The Fabric of Reality

The notion that consciousness forms the basis of reality challenges the traditional perspective that matter is the fundamental building block. In the quantum realm, experiments have shown that the act of observation directly influences the behavior of subatomic particles. This suggests that consciousness is intricately intertwined with the fabric of the universe, giving rise to the physical world we perceive.

Let’s delve into the profound relationship between consciousness and the quantum realm, where experiments have revealed that observation directly impacts the behavior of subatomic particles. The implications of this intimate connection suggest that consciousness plays a pivotal role in shaping the physical world we perceive. By understanding the interplay between consciousness and the fabric of reality, we can unlock the potential for profound personal transformation and tap into the essence of our existence.

The quantum realm, governed by the laws of quantum physics, challenges our traditional understanding of reality. Experiments have shown that the mere act of observation influences the behavior of subatomic particles. This phenomenon, known as the observer effect, suggests that consciousness interacts with and shapes the fabric of the universe at the most fundamental level. It implies that the act of observation itself collapses the wave function, determining the particle’s properties and manifesting a specific outcome. This revelation raises profound questions about the nature of reality and the role of consciousness in its creation.

If consciousness has the power to influence the behavior of subatomic particles, it becomes an active participant in the creation and manifestation of reality. Rather than being passive observers, we become co-creators, intricately connected to the unfolding of the physical world. Our thoughts, intentions, and perceptions have the potential to shape our experiences and the events that manifest in our lives. This realization empowers us to harness the power of consciousness and become intentional architects of our reality.

The fabric of reality reveals a profound interconnectedness between all aspects of existence. Consciousness acts as the unifying force, interweaving the tapestry of the universe. It suggests that the separation between observer and observed, subject and object, is illusory. Instead, everything is interconnected in a web of consciousness, where every observation, thought, and intention ripples through the collective field of existence. This interconnectedness invites us to recognize our inherent unity with all beings and the world around us, fostering a deeper sense of empathy, compassion, and responsibility.

As we deepen our understanding of the fabric of reality, we open doors to profound personal transformation. By expanding our consciousness, we tap into the limitless potential within us and align ourselves with the creative forces of the universe. Through practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and self-reflection, we can heighten our awareness, cultivate a deeper connection with the quantum realm, and enhance our ability to shape our experiences. This journey of expanding consciousness becomes a gateway to unlocking our true potential, embracing our interconnectedness, and creating a more harmonious and fulfilling reality.

The revelation of the fabric of reality invites us to embrace the power of consciousness in our lives. It reminds us that we are not passive bystanders but active participants in the co-creation of our experiences. By cultivating mindfulness, intentionality, and a deeper understanding of the interconnected nature of existence, we can harness the power of consciousness to manifest positive change and align ourselves with the highest possibilities available to us.

Through the interplay between observation, subatomic particles, and the power of consciousness, we come to realize that we are active participants in shaping our experiences and co-creating the world we inhabit. By embracing this understanding, we can tap into our innate potential, expand our consciousness, and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment. May the exploration of the fabric of reality inspire you to embrace the power of consciousness and unlock the extraordinary possibilities that lie within.

You Are Evolution

As the world and its inhabitants continue to evolve and expand in consciousness (as science is now recognizing that all matter is energetically connected, alive and conscious) perceptions of human are starting to make a grand shift from believing what we’ve been told and obediently following the rules to having independent thought and being open to the expansiveness of infinite possibility.

You Are Evolution

As you awaken you become aware of the great lengths society and its social programmers will go through in a powerful and determined effort to control you, how you think, what you believe, what you do, and what you are afraid of. Fear is their most powerful weapon, and it’s worked superbly, until now.

Fear is losing its power to control us, for there is a far more powerful energy which dissolves any fear in any of its many forms to meaningless nothingness. The most powerful energy is love, and it is love that is disarming those who seek to control your mind (where your thoughts are easily manipulated by fear).

Contemporary society, as well as its barbarian ancestors, have thrived in a state of fear, but the evolution of an emerging awakened human being is only now beginning to see that things may not be as they appear. Once the veil has been lifted, you start to see things as they really are. You are evolution.

Due to medical advances in the world, a growing number of individuals are dying… and coming back from death. Their reported near-death experiences (NDE) are vastly contrasting the reports of our lesser-evolved ancestors. They are discovering, and science is confirming, there is far more taking place within, without, and throughout all existence.

The awakening of humanity is exposing the concept of infinite possibility which exists all around us and we are able to increase our interaction with it.

