So You Think You’re Spiritually Evolved, But You’re Negative

In an age where spiritual enlightenment and personal evolution are becoming attainable goals, it’s beyond fascinating, if not concerning, to observe a paradox among some individuals. They profess to have ascended to higher states of consciousness or spiritual being, yet their actions and behaviors seem incongruent with such claims. A peculiar dichotomy emerges as they immerse themselves in negativity, condemning others and perpetuating cycles of hatred and division. How can one reconcile these seemingly conflicting narratives?

Many of those who claim to have reached elevated states of consciousness paradoxically indulge in consuming and propagating negative news, fostering resentment towards authority figures, and even expressing desires for harm to befall them. This behavior begs the question: How can individuals genuinely claim to have transcended to higher levels of consciousness while simultaneously engaging in actions that perpetuate lower vibrational states?

The root of this contradiction may stem from a misunderstanding of what it truly means to evolve spiritually or reach a higher state of consciousness. It’s essential to recognize that spiritual growth isn’t merely an intellectual pursuit or a matter of proclaiming oneself as enlightened. True evolution involves a profound transformation of one’s perspective, attitudes, and behaviors, leading to a more profound sense of compassion, understanding, and interconnectedness with all beings.

The allure of negativity and the tendency to vilify others can be attributed to various factors. In some cases, individuals may feel disempowered by the complexities of the world and seek solace in assigning blame to external forces. Others may succumb to the seductive nature of sensationalized news and gossip, feeding into a cycle of fear and outrage. Social and cultural conditioning also significantly shapes individuals’ perceptions and influences their responses to adversity.

Individuals must embark on a journey of self-reflection and inner transformation to bridge the chasm between claiming a higher state of consciousness and engaging in lower vibrational activities. Here are some steps they can take to realign their consciousness with their proclaimed ideals:

  1. Practice empathy and compassion: True spiritual evolution involves cultivating kindness and compassion towards all beings, including those with whom we may disagree or hold grievances against. By seeking first to understand the perspectives and experiences of others, individuals can transcend the limitations of the ego and foster a sense of unity and interconnectedness.
  2. Choose positivity and constructive action: Instead of dwelling on negativity or engaging in divisive rhetoric, individuals can choose to focus their energy on positive endeavors and constructive action. Whether through acts of kindness, community service, or advocacy for social justice, they can contribute to creating a more harmonious and compassionate world.
  3. Cultivate mindfulness: Mindfulness practices such as meditation can help individuals develop greater self-awareness and clarity of thought. This heightened awareness enables them to observe their thoughts and emotions without being consumed by them, fostering a sense of inner peace and inclusiveness.
  4. Let go of judgment and attachment: To truly evolve spiritually, individuals must learn to let go of judgment and release attachments to fixed beliefs or ideologies. By embracing a mindset of openness and acceptance, they can foster greater flexibility and resilience in the face of life’s challenges.
  5. Seek wisdom and guidance: Embarking on a journey of spiritual evolution can be daunting, but individuals need help to navigate it. Seeking advice from spiritual teachers, mentors, or wise elders can provide valuable insights and support.

Claiming to have attained a higher state of consciousness is not merely a matter of rhetoric or proclamation but requires a genuine commitment to inner growth and transformation. By transcending the allure of negativity and embracing love, compassion, and understanding, individuals can bridge the chasm between their professed ideals and their actual behaviors. In doing so, they can cultivate a more congruent and authentic shift in consciousness, leading to a life of greater harmony, meaning, and purpose.

Enlightenment and Spiritual Awakening

The process of enlightenment and spiritual awakening is as individual as we all are so to experience it is unique to each person though many characteristics appear to be common among those who are in the process of awakening.

First and foremost, the person is awakening to the idea or knowingness that there is more going on here than meets the eye, here on planet Earth, as God’s spark begins to burn more brightly in you.

Awakening to the fact that there is far more to this life that you first were led to believe is the first clue that you’ve begun your spiritual awakening. You are unable to see past all the barrage of life’s distractions unless you have given a glimpse of something far more real than the life we’ve come to accept as it has been presented to us.

You also are experiencing an excitement or reverence for your surroundings, especially of nature, flora, and fauna, as being special or sacred, as you honor your ability to be in its presence and to share the world with it in all its glory.

Your senses are heightened as you awaken you become more sensitive, a growing awareness of others, and the knowingness of there being so much more of the life experience which is waiting to be revealed to you in vibrant detail.

You are more interested in staying present or being in the now, as opposed to being oppressed by things that have happened in the past. You may be learning techniques to deal with the past, heal past wounds, or you may be one of the ones who simply awaken all at once and the past just falls away, like an old jacket, as you walk into your new, awakened life.

