Make Space for Something New

If you’re ready for something new, then you’re ready to create the space for something new.

Something old might need to be cleaned up or discarded to make space for something new.

The act of making space creates the energy necessary to increase the attraction of new things into your space. Create a vacuum and the universe will fill it.

make space for something new

Good things are coming to you… they are looking for space. Honor those good things by making the space for them.

Create space in your time. Are you always on-the-run? Schedule unscheduled time; make the space for something… anything and something will fill the space for you.

Frustrated about your wardrobe? Clean out your closet and see what apparel becomes more appealing, finding its way into those empty spaces.

Create space for a better life. Set aside an hour a day for your personal growth. Fill it with whatever comes, from meditation to hardcore personal research and development. This is your time.

Do an inventory of all the old things cluttering your life and bogging you down in old vibrations. A little housecleaning, garage sale, donation to charity or trip to the dump will ready you now only for a higher vibration, but might change your whole world as the things you’ve longed for have clear landing fields.

Where you are, right now, is a result of your vibration and the lack of space for something new. To expand yourself, you need a little elbow room, enough to make the space for new growth and expansion.

If you keep nesting in your old life, surrounding yourself with your old stuff because there’s a comfort in nostalgia which fuels the fear of the unknown, this may imbue you with a false sense of security. If this is so, you are likely to remain stuck in the life you’ve always known with some degree of compromise, comfortably numb. If you really are ready to begin your new life, make space for it.

It’s up to you to take the action, for if something did appear where would it go? If you have no time in your schedule, space in your home, office, closet, shelf space… It’s not welcoming the good things that long to bless you.

You might feel guilty about making space in your life. Many people find themselves compelled to put others before themselves, second guessing their potential for personal growth or change because it feels selfish in some way, or one might feel undeserving of anything good at all.

If you desire to move to the next level, you need to start saying goodbye you your old life of morbid mediocrity and making a concerted and conscious effort to move into the space where your personal best awaits.

Carving out an hour a day, a foot of closet space, cleaning out a section of the garage, making room on your bookshelf, spending less time with someone who drains your emotional reserves, whatever it is… this is the least selfish thing you can do.

Though your inner voice might condemn you about the pressing needs of your boss, clients, partner, children and friends who desperately need to consume every waking moment adding stress and strain to your already hectic pace, but the truth is

You cannot best serve or help anyone if your cup is empty.

Making space for something new is important self-care. You need to fill your cup to have more to offer those whom you love and care about.

Be bold enough to make it a priority to acknowledge your need and worthiness, while suspending disbelief long enough to dream a new dream and make space for your abundant metamorphosis.

If you do nothing, the weeds will overtake your garden, choking out any hope of new life. While you look at a distance, the patch of weeds looks green and lush enough to be pleasant. A closer look will lead way to disappointment as you consider the loss of potential fruit that could have occupied that very space, especially if you have desire or hunger for something besides the weeds.

A little weeding out the things that are restricting your new growth goes a long way, whether they are in your literal or metaphorical garden, which could be your schedule, home, office or may even include people in your circle of influence.

People in your life who are demanding your attention may be counter-productive to you accomplishing your goals or having the space for someone more supportive or beneficial to come into your life.

Now is the time to allow the opportunity for new growth, make space for it and all the good things that are waiting for you will fill the space you have created.

Challenge the Impossible

You will discover your hidden strengths by daring to challenge the impossible.

Life, in its intricate dance of challenges and triumphs, often presents us with moments that seem insurmountable. These are the instances where the word “impossible” echoes loudly, drowning out optimism and eclipsing the path forward. Yet, in the paradox of adversity lies an extraordinary opportunity for transformation, resilience, and greatness.

The Encounter with the Impossible

Picture a scenario where the odds are stacked against you, where solutions appear nonexistent, and hope is a fleeting mirage. It is in these critical junctures that the concept of the impossible takes center stage. The magnitude of the challenge may be overwhelming, leaving you feeling powerless and entrapped.

Redefining Impossible as an Invitation

Contrary to its conventional definition, perceiving the impossible as an invitation is a paradigm shift that heralds a journey towards greatness. It is precisely when faced with the impossible that the seeds of heroism are sown. History stands testament to the fact that many of the revered figures in our culture emerged from the crucible of seemingly insurmountable challenges.