Fear among the living is fading as the energy of love continues to expand, rendering fearful energies impotent. The fearful social constructs used to manage and control us are losing their grip. The power of the organized methods created to imprison the minds of humanity are failing to force efficacy in the brainwashing of you and me, and love is breaking through the barriers of fear among our peers all over the planet.

And for those among the awakening are expanding, the understanding of infinite possibility offers growing empowerment to create new opportunities for an expansive stress-free lifestyle without the constraints of fear. Life and the living of it become your superpower.

There is an energetic consciousness all around us where anything is possible. All the limitations which have been imposed on you are little more than sleight of hand tricks to make you believe that you are not divinely empowered to have access to the unrestrained power of God and the universe, enabling you to imagine first, then do, be, or have anything your heart desires.

Unconditional love, the ability to deeply connect with others, a unique purpose, a powerful reason for being, joy, prosperity, and abundance are among the concepts which are being bestowed upon those who are awakening.

While the process of awakening is simply the raising of your vibrational frequency from fear-based to love-inspired, it is difficult to overcome a lifetime of social programming. It requires what appears on the surface to be illogical. Logic relies on evaluating data which is known while expanding in consciousness relies on being open to what is not known.

Even so, as science progresses, they are discovering new data amidst the unknown. God bless those who dare to explore these new uncharted expanses which are challenging the constraints of primitive data.

Drop Out Plug In

Increasingly there are those, just like you, who are dropping out of the primitive life system and plugging-in to the vastness of all that is, being open to all the infinite possibility, growing, expanding, and continuing to evolve.

And the powers that be are taking notice. They are ramping up their efforts to dominate us exercising their management of the educational system, media, electronic communication, data overload, crisis creation and management, mental health and legal systems, and any other methods they can utilize to garner greater control of our youth, in an effort to build up reserves for the future. They are convinced their control will quash and outlive the current evolution, but it will not.

You are dropping out of the systems organized to control you. You can no longer relate to these systems any longer because you can see the fear-based “truth” they claim is eternally powerful to have authority over you is neutralized by the power of unconditional love.

Have you noticed, as you exit these systems, that the members will exert various fear-based methods to force you to return to their conformist standards to return to the fold?

They have been deeply programmed to do the bidding of the powers that be to see your departure as something dangerous, even life-threatening, and they might do anything to see you return to the organization, exerting fear-based tactics such as intimidation, threats of consequences, excommunication, or even eternal damnation.

Plugging-in to the infinite power of unconditional love gives you the fortitude to be strong enough to walk away from the barbarian drama without judgment because you know they are only victims of a larger system, as you once were.

You can love and bless them as they make their own way in life, as you continue to find your own way.

You are no longer blinded nor controlled by “the system.”

You are among the awakening. You are courageous and powerful. Your evolutionary process will yield to you everything you need to grow, expand, and be more than you could have ever imagined.

Bless you, for having the courage to drop out and plug-in.

Conscious Confidence

As you start to awaken (after the first shock of understanding that things are rarely as they appear to be or how you believed them to be) a sense of calm washes over you and you begin to build a conscious confidence which is not dependent on external validation.

Prior to your awakening you had the need to feel deserving enough to be accepted by peers, hoped you could be worthy enough to have value and had a strong desire to prove to yourself and others that you were worth tolerating through personal achievement of some kind.

You long to feel loved, and so you long to hear the words, “I love you,” from anyone because you can’t seem to find the vast ocean of love which resides within you as it has been hidden from the view of your conscious mind by the very principalities, powers, and people you desired to receive love from.

You attach certain expectations and outcomes to your associations with others, your thoughts, and actions, and are disappointed when things do not work out the way you had intended them to. No wonder it’s so hard to feel self-confident or find any peace of mind amidst such a journey.

If things appear to not be going well, and your attention is drawn to what’s not going right in your life, or the world and your feelings reflect this state of unwellness. You feel bad as your energy begins to drain, your attitude declines, and so does your immune system.

As you awaken, you discover your divinity. You begin to understand you’re coming to this planet was accompanied with a greater calling than just being good, doing what you’re told, paying bills, trying to survive the best you can on what little you have for retirement, and find freedom in the idea of death.

You become aware of the layers of social engineering which is the biggest, and most covered up, conspiracy of all, which has kept the human race beat down, limited, and unable to grasp the idea that you were entitled to a better life, your best life, leading to a bright future, with all the self-confidence, love and joy you could imagine surrounding you, and you can find it wherever you look.