You notice there is a difference between you, the you that you were born to be which is a highly connected part of your higher self and God is vastly different than your ego which has been programmed by society to override your more spiritually inclined sensibilities. It may take a while to sort out the dichotomy of you, who you really are made of pure love and your egoic personality which is dominant prior to awakening and based on fear, not love.

Awakening is not restricted to those who believe and those who do not, as those who are awakening can span all systems of belief and/or non-belief, from atheism to spirituality and churches, believers and non-believers alike and awakening and expanding as part of the evolutionary process of all human beings, though some may resist the evolutionary process, their future generations will not be able to.

You are becoming more authentically real and transparent. You realize there is nothing to prove and nothing to be gained from feeling as though you are better or more deserving than anyone else. Although experiencing life from your own perspective you realize that you are one with all your fellow human beings.

The spiritually awakened feel a growing sense of connectedness or oneness with all peoples, things, and life itself. In fact, you may start feeling as if you’ve never felt so alive as you start to live life to its fullest, savoring each breath and the expansive nature of your growing love with every beat of your heart.

Beyond what one might think of as seeing the silver lining in a less than desirous situation, the spiritually awakening and expanding see the sacred divinity in all things, both blessed and vile, which makes little sense to our less evolved, heavily programmed, and unenlightened contemporaries. We do not judge them. We bless them and allow them to find their own way, or not. Their journey is just as sacred as ours.

You are changing and you’re noticing the change. You’re noticing a decided and distinct difference between the awakening “you” who you are becoming and the “you” who you were prior to your spiritual awakening as if you’ve been reborn, and in a sense, you have been, like a butterfly emerging from his or her chrysalis.

You are embracing a more peaceful state of being, where love expands, you have a growing compassion and understanding of others as you become more tolerant and accept things simply as they are, without taking them personally. You bless all others and are less likely to hold onto the idea that one religious perspective is more right than another.

Instead, you understand that everyone is only doing the best they can with what they have, just as you are in regard to any understanding or view of life.

You have a higher respect for your relationship with your body, seek to find ways to honor it, and celebrate all the experiences which can be enjoyed by maintaining your body as a further extension of your higher self, accompanied by a respectful growing moral ethics and/or personal code which is not dictated from without but embraced and emerges from within (or above).

Your relationships are more real, as you find less satisfaction with idle chit-chat and seek to connect more deeply and have more meaningful relationships.

Among other signs, these might give you insight as to what to expect as you begin to awaken.

Up Your Enlightened Expansion

You’re on the path… You’re beginning to see that things are not as they appear… You are on a path of enlightenment… and you’re looking around for clues…

This is where you’re potentially get thrown off-track.

Once you see that things are not the way you’ve been taught and programmed to think and believe, it is impossible to go backward. Oh, sure, you could (and it feels more safe to) return to the same old life routine that you’ve lived your whole life prior to this realization, but there will always be the notion that it’s all just rote motion.

If you’re brave enough, you continue to consider inviting other thought patterns and in your search for further enlightenment.

You could potentially be waylaid by looming information, a persuasive guru, or someone else’s journey.

And what you could miss is the most important piece: You. Your journey is not about anyone else’s journey. To fully experience your own enlightenment, you must find your own way. No two persons’ enlightenment will be the same. So, if you find yourself following someone else’s journey, you’re not doing it right.

Certainly, when you’re venturing into uncharted territory, allowing the flow of new information could be invaluable in your search for truth or expansion, but by all means, make your own way.

There are so many aspects of your expansion that could distract you from your expansion if you get stuck in a particular system or methodology. Any of these things (in themselves) is not it at all, only a particular rung on the ladder. Don’t get stuck there.

Sure, when you’ve gotten there (Law of Attraction, Quantum Mechanics, etc…), wherever you might be or have been, it is only a step. There is another step beyond, waiting for your arrival, and no one can tell you what that is. It awaits you uniquely.

You can spend as much time as necessary on a particular step, but know there is another one waiting. You are breaking free from the herd, while it is exciting to hand with like-minded folks, don’t allow yourself to become a member of another (smaller) herd.

I see my path as being a spiritual journey because that is a common vibration as far back as I can remember, though thought and form has continued to expand daily, some days more than others. As forwardly mobile as I am, I, too, can get in a rut but once I’ve acclimated, I am looking for my next step.

Some people get hung up on the term “spiritual.” Well, get over it. What it means, is that you start considering concepts that are so beyond anything you’ve been programmed to think, that it boggles the mind of modern man and when you realize that there is so much more going on, even when you think nothing else could be happening… You are only scratching the surface. It’s so far out there, we only refer to it using the term “spiritual” because there really is no other word for it.

Plus, what do you care?

You should be focused on your individual journey, and allow others to find their own way (we call that tolerance), realizing they’re going to end up somewhere else. And that’s true enlightened expansion.