The Birth of Heroes

Heroes are not born in the ease of complacency but are sculpted in the fiery forge of adversity. The script of heroism often begins with a backdrop of impossibility, where ordinary individuals are called upon to rise above their circumstances. The hero’s journey unfolds not in the absence of challenges, but in the very heart of the impossible.

Rising to the Challenge

When life confronts you with the impossible, it issues an invitation to rise to the challenge. This is not a mere call to action; it’s a summons to elevate your existence, transcending the limits you once perceived. Facing the impossible is an opportunity to harness untapped reservoirs of strength, resilience, and creativity.

Evolution Beyond Limits

Overcoming the impossible is a transformative experience that propels you to heights uncharted. It is a metamorphosis that leaves an indelible mark on your psyche. The person who emerges on the other side is not the same individual who stood before the challenge. You evolve, carrying the wisdom, fortitude, and insight acquired through the crucible of impossibility.

The Irreversible Shift

Having triumphed over the impossible, there is no return to the former self. The journey has etched a new narrative into the fabric of your being. The limitations that once defined you crumble, making way for a heightened sense of self, capability, and purpose. You become a living testament to the fact that the impossible is not a barrier but a bridge to greatness.

Embrace the Uncharted Path

In those moments when the specter of impossibility looms large, recognize it not as a roadblock but as an uncharted path to greatness. Embrace the challenge with courage, resilience, and an unwavering belief in your capacity to transcend the impossible. For it is on this journey that you unearth the hero within and sculpt a narrative of triumph that resonates through time. The impossible, once confronted, becomes the catalyst for your extraordinary evolution.


Friends and Success

It has been said that your level of success will represent the average level of success of the five people that you spend the most time with. These are your friends and associates; they support you, pay attention to you, tolerate you, listen to your troubles and laugh with you when you are happy.

Consider making new friends for a better life

Your friends and associates may be a challenge preventing your personal growth, especially if they view your desire to be successful as folly… It is not! Rise above the negativity by joining with others, just like yourself, who seek to be successful and are taking the steps to move above and beyond the negativity, to embrace a successful lifestyle.

We’re not talking about toxic individuals in your life so much as people who slowly drain your enthusiasm and drive to break-through to your more productive, abundant and blessed full expression of your life.

Does that mean ditching your friends?

This is a decision you need to make on your own. Are your friends holding you back? Maybe it’s time to consider making new friends…

I met a man by the name of Darnell, who was at 26 years old a felon and already served four-and-a-half years in two separate incarcerations of his adult life and had spent countless time in the juvenile system during his youth.

He came to me in a coaching relationship seeking a better life. The first words out of his mouth to me in our first session were, “My life’s a mess and it ain’t gonna change unless I change and I can’t change unless I change my life, where I live and ditch my best friends.”

These are the kinds of clients that I attract. Some people may call me a motivational coach, but it’s just not true because I don’t motivate anyone. People who are motivated to change their lives or uncover their life’s hidden treasures, discover and share their gifts with the world to make it a better place.

The people who work with me bring their own motivation when they seek me out. I love working with people committed to change, personal, emotional, financial and spiritual growth. I truly have the best job and attract the best clients.

Could your friends be the chains that bind you

Darnell knew – without me even hinting to it – that his current environment, life circumstances and friends (some who were lifelong friends) were holding him back. And any time that he might make the least amount of progress, the whirlpool of his life that he had come to know as his, “normal,” would suck him back down the drain.

Darnell needed to create a, New Normal, and he was self-motivated, committed to his goal and I was honored to be invited to watch his story unfold. He started a business and began the creative process of building the business, creating his brand and promoting his business, while working on his own lifestyle readjustments along the way but it didn’t happen overnight. It took a lot of work, dedication, cutting ties and building new relationships.

He relocated only half-an-hour away from the place that he felt held him back, giving him enough room to remain independent while still being able to interact with family with the option of being able to easily disconnect and drive home where he was building his new life.

