertained Angels Believe It Or Not Bless Those Who Have Hurt You
Let’s Do This Motivation Avoid False Love Your Highest and Best
Friend Betrayal Holy Sex Acts Money Types in Love
Waiting for True Love Sending Love to the World 2017 Rekindle the Flame of Love
The New Human Evolution Why Would Someone Kick You When You’re Down? What Other People Think or Say
Love is All There is Help I Can’t Take One More Your Highest and Best Relationship


Lost All Hope Nothing Seems to Go Right

Ever face your worst moment ever and lost all hope when nothing seems to go right?

That time when your whole world crashed down around you and you looked up at the sky and cried, “Why?”

In that moment, your worst moment ever, you were certain there was no God, and if there was, how could a loving God allow you to be in this situation? You thought there would be no way in hell that you could ever survive such a horrible event.

But you did; right?

You might find that hard to remember if you’re in the middle of one of those worst moments, when everything seems to go wrong, right now.

Your mind goes to that, “Why me?” and, “What did I ever do to deserve this?” place, as you fall into the role of victim, which is totally understandable.

We all have those moments. We all do; it’s part of the evolutionary process of personal growth. Even me; and if I’ve learned anything from those moments, it’s that they don’t last forever, and that they always (ALWAYS) lead to something better. But when you’re in the throes of pain, despair and/or madness, it’s so hard to get a grasp of the idea that it could ever get better.

I’m a pretty logical person and have a bit of a scientific streak. I like to analyze data, discover patterns, test for repeatable results, and draw logical conclusions, but it’s a process. As new information becomes available, I factor in the new data, which may confirm my previous conclusion or lead me in a totally new direction.

Applying scientific method to the worst times in my life, I discovered that all things bad, even the worst imaginable moments of my life, were transitional pivot points demarking the end of something which may not have been in my best interest (but I was unable to see it at the time) and without the intensity of that moment, I may have continued down the same path of mediocrity or to a more destructive result.

The blast of the explosive event sent me reeling in such a completely different direction than I would have ever thought of going which led to my experiencing a completely new level of exploring all the best things this life has to offer.

Think about your favorite movie… Where the hero or heroine of the film faces their worst moment, and comes out safely on the other side. Just like the star of that film, you are the star of your own film.

Think about this concept as a reframe of the circumstance when you find yourself amidst the worst moment(s). Think of this part of your life being a movie script, and that you haven’t had the privilege to read ahead. Some directors will do this with their actors, to keep them submerged in their roles because they don’t what’s coming next. They just trust the director.

Likewise, you have to trust your life in the same way. God is the director, and there is a hugely positive outcome in the remainder of the script even if it doesn’t look like it right now.

On the other hand, you don’t have to trust. You can exert all the energy and go through all the pain that you want to. We all are doing the best we can with what we have.

… and you know what?

Everything will work out for the best, no matter what you do or say, or how the story unfolds.

So make the best of it.

How to Turn it On When the Thrill is Gone

Seems like it wasn’t that long ago and your relationship was full of vibrant energy, with heightened passion and intimacy. It is common for these to fade over time. Here are some invaluable tools to apply to your relationship if the thrill is gone.

You and your partner have been together for a while and one thing is for certain in any long-term relationship: the natural sheen tends to dull after a while. It doesn’t have to. You can breathe the breath of new life into any relationship at any time (better if done before it tends to turn stale).

Every relationship should have started with a unique chemistry. If the chemistry were not there, you probably wouldn’t have gotten together in the first place (unless you are in an arranged marriage). So, if the base chemistry is there, it can be re-engaged at any time, with very little effort on your part.

Passion and romance are begging for release, all they need is a gentle nudge to get them going in all their glory.

If you think back to when your relationship was fresh and new, you can think of activities you engaged in when you were in the throes of young love. Everything was new and exciting, life was more interesting and fun. You found yourselves in a more playful state of mind.

Since then you probably have settled into life as it is, and there has been a trend of just getting though life the best you can with as little conflict as possible.