I am tempted, sometimes, to use the phrase, “Believe me,” because I know a certain thing to be true. But, really? Any truth I speak is only true for me, in the moment the words escape my lips. If you (or anyone else) finds anything of value in the words I’ve uttered, great. If not, excellent.

How often does my truth change? I’ve recited a heartfelt monologue of truth, only to stop (sometimes before completing the sentence), squint my eyes, tilt my head, and interrupt myself with, “Wait a minute… That might not be true…”

It matters not. Don’t believe me, or anyone else. You have to figure this out and allow it to unfold uniquely for you… and if you dare, be bold enough not to believe yourself. That is to say, be open to the idea that what you believe – right now – may not be true. At least be willing to consider there is more… and more will appear…

Spiritual Awakening

It’s happening all around us, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, people are waking up from a spiritual slumber that has plagued our planet and stunted our evolution for thousands of years.

And guess what? God doesn’t care who you are, what stature you occupy in society, how educated you are, where you’ve come from or where you think you’re going, and He’s got your back one hundred percent.

spiritual awakening god holy spirit spiritual gifts spirit science enlightenment

What do you have to do to be part of this spiritual enlightenment?

A hundred different spiritual leaders will tell you 100 different answers to “What is spirituality? or how to grow spiritually breaking through to the next level of spiritual growth.

The truth of the matter is this:

It’s not that complicated.

All you have to do is to embrace the spiritual science that surrounds each and every one of us, acknowledging the spiritual energy that flows through every cell of our body and every living (and non-living, if there is such a thing) thing on this planet and throughout our universe. This includes the space (that we think is empty) is completely populated with this spiritual energy.

Spiritual Energy

If God is energy, then all you have to do is to plug in to the energy. Once you’ve established a spiritual connection with God, the source of everything, you immediately have access and can begin your personal spiritual journey.

Spiritual Journey

Your spiritual journey will look much different from the journey that you had previously found yourself on. As your spiritual awareness begins to become more adept at piquing your interest and ramping up your spiritual intuition, you will begin to notice the things of this world begin to appear very different to you. As your awareness of the spirit world continues to increase your sense of truth, as you peel back the layers of ambiguity that surrounds those lost in the darkness, a calm sense of spiritual intelligence begins to emerge.

Once you have decided to travel your own individual path to your unique spiritual enlightenment, you will begin to attract spiritual leaders, with their own individual spiritual systems that have helped them get to where they are along their spiritual journey.

Spiritual Guidance

Your spiritual calling is not to follow some other spiritual leader’s footsteps. Your spiritual journey has not mirrored anyone else’s journey step-for-step, why should you start now. No, God has placed these individuals to give you clues. Clues about where you are going, and understand how someone else on their path has achieved their own individual spiritual empowerment can be very helpful in your navigating your own spiritual journey.

Your spiritual guidance system is a part of you, who you are. You are hardwired to be a part of the spiritual evolution that is visiting the peoples of our planet and you are perfectly on track, in the right place at the right time as you find peace in the realization that everything is perfect and connected.

Spiritual Power

Your new spiritual life will not be without conflict. As you begin your spiritual metamorphosis, you will attract both earthly and spiritual forces intent on thwarting your spiritual progress. This is a challenge of spiritual warfare that faces each and every spiritual traveler, paving their own way.

This process includes imbuing your personal nervous system, mind, body and soul with an unparalleled spiritual power to assist you as you embark upon your new spiritual journey.

You may encounter various and sundry forms of spiritual attack and you will find that God has already provided you with ample resources back by His holy spirit gifting you with spiritual gifts and weapons far superior than any man, principality or power can devise to prevent your spiritual development. If called to engage in spiritual battle, you will win, victorious as a testament to your individual spiritual beliefs.

Spiritual Science

As you are further spiritually awakened you discover your enlightenment is constant and never-ending and your spiritual consciousness reveals the secrets of the science of spirituality which far exceeds the science of man. Yet there exists a correlation between science and spirituality that the less enlightened cannot understand.

Spiritual Tolerance

And you find your new spiritual self okay with that, allowing every individual to embrace their own journey in their own way. You are respectful of those who have not awakened, or are only newly awakening spiritually, never judging or measuring anyone, nor comparing to your spiritual experience or spiritual practices for you allow everyone to be their own individual spiritual person.

You respect other’s right to express their spirituality and applaud them as they exercise their rights in any way they choose, as long as it does not impinge on the rights of another spiritual being. You do not hold any judgment, nor differentiate between religion and spirituality, because everyone is a spiritual being on their own spiritual journey, and they are all doing the best they can with what they have.

Your journey is one of growth and spiritual balance as you evolve spiritually moment by moment and continue your awakening spiritually.

God bless your continued evolution.