While reinventing himself, he didn’t completely disassociate with his old life, but only visits occasionally, though due to his commitment to change, many of his former friends have lost interest in him. It’s been five years since Darnell sought me out and now he is enjoying his new life, new friends, was recently married and is starting a family.

We all could learn a lesson from Darnell. Maybe our current family, friends and environment… that part of life that seems normal could be the influence that is keeping us from achieving greatness, sharing our message, embracing our gifts or enjoying the fullness of our inspired human potential.

In business and in life, the people that you hang out with can make all the difference. It is one of the basic tenets of success. After all, we are who we spend time with. It may not be necessary to disassociate from others who might be holding you back, if simply making new – more positively supportive and synchronistic – friends and associates would do the trick.

Is it time to re-evaluate and make a change? Is it necessary for you to consider adjusting your social matrix, evaluating potentially unhealthy relationships (possibly using a T chart) to move forward into the better life that is calling you?

What Have I Done Today?

The most important question you could ask yourself is, “What Have I Done Today?”

Think about it; if every day you could just make one small step toward your goal, you could be so much closer to your goal. The movement between here and there may not look like much, but if you could just make consecutive small movements in the direction of your goal, how much closer would you get if you made small incremental steps every day, rather than not making movement at all.

So many times, we second guess ourselves, stall or procrastinate only to find that yet another day has passed and we have made no progress toward the prosperity that we long for.

What have you done today to accumulate financial success

We can adequately see the difference between where we are and where we want to be and the chasm seems so far from here to there… yet, if we just made some progress every day, in a week we would be seven (albeit small) steps closer if we make some movement in the right direction every day.

How much closer would you be in a month? In a quarter? In a year?

The only thing that stands between where you are today and where you want to be is you.

How many times have you started on a path toward a goal, and made some progress, only to feel a little less motivated the next day? On that day, you may have not made any progress toward what you desired so much the day before. What happens on the next day?

Is it easier to keep your commitment to yourself to make progress daily?

Or is it easier to relax into what you know?

Is there safety in mediocrity?

If you do not try, then you have nothing to fear… you cannot fail, if you do not do.

It’s so easy just to rest back on your laurels always wishing that things could be different, but this one thing is for certain: If you do not move, you will remain where you are.

Is it uncomfortable to move, or change? Is it hard? Could there be a possibility of failure?

Yes, yes and yes – but if you truly desire to see your life different, you must make – not just an effort – but a commitment to take action – every day and you will see the change.

If there was one thing that was clearly the difference between a successful person and an unsuccessful person it is simply in the doingness. Doers do.

Sometimes the only difference between doing and not doing is just the simple gentlest nudge into taking that step.

Maybe we felt more motivated yesterday, but today we’re feeling less confident for whatever reason, and it’s easier to just relax. Maybe yesterday it was easier to believe in the possibilities of success, but today, you look around to see yourself surrounded by the status quo. The status quo does not want you to stand out in the crowd embracing all your gifts, qualities and speaking the truth of your calling.

… and today, it’s easier just to blend back in… and so, you blend…

There’s still time. Daily ask yourself, “What Have I Done Today?” This is your litmus test for your traveling toward the greater good.

Do You Want to Make the World a Better Place?

There are so many ways to segment peoples of the world; by race, by income level, education, political view, genetics, and sociological traditions, whatever… For me, it comes down to core motivation by answering the question, “Do you want to make the world a better place?”

Do you want to make the world a better place

It’s not the end-all be-all qualification, but it’s an important part of establishing a person’s character.

Some of you might think this is a simple yes or no question, right? Well, it turns out its terribly complicated. I’ve always held to this tenet like the Holy Grail, because the idea is a driving force throughout my whole life. I often ask myself, “What can I do today – or in this moment – to make the world a better place?” even if only in some small way.

Having this particular mindset has me on the lookout for others who are motivated in the same way, because couldn’t we all impact the world in a massive way for raising love, understanding, consciousness or global peace if we could join together?

So, I routinely ask the question, “Do you want to make the world a better place?” A glowing 90 percent of people answer, “Yes.” Wa-hoo! I’ve found a soul-brother or soul-sister!

Then, to qualify we are sharing common ground, I ask, “What does that mean to you?”

This is where it all starts to fall apart. My joyous enthusiasm starts to wane, as they scrunch their nose, squint, tuck their chin and ask, “What?”