Simply recreating or recapturing the look and feel of those early romantic times will reignite the smoldering embers, and you might be surprised at how little effort it will take.

Make time for each other. When we get bogged down with everyday life, it’s easy just to come home and give up. Instead, give yourself 20 or 30 minutes to unwind, then get up and find ways to put some zest back in your relationship.

If you are dealing with a chronic lack of energy, deal with this first. You can’t really energetically engage with your partner if your cup is empty. Find ways to destress and build your own energy reserves and share from the overflow.

What should you do? There’s a pretty good chance you know your partner well enough to have a good idea about what turns him or her on, what piques his or her interest and gets him of her excited (not just in a sexual way). There are certain subjects and ideas that will break the trance of everyday life, if you engage that passionate side of their brain by simply talking about something they like or are passionate about.

Your tendency might be to talk about the things which are important to you, but talking about what’s important to your partner will engage his or her passion, and it won’t take long and they will find opportunities to find other ways to express their passion.

Invite your inner child (inner children) to participate in your relationship. You will fine them excited and looking for ways to express themselves playfully, always eager to have a good time and have fun.

Do something fun.

Avoid the things that will drain the energy from an otherwise healthy relationship, like boredom, or falling into a rut of the same ol’ same ol’. Negative postures, such as criticism, or facing something which appears as though it might be too complicated.

If either you, or your partner, are feeling misunderstood, not appreciated, or valued, the energy for passion quickly dissipates.

Withheld long-standing resentments can build a tremendous amount of pressure over time. It is always a best practice to deal with little things that come up now and then, and deal with them early on, rather than letting them grow into something more negative.

If you have something important to say or share, follow John Gottman’s advice and start off with five positive statements about your partner first, before getting into the other stuff.

Always seek to first understand and then to arrive at a win/win solution. It may take a little more effort, but it is far worth it, with the benefit of increased intimacy and passion as the pay-off.

Certain odiferous scents can have a negative effect on an otherwise romantic air. Make sure you and your environment have an inviting and pleasant, even romantic, air about it.

The smallest, genuine gesture can reignite the flame of romance in a heartbeat, don’t be shy about doing something small, cute, and/or endearing.

Reignition can happen in a moment, saying something positive, a little text, the smallest uplifting thing can light the flame.

Learning to effectively listen, communicate, and understand each other is the key to continued unbridled passion.

Rebuild relational good will by seeking to be supportive, seek to understand and also to be understood. Find ways and seize opportunities to touch each other, not just sexually, but by touching or holding hands, and/or cuddling, and hugging. This increases the connection by raising the oxytocin (bonding hormone) level (men need three-times the physical contact to maintain the bonding effect).

Appreciation adds miles to your relationship high road, we all hope to please our partners and hearing or being shown that we are appreciated for what we bring to the table is extremely endearing and ramps up the love and excitement.

You can set your romance fire ablaze by introducing newness, doing things differently and trying new things, role-play, or go on a romantic scavenger hunt.

Create your own individual language, both spoken and unspoken, like the most successful couples do, so that when you’re out in public you can say a word or cast a facial expression that is only understood by you and your partner.

Al little fantasy, mystery or surprise will kick your ecstasy into overdrive, as well as talking about exciting intimate details about intimately private details (they don’t even have to be recent). All little sexy nostalgia goes a long way.

Find ways to boost your energy levels together by exercising, dancing, stump-busting, racing, skydiving (could be indoors), taking in a concert, or attending a comedy club. Any such activities will translate into romantic energy which can translate into increased sexual tension looking for ways to express themselves.

Every couple is different and what works for one couple may not work for the next. So, find your own unique romance-fire-starters. Find out what works for you, and when you know it does, do more of that.

To Love Is A Choice

Love is a choice, unlike like a hole you fall into, though sometimes it’s that easy to fall in love. The problem with falling in love so easily is falling out of love can be just as effortless, even if it appears you’d rather not fall out of love. The love vaporizes before your very eyes, as you embark on a new quest to recapture the feeling of love again with someone else.