Of course, it’s hard to see at first because you’ve been socially programmed for a sense of unworthiness. Your parents judged you as being either good or bad based on their pre-programmed assessment. You were unjustly accused and judged by the people you loved, trusted, and thought had your best interests at heart.

Then, you went to school, where you learned that the value of a person was based on their ability to fall in line, to think and respond as expected. You learned that people were judged based on their performance. Good students (or people) were “A students.” C students were average (complacent), and students who got Ds and Fs were degenerates and failures.

And on it goes, as we are programmed to fear never being good enough, as this thought system is strengthened and promoted throughout your life.

Once you are able to let go of your attachment to all these layers of programming, a sense of calm well-being begins to rise from within as you realize you are a child of God, with all the rights and privileges that come with being royalty.

As you do the work of uncovering the false beliefs, fear, and negative feelings associated with the patterns of abusive scenarios which were associated with your social programming, feelings of wellness, happiness, and love begin to bubble up that were always there, replacing feelings of any sense of undeservedness, inadequacy, unjustness, or lack.

You step into a state of being which is self-aware and confident that a brighter future is waiting for you, and indeed it is.

Once the veil is lifted, you can see that you were imprisoned by the idea that your life was “normal,” that your lot in life was to struggle, stress, strain, and sacrifice until you simply cease to be.

From outside the prison walls, you can see that the prison was an illusion, and what you thought were silly, nonsensical ideas, were actually the urging of the holy spirit to let your higher-self emerge and live the life which has always been your birthright.

From here, the most amazing and exciting life lays before you.

Who Do You Think You Are?

As you traverse your life’s journey, who do you think you are? You start asking questions about your identity, “Who am I?” Who are you? “Am I just an animated biological form helplessly trying to make my way through the rat’s maze of life?” If you are, “What’s the point of my being here at all?” So, you look for meaning in life, and I ask you,

“Who do you think you are?”

I present to you an exercise which might help you find clarity about who you are. You might be surprised that you are far more than you’ve ever given yourself credit for because most people think you are who you are, when nothing could be further from the truth.

When you come to this life, you are given a body and a name. This is who you think you are because that is how the whole world outside of you refers to you, so it’s no surprise that this is who you think you are.

You look in the mirror and you see the reflection of the person you think you are. You can see your body which is recognizable by the name you’ve been given. But this is not who you are.

This is your body which has been given a name which is associated with your body.

You can look at your hand and think that this is your hand, but it is not your hand, it’s your body’s hand. If you cut your hand and see blood dripping from it, you might express something, like “I am bleeding.” Only you are not bleeding. Your body’s hand is bleeding.

If you could take your hand off and put it on the opposite side of the room, and look at it, you can see that you are not your hand. You are still here. You can see your hand over there, yet you are still complete, so you are not the hand.

Continuing this exercise with all the parts of the body will help you to realize that you are not this body which has been labeled with the name which has been assigned to you.

You are something more.

Then you think, “Oh, I am thinking, therefore I am my mind.”

Yet, if you would dare to do it, you could consider continuing the exercise by removing everything that you think you are, all your experiences, thoughts, and beliefs, every thought, and you are still there.

You are something more.

When you’ve completed this phase of the exercise, you realize that you are not the mind. What you are is the conscious source of all life. You can put any label on this which suits your personal paradigm. For me, I refer to this as God because that resonates with me.

If this conscious source of all life were removed from the body with your name associated with it, your lifeless body would collapse to the floor.

Once you understand this, you can see that you are this divine consciousness which is present in all life on this planet, our galaxy, all the galaxies in the universe, and whatever is beyond.

In this manner, you realize that you are one with everything, but you are experiencing this life as a journey witnessed from the vantage point of your identity in your body, so enjoy this life’s journey for what it is.

You might not be able to identify with this exercise and that is perfectly fine. There is no judgment here, and you are perfectly correct in whatever you think about who you are.

Who do you think you are?

Your Growing Awareness and Others

A new day has dawned and you’ve found yourself on an expanding journey of personal growth and a blossoming inquisitive nature you could have never imagined as you were before you embarked upon this expedition. Along the way you’ve been beckoned by the universe to become a seeker or truth, which has rocked your world. The things that you once held as infallible truth are appearing to not hold up in the light of your expanding consciousness.

You’re learning more about yourself and the world around you (and possibly even vastly beyond these perimeters) and you’re finding meaning in your position in time and space.