If they can provide me with an intellectually sound reply, I challenge them with, “What did you do today to make the world a better place?”

I am surprised how complicated such a simple question could be. The problem appears to be that we – all of us – have our own interpretation of the question, “Do you want to make the world a better place?” And if we are at all concerned about making the world a better place, each of us has a different idea about what that might look like.

Kind’a like my, “What would you do with 20 million dollars?” question.

It appears the question is misinterpreted or lost in translation, because when I ask someone, “Do you want to make the world a better place?” the question they answer is:

“Do you want everyone in the world to think, act, believe and be like you?”

Which (I’m disappointed to say) is not the question.

And I’m as guilty of it as anyone. When I ask the question, it is from my individual point of view. To me the question infers random acts of kindness, sharing love and compassion, personal, emotional and spiritual growth, tolerance for all peoples, responsible care and tending of our planet, and more along this trend of thought.

Even though from my perspective my inference was full of intention and clarity, the person to whom I had proposed the question possesses an entirely different perspective and agenda.

Even you; if you would like to see the world a better place, you might have a completely different idea, like:

(List of other ideas deleted prior to publishing, due to my own ignorance)

I am humbled and humiliated by this rant, now.

I found myself listing the myriad of ideas that others had answered the question with that were not congruent with my own and found myself in judgment. Ranting… (Where’s the tolerance in that?) participating in the problem myself.

I am the hypocrite, the problem. I am what’s wrong with the world.

Regrettably, those things I despise still reside within me… It is an ongoing process…

Forgive me.

Personal Development Quantum and Spirit Science

There’s a certain type of individual who is attracted to personal development. That is to say, they are concerned about who they are, how they interface with the world, how to make the world a better place, and become the highest and best version of themselves while doing it.

They find themselves less concerned with the distractions of this world and more concerned with attempting to discover what is real. They are becoming increasingly aware that something is more real than the material world, which we previously interpreted as real.

While the material world is definitely experienced in 3D through our senses and cognitive interpretation, there are even more dimensions around us that we are unable to understand or experience with our rational mind. A small but growing part of our planet is reaching out to connect with these realms in various ways.

It starts when one realizes that there is more to this world combined with an elevated sense of self, as in feeling as though there is some purpose to being here, that we as individuals are summoned to this planet for a reason. As you begin to have a sense of personal mission and purpose, your self-confidence begins to expand, and you find yourself more acquainted with positive thinking and a reluctance to enjoy the lower vibration of negativity.

You might begin rationalizing the quandary between the conscious and subconscious minds while creating a safe space to focus on your personal development. As you try to make a safe space to conduct your research, you will find yourself less attracted to drama and unhealthy relationships as you focus more on your personal growth and self-development.

personal development quantum spirit science expansion of consciousness

Deciding to embark on this journey (which is highly personal and does not seek validation from mass consciousness) imbues you with a unique form of self-empowerment and responsibility as you create your own path to individual self-improvement.

Some investigate with the power of mind via scientific models led by quantum physicists exploring quantum mechanics and quantum theory (the Pandora’s Box of quantum science), while others are seeking to explore from within via a more heart-centered spiritual approach. These two separate camps are unraveling the secrets of the universe using different methods, yet their conclusions have striking similarities.

It requires a relative disconnection from mass popular thought to reposition one’s thought process in a way that is open to possibilities that may exist beyond the confines of science, technology, philosophy, religion, or beliefs for those engaged in this investigative journey to approach those ideas, concepts, and matters unrecognized in our everyday world.

While quantum physicists struggle with the traditional scientific method, spiritual researchers also can be found working against peers ready to “save them” from their spiritual pursuits as they engage in fringe parapsychology and likely dipping their toes in the water of the law of attraction. At the same time, they begin to question everything we know.

Both the advancing scientific and spiritual communities making the quantum leap are asking the question:

“What if everything we know is wrong?”

Blazing a trail that may not have existed before can be confusing. Thankfully, we are not on this journey alone. There are those who have gone before and have some previous work, which we can springboard to more heightened levels of experiential knowledge. Any time each one of us advances in our research and development, someone, somewhere, is also moving in the same direction.