To love is a choice

Being in love feels good, no doubt about it. You might feel as though the fairy godmother of love has tapped you on the head with her magic love-wand and amidst all the glimmering fanfare you find yourself helplessly enveloped in love’s magical aura. Everything is right with the world and you enjoy all the bliss love has to offer.

As the effects of this hallucinogenic love dispel, you begin to see life and your love through more realistic eyes. How can something so ominously magnificent be so terrifyingly tragic? Last night you slept with a prince (or princess), this morning you woke up with a toad.

It seems like it was just yesterday when love filled the air and you could feel it coursing through your veins with every heartbeat. All you could do is think of your beloved. You wanted to spend every moment together, and when you were apart all you wanted to do was to be together, settling for texts and phone calls until you could see each other again at the next opportunity.

Now, you’re left thinking, “How’d I get myself into this?” or, “What was I thinking?”

It may not have been a magic spell you were under, but today you know, the feeling of being “In love” has flown, and you are left with this. What do you do now?

When all is said and done,

Love is a Choice

You choose to love, and mature love is accompanied by commitment.

You intentionally (consciously or unconsciously) let down your guard and allowed your instincts to succumb to the overflowing flood of Mother Nature’s secret love potion. A powerful hormonal cocktail of testosterone, estrogen, dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin, with a jolt of oxytocin and vasopressin to seal the deal.

It’s no wonder you’re not thinking straight,
you were stoned out of your mind!

Now, in this moment, on the other side of the intoxicating love-bender, what are you going to do about it? Are you going to walk away, to relaunch your search for true love? Or will you man-up (or woman-up) and move into a committed relationship, the stuff real love is comprised of? The choice is yours.

If you have made the decision to stay and work it out, the emphasis is on the “work.” It takes work to figure out how to manage a life together with two individuals who can be quite different, and if you are separated by gender, you are very different, indeed, for according to John Gray, men and women are from different planets entirely (men are from Mars and women from Venus). It’s no surprise that they speak different languages, and have different rights and customs which need to be managed and accommodated in an effort to have any hope of relationship longevity.

You may choose, if you are man enough (or woman enough) to see the bright side of your partner, his or her life, lifestyle, and outlook on life, as brilliant and charming as you did when you were overcome by love’s magic. Or, you can focus on all his or her shortcomings and flaws, thinking you in all your power and wisdom will be able to change, rescue, or be able to uncover some redeeming value in this (Frankenstein’s monster-style) animated piece of meat.

You can clearly see choosing to love and accept your partner just the way he or she is, is on one end of love’s spectrum, and that trying to change your partner to more your liking, is clearly on the other.

Both take work, though holding onto the hope of being able to change someone to your satisfaction may not be impossible (as in the Pygmalion effect), being totally satisfied with your creation, to recapture your initial love, and to expect reciprocation for all your efforts, is likely just too much to ask for. Even so, this requires enormous effort and more often than not, the anticipated reward is not achieved.

The relationship high road, is to commit to working things out as they arise, which requires an agreement by both parties to allow for a safe, tender, and caring environment where either can share his or her feelings openly and honestly, without threat of ridicule, thereby paving the way for the work necessary to be done. A delicate balance between give-and-take/nature-and-nurture, to achieve a respectable outcome of mature love between two people.

To love is a choice.

Will you choose love? Or look to find your elusive love elsewhere?

There is no right or wrong answer.

What is your choice?

See you at the Soulmate Wizardry event.

Unacceptable Behavior Loss of Love

I’m Falling Out of Love with You

Relationships are not for the weak. At times you can get to that critical point in a relationship when you’ve lost respect and admiration for your partner due to something that has bubbled up to the surface. In the beginning, it may not have been a problem, but as time has gone on, it could have grown to the place where you might find yourself saying, “I’m falling out of love with you,” due to this situation or behavior.

What can you do if unacceptable behavior or something your partner is doing is causing your love and affection to deteriorate?