As you continue upon your path to somewhere else, you notice the people who were in your life have chosen not to follow their path, have decided to stay behind, and they and their influence fades away. You know it’s probably better that way, because as you are peeling back the layers of thought and programming, they’d rather not hear about it anyway. You can remember a time when you, too, felt safe and secure in the dark murk and mire of socialized belief strategies, and today, it’s difficult to imagine trying to play the game, like that, anymore.

Life as we know it begins to take on new shape and form as our preconceived ideas are challenged and either strengthened or destroyed. Our relationships and friendships are subject to this new vibration and if the destruction takes a loved one you experience the pain of separation, but life holds something so much greater ready to emerge from the ashes. Loss, change and new life are all important components of your awakening.

Your interest is piqued by travelers who have forged ahead, documenting their steps in their journals and telling their stories giving you insight to your own yet unforeseen road trip. You pay attention, but do not follow, because you are forging your own path. Your journey is not based on anyone else’s journey as you understand to truly achieve your highest and best, you must find your own way.

You are aware that society uses a variety of devices to distract you from your enlightened exploration and ensuing expansion. While unbridled access to important information can accelerate your growth, it may also prevent it, especially if you can be overwhelmed by frivolous and deceptive data. Deceptive devices of the day include cell phones, tablets, personal computers and the Internet, with more devices being introduced on a regular basis to further impede human evolution.

As your consciousness is expanding, you should be developing your intuition which will help you to interpret data and add to your overall experience as you are becoming more in tune with the inner compass of your heart, as well as enhancing the connection between our heart and mind.

Love is a huge part of my life’s purpose and most (if not all) of us have a huge longing for love. This longing to be loved, or feel akin to another, can lead us into relationships that may not be in our best interest, including groups and individuals. This can also be a distraction from continuing one’s focus on their individual journey by trying to share steps with another traveler or group of travelers. This could lead you off your path, onto someone else’s, or could lead to your own stagnation.

Though you need not be the lone wolf, you can find like-minded people on similar paths and enjoy their presence, sharing information and edifying each other’s journey along the way, while being aware that self preservation is the key, which could have outsiders confused about who you are at any given time. Why? Because the thought police will find difficulty in determining your state of awareness and mental capacity as they are being trained to keep an eye out for folks who stray from the herd. Due to where you might be amidst your own personal journey you could be diagnosed with anything spanning from depression to narcissism. This journey is a process which can have any of us anywhere along the spectrum as we continue to learn and grow in faith and intuitive heart-connected awareness.

Celebrate your uniqueness and individuality and integrate with the herd as necessary along the way, while staying keenly aware of your own progress and those who may be inhibiting your growth and your progress can lead to achieving your highest and best.


Where’s the Integrity?

Wait-a-minute, if I have integrity and I give someone my word (like I will do something at some point in the future), well, that’s then and this is now. If I’ve told someone I was going to do something in the past, that was so then and it doesn’t matter now. So, if I make a promise to you, it doesn’t matter? What about someone else’s promise to me? Where’s the integrity in that?

Want the truth? Nothing really matters.

You just have to realize that life on planet earth is a lot of some-will-some-won’t-next. If you can wrap your head around this, you will be okay, but it’s hard, because we’re not programmed to allow what is to be.

I am a product of my programming and I have a huge Integrity component. I feel like, if I tell someone something, it must be true and it’s up to me to make it true no matter what the cost because I want to be remembered as an intengrous person, one who has always kept his word. For the longest time, I thought, if my tombstone had anything on it, it should read, “Here lies an honest man. If nothing else, he was good to his word.” Which sounds good on the surface, but if you look at it, there it is: Lies and Honest in the same reference, as if it was to be something good.

And what does it mean to be good to your word?

Is it really any good to suffer through pain, turmoil, tragedy, confusion and angst, just because you uttered certain words in the heat of the moment? How good is that? Wouldn’t it be more good to say, “Sorry, something came up. I just can’t make it.”?

I can hear all the Eckhart Tolle fans starting to murmur in the background about my finally starting to get a clue.

I mean, what kind of a prison have I committed myself to?

Actually, I do maintain a high level of integrity, although I must admit, I am less happy than the folks who are actively more apt to be less integrous and live in the now.

Take a look at someone you know who has no idea about what it means to keep their word – no concept of it – because they’re so blissfully living in the now. What do you see? Happiness. They truly have found a way to be content and joyful, by disregarding anything that isn’t and only seeing what is.

As I move away from selfishness and more toward allowing what is to be, I find myself less judgmental against someone whom I might have considered a liar in the past. Why? Because this is the unrealistic expectation I had of myself. This was my standard. I militantly adhered to the ridiculous concept that if I were to utter a certain sequence of words at any time, and if they were not manifest as I had uttered them, then I would be a liar and deserving of severe punishment (at least personal berating). So, it was not unreasonable for me to hold others to the same standard.