It’s as if a global consciousness is being shared among the global community. While yet in its infancy, as our numbers may be minuscule, we are growing together. As this growth continues to expand, it is having a profound effect on the world at large.

Seekers of these leading-edge technologies and seekers of truths that supersede previously known or accepted thought lead to more of a spiritual awakening, as researchers are expanding in spiritual growth and scientists are redirecting their laboratories to incorporate spirit science and conducting experiments which can only take place from a position of spiritual enlightenment.

The world as we know it is changing.

Are you a part of the change?

You Are Human Evolution in Action

As you become more aware and evolved your personal growth is embedding particular codes throughout your mind and body. Depending on your genealogy, you may have inherited genes that give you a predisposition to continuing your evolution as sui generis.

You are human evolution in action sui generis dna

If you were bestowed this evolving genetic material by either one or both of your parents (even though they might not have known they were a carrier, because social programming would dictate their denial of it at all in an attempt to blend in with society) it already exists in your DNA. If you weren’t born with it, and you are activating it, you will pass it on to your offspring.

If this were true, you could examine data available by observing the offspring of those who follow this path of enlightenment.

You might think, that’s a strange preamble of a father declaring his massive love and pride of his children – how they’ve grown into the most amazing adults – clearly carrying the gene.

In their youth, these kids were not taught to have particular belief patterns nor trained to follow in either parent’s footsteps; each one of them clearly a unique individual and independent making his or her own way through life.

I would be just as proud if any of them turned out to not possess this genetic predisposition and would not love that one any less, but how amazing it is that each one possesses this incredible material enabling them to blend in, while continuing to evolve.

One thing in common with all of us who are on this evolutionary path, is that people do tend to notice us, even though we may be making concerted efforts to blend in. They say things like,

How do you do it?
It’s not possible for you to do this
How come you’re not more like us?
You’re not normal

Along with a host of more complimentary – and derogatory – statements and queries, we all have in common.

This genetic pattern was first observed by – and presented to me – by my eldest son. He recognized being endowed with almost super-human abilities, as were his siblings. He identified me, based on the life that I had lived, as the carrier of the gene (long before I even understood the concept, myself). Now he is raising his own family and his children also have this evolutionary genetic information hard-wired in their DNA.

Nonetheless, the evolution continues to spread. Either the genes are awakened from scratch, or they are inherited and continue to evolve and will be increasingly apparent in future generations as it grows and spreads, which give me the most optimistic outlook for the future of our planet.

Call this science fiction, junk science, or the fanciful ramblings of a proud father who loves his children more than anything on this planet. No matter what you call it (because for most of you, this is – for the most mart – unbelievable) the fact remains, in a few more generations we will be faced with a world that will have regarded our current generation as barbarian.

Now, there are those who desire to suppress the evolution of our DNA, with propaganda, social moire and medical interventions, and I believe that the best efforts of these opposing forces hell-bent on preventing human evolution will be for not.

For when our race reaches critical mass, we will better be able to see and more fully experience a world very different that it has been, where anything is possible, as humans begin to think for themselves and embrace their innate super-powers.

And none of this would have been possible without you
How much better does it get?

Am I Too Shy to be Massively Successful?

Almost anyone can go through periods in their life of shyness, especially if life has caught them off-guard or if they’re in a position to question their worthiness.

Am I too shy to be massively successful

In the event that you see what may be perceived as shyness come and go, then you probably need to do some internal work on your self confidence. This will help you get back on track and in the flow of self-empowerment.

If it’s a condition that you stuggle with all of your life, day in, day out, you may be an introvert.

Contrary to belief, introverts are not shy but rather approach life and expression of self in a different way that extroverts.

To answer the question, “Am I too shy to be massively successful?” The answer is clearly, “No.”

In fact, you may be comparing yourself to the wrong folks. If you’re comparing yourself to the loud, boisterous, famous people who dominate the press and tabloids, then you would certainly feel inadequate if you think that this is what you need to act like if you desire success.

On the other hand, if you compare yourself to other introverts who have made huge contributions to our world, you realize that you are absolutely perfect just the way you are.

Abraham Lincoln was an introvert and struggling with self-consciousness did not prevent him from taking massive action for the world at large.