Maybe your partner is displaying behavior that is damaging to you or him or herself, such as being too stressed out, overeating, drinking, declining health, short-tempered, etc… and his or her continuing to engage in this kind of behavior is causing you to fall out of love with him or her.

Ask yourself, “Can I take another ten years of living life like this?” If not, it’s time to do something about it before it gets even worse.

You need to create a safe space to have a critical conversation. This is far beyond the frightening, “Honey, we need to talk,” but you need to try to make it as unfrightening as possible, and ask for a block of time that is about three times longer than you might need for this conversation, because you need to allow your partner space to reply and react.

Unacceptable behavior loss of love couple communication I'm falling out of love with you

Abandon ancient ideals about, “not going to bed angry,” or trying to communicate without putting your partner on the defensive.

Once you ask for a block of attention, your partner may want a head’s up about what the talk is about. Don’t give it up, stay true to having the physical and emotional space to follow this topic through to have the best possible outcome, especially if now is not a good time, and energy levels may be running low or are exhausted. Make sure you’re both as well equipped as possible mentally and emotionally (late at night, not a good idea).

Remember to support your partner as much as possible through this process. Recall all the things that are endearing about your partner, how wonderful he or she is, remember all the reasons you fell in love with him or her in the first place, and think about the things you would miss if he or she was not in your life at all any longer.

And preface any conversation with appreciation and gratitude before getting to the heavy portion of your subject.

Your partner is going to be defensive because no one does a thing unless they receive some benefit from it. At the outset, it makes perfect sense to him or her, and so he or she will feel justified in being defensive and fighting for something that provides some form of satisfaction or self-worth.

Remember that this person probably loves you and wants you to have the best relationship possible, so cut him or her a little slack by remembering this is who you fell in love with, while staying true to your position, and trying not to take it personally if your partner reacts emotionally in a negative manner. Don’t change your position or give in.

Besides fighting for the right to engage in the activity which has you falling out of love with him or her, they are likely going to counter-attack you with something about you which is disappointing to them, and the delivery could be harsh. This is a common self-defense tactic, so be aware and prepared for it, if it arises.

If you’re accused of something, don’t fall into defensiveness yourself, and resist the temptation to escalate the abrasion. Instead, respect and hold onto the accusation because it can be invaluable in negotiating an amazing breakthrough in your relationship.

When you’ve reached critical mass at this stage of your relationship and you can’t see yourself going on under these conditions, be honest and open with your partner and say what you’re feeling,

“I feel like I am falling out of love with you, and this is why…”

Then tell him or her. You might even add,

“If I’d have known this is how things were going to be, I wouldn’t have married you in the first place.”

This is about as grown-up a talk as you could possibly have, so don’t be afraid to say it like you mean it, and be committed to arriving at an outcome. Do not walk away from this issue until you get an acceptable answer.

This is a critical turning point in your relationship. Remember, this is the person you love, even though the love is waning at the moment, and he or she is not doing this as an assault on you. It is his or her issue, and you want to be as supportive and loving as possible throughout the process if you’re to have any hope of successfully moving forward in your relationship.

Seek to understand and arrive at a win/win conclusion, if at all possible. This is where the accusation which you filed away can come in handy. More valuable than a bargaining chip, this might be the key to arriving at win/win. Maybe you both can get what you want.

If things get too hot and heavy, and emotions are running high, take a break. Be compassionate with yourself and your partner. Try to avoid saying something you might regret. Allow time to cool down, re-center, remember all the good things, and re-engage when you are ready.

See you at the Soulmate Wizardry event.

Infidelity Life After the Affair

There is no doubt, the hardest a challenge couple may have to face, is when an otherwise sacred relationship has been visited by an affair. While infidelity can come in many forms of infidelity, the most difficult kind of affair is that of sexual infidelity. Life after the affair can be uncomfortable and traumatic due to the severity of the breach of trust to the relationship.