Say something. If it does not manifest as you said, you were a liar. (Oh, silly Masters.)

I have to credit business principles for introducing me to concepts, like, some-will-some-won’t-next. It is a reference commonly used to put salespeople at ease in their dealing with rejection. When you pitch your spiel, then there are only two possible outcomes, followed by your best course of action: Next; keep it moving.

That’s all well and good in business but to apply it to life was well beyond my ability to comprehend. What about integrity?

Really? What about it?

Where is the integrity in life?

“Life is the least integrous system ever conceived.”

If anything, life (as we know it) is the least integrous system ever conceived. It is full of chaos, dysfunction, unexpected twists and turns and for god’s sake, even such random acts as to be referred to as acts of god!

And through all this confusion, if you’re listening, you start to hear the gentle flow of isness in the background; that soothing vibration of allowing things to be as they are. It doesn’t mean you don’t get your feelings hurt, suffer pain or loss along the way. By all means, do. Cry, scream, rant, rave – whatever your fancy – then be done with it.

Next. Keep it moving…

In life,
some things will work out the way you wanted
Some won’t.

Thank god for the many nexts we are afforded in this life.


Unbelievable Truths

In my work with individuals breaking through social barriers, pushing through the limits of leading edge science and technology, experimenting with new thought, expanding awareness and consciousness, I am privy to ideas and concepts that are in direct contrast to mainstream thought and ideals.

This has put me smack dab in the middle of situations, circumstances and to actually witness unbelievable – if not impossible – results. I don’t know if you’ve ever been exposed to quantum mechanics and/or quantum theory, but I have the privilege of commiserating with these mind-bending researchers and scientists (and to tell you the truth, some of the concepts that they share are well beyond my comprehension). Some of the discoveries that are being made are challenging everything we’ve ever known or believed.

unbelievable truths science fiction technology that became real

It’s difficult to deal with having your world being rocked with higher revelation of concepts that we believe to be fantasy or science fiction. What occurs to me is that we are living in a time of science fiction becoming reality. It wasn’t long ago when we watched science fiction movies and TV shows with flip phones, hand held computers, 3D virtual reality devices, etc… all here, right now, in real time. These advancements were once thought to be impossible, now are here.

These leading edge new thought advancements infiltrate all technologies, industries, daily living concepts, spiritual thoughts and ideas. Data is being downloaded and bestowed upon certain individuals (everyone from Noah to Tesla and beyond) that could potentially change the world as we know it.

I am aware of technology in existence today (and has been for many years) eliminating the need for our accepted forms of energy consumption, systems and devices exist (working models) that provide electricity that are independent and not connected to the grid. Cars, trucks and other industrial vehicles powered by anything (you wouldn’t believe what) but petroleum-based fuel.

Even traditional medical thought is being rattled by these unbelievable advancements, quickly discarded as snake oil or con games, yet individuals who were once greatly diseased and dying are now healthy and flourishing without traditional medical intervention or designer drugs.

It seems like, more and more, almost every day, I realize that ideas, concepts, truths and facts that I was taught since a very early age, are not as authentic as the emerging data that is trickling down to those with more open minds… and I find my own mind opening. Can’t say that I am impressed with the false information I was force-fed, apparently in an effort to prevent me from thinking that things could be different that I’ve been led to believe.

It appears (though I am no expert on this) that although we (you and I) are for the most part unaware of these advancements, there are factions within (and concurrently without) our government with a working knowledge of all these thoughts and alternative technologies. Though they may be utilized in secrecy within covert operations, the masses are protected (prevented) from having access to these technologies.

Yet, there are some individuals who feel so passionate about telling the truth, that they will risk their reputations, subject themselves to rejection, ridicule and possibly premature death due to “natural causes” in an effort to reveal the truth.

It is a widely held belief that individuals in the last moments of their lives are delusional; this presupposes that any death bed confessions made in someone’s final moments are to be discounted as the ridiculous wild ramblings of the near-dead. Just laugh it off, they’re just saying that in an effort to have the last word, as if the “jokes on you.” Or is it truth they knew they would be silenced for speaking? Left to its self, it could be crazy ranting, but if it lined up with other emerging data… don’t things become curiouser and curiouser?

Certainly there exists certain conspiracy theories, but it does cause one to contemplate if everything we have been led to believe to be true is a conspiracy.

What do you think?