Consider these highly successful introverts:

Never too shy to be great albert einstein bill gates steven spielbergAlbert Einstein
Audrey Hepburn
Bill Gates
Charles Schwab
Christina Aguilera
Courteney Cox
Eleanor Roosevelt
Emma Watson
J.K. Rowling
Steve Wozniak
Steven Spielberg
Warren Buffet

Not bad to have your name among those on that list, right?

First off, you must realize that you are perfect just the way you are. You have certain attributes and special abilities that come naturally that otherwise would be difficult for others who are less sensitive to learn. For instance…

If you are an introverts you are more likely:


More cautious and are prone to be less reckless than their extroverted counterparts.


Able to avoid the spotlight (tabloids) and are less likely to receive negative press on the front page news.


Gifted with the ability to carry on meaningful conversations (not just idle chit-chat).


Make other people feel as though you really care and are actively listening.

Deeply Connect

Avoid small talk, have meaningful conversations and active listening.


To under promise and over-deliver, unlike extroverts who tend to overstate and fail to live up to expectations.


Since they can be content with spending time alone and away from the crowd, this gives them time to be more contemplative and creative than their peers.


Work productively in an organized space and manner.


Excel at conducting extensive research

In the corporate world it is not unusual to discover that the introvert who has worked his or her way up the internal hierarchy is considered the “secret weapon” of the organization.

They are highly valued yet do not seek praise or public recognition as they are more comfortable in a respected support position in the background.

In brainstorming sessions and mastermind meetings they are turned to following violent discourses where they sit silently and calmly and are asked, “What do you think?”

Alternatively, there are some things that you’re less likely to be good at. You don’t necessarily have to learn to act as if you are an extrovert, but you might consider expanding your skill set to include some of the things that come naturally to extroverts.

Keep your eyes open for opportunities to engage in activities that you have never participated in before. Though this may be an uncomfortable challenge, think of it as learning to help others with similar inhibitions (because we’re more likely to be motivated to do something for someone les, than ourselves). Following the experience, you may be surprised to find it enjoyable or rewarding. Congratulations for getting ‘er done.

Consider getting more comfortable with:

  • Modeling others (try to “act like” someone you admire in a particular situation)
  • Dealing with problems (instead of avoiding them)
  • Tolerance (not judging others so much)
  • Public speaking & giving presentations
  • Networking in group settings
  • Becoming better in negotiations
  • Increasing your sales skills

Remember to take baby-steps toward your success. Don’t try to bite off more than you can chew. You could be easily overwhelmed and if too far outside your comfort zone, you might tend to bag the whole idea.

It’s better to be content with making a little progress every day (or regularly) than expecting to establish a high degree of competency overnight.

Reward yourself with solitude to recharge after engaging in a personal growth exercise and remember to love yourself because you are perfect just the way you are and totally well-equipped and poised for massive success!

Keep growing!

See you at the top.

Personal SWOT Analysis

Harvard Business School professors, George Albert Smith Jr and C Roland Christensen developed the first incarnation of the SWOT Analysis in the fifties and later, Stanford University’s Albert Humphrey adapted it for use in organizational strategy.

This tool is as effective today as it was then and is an excellent way to establish your baseline prior to entering a potential business venture.

Personal SWOT Analysis strength weakness opportunity threat

Using this analysis you determine what are your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

This same system can be adapted to evaluate your innate abilities and challenges.

To create a Personal SWOT Analysis, simply title each of 4 pages with Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat.


Always start from a position of strength. So, list all the strengths that you possess, personally and professionally. Think about answering questions, like, what are the things that you do well? What unique personal resources can you call up? And, what do others see as your strengths?

No need to hurry, here; review and re-review adding any attributes, skills or gifts that you may have missed. Most people are amazed at what they have accumulated over the years in their personal escrow. Bask in the glow before continuing…


Understanding our weaknesses is so empowering. On this list, you note the things that are difficult for you, that you admire in others and which you possessed yourself or activities that you’d rather not participate in.

Think about asking yourself, in what areas could I improve? What comes easier to others than me? What do others see as my weaknesses?