If you ask a couple before an affair what might be the one unforgivable breach of trust in a relationship, the common answer is sexual infidelity. Yet, in so many cases, an affair is the gateway to a deeper an far greater relationship, resulting in a far more powerful and successful relationship.

Often, a sexual affair, or a wandering eye if caught early enough, is an indication that there is trouble in paradise. When one of the partners is turning their attention away from their partner, seeking some type of sexual attention, validation, or gratification outside the relationship, something is not right.

This is why it is so important to have a firm foundation of trust and openness in communication established within the relationship prior to any such breach of trust. In the best-case scenario, the partner with the wavering attention or wandering eye can feel as though talking about his or her feelings would be respected and safe within the sanctity of the relationship.

In the event that the moment of clarity came following the sexual act has taken place, then having the structure agreed upon in advance to fall upon as the basis of having such a critical and potentially volatile conversation has been agreed to by both parties.

Infidelity Life After the Affair

As humans, there is a primitive part of us that is automatically engaged when someone we’ve shared a sacred intimate relationship engages with another in the insertion of body parts and exchange of fluids. The initial reaction of rage is followed by a sense of being victimized by your partner. This is the natural course of human emotion; therefore, it must not be denied when this traumatic breach of trust is detected.

If you are the transgressor and have engaged in a romantic affair (even if it hasn’t turned sexual, yet), your relationship would be far better off and stand a better chance of recovery if you are the one to bring it to your partner’s attention.

While recovery following the discovery by a third party, or accidental discovery, may still find a way to recover, the path to finding the love in your relationship is closer within reach if you are the one to take the responsibility to deliver the news.

If you are not the one who has reached outside the relationship for sexual gratification, but your partner has, then you are entitled to the initial rage and feeling of victimization, but if your relationship is to have any hope of surviving you must find a way to keep your wits about you.

As soon as possible following the initial conversation, both parties would be well advised to avoid any good-guy/bad-guy, accusation, or placing of blame. Be willing to give up the idea that someone has committed an unforgivable sin and that the other party has been victimized.

The emphasis should be placed on digging deep within the partner whose attention was diverted outside the relationship to discover why he or she might be looking elsewhere for this type of attention or validation?

Also, look inside yourself. Is there something within you that may have contributed to the affair?

If you can keep your wits about you, and both parties are committed to resolving the issues which led to the affair or the wandering eye, then this work could be conducted with a successful outcome. Otherwise, it might be a good idea to enlist the aid of a third-party relationship coach or counselor to ferret out the details before giving up on the relationship altogether.

I have found it common for a wandering eye to be the symptom of many varieties of reasons, such as not feeling as though one’s creativity is adequately expressed or validated by his or her partner. A partner may be feeling as though he or she is not properly valued in the relationship, or roots of insecurity, abuse, or a sense of unworthiness could be traced back to childhood, which if known, could have predicted such a breach of trust.

An affair is the turning away of one’s attention from the partner to elsewhere. Now is the time to keep your attention focused upon each other, and when you feel the urge to turn your attention away, turn your attention back to your partner, and feel open, honest, and safe enough to mention it. Then look to uncover the why.

Digging down to uncover the cause can either be rudimentary or very messy business. Suffice it to say, it would be folly to insist that every relationship could follow a particular set pattern for discovery.

Being open, honest, compassionate, understanding, and communicative are the keys to the high level of love that is necessary to sustain a long, happy, and fulfilling relationship surviving infidelity. Life after the affair can be extraordinary, and having survived can draw you closer than ever if you’re willing and able to do the work of love.

You Are More Space

I know, it’s easy to get all wrapped up in what’s real and what’s not, then that trickles down to what’s right or wrong, good or evil, and if you’re frustrated in knowing that the universe is expanding at an alarming rate, and when you look at our tiny galaxy floating in perfect harmony among all the other galaxies, that can leave you feeling quite small. And if that wasn’t enough, try throwing on, “You are more space than matter,” for size.

You Are More Space Than Matter

You are less than 1% matter, the rest is space. I don’t know about you but this literally blows me away and it a glimmering testament to the magnificence of life on planet earth and our privilege of being able to participate in this amazing journey called life.

We are made up of atoms with a nucleus at its center. Quantum physicists maintain that if the nucleus were the size of a peanut, the atom would be the size of a football stadium and what’s inside? Space. Lots of space.

But what holds us (and everything we believe to be a solid, to have shape or form) together? For quantum physicists, there is a whole lot of scientific mumbo-jumbo going on, which reduced to its simplest form, represents energy.

This is not the energy that you think of when you think about putting batteries into a flashlight or plugging your toaster into the wall, this is energy which mills around in the space in and between the atoms holding them in perfect balance resulting in our ability to interact with the world around us in all its forms.

Your body, if you were to remove the space, would be the size of a dust particle.

The energetic space which accounts for the vastly greater part of you is conscious and consciously connected to all the other space in all the other dimensions, in all the other galaxies in the universe, past, present, and future.

You can start to imagine the possibilities of being connected to an infinite network of consciousness, opening a whole new area of independent and scientific study. Independent researchers who are more sensitive to the energies which surround us, are considered as outside-the-box thinkers but are making discoveries, expanding their consciousness, and are growing by leaps and bounds, even though the fields of independent study of these expansion explorers may not yet be embraced the majority.

It’s like being in the same room with the most advanced technology network which holds the answers to everything, seeing the lights blinking and feeling the surge of the energy underneath your feet, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand at attention, and not being able to figure out how to interface, or access any of this infinite information, yet there it is, and there you are in its midst.

Many believe the increase of this conscious connection and the ability to communicate with this infinite energy network is the next step in human evolution.

What do you think?

Thanksgiving Leftovers

After the thanksgiving festivities are over, and the Black Friday mayhem has begun, many of us are left with that warm, fuzzy feeling of having spent precious moments with the people we love. Bust as we all know, even after the event has come and gone there are always Thanksgiving leftovers.

Not just the goodies piled up in the fridge as late-night snacks, or foods to be repurposed for lunch meals or TV dinners, but the most precious leftovers of all, the memories of spending time with loved ones which welcomes a cascade of even more nostalgic reminders of love’s power and infinite endurance.

This year, I was so blessed to spend the holiday with my people, especially my children, Nathanial, Tabitha, and Jaycie and their families. And, OMG, could anyone have known that EJ and Tim (and all the others who helped in meal prep) would be able to create the most heavenly vegan Thanksgiving meal-spread of all (my favorite was the brussels sprout flavor-popping culinary delights). Family-time, like this, is precious and priceless, and it feels your heart with much love which lasts for long after Thanksgiving Day has come and gone; Thanksgiving leftovers.

You feel the combination of the love and the gratitude and you might like to share some of that amazing energy with someone less fortunate. But this, these precious moments, are your prized possessions and may not be embraced with as much tender honor as you might bestow on these times. Far better to share love with others from an infinite source.

You have the right idea, about sharing love with others who may not have had the opportunity to have an experience like yours, and may be feeling desolate, alone, totally lost and without hope. Rather than share my Thanksgiving leftovers with those who could use some love during the holidays, I prefer sending love to the world from the infinite source of all life and love.

So overwhelmed with feeling so full of love and blessedness that while others were fighting over sale items on Black Friday, I took a long (very long) leisurely walk via a nature trek on one of the most amazing, moderate winter evenings in the Pacific Northwest, and spent almost the entire time sending love to the world.

The beauty of sending love to the world via the infinite source is that it does not deplete any of your own love resources and if you do it right… (drum roll…) it ramps up your own love vibration exponentially. Wa-hoo! (If you could only imagine how I feel, right now… so far above Cloud Nine!)

Now, imagine if you felt like you had no love to share. None. Even the thought of love is like staring into a black vacuum, no feeling, no joy, nothing.

Here comes the good part.

Let’s say, there is no love in you, but you still might like to wish love could be apparent and felt by others, even if you, yourself, could not imagine having any love to share. You, too, could try sending love to the world.