This is an excellent opportunity to review skills that you need to be aware of either opportunity to gain the knowledge or skills for yourself or alternatively seek resources for outsourcing.


We are all surrounded by a myriad of opportunities for personal growth. You may be aware of some that are immediately within your grasp, others you may need to begin to look for.

List the opportunities that come to mind regarding personal growth or expansion at home, at work, or in relationships within your circle of influence. Maybe consider taking steps to grow your audience.

Keeping a keen eye for opportunities to share, care and grow will keep you on the leading edge of your life’s journey in style.

Ask questions, be curious; about life, what are other people doing that you look up to, competitors, or associates in your field. You may uncover other opportunities by being more aware.

Thoughtful, metered Googling and social media excursions can help keep you abreast of opportunities, but you must stay in control. Don’t let these tools become your weakness.


What are the roadblocks that appear to be in your way? What stands between you and what you desire? What are the challenges that you face?

BY clearly defining the threats to your success, it is easier to map out a route to circumvent the threats that may turn out to be opportunities for personal growth.

In the event that you decide that becoming an expert in the thing that may be blocking you is not congruent with the person that you are… No problem. It’s an opportunity to outsource; find, hire or trade services with someone who would love to handle this for you.

Using this personal SWOT Analysis will help you grasp what assets you possess (many we take for granted), and what your shortcomings might be (many are exaggerated and easily overcome), and having it in black-and-white will help you chart your journey to unbridled success.

Toxic Relationships How to Deal With Toxic People

Invariably, there will come times in your life when you find people within your inner circle of friends and family who do not have your best interests at heart. They come in all shapes and sizes, can have a variety of social disorders or none at all, but this one thing they have in common:

They Do Not Support Your Continued Growth or Success

Often times, not only are they non-supportive, contact and their continued influence may actually be detrimental to your personal growth and success. These individuals are referred to as “Toxic people.”

To say the least having a toxic relationship can prevent you from achieving your highest and best. Toxic people have a tendency to drag down your emotional state, leaving you feeling drained. Toxic people may be destructive, showering you with admiration to earn your respect and trust only to betray you or stab you in the back.

When you are on a path of personal growth or increasing your performance, it may be necessary to minimize the negative affects of nay Sayers and toxic people in your life.

Toxic relationships toxic people just say no

How to Deal with Toxic People

In most cases, you can decrease the negative influence of toxic people by creating a buffer of space between you and the person with whom you have a toxic relationship. Most toxic people have varying degrees of toxicity and may not be so toxic as to be dangerous.

Simply backing away and being a little more “busy” to avoid spending too much time in close proximity with the toxic person may be enough to mitigate the damages of this particular toxic relationship.

This enables you to maintain a relationship with the toxic individual that is less toxic in nature. Simply by limiting your exposure, you can maintain a healthier version of a previously toxic relationship, which is the best way to approach how to deal with toxic people, especially family, friends, co-workers and/or clients who are somewhat toxic.

Dangerous Toxic Relationships

Dangerously toxic people, on the other hand, are a different breed and must be approached in a different manner.

Dangerous toxic people are destructive. They seek out ways to not only undermine your personal growth or success, but they will extend a great deal of effort to make you feel bad, put you down, impose their beliefs on you, demand your attention and resources (including emotional and financial).

Establishing firm and clear boundaries may be an effective way to deal with a toxic person. If you do this, do not renegotiate your established boundaries, because toxic people – especially dangerously toxic people – will have little regard for your setting boundaries. It is likely that they will persist in an attempt to breach your parameters at every opportunity.

If necessary, limit your exposure to the toxic people in your life to public places. This may decrease the negative affects of the toxic relationship.

In the event that these more considerable options are not effective in eliminating the social toxicity from your life, you may need to severe the toxic relationship altogether.

Stop contacting the toxic person, do not take their calls, block their number, un-friend them from social media, block them if you have to.

With enough lack of access to you, the toxic people will eventually move on to someone else.

The Most Important Thing

The most important thing, fo you, is to maintain healthy relationships and deal with people who support you and make you feel good consistently.

The better you feel, the closer you are to achieving your highest and best.

Wishing you the best and that all your relationships are with people who

Love, Support and Respect You
Increasing Your Happiness