By sending love to the world from an infinite source (such as via the method I walk you through in my Sending Love to the World guided meditation) you become a conduit for love. The love comes down and flows through you as you shower this infinite love over your family, friends, neighbors, community, town, state, country, and the whole world. You cannot conduct this exercise without realizing the residual benefits from doing so.

First, and foremost, you are no longer loveless. You cannot send love to the world without feeling some love leftovers. This residual loveliness is yours to keep. It is your reward for taking a few minutes out of your life to send love to others who may desperately need it. But there’s more…

The act of sending love to the world ramps up your immune system and promotes inner healing (not just psychological, but physiological, also) for up to eight hours. Plus, you feel better and every time you send love to the world, you add exponential time to your life and reverse the process of aging.

Who wouldn’t want to receive love, experience self-healing, feel better, be younger, and live longer?

Taking a few minutes out for Sending love to the world is a small price to pay for all that.

If you might like to give it a try, check out my,

Sending Love to the World Guided Meditation

Thankful and Sending Love to the World

I am so thankful and blessed, not just on Thanksgiving, but every day that I get to spend living life on this planet. I have experienced the greatest of all peak experiences to their fullest and I have weathered the desolate valleys, and if I had a chance to do it all over again, I wouldn’t change a thing.

I am thankful for all the people whom I know and have known, the people who love and support me, and those who don’t particularly care for me, even the haters. They all have been integral parts of my life, which is the most magnificent tapestry.

Of course, I wish everyone could love me, but I am an acquired taste, and not everyone can appreciate me for who I am. I am blessed either way because if it weren’t for those who would rather avoid me, I might take the respect and love I receive from others for granted. It just makes them all the more precious to me.

I suppose life has led me down a path accompanied by a soundtrack I sing along with as I traverse which is often optimistic. Even in the worst of times, I can see the good in all things (albeit, not necessarily at the get-go, but I get there).

It is from this blessed space that I like

Sending Love to the World

Initially, a solitary and private undertaking, I invited others to join me in sending love to the world, for the sake of others who are unable to find joy and may be suffering hardship, especially during the holidays, for, “There but for the grace of God, go I.”

It could easily be me in such a state of loss or disrepair, that I could not see the light, any glimmer whatsoever, and might even contemplate whether my life was worth living at all. It is for these people that I try to remember to take a few minutes out of my holiday season to send them love. And not just them, but broaden my scope to include my family, friends, community, state, country and include sending love to the world.

As I invite people to join me, all I ask is that you set aside at least three minutes from your holiday activities for sending love to the world. I usually send love in ten-minute intervals, but only three minutes of sending love to the world increases the love which radiates in your life, boosts your immune system for up to eight hours, and reverses aging. (Who wouldn’t want to do that?) It doesn’t cost a dime, and is beneficial to others, as you join in, even if only for a few minutes because the effects are cumulative and exponential.

You can send love in any manner which resonates with you. You can pray, meditate, light a candle, or whatever other way you choose to send love to the world. If you’re at a loss about how to engage in sending love to the world, then, by all means, you are invited to try my

Sending Love to the World Guided Meditation

Please, if you have known love, even if you are like me and have loved and lost, at least you have known it, given love, even if it wasn’t reciprocated. So many, have not even had the privilege of knowing love at all.

And for those who are reserved, withdrawn, suffering and in pain, a little love vibration might just be what they need to make it through this tough time in life, and you helped by sending love to the world.

If you’re reading this on Thanksgiving, please consider being bold enough to take a few minutes out of your family celebration to join in sending love to the world. And if Thanksgiving day has passed, please consider doing it anytime during the holidays.

Sending Love to the World runs from November 11th, through the 1st of January, with the most important days being Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, and New Years. These are the days, when the people who are not doing well may feel the most desolate. You and we can make a difference.

Thank you for joining me this year in sending love to the world.

Please share this with your friends, and invite them to join us.